Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Peter Sinkamba: The Reason I Paid for Mwenya Musenge and Stephen Kampyongo to Comply with Concort Orders


By Peter Chazya Sinkamba – President of Zambia 2021, Green Party President

So much has been said since Friday concerning the payments I made for my two very good friends, Hon Mwenya Musenge and Hon Stephen Kampyongo to comply with the Concourt order directing former ministers to refund salaries and allowances obtained by these persons for the period that the court found them to have illegally occupied offices between May and August, 2016.

The court has ordered that the refunds should be made by 5th January, 2021. There have been mixed reactions by the members of the public on my gesture to my two friends, with some supporting the move, and others condemning the move, for various reasons. I will attempt to cover some reasons, especially for those against.

From a positive note, I wish to state that I personally do receive presents from friends, in monetary terms and in kind, some of which by far exceed the contributions I made to the two. For example, I remember, some 25 years ago, very close friends facilitated an export permit for 50, 000 metric tonnes of maize to Zaire (now DRC), which enabled me to buy a brand new S-Class Mercedes Benz car 500 series, and houses, at a youthful age. I have also bailed out several friends, workmates and acquittances out of dire financial situations, time and time again, amounts of which by far exceed the amounts in this situation. I have sponsored some friends to travel abroad, at costs which by far exceed the amounts involved in this situation. Those that have benefitted through in the manner highlighted know themselves, and if they wish they can disclose their identities themselves. As a friend, I will not do that, unless with their permission, as I did in this case.

On the negative side, some critics say I should have paid the money to vulnerable persons. But this is exactly what I have done. The money I paid into the government account called Control 99 or in other words, the Consolidated Fund, is used to fund vulnerable persons through the Community Development Department and the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit. What I note from critics arguing from this premise is that they do not understand that the money paid is not going into the pockets of my dear friends, but government coffers for onward support to vulnerable persons through purchase of medicines, food security packs, fertilizers, seed, etc. in any case, when I want to give directly to vulnerable persons, I do so through the Church. I quite often donate to churches for various vulnerability programmes across the country. Members of churches, and church groups that I have donated to know exactly what I am talking about. Through CBE, I have assisted vulnerable persons having hundreds of houses built for them e.g. the ARMCO resettlement in Mindolo, Kitwe; Zambia Railways and Masondashi Resettlement (also know as Chibolya Resettlement) in Mufulira etc. Others have benefitted through litigation, e.g the Munkulungwe farmers in Bwana Mkubwa in Ndola; Musakashi farmers in Chambishi, Luela farmers in Chambishi etc. The current case of lead poisoning of children in Kabwe by Leighday and Mbuyisa legal teams, commenced in South Africa, is my works starting in 2002.

The other groups of critics argue that I should have paid school fees for university students who have failed to secure scholarships etc. It is wrong to suggest that I do not sponsor students. Since 2000, I have sponsored hundreds of students, through my NGO Citizens for a Better Environment (CBE) to undertake undergraduate, masters, and PhD studies in Zambia and abroad. Some beneficiaries of my CBE programmes are now lecturing at CBU and Copperbelt universities, while others hold very senior positions in government, quasi government institutions, and multilateral institutions operating in Zambia and abroad. In fact, I am currently working on a programme whereby the CBU Business School will run a PhD programme with a university in the Czech Republic. The fact that my CBE academic programme has not benefitted some of critics, or their relations, does not mean that I do not support such programmes. In any case, I can not support every vulnerable persons in the country, and life is not only about supporting vulnerable persons.

Some critics argue that I could have used that money to create jobs for youths. This is exactly what I have done. Some of the funds I paid into Control 99 will be disbursed to support the Ministry of Youths and Sports, which handles youth affairs. In any case, since 2000, I have employed hundreds of graduates who have since move on and are occupying very senior positions at home and abroad. Furthermore, I have since set up the Zambian Hemp Growers and Industries Association (ZAMHEMP), which will soon be employing hundreds of youths in the companies I have created (Copperbelt Hemp Company; Luapula Hemp Company; Northern Hemp Company; Lusaka Hemp Company; Western Hemp Company; Eastern Hemp Company; Northwest Hemp Company; and Central Hemp Company). These companies will be fully functional in February 2021 after the enactment of the Industrial Hemp Bill and the Controlled Substances Bill. A spectrum of youths will be employed, including the uneducated, the school leavers, college and university graduates.

