Sunday, March 16, 2025

NSCZ Sub-Committee Holds Faz Probe On Wednesday


The National Sports Council of Zambia’s (NSCZ) four-member sub-committee constituted to settle the constitutional impasse over the future of the Faz executive committee will set on Wednesday at NASDEC in Lusaka.

The four-member committee that was announced on Monday comprises of ex sports council head Max Sichula, current council board member Elliot Mhende and lawyer Emmanuel Mwansa.

NSCZ spokesman Smart Mwitwa completes the Faz constitutional crisis sub-committee.

The team will hold to full day session and will summon stakeholders to make submissions before the sub-committee on Wednesday.

Sichula and his team are expected to submit their verdict on Thursday.

NSCZ head Chifumu Banda said the council will maneuver around the potential Fifa minefield , that stop government interference in local football associations matters, and reach a logical conclusion to the Faz constitutional crisis.

“Where the council has reason to believe that that an association is acting in a manner prejudicial to the interest of sports or the public interest generally, the council may order the suspension of the activities of the association,” Banda said at a media briefing on Monday in Lusaka.

Last week, four Faz executive committee members namely;  ex-vice president Emmanuel Munaile, Violet Bwalya, Pivoty Simwanza and Henshel Chitembeya.

That left Kalusha Bwalya’s executive constitutional dissolved after it failed to forum a quorum, a situation the Faz bosses has disputed despite legal minds familiar with the situation stating the opposite.


  1. I think it will be wise to let Kalu to complete his reign which will end in 2012 so that will avoid punishment from fifa. Kalusha has made alot of mistakes yes, but lets avoid dissolving leadership.

  2. Read in the post!
    Fifa has banned Nigeria from all competion friendly or otherwise…. if you are not careful Zambia is next! what a shame!

  3. Kalu is simply the BEST. There is some kind of civilization in Zambian football since the guy become President, even players never complain of money. Lets just play that William Banda will continue squeezing balls of The Post reporters like stupid Mukoka.

  4. The reason why there is no funds issue in FAZ is because RB – an ardent soccer supporter has ensured that FAZ is well taken care of – nothing to do with Kalusha. NCSZ just dissolve FAZ – if FIFA bans us, it will just give us an opportunity to reorganize ourselves in the next 2 years of no international participation. In its current state, who believes that the National Team can win the Africa Cup or qualify for the World Cup in the next 10 years? It is a sheer waste of resources – let FIFA ban us and then we can spend all the money to build stadia and bring back Zambia Schools soccer.

  5. Just becoz FIFA is a dictatorship, doen’t mean we should condone dictatorial tendencies. FIFA didn’t introduce football to zambia. CAF if it were worth it’s salt should be at the forefront of giving direction to FIFA, alas am deceived, CAF is filled with “yes men” elevated to positions by FIFA, just to make voting numbers at FIFA gatherings. FIFA knee-jerk reactions simply mean , an official can pocket all the money he wants without being answerable to his association becoz FIFA “will throw its toys out of the pram!” FAZ has a constitution, & if FIFA together with Kalu don’t know what that means, pick up an Oxford dictionary, or simply google!! The whole western world preaches democracy, except the DINOSAURS in FIFA!! Blatter is well past his sell by date!!

  6. please NSCZ stop dreaming & wasting tax payers money through worthless probes which have never amounted 2 anything. Its like u exist 2 get allowances only. we are tired of yo usual nonsense probes after probes when u have not even a single tooth to bite any FAZ member. How many times have u found Kalu guilty but u have failed to discipline him. Its clear Kalu reports directly to Blatter & does not respect anybody in zambia & so let him do anything he pleases after all even the sports minister or sports PS report to Kalu.

  7. Well, someone should just file an injunction in the high court to stop Great Galu from holding a disolved office.

  8. Zambia risk Fifa ban over FAZ enquiry
    By Kennedy Gondwe
    BBC Sport, Lusaka

    Violet Bwalya and Chitembeya have quit FAZ
    In a move likely to incur the wrath of Fifa, Zambia’s sports authorities have set up a commission to investigate the Football Association of Zambia (FAZ).
    FAZ is in turmoil after four officials resigned claiming they had issues with Kalusha Bwalya’s leadership style.
    This prompted the Sports Council of Zambia, a government body, to set up a committee to investigate FAZ.
    Under Fifa rules, national football associations must not be subject to government control.
    But Sports Council of Zambia chairman Chifumu Banda insists he is concerned with what has besieged the country’s top sport.
    “The sports council operates under an act of parliament. We are…

  9. So FIFA cannot see the malaize in FAZ or indeed the Nigerian FA but iz quick to just institute a ban? Maybe we should ask FIFA to ban us even before any axion iz taken on FAZ. The Nigerian Sports Minister iz not to sure they will meet the three demandz of FIFA in order that the ban iz lifted and I think he waz speaking wizely from Delhi.

  10. Since FIFA acts more powerful than the Nationz in which football associationz operate, why not introduce full time “Special Reprezentativez” like the United Nationz to administer the game? That way there would be no government interference.

  11. its long overdue for mr bwalya to go. he has really taken zambian soccer backwards bcos of hunger and greed. fifa and blatter can go to hell thats why blatter cant give uo together with hayotou at caf till they die football do us part

  12. FIFA should just ban Zambia as well till we are matured enough unlike wasting our tax payers’ money.lets concentrate on local league…

  13. It is regretable that people can be calling FIFA to ban Zambia without any apparent reasons! These people do they know the meaning to the economy or the whole idea is just based on not seeing beyond the nose! There is a lot at stake if we are to get banned and takes a mountain to climb back as evidenced by South Africa! I believe NSC should should just come in as a counsellor not to reprimand by creating a kangaroo court! Get down to the neat grit of the problems and seperate innuendos! But I fear for fair co-operation with FAZ as some NSC members are on the books previous ‘stalking’ Kalu concerning the London saga! Let everyone realese that they meet with common goal of football not to out-shin one another!! Go Zed Go!

  14. Fifa must understand that African govts interfere because they are the ones putting money in Soccer. If Blatter doesnt want GRZ to interfere, Fifa must start financing the African teams. Yes, there is too much corruption by our sports administrators.

  15. its like pipo hate kalu because of the mass support he recieves from the govt.most these *****s are opposition.simatta is a pf one can touch kalu,kalu plus rb up to 2016

  16. #17 I feared someone will come up with such weired thinking that the malaize at FAZ iz being orchestrated by the oppozition.

  17. #18 Corrected to read; “….being orchestrated by the oppozition political partiez in the country”.

  18. KALUSHA BWALYA to me epitomises the stinking corruption that is ripping Zambia apart. The fact that he is still in office just goes to show how rotten Zambia is in terms of corruption. We are now even talking about a committee to probe the FAZ constitution. A probe for what when the constitution is self-explanatory. Kalusha should just go… otherwise the govt should have just said we are withdrawing funding to FAZ. Full stop. We are so corrupt we now can’t even see what is clearly wrong and what is clearly right. Since Mwanawasa died we have gone back to Chiluba’s days when those who stole were the ones being praised. It is absolutely shameless and stupid. We are looking like a nation of *****s!

  19. When multitudez thronged Independence Stadium and celebrated great Kalu mesmerizing Zambia’z opponents and scoring free-kicks with such rare and unequaled precizion, nobody said the oppozition waz responsible. Now the same multitude iz saying our great Kalu haz failed lamentably, somebody must bring in politix, oh my God!

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