Monday, March 17, 2025

Sata is not Zambian – Mumba


National Revolution Party (NRP) President Cosmo Mumba

By A. Sinyama
National Revolution Party (NRP) leader Cosmo Mumba has said Patriotic Front(PF) leader Micheal Sata’s conduct is more premature than that of the ‘under-five politicians’ he mentioned in a story carried by The Post yesterday. Mumba also said his party does not consider old people like Sata to be Zambians but Northern Rhodesians and therefore does not entertain them.

“Our Party is made up of people who were born after 1964 because those are the Zambians unlike those who where born before…those are Northern
Rhodesians,”he said.

He said Zambia would be lead by young people who are Zambians after Rupiah Banda.

Mumba argued that Sata’s sentiments that an under-five cannot lead this nation is not true and is a dangerous statement.

He said the PF leader risks losing membership from young people who are the majority in his party if he continues to make statements that are offensive to young politicians.

Mumba said the PF leader’s remarks are unfounded.

“I would like to differ with PF leader Mr.Micheal Chilufya Sata over his remarks that an under-five can not lead this nation because if anything I think his conduct is worse than that of an under-five,”he said.

But a PF cadre who sought anonymity wondered why Cosmo Mumba could comment on Sata.

He said Cosmo was an insignificant figure who could not say anything about the Sata.

“You guys have time to waste talking about Cosmo,who is he? Mr 15million? Come on that chap can’t talk about Sata, atleast people like
Miyanda,”he said.

He was speaking in an exclusive interview this morning in Livingstone.

Meanwhile the NRP President said the PF-UPND Pact cannot work because of the Inferiority-Superiority complex existing between the two

He said members from either side look at themselves as being superior to the other.

He said in 1964 a similar Pact failed to succeed because of tribalism.

PF leader Micheal Sata was quoted in the Press saying an under-five cannot lead Zambia.


  1. A very childish statement. I actually thought we finally had a party that was above such silly comments as this. So everybody born after 1964 should be declared stateless should they?

  2. sorry, your comments come a bit late. you were supposed to say this immediately you heard the VOA interview some week and days ago. why ranting over issues Sata has equally labored to say he was infact targeting Joe Kalusa? zambians, ukutemwa ukulandalanda, no action but so many verbal deeds.

  3. sata wants zambia to be secular state to allow homosexuality meaning marriage between men and sex between men like in europe and USA were gay marriages are legal. no wonder diplomats have been having meetings with him. cosmo mumba were is that nigerian wife of yours you conned and how about the patry 15million you swidled lukobo your party member

  4. Cosmo you MMD slogan chanter. Who do you think you are ? And what youths can you convince to support your course after that behaviour you exhibited during RB s campaign for the Presidency in 2008. Continue ranting.

  5. I am getting confused with this circus. What is Cosmo Mumba saying. What has Sata done to cause Cosmo talk? Viva MMD

  6. Cosmo at it again.Last time i heard hime,he was attacking RB for not solving the striking,its Sata who is not Zambian.Anyway,I support him on Sata and also wish that a younger leader will take over from RB.

  7. On ““I would like to differ with PF leader Mr.Micheal Chilufya Sata over his remarks that an under-five can not lead this nation because if anything I think his conduct is worse than that of an under-five,”he [Cosmo Mumba] said,” this is a great sentiment about Mr serpentine Sata MC of Panicking Failures (PF) and I hope youths across Zambia will not vote for this tired old man serpentine Sata MC.

    On a related topic, I agree with UPND president HH that there is nothing to surrender to Mr serpentine Sata MC but what is at stake is competition as to who is the best to be President of Zambia between HH and Mr Sata MC that the PACT must field as 2011 PACT presidential candidate.

    Be blest and may youths remember to register as voters before the 30/11/2010 deadline.
    Matt 6:33

  8. This Cosmo guy is exhausting. How come people that have more sensible things to say never get any coverage but people like Cosmo whenever they say something, no matter how mundane, inane or full of crap his utterances it’s printed? Ba LT you are just giving this chap unnecessary audience.

  9. Well, well. Why do people give oxygen to chimps? It is like kicking out the father who built the house you were born in, because he was not born in the house! Nika mambala aka!

  10. Unfortunately people who make childish and unsubstantiated allegations seem to get the atttention of the press in our beloved Country. Please let us address issues which affect the majority in the Country. We need to be discussing issues like why people in villages still live in thatched houses with no running water and still use pit latrines. Shopping arcades are white elephants for as long as our villages are not improved!!

