Sunday, March 16, 2025

Fifa Speaks On Faz Crisis


FIFA has said it is not the mandate of the National Sports Council of Zambia sub-committee set up to decide the constitutionality of the current Faz executive following the resignation last week of four exeutive committee members  who include association vice president Emmanuel Munaile.

FIFA director of member associations and development Thierry Regenasss said in a statement to Faz president Kalusha Bwalya dated October 7 that it did not object to them appearing before the NSCZ sub-committee.

“Generally speaking FIFA favors good relationships between member associations and the authorizes and we advise you to attend the meeting requested by the national sports council of Zambia in order to brief it about the different measures you have taken following the said resignations,” Regenasss said.

“However, it is important to inform the authorities that it is not up to them to determine the validity of your decisions since FIFA is very strict in terms if non-interference by any third party un the internal matters of its member associations.”

However, Regenesss added that if any Faz councilors feel they are not happy with the constitutionality of Faz after the resignations, then they could turn to the Faz statutes.

“We consider that you the members of the FAZ executive committee have been duly elected for a term of four years,” Regeness said.

“If any of your members are unhappy with the current situation, they have to act according to the current FAZ statutes. In particular they have the possibility to express their opinion during the next annual general meeting or at the next FAZ election to take place in 2012.”


  1. When the government gives money to FAZ (which they do all the time) then FIFA is cool with that arrangementt, however, when the Government wants to intervene in the wrangles going on in the soccer orgainization in Zambia then FIFA says they dont condon the interferences by the third party.mmmmmmm. “FAIR PLAY”

  2. I am for the Govt intervening in this issue. Let FIFA suspend FAZ and we go ahead to reorganize ourselves and save ourselves from this nonsense. How can we, for example, allow the National Team to go for a friendly in a foreign country and we end up picking a Zambian from the street to make up numbers and say we have people running our affairs? It is time for the current FAZ executive to go – the Association is rotten to the core.

  3. Football and politics dont mix.Those guys who resigned can no longer take Faz to account because they are no longer a part of them, especially when they said they are no longer affiliates of Faz. It means that th teams they represent are no longer Faz affliates, that is if those teams are going by thier word. The teams that have remained silent are by implication supporting the Kalusha executive and those are the ones in majority.

  4. # 3 chi Cabbage- change your name also makaka. This is the blog section and not the english room. I am pretty much sure you knew what I meant.

  5. Kalu just resign period. Clearly you have failed lamentably to run the affairs of footballin the country. I suggest you go back to coaching.

  6. FIFA knows the politics of African football. They cannot condone hijackers because the situation may become cancer if allowed. That is why they have respect for statutes including AGM and timely elections. No coups and no silly manuvures to prematurely remove a democratically elected president as this breeds instabilities. FIFA is FIFA.
    Lets Go Zambia Lets Go. Zambia 3-0 Libya

  7. What’s the use of faz having a constitution when it can be so ridulously overlooked. I suggest that faz & fifa must stop taking pipo for a ride and decree for all national associations to have constitutions with two articles only:

    Article 1 – there shall be an elected president with absolute power and only answerable to fifa.
    Article 2 – there shall be a general meeting to elect that president

  8. Best Govt can do is withdraw funding and let FIFA do the funding.This is nonsense,if your child is not performing at school you have the right to question the school or take him somewhere else even engage extra lessons & ECZ will not threaten you with interfering with your childs education.

  9. What CRAP from FIFA!!
    “In particular they have the possibility to express their opinion during the next annual general meeting or at the next FAZ election”; what sort of advice is this?? FIFA are F.U.C.K.I.N. cowboys, it’s time there was a paradigm shift to get FiFa to come to their senses & reality. Constitutions are there to guide processes & as such should be respected. FIFA should be ashamed for condoning behaviour that brings the sport into disrepute. Co-opting “yes-men” & a national side fielding players who have not been properly “registered & evaluated (eg healthwise)” aka the London saga!! is a serious disregard for what FIFA stands for. So for Blatter to be wagging his dirty crooked finger at a just process by NSCZ is indeed more than shameful!!

  10. At one time Kalu said leave soccer to the people who knows. Kalu knows the regulations of FIFA more than most Zambia.
    The man has good network and before he took any action after the resignation the Munailes he had consulted with some high profile FIFA members.
    Besides Kalu has known some FIFA members even at personal level. He will just pick up the phone and consult with them while Mr Simataa Simataa is busy giving his view to the media
    about the current situation in Faz
    My personal suggetion let do what FIFA has said for sake of soccer lovers .

  11. # 15 – I AGREE TOTALLY!!!! Who of u ladies & gentlement would go ahead and spend a ngwee where your ‘say’ is considered trash!!

    After all, they say HE WHO PAYS THE PIPER CALLS THE TUNE … let fifa call and pay!

  12. Kalu has been using FAZ to get into position to milk Zambia’s tax payers money and also to have control of resources. His own former Vice – President Munaile was not privy to the Supersport agreement. How come? The whole committe is not aware of the terms and conditions of that contract apart from the bootlickers, lackeys & cowboys like Anthony Kasolo. Atase. The Same FIFA failed to attend the funeral of Gabon Disaster victims. failed to even raise money to help pay their families. This is the same FIFA claiming have passion for African Football. Atase.