The bottom line is that courts and court orders must be respected and obeyed. The court of public opinion has been extremely harsh with the Constitutional Court. This court has suffered a reputation crisis, essentially, due to three cases: this case of former ministers who illegally stayed in office; the presidential petition; and the so called “eligibility” case. Whilst there is closure with the petition case, the other two, including the case of ministers, are yet to be closed. For the sake of rebuilding and refurbishing, it is imperative that these cases are brought to closure as soon as possible. It will be a terrible mistake to continue with these cases into the next election. Hence, I have demonstrated leadership by not only talking to my friends to pay, but also contributing to the payment, so that come January 5th 2021, their names will not be on the list of persons who disobeyed a court order.

Lastly, there is a group questioning whether the two cannot pay. This argument is neither here nor there. We buy friends drinks or meals, not because they cant pay for them. We give or buy all sorts of presents for friends not because they cannot buy those things. Friendship is beyond affordability by the other party, but how much you value their integrity and person.

Hopefully this brief explanation suffices….but you are free to ask where you are not clear!


    • This indeed a marijuana party. The members of green party are complaining of no money for mobilization meanwhile Kampyongo who can afford to pay is being paid for. Need for a microscope here, you cant see anything with a naked eye

  1. Ganjaman it’s your prerogative to choose whom you give. I am happy that you assisted Mwenya Musenge because I also appealed for his assistance. However, I don’t think Stephen Kapolyo Kampyongo is anywhere nearer vulnerability. I wish to remind you that Kapolyo Kampyongo is the Minster that signed the 42 wheelbarrow tender at $1M each. There’s even information on how he and his brother benefitted from that scum. He still has a lot of stolen money. I didn’t hear him appeal for assistance, and that’s why many people regard it as a mockery to pay for Kampyongo. So it doesn’t matter how well you explain your decision we’ll still hold it that it was misplaced

  2. HH has been sounding very Spiritual on his facebook posts every morning. Can he put his so called Christian heart to test and pay for all UPND MPs that defected to serve in the PF Government, in the name of forgiveness. As Sinkamba explained. This more is not going into the pockets of the form ministers, but in Government coffers.

    I believe HH is richer than Sinkamba and can HH demonstrate that he can forgive and and full of bitterness.

    So over to you MrUnder 5 HH, Please take the #SINKAMBA_CHALLENGE

  3. There is no free lunch in town bwana, this is the issue of scratch my back and I will scratch yours, you’re positioning yourself for favors? How do you pay for a person who is in a party that you are fighting and he getting a hefty salary not to mention other emoluments ? I smell something fishy about the marijuana business that you want to embark on. Have you been promised that they will soon legalize? You are a let down indeed. As for Musenge he brought this on himself, such selfish politicians with no aorta of principal but want to feel their bellies with freebies all the time. He should have paid or his property auctioned so the he learns a lesson.

  4. Don’t be let down by people who thrive on criticizing others when they themselves can’t even feed a dog. You have a good heart and no amount of useless talk will take that away. Your critics envy you. stay blessed

  5. So they are party members who contribute money to meet the party functions?? So is Mr Sikamba saying that he has no vulnerable people in his party that just needs even ama 2 pin to start businesses?? His contribution is offside.

  6. Sinkamba you were offside on this one …if you wanted to help someone out you should have helped out Greyford Monde, only god knows where that boy is now and where he is going to get K60K. Why assist Kampyongo is corrupt and a leader of thugs and cadres who are making that amount every week from market collections.

