Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Attempts to buy votes in Lubemba won’t work: I know what I am talking about, I am a Bemba royal


By Fred M’membe

I have been reading about the leadership of the ruling party having pushed in a lot of money, bicycles and even some automobiles into Lubemba.

This is said to have been done through some chiefs to help them buy the votes of their subjects. It won’t work.

In life, and much more so in politics, it is always very important to be clear about things.

Chiefs in Lubemba are not absolute rulers. They don’t rule by decrees like some other monarchs. Ours is a highly democratic, decentralised and accountable system with very strong checks and balances. Power in Lubemba doesn’t lie with the chiefs alone. It is fairly shared among the chiefs, Bashilubemba, Banamfumu, the subjects and even Bakabilo. And the ordinary umubemba has a say in what goes in the kingdom or chiefdom. He or she has direct audience with a chief wherever he or she finds the Kanabesa. It is said that wherever the chief is found is the palace. This means that the subject can way lay the chief and have audience with him.

Ulubemba is decentralised into three regions – Ituna, the Kasama part headed by senior chief Mwamba and assisted by many sub-chiefs and village headmen and women; Inchinga, headed by senior chief Nkula and assisted by many sub chiefs and village headmen and women; and Lubemba, the capital for the Chitimukuku but also assisted by many sub chiefs and village headmen and women. Each of these regions of Lubemba determines it’s own affairs without interference from the Chitimukuku, save for issues that affect the entire Lubemba like wars.
The powers of the chiefs are in many ways well checked and balanced by Bashilubemba and others. Bashilubemba have powers to remove chiefs.

And not every qualifying Bemba royal can become a chief. Only the best among the qualified royals, impanda, are chosen to become chiefs.
This ensures quality leadership in the kingdom or chiefdom. We have quality leadership in Lubemba that cannot be easily bought with bicycles, cars, and money. They can buy or manipulate a few but not many or all.

And there are very serious consequences for those who sell out!

Lelo Ulubemba nalusebana kubupina. It is the third poorest region of our country – with 79.7 percent ubupina.

Their bribes won’t do. They are dealing with people they don’t understand and in the wrong way and at the wrong time. Every umubemba is born with a certain adequate minimum amount of wisdom and integrity.

I can speak with a lot of confidence about these issues because I know what I am talking about, I am a Bemba royal.


    • I know what I am talking about, I am a Bemba royal. Who says Bemba royals know everything? They don’t! They aren’t from heaven.

  1. Who needs a lesson on how the bemba kingdom operates from this criminal?? If you are an expert on Lubemba, just prepare for 2021 and we shall see how you will fare.

    • He is trying to bully us into voting him into power with false claims that he is connected to royalty. How archaic! This is a democracy not some aristocracy that chooses rulership by birth

  2. Membe , just apologise for way your post newspaper treated other opposition leaders, eat humble pie and work with them……

  3. Fred Mmembe has a point. Emmanuel Kasonde tried the same gimmick when they founded the National Party but he was humiliated. Sata also thought the Bemba would support him, he only won the Bemba vote when he started to make sense and he didn’t buy it. A Bemba is a free soul.

  4. In Lubemba; 95% – ECL, HH – 5%.
    These statistics are what Mmembe is scared of. Between 2001 and 2008, Mmembe was an active participant in the persecution of Northerners. I doubt if bembas will easily forget the torment and humiliation they suffered?

  5. What bemba royalty you tax dodging champagne socialist. You cannot f00l anyone with your fake articles. Long gone are the days of your evil propaganda newspaper. You faggot

  6. What bemba royalty you tax dodging champagne socialist. You cannot f00l anyone with your fake articles. Long gone are the days of your evil propaganda newspaper. You gay clown

  7. What bemba royalty you tax dodging champagne socialist. You cannot crook anyone with your lying articles. Long gone are the days of your evil propaganda newspaper. You gay clown

  8. Bu royal bwaku claimer. The whole Bemba land doesn’t even know you. Kanshi pomposity yafuma pakulwisha bu royal. Utubemba ubucenjeshi! There’s no natolafye pa royalty. Ask chitimukulu who had to fight tooth and nail for his throne.

  9. Lelo Ulubemba nalusebana kubupina. Chinshi chalenga? Umulandu wa Mwine Lubemba ukutemwisha ndalama, nga kuba PF cadre. We have known previous Chitimukulus, dignified and well respected through their entire reigns. The current Chitimukulu has lowered the standard of Mwine Lubemba.


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