Sunday, March 16, 2025

RB expected in Libya


President Rupiah Banda

President Rupiah Banda is this Sunday expected to join several Heads of State and Government and Arab Kings in Libya at the Afro-Arab Summit.

President Banda leaves for Sirte, Libya saturday ahead of the Afro-Arab Summit, which is expected to forge closer partnership between African countries and the Arab World.

The Summit would be held under the theme ‘ Towards a Strategic Partnership.’

This is contained in a statement released to ZNBC in Lusaka Friday evening by Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations Dickson Jere.

The Summit is expected to be attended by over sixty leaders from the African Union-AU and teh League of the Arab States-LAS.

Mr Banda would be accompanied to Libya by Senior Government officials.

The last Summit of the Afro-Arab was held 33 years ago.

The Private sector and Non Governmental Organisations in Africa and the Arab World have also been sponsored to hold an Investment and Trade Forum on the sidelines of the Summit.

President Banda and his delegation returns to Lusaka immediately after completing his scheduled business in Libya.
[ ZNBC ]


  1. Zambia is not short of capable managers who can ably turn around the economy. The problem is with RB’s inferiority complex, and of couse the low caliber MMD stooges who surround him as Ministers and advisors. Our so-called “Ministers” have this very strange belief that only foreigners have the skills and money to invest as well as manage our industries, yet there are Zambians world over with money and managerial skills some of who are in very high positions, effectively and efficiently managing very highly complex conglomorates very successfully. With this mentality of believing that RB will attract Libyans to come and set up shop in country will end up with the country becoming a large inthemba.

  2. I also fail to understand how government allows foreign companies to come into the country borrow money from banks operating in Zambia to buy off Zambian companies whose profits they externalise in full.

    Why can’t this rotten MMD government, for once, legislate in favour of Zambians so that Banks can be forced to have lending regulations that favour Zambians to allow for local investment capacity development to levels where it will be very productive to satisfy local demand and export the surplus and earn the country more forex???




    Where I leave, there are no charges to have a Bank account and there are no charges for any withdrawals you make within the country. You only pay when you withdraw from abroad.

  4. Munthu. easy man, you will end up blaming RB for Sunset. There is no such thing as free banking in Africa. That is why there is a scramble for African Banks and HSBC is the latest to bu a Souh African Bank called Nedbank. Free banking is a UK thing my man it does not exist in Africa, South Africa included. My brother gets charged in South Africa for taking money out of an ATM account. He even gets charged for deposting a foreign dollar cheque. It is like you go out make money, come deposit it and the bank takes a cut, without even helping earn money, nice business model for banks. Now you know why African banks were not affected by the credit crunch

  5. Freedom

    And you people are ndwiii supporting day light robbery??

    These banks earn interest on customers which they loan out. Why should they use your money to make money and then charge you for having money from your own money??

    That’s why we will always remain underdeveloped if we continue supporting this kind of theft as normal and can not distinguish it from sunset.

  6. IT is clear to me munthu is sick and tired of such thugary.equally am enraged,not especially with banks gettin cuts no,that ive gotten used,but its the money i get to pay as tax 4the development of mother zambia being ever used 4selfish gains.rb is jus goin to watch chipolopolos match.what kind of president is he,full of lies.munthu lets jus vote him out,2011

  7. Please may all sensible, development minded, men and women who value fair business practice set up a Facebook or other networking page to denounced all the banks involved in stealing their customers’ money through unlawful charges on withdrawals.

    It is criminal and these banks should not be allowed to continue stealing from their poor African customers when they are not allowed to do the same in developed economies.

    It is a scheme to perpetuate underdevelopment and poverty in Africa

  8. RB off he goes again, I cant see what Zambia got to do with the Arab Kings in Libya at the Afro-Arab Summit.
    Our country has got its own problems, but we have no leadership.

  9. Who can support the idea of us being charged for withdrawing our money? Besides we even pay monthly charges. I wonder why it is compulsory to have a bank account in some organisation.