  7. It’s your money Mr Sinkamba and you are free to do with it however you want it to be used….there should not even be people questioning your standing and what you have done to the Zambian society…

  8. This daga smoking monkey thinks we are so naive or gullible not to see his foolishness in his mischief.
    This is broadlight or daylight BRIBERY of his POLICE BOSS FRIEND called CHIMPYONGO!!
    As this chimp has paid a debt for his friend, it means Chimpyongo is compromised and cant take action against this other monkey SICHAMBA if he errors.
    You cant play friendship over a National Office of Home Affairs Minister. This is corruption to the core and it stinks!!
    The Govt must refund that Daga money to its owner and let Chimpypngo pay!!. Mothe fckers!

  9. What is so special in paying for corrupt thieves like Kampyongo Steven?

    Peter Sinkamba must be investigated these money launderers.

    Using dirt money to pay for a corrupt regime.

    Useless he is and PF must go!

  10. My line of thinking is that paying back is a fine in some way so that people show remorse. Now paying on behalf of a thief does not serve a purpose since the thief will not feel anything to deter them from doing the same in future.

  11. Peter Sinkamba, I have lost respect for you.

    You are part of the problem we have in Zed right now.

    Reduce on your dobo intake.

    You will never be president of Zambia. Stop hallucinating.

  12. Mr Sinkamba , your point well noted . you exercised your sole discretion to help out your friends in whichever way you felt and there should be no problems with that. However , i believe that much as Mr. Kampyongo is your dear Friend to many of us he is a Public Officer- Minister of Home Affairs .
    Donations to Public Officers whether from Friends or Enemies have a serious effect of undermining PUBLIC POLICY which the very PUBLIC OFFICER is tasked to formulate, implement or Regulate. With donations such as yours no matter how well intentioned PUBLIC OFFICERS easily get conflicted in the exercise of the duties and such donations amount to literally hijacking ( CAPTURING) the STATE . This may seem INNOCULOUS on face value but the damage that it may cause to the well being of the STATE is…

  13. Are Africans cursed?

    Even the educated ones can not reason properly.

    So so disappointed by this weed smoker Sinkamba.

    Vote wisely.

  14. If kapyongo as a minister is vulnerable, what more the ordinary green party supporters?
    Who deserves help more than the other?
    In any case, they never asked to be bailed out. If they did, it was in private. You should not have come out in public.

  15. His attempt to justify the unjustifiable does not add up. Instead of paying for legal things, why pay for illegalities, that money should have been given to lawyers to help us handle the illegal part of ministers staying in office illegally which is criminal by nature and was not handled by the court. This is like a thief stealing then you pay for his misdeeds. does this man know that that money which was paid to ministers then deprived MOH to buy medicines for hospital, has this man not heard for a long time that some hospitals were struggling to dispense Panadol. How do we make society a better place if we pay for peoples illegalities.

  16. This Sinkamba cant play hero now. When this sentence was passed a long time ago, it was only Harry Kalaba then as a minister who asked modalities for paying back. Sinkamba was very quiet. And such characters need to be investigated, you could be talking of fire tenders where the friend he is paying for was implicated, kansi he is in the same ring of those characters, how can just somebody just wake up ati I will pay for this one. Zambians shibukeni

  17. What this man has done is bribery, he has bribed someone who has the tendency of arresting opposition leaders in advance in case, he is found wanting in future for the promotion of marijuana in the country.

    • Miyanda Kunda it would be wise if you read the whole article he wrote before judging and saying anything. And what do mean by “Promotion of marijuana” in the country?? Coz that has already been legalized, and the wise thing to do is find out how you can tap into that potentially profitable business venture instead of displaying your ignorance like this on social media. That’s why you have fools in high positions now, because that type of ignorant thinking. Do your research!!

  18. Read the daily nation where Katele Kalumba is urging the government to quicken the realization of marijuana cultivation and trading. Then we have this moron of a dagga smoker whos is bailing the person who is influential in ensuring that this is passed as a law. Sikamba’s main interest is in dagga trading because he knows that he will reap millions of dollars out of it. His moral compass is lopsided and misplaced, trying to hoodwink the public in the name of helping a fellow criminal who abrogated the law by overstaying in office. They broke the law, hence the person who breaks the law must pay the price. Was he also going to do jail time oh his behalf if he was sentenced to prison, nincompoops.

