Tuesday, October 22, 2024

President Lungu to Launch 2020-2023 Economic Recovery Programme at Mulungushi International Conference Centre


President Edgar Lungu will tomorrow launch the 2020-2023 Economic Recovery Programme (ERP) at Mulungushi International Conference Centre.

Secretary to the Treasury Fredson Yamba said that the ERP has been formulated to address various dimensions of the economic challenges that the country is currently facing resulting from a number of factors including the Covid-19 pandemic which had negative and serious consequences on the growth prospects of our economy.

Mr. Yamba said that the plan is aimed at bolstering economic growth while reducing poverty and inequality amongst the Zambian population, adding that the launch is a demonstration of Government’s firm commitment and stance to addressing various macroeconomic challenges in the country with a view of improving the welfare of the Zambians without leaving anyone behind.

Mr. Yamba said the launch of the ERP will be covered live on both Radio Two and ZNBC TV1.


  1. Time is not on your side sir and am surprised to note that you have realized that the economy has collapsed and needs recovery. You were busy saying the economy is performing well.

    • Chali Ndalama Simpasa As if he was out of the country or on leave, now he realises that 2021 is nearing should do something or else. Should think of the hardships people have endured and others are no more because of the dead economy we are going through up to now. Its not things!

  2. “Ati economic recovery programme”. When from his own mouth he was on the platform announcing to zambians that the economy was doing fine what recovery programme is he now launching. This is just time wasting and arm twisting.

  3. Oh dear, it’s the same old story. Wht economic recovery is possible with public finances in such a shambles? Recovery is only possible with appropriate discipline and not by spending money worse than a drunken sailor. Wht sacrifices can we make now so that tomorrow is better than today and yesterday? Is that possible in an election year?

  4. Was this not the same persn who said he laughs when people say things are bad? If things are good what recovery program is he talking about?

  5. Let the haters in oppositon and the upnd diasporans choke with jealousy. As for us the development agenda does not stop just because we are close to elections. We continue working as we are mandated to rule this country and manage state affairs. Hh can continue running his upnd on Facebook. We are not bothered by under 5s

  6. My foot, is it a development agenda or a stealing agenda? Even people like Sibanda can boast of being one of the richest in Zambia today, all because of stealing public funds. What a shame! If I were you, I would just keep quiet.

  7. Sometimes you use the past for base line projections and look at how you will recover productivity and perform the Countries Current accounts and Balance of Payments Economies are not cast in stones He must be outlining his fiscal plans that will be followed by Weekly or monthly economic performance indicators reports to ensure the targets to recovery in the Fiscal Plans 2021 to 2023 are attained and how he will navigate the after shocks and risks presented in the 2020 global economic fallout In 2020 Zambia and Eastern and Southern African countries were hit hardest affected by the economic impacts of COVID partly because of the stronger output contractions in South Africa and Angola and particularly our…

  8. Also observe that commodity prices are a quick indicator of the state of the economy and lock downs since march 2020 greatly underperformed the economies and Zambia in particular because prices are driven by the twin forces of demand and supply. It will be interesting also to hear and review the debt policy refinancing ad restructure plans amidst the Financial frictions as can be restructure to fit into the 2021 Outlooks

  9. You can NEVER reduce INEQUALITY in the world. By our natures we are different and even in heaven there is inequality. the word is INEQUITY and it means something completely different.
    Ichisungu ba tata!

  10. My question is how many tons of cooper is given to zamefa , at this time in moment talks of poverty, come start processing Cooper than we gone be in business?

  11. Talk is cheap it is money that buys whiskey. I am sure Kaizer knows that saying too. A conference will never fix the economy and every wise person knows.

  12. Quite unfortunate. One moment “I laugh when people say things are bad”. But then there is a recovery plan. Why have a recovery plan when this are good and ‘ YOU’ are doing well.

  13. There may have been no need of an economic recovery plan if there was an economic plan in the first place. The PF (Prodigal Father) has squandered what he inherited from the MMD in loose living and reckless consumerist spending. Instead of investing to create secure and sustainable jobs, the prodigal father spent on luxuries like a jet, airports that will not have more than a million visitors a year, roads for accidents, empty hospitals and temporary housing for security officers who will be destitute once they retire. The Chinese and Indians offered silly jobs like waving traffic and digging trenches on roads. Now, it is all gone. Wasteful (prodigal) father PF!

  14. Same story for years. When will most people actually be economically liberated? People have come and gone and the same promises keep on. When will a ‘good quality of life’ ever emerge for many? In another life?


  16. I am sure they have realized that things have fallen apart now but when other stakeholders were trying to advise they would retort that nima jealous. This Economic Recovery Program should have been done about a year ago. But now its too late. Its as good as trying fetch water and carry it in a basket. The best is just to go out and continue campaigning. Its a pity that now its as good as fighting a fire without knowing where the source is.

  17. The best plan was to avoid kaloba! Even now avoiding kaloba is a good start. Then next is to stop paying lizard who have done nothing. Discipline on spending including stopping donations to churches by our servants such as no 1. Only spend on service delivery related matters. Restructure government like removing ministry of religion and ministry of chiefs etc. All these don’t need spending money to host useless conference

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