Wednesday, March 12, 2025

President Lungu directs Kanganja to restore order in the police service


President Edgar Lungu has reiterated his call for the Police to expedite the investigation into last week’s killings of two citizens in Lusaka.

President Lungu says the bereaved families and the nation at large deserve to know what happened on the fateful day leading to the killing of the two citizens.

He was speaking this morning at State House when swore in five senior police officers who included Deputy Inspector General of Police Operations Charity Katanga and Deputy Inspector General of Police Administration Richard Mweene while others included Commissioner of Police Eastern Province Geza Lungu, Commissioner of Police Muchinga Province Lizzie Machina and Commissioner of Police Northern Province Jestus Nsokolo.

In a related development the Head of State who is also the Command In- Chief has directed Inspector General of Police (IG) Kakoma Kanganja to transform the operations of the Zambia Police Services.

President Lungu implored the IG to use his six months contract to change the Police Service and earn the confidence of the members of public.

“Let me end by directing you Inspector General of Police to up your game in this six months I have given you, it can’t be business as usual. Conclude the investigation of last week’s killings, the nation especially the bereaved family, deserve to know what happened,” President Lungu directed.

President Lungu stressed that there is an urgent need for a paradigm shift in the manner the Police Service operates especially as the country approaches the 2021 general elections.

He however admitted that the road ahead of the country’s general election will be turbulent hence the need for the Police Service to remain professional in their discharge of national duties.

President Lungu urged the Police command to redeem itself and earn the respect of the public it swore to protect during their course of duty.

“There is an urgent need for the paradigm shift in the Police Service especially as we enter 2021 and as we approach the general elections set for August 12 2021.

“The road will be difficult but navigate this is because heroes are only made when the going gets tough, transform the Zambia Police Service and earn the respect of the people of Zambia whom you have sworn to protect all of you including myself,” he urged

Meanwhile President Lungu has implored the Police Command to work in harmony with all officers at all levels across the ranks and file in the Zambia Police Service.

President Lungu counseled Police Officers to desist from the culture of pulling each other down but rather to work together as a team.

“As your command in-Chief I would you to work in unity with all officers at all levels across the ranks and file in the Zambia Police Services. I expect you to be professional, disciplined and royal. Work as a team there must not be this culture of pulling each other down so that you get to the top united we stand divided we fall,” President Lungu counseled.

The Head of State reminded the Police Command that Zambians expect a lot from them especially in maintaining peace and order.

President Lungu pointed out that peace and security is Zambia’s greatest asset which should be protected and safeguarded at all times.

“Have regular management meetings and encourage team building. The Zambian people expect a lot from you.

The greatest asset of this country is its peace and security. It is therefore my call to the general public to offer support to your respective officers in order for the country to continue enjoying peace and order.”

And President Lungu has called on the general public to offer support to the Police in order for the country to continue enjoying peace.


  1. This ministry should be under a mature and level headed minister to advance the Police agenda. We are not going anywhere with the arrogance and stubbornness we are currently seeing.

  2. Police inspector General in Zambia only ever get instructions from appointing authority.

    It is impossible for them to do anything other than follow instructions to the letter from the appointing authority. Otherwise they would get fired, by the appointing authority. But right now, they are still in the job. That tells you everything.

    If anyone should be fired, it should be the appointing authority.

  3. What changes will kanganja bring
    In next six months which he failed
    To bring all These years?My advice to kanganja is to resign with honour then leave after six
    Months without any change.

    • Sharing same thoughts @ Moto. Kanganja is a lame duck IG in this six months of uncertainty when Katanga may as well be IG in waiting and all the public can make guesses on is the extent of tensions among senior officers while in lower ranks confusion in ‘loyalty’ will be a challenge. For whatever reason President Lungu is side stepping responsibility as leader and national manager for peace and security. His failure to discipline Kampyongo and Kanganja has exposed his cowardice and imprisonment to a ransom his presidency owes. Kanganja and Katanga need a miracle to quickly regain public confidence in them and the police service they have led.

  4. Oohhh….so there is no order in ZP currently ? So what opposition, civil society, marketeers and general citizens have been singing about is actually true, I see. Crystal clear now. Dying to hear what the ZP spokesperson and PF media team will have say about this.

  5. Mr President Sir, it is this type of talk that earns you unending animus from the Zambians that do not feed at your trough. You hold all the appointing and firing power and yet you make it sound like it has been someone else’s responsibility all these years you have been President to enforce professionalism in the Police Service. You are abdicating responsibility and passing the back.

    You sound dodgy, clueless and cowardly-sacrificing subordinates in your pursuit of another term.

  6. We still don’t know what officers killed the two victims. And I have a funny feeling we will never find out. And the IG will have eliminated all corruption in the police force in six months? I don’t think so!

  7. Mr President which platform are we going to use to ask you certain questions you seem so distant from the Zambian people.
    My questions
    1) Who authorized the firing of live bullets.
    2) How did Kanganja survive the firing amist the blunders and generally the detorietion to unprofessional levels in Zambia Police service.
    3) Why do you seem to be abrogating the constitution always which you swore to uphold.

  8. ECL is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. He ordered ZPS to shoot peaceful supporters of HH with live Ammunition so he must take full Responsibility for the murder of Prosecutor Nsama Nsama and Joseph Kaunda.Such murders are a gross violations of Human Rights.