  11. In a country where young people are perishing like flies in a room sprayed with ‘Target’ insecticide, old people should be celebrated and not despised. It is the old grand mothers and grand fathers who are now looking after the orphans that you young virile people have spawned throughout the land. ‘Honour your father and mother (elders) so that your days may be increased in the land.’

  12. Cosmo Mumba is a witchdoctor so he does not understand what he is talking about. Am told he lives behind chainama hospital so he also has been affected by mental illness. That chap can even lose as a councillor for chainama mental patients meaning even mental patients cannot vote for him.

  13. So in short Cosmo is also saying His own Mother and Father are not Zambians? Now i believe Cosmo is mad, Is this the guy how can become president? come on Zambians lets avoid cheap politics and childish thinking.

  14. The chap looks as if he has just fallen from space, like a Zombie let him go and be president at his village if at all he has one

  15. LT finally an article that bloggers are happy to comment on. Now to the issue at had Ba LT have you ran out of articles? But since I read it anyway and wish to make my daily contribution – I wish to ask my fellow bloggers how many people are in Cosmos’ party? Coz he seems to attract a great following (i.e. blogs) when he makes these outlandish statements

  16. This Mumba is a paid terrorist by the MMD. He had nothing to offer LT and had to come up with this crap. LT stop covering insane ranting chaps. This man is a hired mouth to destruct purposeful leaders like MC Sata and HH.
    The 2 above are very smart ‘brain wise’ and can see through this, so are the many Zambians, including those born before 1964.

  17. KK = Malawian, Chiluba =Congolese, Levy = X, RB = Zimbabwean,Who then is Zambian??? It seems we are all foreigners.So this Cozmo boy should Shut the H—E–L–L UP!!!!

  18. Zambian youth leaders have dissapointed us! Cosmo and Siulapwa are all childish and a menance to society…There is no hope in them.

  19. who a hell is chipimo, you are a disgrace to the youth group. please think before you act. to attach sata at this hour is the last thing you can do. you are really an educated stupd idot.

  20. Ubupuba umwaice uyu. If his parents were born b4 1964, so they were not Zambians which implies he is not Zambian as well. Stupid i.d.i.ot

  21. PF supporter defending their prophet Sata. I call on churches to protect Zambia from satanism about to enter Zambia through Kabimba and Sata. Let a christian and one that is God fearing lead this nation. How do we allow people who question the existence of Christ to lead this nation. God forbid.

    Be blessed.

    2 chronicles 7: 14

  22. Is this the kind of leadership we expect from young Zambians? I will never change my mind to vote for Sata!!

  23. this old man wants to sell our country…the Taiwanese are waiting for their promises of 2001,2006 and 2008 to be fulfilled to sell land to them…hahahah

  24. This must be the stupidest party we have in Africa. I think they are just trying to walk on the limelight that follows Sata so that they can also be noticed. A party which interprets History so childishly must be led by imbeciles

  25. I was scratching my heard wondering where i met this chap,Cosmo Mumba… i remember,twalenwa nankwe chibuku.Anyway,forgive him he has got no clue about politics.I mean he has no strategy!

  26. LATEST———Zambia: Sata is not Zambian – Mumba———-
    Ba LT sure.if you out of latests pls consult.this is not only childish but silly

  27. I, thought Cosmo Mumba was an intelligent man kanshi chipubafye. Ata uyu mwaice alipuneme ayini? This is not the right way to earn a living. nibukaponyabo.

  28. Mumba is correct. Adulthood and leadership require the exercise of the highest level of psychology. Sata is supposed to be a hope for the nation. How can people respect him and entrust him to manage public affairs when he is already discrediting his political partner? Some of you bloggers are just fools defending clear mistakes. Sata must learn to gauge the statements he makes then young ones will respect him. How can he in the first place accept an alliance with an under five? This is nonses. Tongas wake up. This Sata guy is using you.

  29. #45 Tazani says ‘Tongas wake up’. A point of collection! this issue is not about Tongas. Its about Zambians. I think you are Tonga but this country is not for Tongas only. Its for Zambians. Thats why Chibamba Kanyama (a Tonga Bull) Amwebela!!
    Learn to associate with others. Stop being in isolation!!
    Us we don’t care. Whether tonga or lenje or whatsoever your tribe may be as long as you are Zambian and you have wisdom, we are going to vote for you.
    Viva Pact. DONT KUBEBA!!!!!

  30. this man for sure will sell the country and doesn’t care..he’s no longer Zambian but from Zaire…or Tanzania..

