Sunday, March 16, 2025

Attacks won’t sidetrack State, says Ronnie


Chief Government Spokesperson Lieutenant General Ronnie Shikapwasha
Chief Government Spokesperson Lieutenant General Ronnie Shikapwasha

Government has said attacks by Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata will not derail its programmes to deliver development to the people of Zambia.

Chief Government spokesperson Ronnie Shikapwasha said in a statement yesterday that it was cheap politicking for Mr Sata to constantly attack President Banda that his trips abroad were for personal gain.

He said President Banda’s trips abroad were on behalf and for the benefit of the people of Zambia.

Lieutenant General Shikapwasha said Mr Sata should concentrate on the problems in the pact instead of raising accusations that he could not prove.

He said the achievements scored by the Government under the leadership of President Banda were causing Mr Sata sleepless nights.

The minister said Mr Sata was a desperate and frustrated person, and that was the reason he had resorted to baseless attacks on the president and his Government in his fruitless pursuit for power.

Zambia was now one of the prime investment destinations in the world because of the prudent economic policies the Government of President Banda had put in place.

Gen Shikapwasha said the country had been posting a trade surplus since January, and that inflation was at single digit, international foreign reserves had swelled to an all-time high of US$2 billion, while the economy was projected to grow to more than six per cent this year.

He said foreign direct investment had continued to flow into the economy, resulting in the resurgence of the mining, tourism, construction, agriculture and other key social and economic sectors.
[ Times of Zambia ]


  1. Country men, Kindly understand that the now wrecked pact under PF is nothing but a “tower of Babel” which God has outrightly cursed and rejected to death for its blasphemous mission in a Christian nation. its now on overdive on behalf of pervasive imperial voices against the Africaness and sanity. They are now dangling carrots to Sata for what in Kiswahili is called “bibi nabwana” which in Zambia is called yakumbuyo society Sata has sold to. The Netherland and Sweden envoys are in an anti Christ pro-yakumbuya covenant with Sata through Mmembe after failing to plant their pervasion in Malawi and Uganda where they have been cursed to hell.

  2. The Gravest sin for the pact is for PF through Winter Kabimba to have said against the infallible word of God that, “PF does not believe in the return of Jesus Christ” and mansonist HH to have said “God is punishing Zambia for voting for RB-Hichilema’s Christian virtues (Thursday, September 23, 2010, 15:36)
    “PF does not believe in the return of Jesus Christ”
    “God is punishing Zambia for voting for RB-Hichilema (Thursday, September 23, 2010, 15:36)
    These reckless statements spelt a curse on the PF-UPND leadership and their pact.

  3. The panacea to Zambia’s generational problems which H.E RB is tenaciously addressing is not in treasonously risking the nation with the most corrupt and deluded utopia driven comedian. If entire Luapula province land has been concessioned for a song of US $27,000 to some apartheid South Africans, local Government’s Merzaf flats and Avondale Housing project all r.a.p.e.d, Medical stores plundered not forgetting a simple pact and PF already rocked in irredeemable anarchy, how could such comedians preside over a nation-state of over 12 million people in diversity?

  4. The good thing about our democracy is that even cyber stalkers, and bitter tabloid trolls in their vanity are guaranteed barking space to freely enjoy their dream of realizing an imaginary regime change that will never be. In short MMD’s Zambia does not inhibit dreaming space. This is why initiatives such as LT are freely launched and maintained without censorship.

  5. Veteran should fully understand that Zambia is a democratic country .It is not our kingdom as the MMD. Zambians voted for a Multi-party- particpatory democracy and not the “Hustings Kamuzu Banda” kind kind of leadership where one would be taken to Zaleka prisons for aying and proving the facts. Anyone can lead Zambia as long as the people accept them.” We should not have the Bakateka aba shitisha ichalo in the name of investiments while we cannot afford or families a descent meal ,accomodation,health and not forgeting jobs we used to enjoy even as a grade 7.

  6. Look ,Vet.
    If you were a good leader in the way you do things,i’d still vote for you even though i know you not personally.This kinda character assasination is the tactic that we the MMD have used for such long a time but we know not that the more you might think you are destroying an individual, the more things go better ontheir side.Can you explain the Chawama saga to us in detail? Is that sata?Or we ourselves with unresolved rungles within the party? Who ever is a bootlicker no matter how illiterate they are ,they still have to get themselves damn good jobs . Whoever say Zambians are suffering is a lier and has to be fixed. Damn Good Country of comedy and unforseen future.The more we leave the worser the country becomes.When we try to get jobs we are told to chekelako .

  7. #1-4 Veteran, your analysis lucks substance. I can only get a tone of panic and hatred. What is your problem? you sound like some one who has not attained decent education and yet you are educated. Dont allow circumstances at hand to control your emotions. Learn to be objective and truthfull in the way you present your views. Remember that what you present are just your views and will not have any bearing on the out come of next years elections.
    Only a small fraction, probally less than 0.0000001% of voters read your blogs, so why panic? take it easy man. the Zambian people will decide who should be our future president and not you!!

