Saturday, March 29, 2025

President Lungu aids Mpika farmers with inputs


Residents of Musungu and Lunda villages in Chief Chikwanda’s Chiefdom of Mpika District in Muchinga Province have received farming inputs after their crop fields were destroyed following a hail storm that was experienced in the area recently.

The farming inputs have been delivered after Chief Chikwanda of the Bemba speaking people requested President Edgar Lungu to help the affected farmers.

President Lungu has sent more than 1000 bags of fertilizers and 300 hundred bags of maize seed.

Chief Chikwanda handed over the farming inputs to the affected families today.

“I was saddened by the news that crop fields and places of worship were destroyed by rains in this area,” said Chief Chikwanda.

He said government will not allow people to die of hunger and that the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) will ensure that they come through to help the affected families.

Meanwhile, Acting District Agriculture Coordinator Geoffrey Ngandu assured that farmers still have time to plant their maize.

“SEEDCO 403 matures early, so if you still have time,” said Mr. Ngandu.

Mpika district experienced a hail storm that destroyed more than One Hundred maize fields and other crops in Musungu and Lunda villages.


  1. You have Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) for a reason but this La7y B um Lungu as usual once again he wants to campaign. Pilato was right when he said they want you to be poor not smart so they can hand you gifts like what Bowman is doing rejoicing when he sees people queuing for food outside his house imagine 50 years after independence.

  2. Ba Edgar bena tamwaba… why get so moved by Mmembe? 2 days ago, Fred said “Edgar won’t buy off votes this election season “. And today Edgar start jumping up and and down with fertilizers. Why is scared of leaving presidential house?

  3. As I reflect on the past year, I have to say that his excellency EC Lungu definitely takes the top spot for leader of the year. This man is my role model and hero. Ba diaspora how is life uko nama lockdown. Happy new year you evil snakes

  4. This is a very good gesture by HE President Edgar Chagwa Lungu the outgoing President of the Republic of Zambia. Let’s give credit where it’s due. We expect more from our hardworking President especially when the campaigns begin

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