  31. i see more sense in mumba than sata,, sata will make zambia gay!. the desperate monkey will sell the zambian soul to the devil

  32. These poverty striken false pastors are a disgrace to the christian fratanity in Zambia. Ubupuba mumitwe ya mapastors in this time. Cosmao is behaving like his elder brother Mumba in canada. These guys behave so silly in all what they utter. They teach the word of God but they are quick to insult the elders like H.E President MC Sata. Useless pastors who are there to steal from the poor flock.

    And you say young ones should rule Zambia, with this stu,pidity I doubt it.
    Cosmo is looking for another 15 million from RB but this time RB wont let his money go.

  33. If a person shows his foolishness don’t try to vote such are stupid monkey to let him because he there to destroy our country. An old many can’t rural the country because he is slow in thinking.

  34. yaba! Someone under five may not have started grade one, sata was very wrong on that. Cosmas you are just trash and a disgress. Please LT if you have nothing to publish better be quiet.


    To the body of Christ in Zambia fervently pray for Sata now who sadly has turned into an agent of Beastiality & Homosexuality in southern Africa. He is being taken advantage of on the basis of his desperation for campaign finance. It’s not surprising that the now wrecked pact under PF has become a “tower of Babel”to doom. It’s on pervasive covenant with some weak societies of the world that God has outrightly cursed and rejected our modern day Tower of Babel to death for its blasphemous mission in a Christian nation. This every conservative grassroot community around the country ought to know.


    Without shame Sata is now in overdrive on behalf of the same pervasive imperial voices against our true Africanness and sanity. Money shredders are now dangling carrots to Sata for Beastiality and Homosexuality. Sata has sold out his soul. As a matter of fact, the Netherlands and Swedish envoys in most African missions are on an anti Christ pro-homosexual agenda and Sata as a rarer spies being of its own kind has now fallen into covenant with them through Mmembe a veteran g.a.y.


    This is after failing to plant their pervasive spirits in Malawi and Uganda where they have been cursed to hell. This may go well with “some” catholic phidophiles but not with some charismatic Catholics, millions of conservative Advents, Pentecostals, traditionists and moralists diametrically opposed to Beastiality & Homosexuality. The good thing is that citizens vote in democratic elections presided by a country’s statutory body whose results are certified and announced.

  38. Northen Rhodesian ? Cosmas is a very foolish chap indeed eh ? I can`t imagine a statement like this from a person with ambition of being the future president.Some chaps better close their mouths than show their dullness.


    Those pro Gay sponsors have no actual impetus. They have failed in Uganda against Kaguruta Museveni, Malawi’s Dr.Mbingu Wamutalika, Namibia’s Pohamba, Tanzania’s Colonel Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete’s Presidency.They can shred their pro-Gay money in Zambia but will never prevail in turning our society into a Beastiality & Homosexuality friendly constitutional nation. To Zambians, marriage is consummated between a man and woman period. Anything else is cursed pervasion regardless of PF’s anti-christ values.

  40. Lev 18:22
    Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

    Lev 18:23
    23 “Don’t have sex with an animal and violate yourself by it.” A woman must not have sex with an animal. That is perverse.

  41. Folks, the problem is not Cosmo. The problem is with the i@di*ots who even have time to listen and then report on the rubbish that this buffoon talks!! I mean, Zambian media, LT included, are you totally incapable of telling sense from nonsense? If your answer is yes, then Zambia deserves what is coming to it.

  42. I honestly do not understand the hassle here. Cosmos is just speaking Sata’s language. Get a life you PF merchants! Don’t you have a sense of humour?

  43. Zambian politics are very childish to say the least and who the hell do you think Zambians are, retards? One day you accuse someone of teaming up with the Catholic Church to remove Nyamasoya from power, and the next day of teaming up with the westerners to promote homosexuality. I dont understand why you people always insult the intelligence of us Zambians and think we believe all your rabid rantings. Grow up and say something sensible for a change.

  44. cosmo sucks….he lucks direction nd focus anyway wat do u expext from a guy who falls 4 15million kwacha only?ba party president grow up.

  45. when cosmo become president (if that will happen) will declair all old people stateless including his own parents.what a shame ka mumba………ulikapuba konto iwe.leave the President alone iwe nkusa……..

    PF and Sata has done alot for the Country.without Sata you were all going to be sold to china………..
    Thank you so much Mr President for checking this corrupt government of MMD(Mwadia Mweka Dad)

  46. #25 u are right,cosmo must be mad,sorry for the dead but i hav 2mention this,isnt this same cosmo the one who was vice presidented by the late castro chiluba?indeed he must be a mental to having linked up with crazy chaps of castros caliber,shame on zambian politics,chinibaba tuma under5 utu.stilimo dont ukubeba tuchili amovoters,vivapact.

