Sunday, March 16, 2025

Dingiswayo Banda is dead


Zambia’s freedom fighter and veteran politician Dingiswayo Banda has died.

Mr Banda died Monday around 08:30 hours at the University Teaching Hospital -UTH.

UTH Public Relations Manager Pauline Mbangweta confirmed the death of M Banda to ZNBC News today in Lusaka.

Mr Banda served in government as Minister of Housing and Social Development in the first Cabinet of 1964, before being transferred to the Ministry of Transport and Works in 1966.

The late Banda also served in the Ministry of Youth Co-operatives and Social Development before he was appointed Copperbelt minister.

He also served as Member of Parliament for Mandevu and Lundazi Central constituencies during the one party state.

Mr Banda parted company with Dr Kaunda in 1995 when he vehemently opposed the former president’s move to come back to active politics.

In 1996, second Republican president Fredrick Chiluba appointed Mr Banda as Zambia’s High Commissioner to Zimbabwe, where he worked for seven years before the late President Levy Mwanawasa retired him 2003.

Mr Banda was a member of the National Constitutional Conference -NCC-.
[ ZNBC ]


  1. Condolences to the Banda family, May His Soul Rest In Peace.

    Most of the freedom fighters are in their late 70s or 80s, so there will be a lot of deaths due to natural causes, anyway death is death it is painful.

  2. To my good friend Sudzyo Banda, I send my heartfelt condolonsces on the passing of his dad. May the soul of Mr Dingiswayo Banda rest in PEACE.

  3. Forgive me. Could this be the same Dingiswayo Banda who was involved in porching causing game meat to be known as Dingi? If thats him, he sure made a mark!


  4. LT how old was he, please whoever writes these article should include important details before they can be published. Your writings leaves pipo with lots of questions

  5. Ever since I was born, I’ve never head people saying negatitive things about the dead ones! Strange. Or can I agree with a Indian saying, “the only good person is a dead one”?

  6. On “Zambia’s freedom fighter and veteran politician Dingiswayo Banda has died.[..] Mr Banda died Monday around 08:30 hours at the University Teaching Hospital -UTH” this is very very sad and condolences to the bereaved family.

    Have a blessed day all and let us mourn our late brother, uncle, father, nephew, etc..
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

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