Tuesday, October 22, 2024

ECZ extends voter registration exercise by four days, 6.4 million Zambians Registered as Voters


The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has extended the voter registration exercise by four days. The exercise which was scheduled to end on December 12, 2020 will end on December 20, 2020.

Speaking during the Press Briefing in Lusaka today, ECZ Chief Electoral Officer Kryticous Nshindano said the extended voter registration exercise will commence on Thursday December 17, 2020 for a period of four days up to midnight on Sunday December 20, 2020.

He stated that during the voter registration extension, special attention will be given to all civic centers in all the 116 districts and registration centers which had high numbers of eligible voters.

Mr Nshindano further stated that the Commission has registered six million, four hundred and seven thousand, seven hundred and fifty two (6,407,752) voters for the entire period of the registration exercise out of their target of registering nine million.

He noted that the commission is highly encouraged by the numbers captured during the voter registration period. He further stated that the commission is pleased to have set a higher target as it allowed them to prepare adequately for the exercise.

Mr Nshindamo indicated that seventy six point one percent (76.1%) of eligible voters which is 8.4 million has been captured.

He added that eleven thousand three hundred and fifty nine (11,359) eligible persons in lawful custody have been registered as voters out of the sixteen thousand (16,000) targeted by the commission.

“Voter registration for persons in lawful custody which commenced on Wednesday 9th of December 2020 and concluded on Saturday 12th December 15, 2020 has also been extended for four days,” further added Mr Nshindano.

Mr Nshindano indicated that the commission has been encouraged by the response from the persons in lawful custody to register as voters.

He explained that government has funded the Commission with K507 million towards the holding of next year’s general elections.

“Government has funded the Commission K507 million and has remained with the balance of K117 million. We have further submitted another budget of K152 million to the government and we are just waiting for them to fund us,” he further explained.

He appealed to everyone who had not yet registered during the last 30 days of voter registration to make an effort to do so during the four days extended period.

He thanked the general citizenry, political parties, church groups and stakeholders for turning up in large numbers to register as voters.

The voter registration exercise which ran for 34 days began on November 9, 2020 and was scheduled to conclude on December 12 2020, but has been extended to end on December 20, 2020.


  1. Twalumba ba ecz . Now the cry babies in opposition can stop crying. If I should just hear ati peeeem.

    Come result day no crying like a pregnant cow . We don’t want your demigod running to court for petitions. The zambian people decide who rule not the courts or your villageheadmen. As for diasporans, when pf win I want personal congratulations sent to me after all the insults I have received here. Upto now I am waiting for upnd members to also vouch that they will run naked from mandahill to arcades when they lose. I myself have vouched to do so if we lose.

  2. I am currently doing some xmas shopping. I have just bought 60 chicken to donate to orphanages over xmas. What are you ba opposition doing to help the less fortunate apart from just thinking about your demigod going to state house.

  3. Why extend registration by 4 days and not 4 months…its not like people are registrating for a flight to Mars.

  4. Should have made decision to extend in advance and not closed. Extension should have been up to 24 Dec at least, giving an extra 12 days which is almost two weeks.

  5. Who ever answers the following puzzle correctly, I will buy you talk time and even take your wlfe for dinner. I know you ask why should taking your wlfe be a good thing? Well it would be an honour for your wlfe to spend time with a real king like me. Plus she gets a a free meal. Here is the question;



  6. @Ayatollah, I thought you said you have been at ECZ and you suggestions were taken into account? Most of us had already calculated that the initial period was inadequate and the first reported stats confirmed. Thank you for joining us. Ntewewe is the go between in matters to do with No 1 snd ECZ. Next he will suggest the budget allocation

  7. The four days is not enough bearing in mind that many Zambians without NRCs are still struggling to have NRCs hence they there is need for enough time

  8. Four days extension by ECZ is not enough they should have done 15 days. I doubt with all logistical hitches facing ECZ if they will be able to capture the targeted 9million voters. And the opposition are indwi on the extension and start rushing to ConCourt and protesting after losing. Time to check govt. is now before we hold elections. What next I can smell a rat PF retaining power. The opposition seems to be in a stress.

  9. Thank you ECZ better than nothing.No matter how many days you extend the registration period, some pipo will never register and some will still go at the last minute,typical of some Zambians.

  10. But why only extend for 4 days? What’s the rush, what are you afraid of? I was at Chilenge hall, where NRC registration is taking place. There is such a crowd struggling to obtain NRCs in order to vote. 4 days registration period is the most foolish decision. How will all those people struggling to obtain NRCs register? Everyone has the right to vote, don’t block people. Give them time to obtain NRCs, what’s the hurry to close, what are PF/ECZ afraid of?

  11. ECZ, don’t block people from their right to vote. Why are you in such a hurry to close registration? I was at Chilenge hall last week, where they carry out NRC registration. There was su h a crown struggling to obtain an NRC so that they go to vote. Four days extention is such a joke. Why are you in such a hurry to close registration? What are you afraid of? Let everyone have their right to vote. Not one should be denied the right. Allow those crowds trying to obtain NRCs to to finish so that they can also register. It’s not their fault, it’s actually your fault, because your systems are so pathetic.

  12. Purely rubbish ECZ. You think it’s your bedroom where you can make your own rules?? You would just said NO for extension . Why are you in a hurry, whose your sponsors???
    Give pipo right to vote period.

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