Sunday, March 16, 2025

Apologise for calling public media journalists as ‘dogs’ Munali MP told


The media fraternity in Zambia have reacted sharply to claims by Munali Member of Parliament (MP) Mumbi Phiri for referring to Journalists working for public media as ‘dogs’ for Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services, Ronnie Shikapwasha.

The media has demanded that Mrs Mumbi should apologises to the media fraternity for her insults attributed to Journalists.

Zambia Union of Journalists General Secretary (ZUJ-GS) Angela Chishimba warned Mrs Mumbi to desist from issuing such insulting statements.

Ms Chishimba said the Union is deeply saddened by reports from the MP referring Journalists working in the public media as “dogs”.

In a press statement released to ZANIS in Lusaka today, Ms Chishimba, an employee of the Zambia Daily Mail urged its members to continue working professionally, without fear or favour.

Ms Chishimba said the she does not expect such disgusting statements from political leaders who want to assume office and the same personnel who will serve them if by any chance, they assumed office.

“We demand that Mrs Mumbi apologises to the media fraternity for the insults attributed to Journalists. As ZUJ, we would like to state that our members will continue working professionally, without fear or favour.

The ZUJ-GS said if Mrs Mumbi had any complaint against any of our members, she should have used proper channels to communicate her displeasure,” Ms Chishimba said.

She said as far as the Union is concerned, no complaint has been lodged and therefore it takes great exception to that statement.

And some Journalists talked too by ZANIS in separate interviews threatened to ‘blackmail’ the Munali MP for her horrific remarks.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, one Lusaka based Journalist reminded Ms Mumbi that the media is the fourth estate in the country that has the powers to build and destroy one’s character

Another Journalist from the Copperbelt province described the remarks as unfortunate saying parliamentarians and members of the press were supposed to be partners to national development.



  1. Ms Phiri, how do insults journalist?? Typical PF kaponya mentality depicted even in women. Shame on you? PF will never rule this country!!

  2. Mumbi needs not apologise for spelling it as it is, i.e. for calling a spade, a spade, and not a big spoon. Ilyashi limoline?? Awe lyatendwisha bane leteniko limbi, mwe.

  3. Correct mumbi, next time use a much heavier word than dog, so that they start vomiting. Bakoshe bututeka ubusha kwati tendalama shesu babomfya to cover one sided fuulish stories!!!

  4. LT can you please in the name of basic decency delete # 7 posting.
    I cant believe how low a human being can sink at times!!

  5. Maybe the media personnel from the public media didn’t get it right from Mumbi. Let me emphasise that the’re SHIKAPWASHA’s DOGS. Put this in the back of your minds.

  6. Leadership is all about communicating and connecting, and connecting mostly is based on one on one system. This therefore, requires driving you point in an established channel rather than insulting. Nrs Mumbi may have been annoyed but she could have connected to the said tabloid upto the writer and talk in a good way. This is why i have always admired one Politician in Zambia who is above such insulting politics( Bri. Miyanda). If all politicians where like hims, i think politics could be decent in Zambia.
    Mrs Mumbi was wrong in this matter and she should not be encouraged to continue with this type of language. Let us be human, how do you feel you parent is refered to as a DOG in the media!!!

  7. this is what we call being frank..Mumbi did a good job…these chaps are a let down and they are worse than what they don’t want to be called..inja..imbwa..babwa..

  8. #11, Mrs was not insulting she was simply defining behaviour of some our jounalists. Since they have decided to cover and report on Shikapwasha”s statements, they are actually his Dogs. How does a dog behave to its master? It follows him were ever he goes, responds to every call, potects him from attacks. It does all this because he is the one who feeds it.
    That is exactly how some of these jounalists behave like and Mumbi was very right to call them just that? did you want her call them Angel when they are not? Respect!! which respect?when they are failling to protect the poor by reporting the truth. give us break!! They are BIG DOGS

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