Monday, March 17, 2025

Govt questioned over allocation for constitution making


The Citizens Forum has charged that government’s silence on the constitutional making process is a clear confirmation that it does not care about it.

Citizens Forum Executive Secretary Simon Kabanda said the Finance minister should have given an indication on the way forward with regards the constitution making process during the presentation of the 2011 budget.

Featuring on Monday Night Live last evening, Mr. Kabanda said that finance minister Situmbeko Musokotwane should have announced how much money had been allocated for the referendum in the constitution making process.

He added that a lot of money was spent on the NCC and that the silence on the part of government on the way forward on constitution making process with regards to the allocation of funds in the national budget towards the process is questionable.

And featuring on the same programme, Civil Society for Poverty Reduction (CSPR) Executive Director Patrick Mucheleka called on government to seriously consider revising the mining agreements.

Mr Mucheleka said it is important that the government considers reviewing the mining agreements so that the country could benefit accordingly from its natural resources.
[ QFM ]


  1. They will do nothing about the mines useless agreements coz they get comissions from them. This is the money they use during elections. Useless RB.

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