Friday, February 21, 2025

Civil servants with audit queries to be charged


Central Province Permanent Secretary Bernard Chomba has warned of stern action against Provincial Heads of Department who will attract audit queries in this year’s Auditor General’s report.

Mr Chomba has further disclosed that he will soon start charging officers who were cited in last year’s Auditor General’s report.

The Provincial Permanent Secretary was speaking in Kabwe today when he addressed Government Heads of Department in the province through a virtual meeting.

‘’ I wish to make it clear during this meeting that Heads of Departments who would attract audit queries in this year’s Auditor General’s report will not be spared, if our colleagues in other provinces have not gone to the Parliamentary Accounts Committee (PAC), why should we? I will be charging officers that were cited in last year’s Auditor General’s report,’’ he said.

Mr Chomba also called on the Provincial Heads to desist from the temptation of over borrowing and advised the officers to learn to live within their means.

‘’The issue of borrowing will also not be entertained. Let us learn to live within our means and not above our means,’’ he said.

Meanwhile, Mr Chomba has urged the officers in the province to continue working hard and remain focused as the country goes towards the 2021 general elections.

The Provincial Permanent Secretary urged the Heads of Department to put public resources to good use for the benefit of the general citizenry.

Mr Chomba also cautioned officers against the misuse of government vehicles especially on weekends.

He said he will direct the police command in the province to impound all government vehicles during weekends that will be driven without a weekend pass.

He also urged the Provincial Heads to ensure that the COVID-19 protocols are strictly followed in their various departments.

And speaking during the same virtual meeting, Provincial Health Director Chalwe Kabuswe disclosed that 115 oxygen concentrators have been distributed across the province to help in the management of COVID-19 patients.

Dr Kabuswe however regretted the fact that members of the community were not only failing to wear face masks but were also failing to maintain social distance.

He said Central Province has recorded a total of 3,334 COVID 19 cases since the outbreak of the disease last year with 42 deaths.


  1. Thank you ba PS. It is the right thing to do to ensure public confidence in public offices. As a born again, I welcome this wholeheartedly and hope all those implicated will abide by any ruling.

    We cannot tolerate pilfering. To our country men we apologise on behalf of any crooked civil servants. You don’t deserve this. I pray for peace and love.

  2. Are you the police or ACC? Didn’t Dr Roland Msiska, former top civil servant explain how audit queries arise? You do not charge people on audit queries. These can arise due to many reasons, som very innocent. You should report theft and corruption to the appropriate agencies and not threaten people for political mileage.

  3. Misappropriation of public funds or indeed private should not go unpunished because it paints a very bad picture on people that didn’t even make the decision to misappropriate

  4. Your boss at State House and Cabinet Office have failed to charge the biggest fish Chilufya with his arrogant PS and you want to run after small fish

  5. As a senior most civil servant what does your terms of reference say? Is it not part of your job to ensure that your officers perform accordingly. To avoid which hunting accusations it may be better for the auditor generals report be handed over to a special unit to deal with ailing culprits or the police or relrvant investigative wings.

  6. Tarino you cannot charge someone before investigation are concluded. I am sure the same applies where you are based in diaspora so why should it not apply in this case ? Repent my brother, you are a sinner

  7. Why now? Where were you all these previous times when these Officers were cited from time to time, because we know that for these queries to occur,there are Officers involved and ultimately the buck stops at the Head of these departments?

  8. Laughable, an institution headed by someone who was struck off from LAZ on account of theft, can not honour the Audit Report today. The entire institution is full of thieves (Con court convicted some) and many more are priding in wealth of thefts. Those cited in the Audit Report to be charged is really laughable – Take your lies elsewhere.

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