  8. Is the pact still on? Me I thought it dissolved a long time ago. I thought all the attacked in what used to be PACT were as a result of scramble for Plot 1. VIVA MMD

  9. In MMD we have more rebels than any other parties.What makes them Unique from others is how they maintain their jobs without being traced .Reasons: They choose to be earning money and not provoking their job status by saying the truth and defending the poor citizens. Look at those who used to say Maureen should stand when Mwanawasawas alive and now let them talk to hear what they say.Look at thosewho worked had to prove Chiluba as a criminal in those days and what they’d say today. Listen to our languages now and come to hear when RB leaves office.It is all about politics in Zambia and not Zambian politics. In Zambia all is well according to the Boss and the Boss has o be defended no matter how wrong he could be.”Inde Bwana” is how things work now.

  10. #10 I LIKE YOUR LAST SENTENCE. No matter what MMD propagates on LT(Veteran)TVZ(VJ and Ronnie), if the people dont see the “development” we shall not be swayed. I need to see the roads physically not on TVZ where RB is shown “commissioning” a fifty metre stretch, NO!!!! Not economic growth coming out of Ronnies mouth- I want to see it by affordablity to have my food,electricity, schools, medical care- not window dressing meant to capture some miserable votes.

  11. #13, Zeke – This is the most honest submission I have seen in recent times. In a nutshell, it describes people Veteran represents. For me, I just wish that if our President makes these trips on our behalf, he should report back to us the achievements and even failures (ongoing!), just a summary of data on specifics that would also make Shikapwasha make a bit of sense instead of his same generalities he feeds us always. Anybody can say what he says. These are below my expectations for Ministerial level statements.

  12. Your parents can build a strong foundation for you yes but if the country’s leadership is corrupt no matter how hard you work nothing would come out coz yr parents won’t stand to build a road , a school a hospital , a youth activity centre , a psych counselling centre ,or build international relations on your behalf.This is why we choose the political leadership, have the judicially and all forms of ministry to put all minds and rules for the citizens.If we just say parents of course we are living in a period were there were no rules ,no standards an the like.As far as i know that era never existed even b4 Moses

  13. I’m pact president – HH

    UNITED Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema says he will not surrender the presidency of the pact to Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata.

    Mr Hichilema said the UPND is an equal partner in the pact and has an equal opportunity of being adopted as president of the pact ahead of the 2011 general elections.

    He said in an interview with journalists in Lusaka yesterday in response to statements by some sections of the public that the UPND is a ‘junior’ party in the pact which should surrender the presidency to the PF.

    But Mr Hichilema said there is no way the UPND can surrender the presidency of the pact to the PF when the issue is yet to be tabled before the membership of the pact.

  14. UNITED Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema says he will not surrender the presidency of the pact to Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata.

    Mr Hichilema said the UPND is an equal partner in the pact and has an equal opportunity of being adopted as president of the pact ahead of the 2011 general elections.

    He said in an interview with journalists in Lusaka yesterday in response to statements by some sections of the public that the UPND is a ‘junior’ party in the pact which should surrender the presidency to the PF.

    But Mr Hichilema said there is no way the UPND can surrender the presidency of the pact to the PF when the issue is yet to be tabled before the membership of the pact.
    Mr Hichilema said no party is mightier or younger than the other in…

  15. Is it all about ego or numerical superiority? Surely HH is educated enough to understand that he may be brighter than Sata but Sata has numerical superiority and that is what matters in our elections.

  16. # 17betters- No body wants to be poor but it is snobs like you who pull people down. You pay your servant 120,000 kwacha per month and expect him to build a foundation for his children?

  17. The Pact has come out stronger. May it stand the elections of the president. Best thing is for Sata and HH to start preparing their members for the possibility of either onenot being chosen. Not giving them hope that their leader will be the one. I hope the pact people are reading this. This will lessen the impact and possible revolt. As for MMD….. bring in the frogs? LOL!

  18. It seems there’s a lot of fear in MMD circles that Sata, and not HH, will unseat their hero Banda hence the relentless attacks on Mr. Sata. Despite the attacks from cadres on LT, the people on the ground have made up their minds about who will lead them after 2011, and most definitely it is not Banda at this moment.

  19. “Ntandale Kitwe, ntandale Luanshya, nomwaiche wandi – mafiga enu mwakwata banaMulenga, aya chiyeyeye” – Now big nose says attacks wont sidetrack state, mafi, amapweletele from this stinky mouth, tizaona next year, sa mulakwamba alimwi mwebo?

  20. Does been in class and earning a degree mean one is educated?get over your colonial hangover! Wisdom is different from intelligence.Intelligence can be aquired but wisdom is inborn.SATA is way ahead in political wisdom.He rouses the public.he feels with them.He talks their language.Shameless Spin doctors like ronnie are sell outs.niffty bootlickers! no pricinples.Come it or not!SATA will rule and HH will be behind waiting for his turn.long live the PACT!

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