  19. I wish to commend you for what you’ve done.However am at a loss why you paid for Stephen Kampongo who without doubt is able to pay.Kampyongo has been featuring in many financial dealings and it’s the conviction of many he’s under the protection of someone big.Mwenya on other hand has been on the receiving end from the likes of Kampyongo it’s confusing.

  20. He is in the opposition and the Minister for Home Affairs he is paying for has been accused of stifling democracy by directing the Police to stop opposition parties freely assembly and mobilizing, and he is paying for him, and paying for somebody who can already pay for himself. Indeed something does not add up here, there is more than what meets the eye here

  21. It explains why he has never been teargassed by the Zambia Police Force (PF).
    He eats with them at night.
    But, at the end of the day, this goes to show why Zambia is in a mess. We are not ashamed to receive handouts and gifts. No matter what you think, the Bible is very clear, ‘a gift softens the heart.’ These people in power should NEVER receive gifts. Gifts affect how a person makes decisions. Chiluba was acquitted because the Chief Justice was a beneficiary of his ‘generosity.’ In this case, we have a minister of a very important ministry being bailed out by a friend. Sinkamba will one day call for payment.

  22. It’s his money. He can give anyone he likes. No need to explain yourself. Others drink their money, use it on prostitutes, go to London and drink tea then back, others invest, buy cattle, build houses etc…they don’t explain themselves

  23. Peter it is your own money and you can do whatever you like with it. You don’t need to justify it to any of these angry upnd mother fakaz

  24. Well done mr.Sinkamba you have a big heart indeed.Surely that is your money and you choose on whom to spend,in Bemba they say akoni kekala pa musambo katemenwe elyo mwine musunga talamba minwe just because some pipo hate ba Kampyongo they don’t like to see him receive a gift.Rupia Banda would say Kodi ni ndalama za nyoko!

  25. Deuteronomy 15:11
    For the poor shall never cease out of the land: therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land.

  26. There is a conflict of interest here you mappets, Kapyongo is a serving minister who must declare interest otherwise this a bribe done in broad daylight. These are leaders without morals later alone, shame that they can behave in such a manner. This dagga smoker is a disgrace to even associate himself with this mischief. These are public offices where high levels of respect and decorum should be espoused and promoted at all costs,
    Leadership should not be self serving but saving the public with all honesty, not this stupidity.

  27. God bless you. Global philanthropists give to the needy like you have done. Worry not about detractors, some of whom even fail to look after their own mothers.

  28. The reasons given for paying Kampyongo’s debt to Treasury by Peter Sinkamba are not convincing. The motive by Mr Sinkamba must be based on “I stracth your back u scratch mine”. Its obvious that Sinkamba is looking for favours from Kampyongo who is currently Minister of Home Affairs. This is disguised Corruption no doubt. Peter is playing a Mafia game for sure.

  29. The NEEDY? My foot! Look, these ministers would have survived for 3 months without pay had they left their posts. Instead, they got money that they were not entitled to. This is not poverty. I received a salary for 10 months while I was not in the employ of GRZ. I only found out a year later. I volunteered to tell the paymaster and I got a letter demanding repayment of the 10 months in 28 days! I chewed the money which was not mine, simple. These ministers were warned about this and they should have started saving for this rainy day. If it was tax, the same thing happens. When the taxman calls, you pay. Ask Fred Mmembe!

  30. Us as Green party members do not want this leader Sinkamba, he has not released any money for mobilization for our party but he is releasing money for Kampyongo who has mercilessly stopped our fellow opposition from mobilization, but because us as green party there is no mobilization in any way apart from our arm chair President issuing statements, we do not know the harsh realities that our comrades in the opposition are going through

  31. His justification is shallow and doesn’t up at all. The only plausible justification is that it is his cash and he can spend it the way he wants.

