Zambia’s High Commissioner to Canada, Dr. Nevers Mumba has been elected as the new President of the Ottawa Diplomatic Association (ODA). This was contained in a Press release made available to Lusakatimes by Ben Kangwa,First secretary(Press) of the Zambian Embassy in Washington.
In his acceptance speech Dr. Mumba thanked the delegates at the XII General Assembly of ODA for the confidence placed in him by the members. He stated that, he accepted the honour on behalf of his country Zambia, and Africa as a whole. Dr. Mumba is the first African Head of Mission to ever hold the Presidency of ODA. The nominated candidate’s name is circulated through the various regional groups, for endorsement, i.e. the European Union, the Americas, the African, the Asian, the Arab, and the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. It is then floated at the Annual General Assembly.
The ODA consists of Diplomatic Agents of Foreign Countries and members of International Organizations accredited to Canada. The Governor General of Canada is the Patron of the Organization.
The outgoing Executive Committee was led by H.E. Ambassador Khaled Bahah of Yemen and his first Vice-President was H.E. Chan Ho Ha, Ambassador of Korea, the second Vice-President, H.E. Camille Robinson-Regis, Ambassador of Trinidad and Tobago. Others on the team included the High Commissioner of India, H.E. Shashishekhar Gavai, Ambassador of Morocco, H.E. Nouzha Chekrouni as Board Members.
Dr. Mumba’s team includes, among others, First Vice-President, H.E. Johann Georg M. Witschel, German Ambassador, H.E. Akbar Zeb, Pakistan’s Ambassador to Canada.
The election took place at the XII General Assembly on 7th October 2010 in Ottawa.
uuuhhmmm……… he wants to gain popularity so that when he comes back, he will form his own party. Lets wait and c
This failed presidential candidate is now enjoying his new position after nearly being declared bankrupt, his wife also nearly left him and ‘Zambia Shall Be Saved’ is now defunct! How low can you sink? Only his nephew (New Revolution Party (NRP) president Dr. Cosmo Mumba) sinks lower! He (Dr. NM) chewed the K14m which was for his nephew! The rest is labour- we saw him a couple of times at State House gates and the next thing is he is in Canada! Amen!
Never trust Nevers Mumba, he’s let alot of trainee pastors that looked up to him and who he promised to help build churches stranded in Kitwe. The Lord will surely purnish this guy.
Our country Zambia is really disgraced or say cursed, how can someone who held a position of Vice-president on the land be given a post of Ambassador, a post equivalent to that of a section or department director in the ministry of foreign affairs. Our protocal standards are getting lower everyday with the coming of your so called experienced old people who are desperate for power. They never worked wisely in their youth, thats why they are so desperate in old age. It is really so shameful to see Lupando Mwape and Nevers Mumba occupying these Jobs of just senior civil servants in the ministry of foreign affairs and saying yes Bwana to someone who was their lower junior officer the permanent secretary or vice- PS.
Nevers Mumba has done well for himself bravo! The problem is people thought he was a god and thought he was going to build them sucessful careers in the ‘ministry’.Shame on you, build your own careers and look to God not man for sustainance.
No wonder our president RB is always received by directors in ministries because he is a desperate man. The more you do not observe your protocal, the less respect you receive from other countries.
If this is the experience we wanted then we must be cursed to the least.
Give credit where it is due, congrats Dr. Mumba. They sky is the limit.
#5 I totally agree with you. So many people still bitter about somebody else’s race. Run your own race, please. Who are we to judge whether Navers Mumba is this or that.
The Problem is the obsession by Christians to have celebrities the way the world does. The Kingdom of God has no celebrities and does not operate that way. Put your faith and trust in God first and the rest is secondary.
People thought Navers was a Moses or Jesus sent by God to lay hands on them so that their poverty vanishes. Am sorry, Dr Nevers Mumba is just as human as anybody and you have equal access to God just as he does and God is no respecter of persons. So move on and leave the pastor alone. He never died for you or anyone on the cross.
Congratulations Dr Navers Mumba. You’ve MMD proud.
