Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Nevers Mumba Details his Restrictions and Release while in the Democratic Republic of Congo


By Dr. Nevers Mumba


On Monday 14th December 2020 at 18:15 hrs, I was released from the restriction I had been placed under for 5 days by the Congolese Security Services.


I wish to sincerely thank all those who played a role in my release. Special mention goes to the two governments of DRC and Zambia. My wife Florence and my entire family. The Church for the unceasing prayer support, The Leadership of the MMD, International human rights organizations.

I also wish to acknowledge the Zambian media for showing solidarity with me. I am also aware of two presidents one from SADC region and the other from East Africa who put in their word to have me released. More so, to the countless Zambians who prayed for me and made their own attempts to help me during my time of distress.

I say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. As you can see, this was a cocktail of interventions, and only heaven will tell just how many stood with us.


I arrived in Lubumbashi on December 1st 2020 on a business mission. To submit to the Government of Katanga Province(Lubumbashi) three letters of intent to supply various commodities. On Saturday 5th December 2020, My business delegation left for Lualaba Province(Kolwezi) for a similar exercise.


It was in Kolwezi on 10th December that I was picked up by a huge contingent of soldiers and driven in the night to Lubumbashi where I was placed under restriction.


On 11th December I was interviewed for five hours. Several allegations were raised against me and was given the opportunity to respond. None of the allegations contained any truth. I answered each one of their questions.


It became clear to me that the allegations were fed to the DRC investigative wings by powerful people who had planned that I be charged with treason and possibly face death. It is for this reason that I declared a fast on Friday December 11th 2020. I was not to eat until I was rescued. We are determined to ensure that people responsible for lying to the DRC government about me are tracked down, and this process has now began. These are killers and evil men.


It is important that I clear what seems to be contradictory messages in the past few days. I have no doubt that my government played a strategic role in this matter and I have expressed gratitude for that.

My statement on the Consulate officials in Lubumbashi is what is being used to conclude that government as a whole did not do anything.

Being a diplomat myself, I did look forward to seeing officials from the consulate as they are the ones who bring the President’s message. They check on the subject’s welfare and report back to Lusaka. I didn’t see them the whole five days of my restriction. I however have received unconfirmed reports that the officials came to the hotel where I was restricted and were denied entry.
None of these matters are really that important except that I have been freed and back home with my family. This is no time to point fingers as to who we think helped or not. I owe this release to God, all Zambians and the government of Zambia.


It is true that statements from Foreign Affairs have been very concerning to many Zambians. The first statement was to announce that I had been arrested. The second one claimed that I was moved to Kinshasa. The truth is, I was never arrested but restricted. That is why on release, I did not need to pay bail or bond to be let go. Secondly, I wish to further state that contrary to the Ministry’s assertion, I was never moved to Kinshasa.


To the Church, I wish to thank you for such an amazing wave of prayer support. This ordeal was structured intelligently by the enemies, to not only damage my name but to do me harm. It was prayer that broke the back of the enemy. My battles are always spiritual battles. Our victory is in Ephesians 6:12
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood…..”

If you had not prayed, I would not be here today. The story in

Acts 12:5-11 demonstrates what happened to me. Peter released from prison.


I am indebted to President Felix Tshisekedi who gave instructions that I be treated with respect and honor of my former office. I also thank him for authorizing my release. I am grateful for the strategic efforts made by President Edgar Lungu and for opening the border long after hours to allow my free passage back home.


It is clear that, I was caught up in a political crossfire when the Alliance of President Tshisekedi and former President Kabila was broken. This heightened the political atmosphere in the nation. Some people have accused me of being reckless for going to DRC at a time of political turmoil. There was none when I traveled. The turmoil began when I was already in the DRC.

I appeal to all believers both in DRC and Zambia to pray for the Congo. The peace of DRC is Zambia’s peace.


The bilateral relations between Zambia and the DRC have been sound for years. The Congolese people are not only our neighbors, they are family. We are one people. There are probably more Mumba’s in Katanga than there are on the Copperbelt. I call on the government to strengthen these ties so that we lessen suspicion and encourage brotherhood between the two sister nations.


I wish to state that those who continue to insinuate that politics only belong to those outside Church must understand that Zambia has changed. It’s a Christian nation and ripe for Christian leadership. A Pastor leading Zambia in 2021 will be the most appropriate. I call on the Church to use our numbers to realize this God given dream. The statement targeted towards me by some weak soldiers, “Go back to the pulpit” is not inspired by God, but by a desire to keep Zambia bound to Godlessness and no Christian should fall for this deception ever again. Time for Zambia to be SAVED is now.


