Tuesday, October 22, 2024

The high levels of social media abuse at the expense of development worries Chief Chitimukulu


Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba speaking people of Northern Province is saddened by the high levels of social media abuse at the expense of development.
He is worried at the low levels of “intellectual output” among citizens thereby leading to unprogressive discourse on social media due to vices such as insults,propaganda and fake news.

Speaking to journalists at his palace when he addressed various topical socio-economic issues, the paramount Chief said it is unproductive for people to concentrate on insulting leaders on social media instead of providing progressive solutions on how the country can be developed.

“Everything has now turned to politics. People do not have anything to do and they are resorting to insulting government and leaders on social media instead of offering solutions on how lives can be made better amidst various socioeconomic challenges, ” Chief Chitimukulu said and attributed the current social media abuse to “low intellectual output”

And the traditional leader is disappointed that people have misinterpreted his message in a statement where he urged people in the Eastern province to vote for President Lungu failure to which, the head of state will also be rejected.

He said all he was trying to encourage was for people to register in large numbers to participate in elections and further questioned what comes first between voting and results.

“What comes first, voting or elections, how can we know if the people have rejected him without voting?” Chief Chitimukulu questioned and said it is illogical to think his statement is an implication and called for attachment of logic to the subject to fully understand his stance on the matter.

In the same vein, Chief Chitimukulu urged people to take full advantage of the 4 days voter registration extension to register as voters and said he has taken personal responsibility to ensure those that did not obtain voter cards do so before the close of the extension period.

Meanwhile, the traditional leader has called for people to heed President Lungu’s strong message warning against complacency in regards to preventive measures in the wake of a possible second wave of the COVID-19.

He said the President’s call should be taken seriously and further asked for the provision of free masks and hand sanitizers as a way to escalate efforts of containing a possible second wave


  1. Does it mean that Chief Chitimukulu is the only Chief in Northern Province or what?…Late President Michael Sata was right not to recognise this man. The man is full of himself and ever in the news trying by all means to suppress people’s free will to participate in their Civic duties. He’s the one who even came up with the BILL10 idea of wanting him and for other traditional leaders to be recognised in the Constitution…. What a selfish man.

  2. When PF and lungu are abusing opposition , or when PF thugs brutalise citizens or police , does this tribalist PF boot licker chief say anything ???

  3. Very wise chief unlike that other one called mukuni who is a stooge for the tribal party. I agree with your sentiments nfumu. Especially applies to those crazy drug addicts called upnd diasporans. They spend all day on social media insulting our president and government. They are angry f00ls. Some of them need their brains panel beaten

  4. HELP! Please help enlighten me! In referring to this particular royal highness is it:
    Paramount Chief Chitimukulu,
    Chief Chitimukulu or,
    The Chitimukulu………….said dot dot dot addressing subjects. In other words does “Chitimukulu” have synonyms? I thought the mere mention of Chitimukulu suffices to all and sundry where the reference rests. Are there sub-Chitimukulu’s or sub-Litunga’s for any member belonging to the courts and palaces have titles without equivalence in English.

  5. Just abolish chiefdoms! They are cesspools of Tribalism and intolerance! The Era of Tribal Wars is gone! We are in the post-digital era!

  6. Uyu **** ’ ati low intellectual output’. You are now insulting us not realising that it’s your behaviour that has made people lose respect for you. Your lack of integrity has reduced that Chitimukulu position to shame. Shame on you!!

  7. Obviously the complaint comes after netizens criticism of his conduct. Does this ka thing realise that he has the option of resigning or abdicating from his position as Chitimukulu and therefore concentrating on campaigning for PF?It is abuse of his office to campaign that has incensed people.
    Anyway the we should seriously consider banning chiefs and chiefdoms.They are being abused at the expense of taxpayers.Imagine,Tongas,Lozis,Kalubales all pay taxes to maintain this ka chief,then when he is full he turns round and insults them.I am bemba by the way

  8. Whats wrong with what the Chief is saying here. Whats wrong with some people on this platform? They don’t even read they just ho straight to abusing the Mwinelubemba. Just because the chief is supporting the Government in power does not warrant all the abuse.

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    For your good work, his herbs is also effective in curing,, HERPES, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, FIBROMYALGIA, HEPATITIS B, LUPUS, HIV, DIABETES, ULCER STROKE and allot more contact him on WhatsApp. +2349027349748 or email [email protected]

  10. When he speaks on RADIO KASAMA or RADIO MANO or ZNBC he doesn’t use words of which are reported in the media you prefer to hear “the printed words” of him.
    Yes he is hard on UPND for reasons they know themselves and he’s soft on PF because it’s difficult to separate govt of the day and them. UPND wronged him and they’ve kept wronging him. If he makes an NGO to work with govt on voter apathy, definitely PF as a party in power will be an interested party. UPND will feel bitter because they have already made him an enemy. Moreover, UPND always say opposite of truth. They will definitely report with help of “some media” that the Chitimukulu has said this. If you ask them about a full recorded statement, they don’t take it out.
    In Zambia ECL declared a state of emergency for about 3 months to which himself never did. But UPND saw it and walked through it and condemned ECL over. However, politics of tongue twisting and saying things for us to be identified Will only separate us more. It’s better to focus on the destroyed economy, a runaway dollar/forex and recapitalisation of Zambia’s mining industry especially establishing industries to extract gold at Kasenseli and Mukula processing industry to tap our natural resources so that stealing which is only benefiting few individuals is curbed.

  11. Social media has come to stay, get over it or leave the earth! It is the new means of providing solutions to dumbass politicians and rulers. We don’t all have K100,000s to give to see the President or paramount chiefs.

  12. With due respect his royal Highness must realise that the generation of saying “yes bwana” to everything is over. This generation is well informed and they will always question why they have to do things in a certain way. Considering criticism as abuse of speech is wrong. Intellectual output is realised when the previous generation respects the new generations unique way of doing things.

  13. With due respect, Mutende mwane, its better for His Royal Highness Mwine Lubemba kanyanta Sosala Chitimukulu to minimize his participation on subject of political issues or else it will interpreted as being PF cadre and will attract all sort mud slinging from these bloggers. Social media is now the in thing to communicate the evil and the good and it has come to stay. News Papers used to be a means communicating to leaders to wake up but with the killing of the Post. No one is keeping the BOMA on its toes. Those who choose to serve in public office should not complain that the social media is being used to abuse and insult them. In the first place who invited them to aspire for those offices. They should not expect the citizens not to point out the wrongs leaders are committing and…

  14. It’s farming time, and time to encourage your subjects, it’s not time for polemics, social media has come to stay, so brace for it, your royal highness. And please stay away from politics

  15. Please concentrate on traditional leaders, and what I find baffling is that when PF leaders are reminded of their promises, they call that insults. Today the President was launching the recovery plan, and he says our economy has been brought down by Covid, everybody knows that our economy was down even before covid and this was confirmed by former bank of Zambia governor, so why not be truthful in a Christian nation

  16. One can only admire the paramount king the Litunga and paramount Chief Undi. These two chiefs know their lane and by so doing, they never attract rebuke from anybody. This guy with his friend Mpezeni were busy telling people last week in Eastern province that vote for Lungu, not realizing that people do not want Lungu at all. Completely out of touch with reality

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