  10. This guy will die travelling. Mudala sanvela nansoni zoona. Its like on the dinner table you keep getting seconds(meat or chicken or sausage) faster than anyone else and you dont care no matter how many glances you get from the others or worse father in law…………………

  11. someone please burn the presidential jet, and all our problems will be solved! TAVI WONELANJI! its too much!

  12. But sure people how can we be watching the “Caretaker-President” who can’t rest like ihule sure?? Why can’t he send William Banda to such a summit?

  13. These useless president has no time for his country……he does not even feel ashamed.. he is always flying. What a useles president for you Zambians. Can the jet one day fail to take off please.

  14. Munthu Mudala, could you please write an article on this issue and send it to LT. I am sure LT will publish it. Well said, and big up to you my brother. We nned people like you, intelligent and non partisan.

  15. #3, tell your relatives to be keeping their peanuts in their homes if they feel they are being exploited by the banks.

  16. isabel ntombeshenibuche

    You are a typical MMD thug, both in mentality and sentiment. Your pseudonym and your language clearly demonstrate your lack of manners as a result of no sound parental nurturing. You come out as someone highly dependent on phychotropic substances who has grown up on the street as a street kid with no shame to spew their rubbish on a public forum such as this one.


  17. #16,zambia is playing on sunday.munthu the idea of a facebook is lacker,am loving it.isabel u r really a hallot,the rest of the crew on board,lets.continue advocatin for proper evaluation of the cuts banks are punishing us for and just generally the the welfare of zed.lets vote the him out.if rb was a bird i ask again,what kind would he be.?dont ukubeba,u re quiet,say somthing.guday.

  18. #18 try to be humble and understand the issue being raised in depth before sending ridiculous comments on issues you have no idea about.What munthu has raised is a genuine concern that requires level headedness,as someone has already highlighted on this foru in zed certain companies make it madatory to open accounts.Companies also have limits in terms of cash payments they make, meaning beyond a certain level only cheque payments are made,the law in zambia as at now you can not cash a cheque over the counter you need to open an account.Meaning the employees are basically limited in terms of options they can use to receive their salaries.One of the banks i wont mention collects ATM charges of upto k100,000 or $22.22 from customers per month for making ATM withdraws over the counter.

  19. #23, Listen my friend.if if you have a genuine point but once you poopoo in it you mess it.i cant taste it.only people like you can. this thing has brought in RB in his does RB benefit from whatever nonsense he is trying to argue.may he should have said fundanga it would have maybe made little sense because he is the my friend naliba humble

  20. @ 21, how do i get a life when i live amongst sub humans like you.more even you want to stuff down my throat your nonsense of thinking that is the leader who can change the fortunes of this country and you expect me to stop spewing rooobish, i wont you *****.till you start thinking properly

  21. @ 21, how do i get a life when i live amongst sub humans like you.more even you want to stuff down my throat your nonsense of thinking that is the leader who can change the fortunes of this country and you expect me to stop spewing rooobish, i wont you *****t.till you start thinking properly

  22. Iwe Isabel: Your surname is so nice to read…. sounds good… makes one salivate! Is it real? And sorry to ask: ‘what’s your marital status?’

  23. The issue of Banks ripping us in Zed is very true. I have an account with Barclays and Stanchart.
    Withdrawals over the counter will attract K50,000 or $10 at both Banks. You are also charged $10 per month to maintain an account. Each ATM withdraw is charged at K3,000. Last year i was advised at barclays that i was mis-using the account by withdrawing once a week. The services at Barclays have become terrible lately. It is now common to go into a Barclays branch and you are told there is no one to authorise a transaction hence you can not get money. It has happened to me.
    You also get charges on your account that they can not explain. Now we have high Bank Charges, High Water bills, High Zesco Charges, high fuel prices and high PAYE to keep the presidential jet airborn almost weekly.

  24. Ba Banda have a nice flight to Libya as we wallow in poverty. Bu ncintofwa tebusuma. Ufulo na teusuma. Bushe ngu ku lilapo nifyi? God will punish you RB for daily taking the little which is supposed to repair our township roads, buy medicines for clinics,pay a decent wage to our public service workers etc! Ba Isabel mama tekeni umutima;Zambia is for all of us, lets be realistic. Fili uku tuleya.

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