  13. We may say what we want FIFA is the soccer governing body
    They know soccer politics in African. By the way I’m niether for Kalu nor Munaile
    Please Zambians let’s not be emotional. Consider the options to be out of soccer or do what FIFA saying

  14. He/she who pays the piper calls the tune. there is no way that the zambian government can ignore what is going on in FAZ

  15. FIFA guys, SuperSport guys and Kalu must be chewing Zambia’s money big time….

    We will know in the future as it always occurs

  16. The problem is FAZ risks being unpopular. FAZ can’t exist in Zambia without the support of the local population. FAZ is not a branch of FIFA, it is Zambia’s institution and tax payers demand that someone be held accountable. If Kalusha tries to play politics on this one he will be isolated and end up a very embarrassed failure in life. If FIFA wants to remain relevant it better respect countries. This current spat where it is trying to behave like the World Bank is unacceptable. If they want then let them set up their own FAZ in Zurich and no Zambian will care what happens to it.

  17. That is FIFA rubbish at its best! “…..if yu do not like the heat in the kitchen then find corner within the kitchen until someone opens the door, even if that means staying in that position for three years!”

  18. and number two, i bet someone has been playing the thief on the match appearance fees for FAZ. and FIFA is okay with that? Daaaaamn!!!!!!

  19. Fifa what bull s h i t. Does it mean that this fifa does not know what is going on in faz? We are paying taxes through our noses to sustain faz and all fifa can say is don’t interfere? My foot fifa. Let them suspend us for two years, during which period, we will be able to re-organise our football locally. Kalu is very crooked, no wonder he is always marrying ugly old white women with money to milk them. He is not even the greatest footballer this country has ever produced. He has always been a chancer. We can’t compare him to Alex Chola, Chitalu, Charlie Cool, Lucky Msiska etc, we can only contrast him from them. His end will be very bad. He failed his grade 12 but wants to speak like a white lady, F.U.C.K him.

  20. Fifa is behaving like the toothless African Union (AU), when a sitting govt in Africa rapes its country’s constitution, by corruptly changing it or ignoring it all together, they are always quiet. But when people decide to chase such a govt, they are quick to say respect the constitution. These issues should be like a two edged sword. Fifa start funding Kalu’s faz and we won’t interfere. Zambians if the govt doesn’t do anything on this issue becoz of the fifa threats, lets organise ourselves and go to football house and chase them bald heads out of town or obtain court orders to prevent them from having anything to do with our finances. Lets not be docile on this.

  21. FIFA the Mafia gang. Why doesnt “Regardless” interpret the FAZ statutes for Kalu and gang , they look very elementary to me, but he is playing dum and waiting for NSCZ to make a decision in conformity with the constitution of the country and call it interference from a third party. What nonsense! FIFA always requires an undertaking from the hosting government of the World Cup for infrastructure upgrade, tax breaks, advertsing rights etc and not the local Football Association. In this instance it is not interference from a third party. It time another association under the United Nations is formed to administer world football.

  22. BUZAKILE MAN you are right. Most Zambians do not understand that Government is not in the business of sports. Soccer like many other sports can generate millions of dollars in the country. But the Government like many african nations have manipulated the peoples minds and always had a hand in these affairs and they use soccer for political gains.

    Look at the most successful clubs and nations in Europe, they leave the business of running football to bsuinessmen. Change you thinking folks!!! Its about time.

  23. Well, Sepp Blatter even attended Kalusha’s wedding in South Africa and these are the cholaboys doing the runnings for him in Africa so they will defend him no matter what. What the government should do is just force the rest of the executive to quit and leave this sob legless.

  24. FAZ is Kalu and Kalu is FAZ. This what you end up with when the Lemming effect has been in operation. Who voted Kalu as FAZ President. It is certain that kalu did not impose himself as FAZ President. People voted for him. It is a true reflection of what would become of Sata if elected as Zambia’s President. He would become the Goverment (that is Minister of Finance, Minister of Mines etc) and the Party.
    Imperialist would have a strong hand in the affairs of the country. Already when H.E RB toled certain
    donars to pack their bags and go for not respecting Zambia’s sovereignity, there was an outcry from PF and certain sections of society. How would you love someone from outside to be directing you on how you should run your house? Certainly abominable to every sane man.
    If someone came

  25. If someone came to advise, one can welcome them. But still one has the right to accept or reject that advice based on their own judgment.
    Therefore donars should be welcome to advise and not direct. If they prefer the latter to the former, I agree with HERB that they should pack their bags and go.

  26. This kalu man has become a pain in the a**. His arrongance is beyond comprehension. yes, he was great as a player but his admin style really sticks dog shit.

  27. Its terrible the way God made Zambians, You have the pull him down syndrome, anyone who has done good must be brought down instead of helpong him. Shame on you Zambians. Support each other.

  28. Well said Zama. If FIFA (the world football governin body) kept quiet on this issues. I can only imagine our response as Zambians. we do not support one another and never seem to have one voices. U do not believe look at the papers. Its worrying.

  29. Kalusha is using his wife a top ofiicial at FIFA.Mamelodi is Kalu’s wife’s junior so u knw why Mamelodi has 2 defend kalu.Kalu has failed outside the pitch.He was not the greatest player anyway!!! Think of humble UCAR Godrey Chitalu and the 106 great goals.

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