  9. The job is just too big for Stephen Kampyongo and Kakoma Kanganja, unless he not serious,
    Watch “KBF Says Brutal Force Against Own People a Sign of PF Failure” on YouTube

  10. Politicians. He is trying to make us think he has solved the problem yet we don’t know who killed those two. We should not be deceived by such political manipulations. We Zambians should demand a report on who killed Kaunda and Nsama. Kanganja should have been tasked with a report within a month and a prosecution should follow.

  11. Lungu is a conman……

    Are you telling us all these years you have not seen police brutality and zero tolerance against anyone percived as opposed to PF ??????

    You are lieing lungu… know very Well what has been going on and your words are only single dressing for the IMF and foringe embaccies

  12. It’s time for KK to use the six months contract to prepare himself for accountability of alleged crimes against humanity and abuse of authority of office charges waiting for him. President ECL is very much aware that Zambia has been dragged to international justice mechanisms, because of the Pull Down mentality in law enforcement organizations, the legal fraternity as well as in the judiciary. Acts which have damaged the country’s image on the international arena.

    All lives matter and we demand justice for our slain daughter and pillaged belongings.

    In God We Trust

  13. Mr President, please after Police check on Zesco. We were told that during festive period load shedding will be 4 hours, here in PHI Lusaka, power went at 13hs today Thursday it is 6 hours after 13hrs now and there is still no power.

  14. Yes, no Zesco power in PHI from 13, how does Zesco calucluate its 4hrs, do they use other time zones that are not known by customers

  15. You sad diasporans are blogging on new years eve. Very sad. Get lives. Ifwe we have started already. Chalila. Happy new year

  16. KZ

    some of us don’t sleep and have no holiday while our country is being destroyed by lungu…….

    We work 24/7/365 to bring awareness to the international community of lungus murderous regime…….

    Come back with your hangover and check on progress ……

  17. In business a CEO who bankrupts the Business cannot be hired to turnaround the Business. ZPS is now a discredited Institution which requires serious Reforms. IG Kanganja is the wrong person to turnaround the image and reputation of ZPS with highly contested Elections coming in August 2021. With this scheming around Zambia is likely to experience violent and disputable Elections in 2021. The writing is on the wall!

  18. The general public to offer support to a killing machine created by president Edgar Lungu, commandeered by Stephen Kampyongo and executed by IG Kanganja. Zambians are rational citizens, just tell the nation who killed the two innocent Zambians – bereaved families are waiting too.

  19. The 2021 election will be a mental check. I dont think a normal person with 5 senses seeing what the current regime has made our once honarable country to be today would still vote for the pf regardless of who their candidate. Sometimes i cry for my country. How did we get here honestly, its heartbreaking.

  20. He thinks he is in charge when he is not at all.

    He is a coward leaving in isolation.

    He must pack fast and go he is a let down!

    PF must go!

  21. People were shot. The police did not cordon the crime scene. Nio forensic work was done. No photographs of how the bodies lay. The police bundled the victim and carried him away. The victims were buried without post mortems. How do you expect investigators to come up with the truth?

  22. This president stated, ” I expect you to be professional, disciplined and royal.” Your royal highness can you tell your subjects what your soldiers were doing playing with live ammunition and exactly who instructed them to kill 2 innocent Zambians? Did those buses your protectors want to impound pull the trigger? Why are you scapegoating innocent transport business owners who are only trying to survive in these difficult times? Do you enjoy seeing your subjects struggle to make ends meet? Have you not done enough damage to the reputation of your country? Have a heart and stop hiding under the pretence of “Zambia is a christian country.”

  23. Who introduced disorder in the ZPS without the knowledge of the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces? Thugs were recruited and infiltrated into ZPS ranks and now they are causing havoc in the Service. The solution is to eject these Criminal elements from ZPS which are causing stabilising the Service and the Country.

  24. Gayzar Zulu, go play with your gay friends. Your game is up. Six more months and you will join the most useless president ever in jail for corruption

  25. Mr President, we the people are Deeply Hurt and Angry at the sad incident of last week.This reshuffle has not gone deep enough,you are simply painting over the cracks.You should have shown bravery and gone all the way and Fired the Kampyongo and the PIG Kakoma Kanganja.That is where the problem lies.
    Firing Bonny Kapeso and bringing in that equally Evil Evil Cow Charity Katanga will not solve the problem.
    Lastly,you have successfully turned the Zambia Police Service into your very own Militarized Wing of the Patriotic Party.Going into 2021 and the August Elections,more innocent Zambians will perish at its Evil Evil hands.

    God Help Us

  26. Bushe amaswearing in ceremonies ni everyday? Aren’t these things a waste of time? DoeIsn’t this president have work waiting for him?

  27. What can Kanganja do better that he failed to do in four years plus? Big joke bakateka,anyway, you are a joker

  28. There are three (3) arms of government; Executive, Judiciary and, Legislative supposedly equal in discharge of governance duties. However the Judiciary and Legislative seem to have surrendered their responsibilities to the Executive giving the Executive extended and increased power to subject the Judiciary and Legislature into being submissive to the Executive thus no checks and balances as the school Civics lesson textbook suggests! The changes are cosmetic and Kanganja did not need to be bruised in the manner that he’ll suffer the next six months but should have been relieved of duty “in national interest!” The three arms of government are in a mess for only playing fiddle to the Executive and the leaders in ministries are dancing “mwamene baimvelela!” to the public!

  29. Other nations have independent bodies to investigate Police conduct such as this. Here you are basically asking Kanganja to investigate himself. Normally you would not even hurriedly bury the deceased until proper forensics, postmortem and an inquest has been carried out. But here we are, wanton killings, no processes and meaningless reshuffles.

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