Sunday, March 16, 2025

President Banda jets into Sirte


President Rupiah Banda

President Rupiah Banda has arrived in Libya’ Sirte ahead of Sunday’s second high level Landmark AFRICA-ARAB Heads of State and Government Summit which takes place three decades after the first conference was held in Egypt between the then Organisation of African Unity (OAU) and the League of Arab States.

President Banda’s challenger plane touched down at ALQURTHABIA International Airport at 16 00 hours (same time Libya & Zambia).

Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) reports from Sirte, the home town of Libya’s President Muammer Gadaffi, that on arrival, the President was met by General Moustaf Alkharob a member of Libya’s Revolution Congress and Zambia’s Permanent Representative to the African Union (AU) Albert Muchanga, who is also an envoy to Ethiopia.

And also on hand to receive the Head of State were Senior Government officials from both Zambia and Libya.

A Guard of honour was mounted for President Banda by the Libyan Defense Forces and traditional dances were also show cased to welcome him.

Immediately after the airport formalities, the President was driven to the Presidential villa where he would stay until the Summit.

President Banda who is accompanied to Libya by Mines Minister Maxwell Mwale joins other acclaimed leaders from both the African and Arab regions at the Summit being described as a Summit of hope.

The President leaves Libya soon after the Summit.


  1. but zoona bamudala balitemwa indeke ai. but who is that guy notwa white? this summit is for people with ideas does this man honestly posses then if common sense is a problem?

  2. Mwe bantu mwe, uyu RB balimusuba amafuta yambwa mumolu!!! Kwaliba kateka useuluka ifi kwati takwata mwisano? Your name shall now be RB Chendelamumwela.

  3. From the Guardian-Observer Newspaper of 9/10/2010
    “Brazil’s hugely popular president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, WHO IS OF VERY MODEST EDUCATION, leaves a nation looking to the future with hope and a new confidence after an eight-year reign that is entering its final moments.He is best known for helping his country’s more than 20 million poor Brazilians hauled out of poverty since coming to power. He leaves office.with an approval rating of 81%,”

    Yet our RB (With Degrees) thinks he will improve our country’s economy and lift the 8m poor Zambians out of poverty by globe trotting.
    What myopic reasoning???

  4. # 3 Irrational that boy in white is one of RB Grandson he plays soccer in spain and that picture is from last week RB trip to Nigeria.

  5. Mr Mileage Bwezani Rupiah Banda his presidential jet mileage has surpassed Obama’s airforce one mileage.Can the office of the auditor general disclose how much tax payers money has been spent on all RB trips from the time he has been president?

  6. So whats the point here????? WTF cares what this MF does with taxpayers money anymore? He doesnt care about the country, he is just after enjoying himself and propping up his pockets. One thing for sure, taxpayers money is never enough and nobody has even spent it unblemished, bwezani you are no exception, your day is coming.

  7. How many frequent flier miles does Rupiah Banda have? He seems to have more flying hours than the pilots that fly his plane.

  8. Taking off and landing is the order of the day. How many planes has he? If it is only one I’m worried about its mechanical fitness and one wonders if there is ever time to have it fully serviced.

  9. RB fears t ghost of Levy at state house. Thats why he is every day in the air. Very soon you will have a presidential bye election as the jet is no longer fit for it does not go for mentenece.

    RB is the most useless president Zambia has ever produced.

  10. This Chi Matha faka has really show the world just how useless we are,the character of a Zambian . Irresponsible,passive,reckless,lazy,docile,weak, opportunistic, stupid, dependent, greedy….. fuking ass hole is what this man is, he knows no shame.

  11. My friends, let us not judge this man harshly b4 gathering all facts. Maybe it’s something mental, some tiny component missing in the vacuum between his ears….a brain maybe. He might be in need of genuine medical help.


    This Chi Matha faka has really shown the world just how useless we are,the character of a Zambian . Irresponsible,passive,reckless,lazy,docile,weak, opportunistic, s.t..u..p.i.d, dependent, greedy….. fuking a.r.s..e hole is what this man is, he knows no shame.

  13. Anna chifungula Auditor Genral where are you? Pls give us a break down of expenditure for all the trips this uselss man has undertaken from the time he came into office. I don’t think this is very difficult for you to do that. If they chase you pls come to America or England tukakupokelela and infact us in diaspora will pay for your air ticket.

  14. When is the last time a head of state for the host country met this chap at the airport ? In Nigeria it was an officail from the health ministry ! he has reduced the Z presidency to amafi aya tutulu. What a joke for a president .

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