Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Zambia would embark on Value Addition on Natural resources-President Lungu


Government has developed the economic recovery programme that will ensure the economy is back onto a path that will lead to improving the livelihood of Zambians.

The programme which was launched by President Edgar Lungu has been coined as the ERP, 2020-2023, under the theme restoring growth and safeguarding livelihoods through macroeconomic stability, economic diversification and debt sustainability.

Launching the programme President Lungu noted that the step programme signifies the government’s commitment to ensuring the economy is back onto a path that will lead to improving the livelihood of Zambians.

“This is an auspicious occasion that should bring hope to our people. This occasion signifies our commitment to reinvigorate the economy,” President Lungu said.

Observing that the World is crossroads as nations and the international community continue to brainstorm the solutions to both the health and economic challenges afflicting mankind arising from the COVID-19 pandemic many economies have been crippled and misery is afloat.

In announcing Zambia’s recovery President Lungu said Zambia would embark on Value Addition on Natural resources.

“Now is the time to use our intellect to utilise these resources, and not just sell them to the highest bidder but add value to them through the creation of a vibrant manufacturing base,” he said.

President Lungu further noted four policies which include the provision of financing by the treasury, K10 billion medium-term refinancing facility by the Bank of Zambia, issuance of the k8 billion covid-19 bonds as a stimulus package to enhance economic activity as well as TAX relief measures aimed at boosting production in agriculture, mining, tourism, and many other sectors

The programme launched by the President today gave a road map of strategic policy actions and enablers required to revive the economy of which he emphasized lay on the revamping of Zambia’s manufacturing ambit.

He noted that the objectives are to restore macroeconomic stability, attain fiscal and debt sustainability, dismantle the backlog of domestic arrears, and restore growth and diversifying the economy, and safeguarding social protection programmes. All the objectives set have been backed by structural and legal reforms.

President Lungu announced that agriculture, manufacturing, tourism, and mining will be the main key drivers with heavy support from the Energy sector with all the sectors looking at diversification and value addition.

“In manufacturing, government will establish trade facilities at some of our borders to promote cross-border trade. To increase access to export markets, my government will aggressively pursue investment promotion activities,” President Lungu said.

He observed that the effective implementation of the programme will, in turn, result in other key social and economic development outcomes such as improved standard of living and increased employment levels.

“If well and fully implemented, the programme will bring about inclusive development, without leaving anyone behind.”


    • Ba LT naimwe do you know what your headline is saying? Zambia would embark on Value Addition on Natural resources but it wont? That’s what you are implying.

  1. This man totally lost and he will be found in 2022!

    He is talking things which must have been done 10 years back.

    Your time is up Edgar Lungu.

    PF must go!

  2. That’s good financing which should go a long way. This plan is ambitious and timely. GRZ has put its cards on the table, it’s us citizens to play ours as well by exploiting such opportunities.

  3. Since when did he realize that our raw materials such as minerals and agricultural products need value addition to benefit Zambians? Since when did he realize that the country needs to establish decent trading facilities at borders such as Mwami, Kasumbalesa, Nakonde etc to benefit Zambians? Since when did he realize that the current maize export policy need to be changed to benefit all Zambians? Since when did he realize that political violence is bad, after the beating of a Luapula PF MP by PF members? Since when did he realize that he is not a competent lawyer, after the ministers who illegally stayed in offices during elections after he commanded them to do so have started paying back the illegal emoluments they got? Since when did he … DOES OUR PRESIDENT HAVE ADVISERS OR HE IS…

  4. Very strange indeed! With 7 months b4 the 2021 General Elections, PF should have produced an Election Manifesto . The Party needs to sell itself to the Electorate to be re-elected for another 5 year Term. That is the way to go.

  5. @Indigo: Did you register my man?? I did and I ain’t voting for a vindicative, tribalistic egomaniac who heads the upnd!!!! THAT’S WISE!!!!

  6. Same old rhetoric here, just resign and head back to Chawama. We have wasted enough time please. Those coming in, please come and work otherwise we are kicking you out

  7. My president is doing the mostest but utukala tuma upnd supporter tuletalika. You will die of frustration. Let me tell you, you can’t bring a great man down no matter what you try. ECL was born a leader unlike hh who is forcing himself to be something he is not. Leadership is through God. Hh takatekepo. Mark my words. Even his children will never lead this nation. Tell him to stop wasting time and getting into more debt.

  8. My president is doing the mostest but utucolour tuma upnd supporter tuletalika. You will die of frustration. Let me tell you, you can’t bring a great man down no matter what you try. ECL was born a leader unlike hh who is forcing himself to be something he is not. Leadership is through God. Hh takatekepo. Mark my words. Even his children will never lead this nation. Tell him to stop wasting time and getting into more debt.

  9. I heard this in 2011. It was in the manifesto which was written by Bob Sichinga and Guy Scott. What happened that 9 years later the party is talking as if they haven’t started? I thought they said that they have been working hard since 2011!

  10. LT if you continue moderating comments I will have no option but to block access of your website in our country Zambia. Zicta is a call away

  11. Ba LT naimwe do you know what your headline is saying? Zambia would embark on value addition on natural resources – but will not????
    That’s what you ve implied

  12. This guy thinks all Zambians are dull and foolish. To him the useless soundbites that he makes, convinces him that he has good policy proposals. So you will just scream directives as usual ” Value Addition’ and things will just happen like in Harry Potter?? This is for sure inviting insults name!

  13. It has come at the right time COVID-19 Has really hit us badly, let throw out politics and build our nation together, am a proud Zambian.

  14. You should have used those borrowed billions for this , road and other infrastructure building was now going to be sustainable with a manufacturing base at full steam…

  15. Your time is up. No second chance. You should have implemented these things that time when you were dancing Dununa Reverse. Now, you will have a hard time to convince me because all I have seen over the past several years is corruption, stealing, violence, tribalism, and all the evil that goes with PF. Some chap even dared to call you a great man? Does he know what great men are made of? Check the list of top ten presidents in Africa, and you will not even smell our man anywhere near.

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