  47. One Little Fool,Cosmo.By the way which Zambian Youth do they speak for??.am A Zambian Youth but am never Consulted on all the Issues they vomit to the press.the issue at hand, this boy is a hired Vuvuzela…he knows our slogan Dont Kubeba.

  48. This Cosmos chap is truly a childish fool. No wonder young people are never respected when the like of Cosmos are at the helm. His party should fire him!

  49. you must be very stupid to make such a statement and you expect to rule the nation with such low thinking.yyour father was probably born before 1964 so are you telling us that he is not a zambian? foolish thinking.

  50. Cosmo tell us something about yourself and be honest. 1. How far have you gone in your education? 2. What kind of a doctor are you, witch doctor or sunday school doctor? 3. How long did you study for this doctorate? 4. When, and where did you get that doctorate from? 5. How old are you? 6. When were your parents born? 7. Are they zambians? You are a disgrace to us youths.

  51. He can explain on some of thos question you’ve asked him 87but 4question 2 i think we need to ask the one who sent him to skool,oops! i ve forgotten they are not in zambia and i hav no funds to trace them.cosmo u see the evil of declaring yo parents not zambians,we’ll never kno wat docter u re,so u’ll neva test the presidency.dont ukubeba

  52. This is Sata clearly at under 5 gear level:
    1. Kaunda is stock piling guns kwa Sindamisale to cause war in Zambia if he loses.
    2. If Inonge Lewanika is elected president, Nalikwanda ikesa skider pe Shimwalule
    3. It was Harrington who ordered game wardens to search Mandandi for contraband
    4. It was Chitala who told us Dean Mung’omba was part of the coup plot
    5. I don’t care about “ifitundu”

  53. Oh, I forgot 5 more:
    6. Chiluba should be allowed a third term to finish off his “projects”
    7. Mr Mugane is a true patriotic African, so I am naming my part Patriotic Front, like ZANU-PF
    8. Caught pants down with US$250,000 at OR Airport in South Africa, money confisticated
    9. We are a free country to establish relations with any Far East Tigers such as Hong Kong, Taiwan and Tibet, these are free sovereign countries!
    10. HH is an under 5 who should never rule Zambia

  54. Now, this is what I call clear premature under 5 behaviour. Further, in this AIDS ravaged era, Zondwe abana aba mufwani ni pwatititiii! If there is a worse than under 5 baby crawling the Zambian political landscape today, it is no other than Michael Mulenga Chilufya Zondwe Satana.

  55. ndipo munthu wacipulitsa chichewa.wandivetsa bwino komene.aba anyanisi ngati veteran ndimunzache kizito,are srious hellrazers.full time mmd,they never say anything fruitful.we find it rather unfortunate to hav such pipo in society.god bless mother zed.dont ukubeba tuli ba easterner.nizee.

  56. [-( I thot age requirement for PRESIDO was 35 Years ( so whats this under five about sha !!! ) Kabila became president at 30.Come on GET A LIFE


  58. I just came across a very serious statistic; zambia is ranked among the poorest countries in the world, of its 12.3million population 50% are unemployed and 80.1% are living in poverty. forgive me if i never want to live in zambia but its political structure is not one to be desired. talk about real crisis’ that affect the people not what some high school kid said on the media about Sata not being zambian. HH and or Sata are the only hope, MMD have proved us a failure in the 20years they’ve been running the show!! VIVA PF….

    • wicked ur very right!!! Cosmo is a confused good for nothing,,,,,politician,,,infact he knoz nothing about politics,,,,Cosmo ” stop making noise we are tired of useless talkers like you booooooooo~~

  59. cosmo mumba shud go start eating poja does it mean if his father and mother wer born befor 1964 are not zambians,,, ?? he has insulted a lot of zambians icluding former heads of state and shud start apologising to the nation,,, atase,,, wat does he kno abt politics,, he thinks its just makin noise???? cosmo ur are disgrace to urself ur party and all ur followers.u think u wud be enjoyin the freedom u have now if it wasn’t for the greta number of pipo uv just insulted??

  60. Ba LT on what basis do you feel obliged to print this rubbish. This man just wanted to say something outrageous in order to have his stupid ideas aired. Where does it stop? To defranchise the oldies? Is this the gratiude that these people get for fighting for independence? Atase!

  61. cosmo mumba has no father nyina amupulilefye iknow that under five very well. mumba mwana wa mubuchende that’s why apamina. and that’s why we can’t allow under 5 to lead the country, and this is the results of 5 chilandelande like HH. wankoooo waloba ilyauma.

  62. This boy is so silly, and who elected him to be the part president,he has no direction or reasoning, ka puba sana aka akalumendo.not worthy to be a politician but a comedian.

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