It is time to re assemble the team which made Zambia’s economy one of the world’s 10 fastest growing economies. I call on MMD members both at home and in other parties to come back home. You are not what they are calling you. You went there because your party was going through a night season. The morning has now come and the night is passed. Let us re assemble and make Zambia proud again. Those intending to contest for parliamentary seats need to join the movement now. We shall give you all the tools you need to win your election.


MMD remains deeply concerned at the reckless speed ECZ is at towards creating unnecessary conflict in the nation. Again, the success of ECZ can only be by consensus. Involvement of stakeholders in coming up with an electoral process acceptable to all.

ECZ has extended the voters’ registration by four days. Again, we are not sure who they have been talking to. ECZ must understand that the process they are trying to put in place is not for them but stake holders.

We call for a thorough audit of the electoral process by all stakeholders to sign on it. Both the referee, the making of the rules and the rules themselves must be agreed upon now and not later.

Here in lies a peaceful transition into 2021 and beyond. May God bless our great Country.
I thank you.


  1. This man also, he thinks he is something. This democracy foreign colonists imposed on us is not working. Even a tissue paper can assume self importance, like this one. What happened to the appeal on his not being sent to jail after being found guilty of embassy money? He should have been in jail this one, long time ago

  2. Ba Mumba, You say you arrived in Lubumbashi on December 1st 2020 on a business mission. What kind of business mission? Private, MMD’s or Zambian government’s?
    What is this new term restricted you particularly want to defend? Is it something that is legal in DRC or something the MMD accept? We have no such thing in Zed and by defending it you may be asking our government to introduce it on our citizens.
    You say ” it is clear that, I was caught up in a political crossfire when the Alliance of President Tshisekedi and former President Kabila was broken.”
    It is not clear. Tell us how you got caught up in this crossfire. Is the MMD sponsored by Kabila?

  3. It would have been nice if he listed what he was accused of since the allegations were made known to him. For what I know is Mumba is a crook. Same WhatApp group as CK, HH and Mmembe. These three are lining up to come and harvest Zambia’s resources for personal gains.

  4. Instead of selling the mmd manifesto, whatever it is, this clown is busy telling us about his episode of prison break. These are the f00ls you have in opposition.

    Anyway we are glad you acknowledged the help our president rendered to you. Now behave yourself nervous and stick to Zambia. No more ichi beleshi in foreign countries

  5. Ba Mumba remember when and what happened when you temporarly wanted to shift your VICTORY MINISTRIES CHURCH to Namibia following allegations of whatever it was from the then MMD government.
    A reminder Mr. Mumba you should learn from the past. Don’t use BIBLE Chapters and Verses to suit your version and intentions. Note that the BIBLE HAS CHAPTERS AND VERSES THAT CAN SUIT ANY GIVEN SITUATION DEPENDING ON THE INTERPRETATION. Even a thief or murderer would thank GOD it is not caught by the POLICE or indeed the Police Bullet misses his/her. The question IS does GOD support CRIME and…


    and or ILL INTENTIONS.
    Just what business did you go to do in CONGO? Personal, Political or family
    I leave to you Mr. Mumba to reflect on this.

  7. “……on December 1st 2020 on a business mission. To submit to the Government of Katanga Province(Lubumbashi) three letters of intent to supply various commodities. On Saturday 5th December 2020, My business delegation left for Lualaba Province(Kolwezi) for a similar exercise.”

    Only a foooooool can believe such rubbish…do you need to be there personally and what capacity were you attending? Company Director or CEO of what? Just go tell your rich relatives Sampa, Simoson Mwewa etc …he is also in the same network with Katumbi and then wants to eat with Kabila.

  8. Sometimes it’s better not to say anything because your statement might attract a comment from those that know the truth and you’ll be exposed. You have never apologized for the humiliation you caused Major Kachingwe, you’re a self centered individual that lacks any credibility. Don’t waste our time pumbafu

  9. Ayatollah – he is lucky the DRC govt has not bothered to respond if they did he would be exposed like he has been in our courts ….this man has no shame and the worst part is he thinks he is credible and can run for the highest office in the land.

  10. Nevers a man of God… Just but your act together, listen to God, not what you feel. Im sure one day you will be the president. Remember, you never fought hard to be the vice president. So you will never have to fight harder to be the president

  11. Busy trying to talk about Zambia-DRC relations, this from a man who created an international relations embarrassment between the two countries when he was a man of influence and ended being dismissed for the same fiasco.

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