Government says it will recruit 5,000 teachers in 2011,for which a provision of k131.6 billion has been made available.
And K3,828.8 billion or 18.6 percent of the total 2011 budget has been allocated to education and skills development in the 2011 budget representing a 15.3 percent increase from the 2010 budget.
Finance and National Planning Minister Situmbeko Musokotwane in the 2011 budget announced yesterday said that the allocation reflects the MMD government’s continuing commitment to facilitating the empowerment of the citizenry with the knowledge and skills to fight poverty,disease,and ignorance.
He said government would continue with the dual strategy of accelerating infrastructure development in 2011,while ensuring requisite staffing of the newly built facilities.
Dr Musokotwane says the programme will continue in 2011 and over the Sixth National Development Plan,with additional emphasis on upper basic, secondary and tertiary education.
[ QFM ]
This is the best thing our limping government can do.A lot of our trained teachers are still at home and very unemployed.
Its very sad that teachers are no longer having ” automatic” employment. Professions like teachers, medical , police officers and all are warranted to have direct employment upon completion.If we cannot afford to employ teachers then I do not see future for our country!
You recruit them and make them work diligently and then dont appreciate their services by not paying their salaries and not giving them decent accommodation.
This is not supposed to be in the news. Government should just employ the teachers and immediately on completion as there obliged to do that. This is nothing to write on!!!! Next article please
Well done Thandi for helping RB to recognise teachers, since you are a ghost teacher your self!!
shame shame.
Though it sounds good it is all a campaign gimmick