  32. Smart Eagles have reported what Kampyongo has said about the gesture from Peter Sinkamba and it doesn’t sound like he’s appreciates what the latter did. This move will continue to embarrass you for a long time. And it’s like Kampyongo wasn’t even aware, unless the 2 are playing a game that we don’t know

  33. I was a green party sympathizer but not any more. I am announcing my resignation right here with 300 members. Before next elections we will have found a new party to join. most likely UPND. I will never associate myself with mafia

  34. Sinkamba ! Sorry I had thought you were in a different mature category, alas you have found your self in the category of sampa and tayali , I am not going to waste my vote on you.

  35. Bwana Peter Sinkamba – you have every right use your wealth in any way you like, but to announce publicly to Zambians that you are paying K000s on behalf of minister Kampyongo and Musenge is unredeemable sin to majority poor Zambians. As political leader vying to rule Zambia, it has clearly demonstrated a misjudgement of colossal proportions on your part and relegates your manifesto to the burial ground of your political dreams – RIP.

  36. Ba Sinkamba if they are your very good friends as you say did you have to announce the assistance to all of us?

  37. I had a lot of faith in Peter Sinkamba, out of everybody, both the ruling and opposition I thought he was making a lot of sense,and standing out, now this. It is like one was enjoying a very good meal and just to find a dead fly in there. This is too much to bear, very sad development

  38. End of a political career in opposition politics. Thanks for a very good attempt which was appreciated by many which unfortunately has finally ended with a very poor judgment

  39. @AMBANWA speaks a lot of sense requiring a follow up from our Anti-Corruption Commission, The conflict of interest faced by Kampyongo in he light of this bribe needs to be tested forensically. The courts would be the best to make a judgement. Meanwhile Kampyongo needs to resign because Green Party has compromised his public duty

  40. This man is an idi$ot……and you can imagine these are morons who wants to rule Zambia….makaka wamunthu….so this pompwe is also one of the mwankoles…he received a lot of tenders from Kampyonongo

  41. Extremely poor judgment, the man is completely disconnected on how the ordinary zambian detests PF leaders because of the suffering they are going through, doesn’t this Sinkamba guy have advisors. And on Diamond tv interview last night he was calling his paying as unity, how can people do illegalities, you pay for them and call it unity, What reasoning is this sure?

  42. HH can not take this stupidity. He silently supports needy people all over the country without beating his own drums. This Sinkamba is surely a weed puller. This is a case of scratching your back and you scratch my back. He knows that mad Alec might wake up one day and send the police to surround his chamba fields. You even think Mwenya Musenge was just included to confuse the masses. Show me your friends and i will tell you who you are, a PF surrogate. Sinkamba you are not an opposition leader. What do you oppose? You are PF in a sheep’s skin. If you are in the opposition, you should have been annoyed that those who were voted in power are not upholding the constitution of our land. This is criminal So we expect you to be planning to remove them from power other than sugar coating the…

  43. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    What a s!lly and hollow justification. This is not a personal ‘kantemba’ issue we are talking about here. We are talking about a national issue of immense importance whose precedence will have far reaching consequences for generations to come. What the guy is doing is bizarre and doesn’t make sense at all, whether the money is his or these guys are his friends. In a progressive country, such act would be investigated and the money refused. He should have given the money directly to his criminal friends in secret who would then pay to the treasury.
    While you are it, next time please go bail hundreds of innocent people in jail for failing to post bail money.
    Jeez I thought this guy was clever than this!

  44. Mr Sinkamba, I am very perturbed and in real shock just more than the person you paid the fees for (Kampyongo). You have at most times articulated & analysed very reasonable positions and thought you probably have some leadership qualities. Your action puts in the same grouping of the corrupt. Tell us! Have you been a beneficiary of Ksmpyongo’s corrupt deals? Obviously Kampyongo from his surprise did ask you to pay for him. Why of all the sitting Ministers did you pick Kampyongo? Tell us the whole truth. Your explanation doesn’t make sense.


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