Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Enough political will required to implement Economic Recovery Programme-Chibamba


Economist Chibamba Kanyama says there is need for adequate political will if the newly launched Economic Recovery Programme is to be successfully implemented.

Mr Kanyama who attended the launch of the strategy document on Thursday at Mulungushi International Conference Centre described it as comprehensive.

Writing on his Facebook page, Mr Kanyama said the successful implementation of the document will depend on the political will of those in power.

“I have now read the Economic Recovery Programme document. It is extremely comprehensive though it is an enhancement from previous other strategies and budget statements,” he stated.

“To make it work this time, certain enablers are required: 1. Political will 2. Political will 3. Political will 4.”

He added, “Coordination the Liverpool way (knowing what is happening at every given moment across all government departments, passing the ball accurately, substituting effectively, watching the scoreboard and clock simultaneously and charging forward with discipline, focus and incisiveness).”

Mr Kanyama said there is also need to make some hard decisions if Zambia is to have the support from the IMF.

He charged that the IMF may not pass the document as it is unless Zambia adds to it measurable commitments in the areas of fuel, energy, agriculture subsidies, stalling growth in wages, showing evidence of project cancellation, rescoping, and postponement of loans.

Mr Kanyama added that there will also be need for realignment of the ERP to the 2021 budget a d bringing forward the debt reprofiling to before mid-2021 from the projected end of 2022

He further noted the need to deal with external arrears in 2021 when Zambia plan to engage the Fund and not by end of 2023.

Mr Kanyama stressed the need to demonstrate transparency and accountability in social safety nets.

“The goal in the ERP should be to ensure our intentions are consistent and speak with each other. Above all, there must be extensive change management training in the public service.”

He added, “In order to have different results for any strategy, there is need for clear leadership at every administrative level. The EPR will be the same old story unless we learn the power of efficiency (the Liverpool way). If we really need the support of the IMF, let us translate the EPR from a narrative to actual projected figures; showing clearly what each action will produce quantitatively.”


  1. We have a fully invested powerful government and I am confident we will succeed. The president has put in everything into this economic plan and will do whatever it takes for it to come to fruition for our people. Unfortunately today I woke up with a running stomach. How unfortunate to have a terrible stomach on a Friday. Ba upnd your evil charms won’t work on me. I pray to a loving God. I know it’s a upnd diasporan trying to bewitch me

    • Always dreaming about UPND the incoming government, Appears you have reduced your notorious activities. Smelling the coffee ka

  2. Where can we find this document? The video of the President speaking was of such poor quality that I could not catch anything. I always wonder why President Lungu cannot project his voice when he is reading a speech in English. It is different when he goes native with his cadres.

  3. Only a F.ool can entrust is well being and his or her life upliftment in a clueless drunk from Chawama who had nothing to show for after supposedly having been a good lawyer (by the way could not even interpret a simple clause in the constitution) need i say stealing clients money.
    Too high expectation.

  4. I had a lot of hope in Edgar, frankly. Kansi no clue, anyway he has run his race, let him go and rest next year. Those coming into government next year, if you come and behave like PF, we will also kick you out though appears this is the worst we have found ourselves in as a country, I was staunch PF and even defending the incumbent, until God opened my eyes. Awe, let me side with the truth, I cant be clapping for such Awe, Awe,Awe

  5. Lungu is clueless ,

    the first 5 years of his presidency he spent travelling , stealing and dancing…..

    Ck and others in GRZ were telling Lungu the massive buildings will pay for them selves as investors will come flooding in…..falling over them selves to invest in Zambia , he does not need to worry.

    The looting on lungus part happened in his first term.

    Now things are hot for him, he is like a headless chicken running around.

    There are a hand full of bloggers on LT who knew lungu for what he is , based on his cv.

  6. Mr. Kanyama has highlighted this effectively and explained were we, the common men can understand. As usual though the comments don’t understand the subject and have turned this political. Why are Zambians like this? Just read the comments above mine.

  7. I remember a scene from the film ‘the last king of Scotland ‘ where Idi Amin is accusing Obote of bewitching him because of stomach issues he had. It turned out to be gaseous stomach. KZ watch what you eat, stay away from kebab and fish and chips shops.

  8. One of the rarest element in Zambia is a gem known as “Political Will”. Other Zambian leaders don’t even know it exists.

  9. Chawama is just a place. Concentrate on the person. It’s possible to come from Chawana and be totally different from ECL

  10. # 9 Nzelu

    And you belive anything good can come out of lungu ???

    You can write as many articles if we need to do this , we need to that ,

    If the head is not up to the task , you are lieing to yourselves. Lungu ain’t up to no task….

  11. All the years that he had been a president, he has failed to lead the country out of load shedding and you believe he can lead the economic recovery program? You neighbors to madness. You sing praise to the president because you are beneficiaries of corruption.

  12. Its a good Fiscal plan towards addressing key economic indicators and recording positive developments and managing in a macro economic prudential manner GDP growth yoy over that fiscal time frame,Inflation yoy.Inflation will be the biggest most watched amongst the key economic indicators most by Investors looking at the Unemployment rate and forecast that needs to addressed in the recovery plan Significant efforts must be made to stem and address expenditure to increase and register posiotive indicators on Current account ,Budget balances to manage and restructure Government debt as % GDP

    Good forecats but employment creation and poductivity should be measured and emphasised yoy if…

  13. Good Baseline forecasts that needs to be read to budgets like elders said but employment creation and poductivity should be measured and emphasised yoy if not tracked monthly bur remember commodity prices wil perform the currency risk will still remain stronger and craft ways to retrace the kwacha to its mean value over those risks and manage inflationary expections specally post covid 19

  14. Dull chaps like the bent lawyer Edgar and his minister Bowman dont know what political will is they think its waving their fists in the air.

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