Sunday, September 8, 2024

Ndola council releases K320,000 for building Pamodzi market


The Ndola City Council has released K320, 000 for the construction of Pamodzi habitant modern market shelter and an ablution block.

Pamodzi Councillor Manase Siwila said the market will accommodate over 150 marketeers.

“A local contractor, Mary Investment limited, has been awarded the contract to build the market shelter and it is expected to complete the works within three months,” he said.

Mr. Siwila added that the construction of a modern market shelter will improve the manner in which traders are doing their business as they will be accommodated in a new shelter.

He Siwila however warned that he will not accept sub-standard works on the project.

And Pamodzi Habitat market chairperson Edward Bwalya thanked government for looking into the plight of the traders.

Mr. Bwalya said the new market shelter will give marketers dignity as they will be conducting business in a conducive environment.


    • I wish you would be as smart as the real Kaizar Zulu. You seem to have a problem with Zambians in diaspora, they are Zambians like us and have every right to question socio-economic issues that affect them, just like us here in Zambia we would question some inflated priced infrastructure project. Some of the project being carried out are not needed because they do not add economic value to the well being of Zambians. If late President Michael Sata was alive, MHSRP, he would have changed course with his planned infrastructure programme. If you look at children, our potential future leaders in some rural areas, they are still learning under trees and teachers, if there is any, are living in thatched houses. What is the point of building roads that are not bringing any meaningful economic…

  1. Some f00lish PF a-licker thinks that Zambians need such ‘grand announcement’ only in 2021. We registered in numbers already and we are ready to kick ar$es. With only months to go.

  2. @Zebron, with all due respect, everything you said makes a lot of sense at a certain level, however, if you think about it, the most imported infrastructure requirement for social-economic development include road and rail or a proper transport network overall. This helps facilitate business growth through larger market opportunities.

  3. @Kaizar Zulu, you talk a lot but don’t really contribute to proper debate. You are what an opposinge party in a country would pay to run mouth.

  4. The funny thing is ……these markets are supposed to be self sustaining , paying for them selves and cleaning services …..

    But the PF theives controlled by lungu collects all levies and still extort marketeers , sharing the money amogest them selves ….there is no money left for maintenance or cleaning

  5. Here is NCC investing this little sum of K320,000 to build a shelter and toilets ….meanwhile MOH is wasting over $17 million on defective drugs, condoms and undelivered drugs. What I am saying is this is the true cost of corruption …a reputable firm would have supplied that MOH for $10 million but greedy Chilufya & Co wanted to pocket $7 million…so instead of that money ending up in projects like this one that money has gone to build flats for selfish crooks. You and your aunty at Pamodzi Habitat market have been short changed by selfish greedy two-bit politial thugs like Chilufya and Co.

  6. Ati development. What kind of market would cost K300,000? They even say with ablution block! It will be a ramshackle of a structure that will collapse in months and the Pamodzi marketeers will be back to square one very soon. Elyo ba PF mwalibeshiba bonse. Ukulila mwibala means that 300,000 will be half the amount by the time it reaches the project. It will be a riff raff market

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