This Nevers Mumba just loves the lime light and is just a praise seeker. President of the unknown Ottawa something. What does that mean to us. This chap was VP. What did he achieve apart from the sack. He is in his present job after boot licking. The faking chap just loves to blow his own trumpet, what S.h.i.t.e.
How low can you go!? I think this is rock bottom though some pipo can even drill through.
All of you makandi yenu dissing Nevers Mumba are just loosers in life. Not even your grandfathers or indeed your fathers built anything that even a community knew about. Nevers Mumba is doing Zambia proud and any right thinking zambian must encourage him. Why do you want to pull him down? Is it his fault that your fathers were lazy to get up from their bottoms and show the world what they are made of? Congratulations Nevers and job well done. Keep the flag high. Unlike other diplomats who spend time drinking and messing around like George Chulumanda when Levy posted him to Mozambique, you are brining honour and dignity to Zambia. Don’t listen kuli ba pushi who are jealousy of the good!
I fear he is going to mess up soon. Nevers fails to handle fame he gets excited with positions
Nevers Mumba is a fake, disgruntled, dishonest, bootlicking so called Pastor,period! My fellow people out there don’t be swindled and mislead by these so called Apostles,Pastors,Bishops etc.They are nothing but failures who wan’t to eat other people’s hard earned money.Prrotect your money and wealth from these vultures.
zambian are hardcore jealousy
Stone throwers pa Zambia! Pull Him Down (PHD holders!) Shame! The usual! Yet in their closets are many skeletons! Far worse of than the people the discredit! God bless you man of God! You have blessed us and it is just time. It is well!
PTL—-Ba Mumba , you are indeed destined for greatness despite your critics! Jehovah is with you, enjoy His favour as God continue to elevate you…Congrats Doc
You will know them by their fruits. The Ethiopian cannot change his dark skin. Nevers will never change. Just like his name illustrates. He hoodwinked his flock. Sacked for trying to steal the lime light The chap forgot he was the vice president and not republican president. Right now he thinks he is actually bigger than he is, this pompous fellow.The wolf in sheep skin. Whats is there to pull hlm down for?We are simply calling a spade a spade. And mind we have also achieved much.
Doc I personaly believe that you are a man of your words and the sky is the limit,You are great in your words and answring questions / looking at the world as a globe may God lift you more and more.From grass to grace in Jesus name.You have proven that you are a man for all stay blessed
How is it possible for Nevers Mumba to serve our great nation. He holds a valid Canadian passport, shows how much faith our leaders have in their country….Not saying there is anything wrong with that, but come on why is he allowed dual citizenship? When others are not?
No wonder our politicians do not do anything to try and pressure foreign countries to ease visa regulations. Our politicians do not know what a visa is, they have Canadian or America or British passports…
God save our nation…..
Simukonda #4, Ambassador is Deputy Permanent Secretary level. Dr. Nevers Mumba is serving as High Commissioner/Ambassador just as the late Mainza Chona and Nalumino Mundia did, if you remember they were both Prime Ministers before assuming the position of Ambassador.
# 4 These things happen everywhere.Recently in Austarlia the then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was ousted by his deputy. He is now serving as foreign affairs minister under his former deputy. There is nothing like Zambia being cursed. If you’re cursed or disgraaced as you say, it’s not everyone.
Congrats Nevers. You always manage to pull yourself out of ashes. Never mind all these stone throwers, “PHDs”. They envy your charisma. They are good at blogging rubish but if you give them a mike to do some real selling, they will all faint. Bravo baNevers. You are the BESTEST! OK, not really but you are better than these whiners. They just sit around looking for something to whine about. I agree with you…..they are crazy.
Its amazing how some people connect nevers failures to zambia been curse. You i.diots dont open you mouth anyhow. Zambia is not and will never be curse because of the misconduct of never, RB, Sata, HH or any of you bloggers.
Is this on rotational basis or merit? Lets not be too excited about it.Even Amin was OAU Chairman at one time.
Ndiye tuma nchito twamene akonda Nevers especially since he is broke, is a former traitor and former Christian who got 2% of the presidential vote.
Typical of Zambian attitude – laugh at someone when you have not done much for yourself in life or just languishing with no break through.
I sense a lot of bitterness and jealous from many bloggers. The man was humbled and bounced back again. This is what life is is all about. It’s how one you handle yourself when adversities have grounded them down. What is is wrong of him being a diplomate after being a VP.
67 % of Mega Rich world Billionaires have failed in some sort of venture ideas – or gone bust more than 2 times before they made it to the top. The man has become the first African to hold the position – yet all we can say is to ridicule him.
I wonder why Zambians can be so jalousy, every where you go Zambians are the most divided people, they dont support one another what ashame;; but unfortunately no amount of jalousy Zambians can stop what God has sanctioned, what ever you do wil fail if it is Gods;; will Nevers will rise to great hights that some of you will even go and hang
Congrats Nevers. Go Go!!
Congrates Nevers Mumba and don’t listen to any of these negative comments coming from some failures. I know you are not God or the son of GOd Jesus and so you are weak as a human can be continue your chrisma and good public speaking skills but hope you have also learnt some lesson as what life is and how you need to live and act. Be blessed
will RB fly to go and congratulate him?
Congrats Pastor Mumba Nevers God richly bless you.We love you.
I am a former fan of pastor mumba.. the one i used to watch on a black and white TV in the Kaunda era, but i still feel we shud give credit where it is due. I dont think he solicited for the position. Being the first African, i strongly feel they saw potential and ability in him. Congrats
Congrats our beloved father…Doc Mumba.The enemy shall never,never pull you down for the hand of GOD is on you. Only Satan came to condemn,but Christ Jesus came to uphold..AMEN
what wrong with you people who are talking rubbish about him. Look at this and this is real. “Dr. Mumba is the first African Head of Mission to ever hold the Presidency of ODA” Zambians will never develop because they are ungratefull. You will always dwell in the past. The man is an action man.
# 33 I am in total agrement with you. He definitely did not solicit for the position. It’s certainly the potential that others saw in him that led him to be elected. Thumbs up\:d/
As a zambian, am vey proud of you. Dr Nevers please do not listen to people who are jelous of you.My fellow Africans learn to love one another. be proud of your own son. He is the first African to hold this position ever God bless you and your family
Congratulations to you Dr. Mumba. Work hard and keep it up. This shows that you leadership qualities.
congratulation!!!!! stay blessed…………
Congrants Nevers. Do not curse who hate you and write nonsense about you. Some is jeolous and others do not know you well. They have just heard about you. But to some us you are our Role Model and our Inspiration. Keep it up Dr.
CONGRATS! it only shows how leadership follows you. It takes people from other countries to see quality in a man. It’s unfortunate that Zambians could not really recognize what an asset you could be if only they gave you a chance to lead the nation. We appreciate your contribution and hope you will keep up the good work. Only an unwise person would insult a friend who receives recognition.
we thak God for your life sir. when a bless to zambia to have a voice like you. God wath over you and your family.
Belated Congratulations to NM. H eis still excelling when the disgruntled haters are busy complaining on LT Blogger. unfortunately when they say he is finished then he goes higher. thats how life is. and you know what it is so irritating to the haters. but lets give credit where it is due. its good for you. we all have failures and not so good past but lets lern from this man that we never say die. one day it shall be well.
Hey wat a great news can’t wait to see Dr Nevers Mumba come back and lead MMD, I guess time has finally come for you sir, don’t be discourage by every unenthusiastic comment. Even Jesus Christ was criticized, wat of you a human being. Bravo Dr
Dr you keep on amazing me through your determination and hard work, you were the first preacher to appear preaching on TV and you were criticized, you were the first full time pastor running a ministry to get into full time politics and you were Criticizing, recently you are the first Black elected President of the Ottawa Diplomatic Association yet people still are criticizing you. You never give up o get discouraged please I desire to meet with you in Person; you are unencouragement to me
Congrats Mr. President. Ba Nevers Mumba God bless you our president.
Doc, You are a great Man, You ve so much Inspired me both in your political and Minister of the the word of God.
And I know one day, you will be a leader of this Nation
God Bless