Sunday, September 8, 2024

Church, Funeral gatherings must be restricted – Lusaka Province PS


Lusaka Province Permanent Secretary Elias Kamanga is concerned that churches and funerals have continued to be super-spreaders of covid-19 and has called for restricting to such public gatherings.

Mr. Kamanga notes that the death of a number of the clergy is evidence that the disease is being spread in places of worship saying more needs to be done to ensure adherence to health guidelines.

Speaking during a virtual covid-19 multi-sectoral committee meeting yesterday, Mr. Kamanga noted that people have continued to gather in large numbers in churches and funerals.

“This is the case even when the deceased is reported to have died from covid 19, people will be at funerals in large numbers disregarding the health guidelines,” he said.

The Provincial Permanent Secretary urged local authorities in the province to ensure that not more than 50 people attend funerals.

And Lusaka City Council (LCC) Town Clerk Alex Mwansa said the council has been overwhelmed with the demand for disinfection of both public and private infrastructure.

Mr. Mwansa noted that the council is not able to meet the demand due to inadequate logistics.

“We have been overstretched in terms of fuel and chemicals, we need other stakeholders to come on board to render assistance. We have been writing to stakeholders to supplement the services.” he said.

And Provincial Health Director Consity Mwale says there may be need to engage the private sector to offer fumigation services as a business.

He observed that there has been an increased demand following the escalating new cases of covid-19.

“It may be difficult to cope with the increasing demand,” he said.

Meanwhile, Government has released an initial K250, 000 to support interventions in the fight against Covid-19 in Lusaka Province which is the epicenter of the disease.

Provincial Permanent Secretary Elias Kamanga says the funds will go towards surveillance, contact tracing, community awareness, compliance and enforcement of the covid-19 health guidelines.

Mr Kamanga said this when he addressed the weekly virtual multi-sectoral covid-19 committee meeting on Tuesday that each of the seven districts in the province has been allocated K20, 000 for various activities towards combating the further spread of the disease.

He stated that the monies will be used by the multi-sectoral covid-19 taskforce at district level and that the districts will start receiving the funds by Wednesday.

He stated that K60, 000 will be used for surveillance, contact tracing, community awareness and compliance by the provincial health office.

“K40, 000 will go towards coordination and enforcement and this will be done by the Provincial Disaster Management and Mitigation Committee,” he said.

Mr Kamanga stated that K10, 000 has been allocated to the Zambia News and Information Services for sensitization through the mobile announcements.

“The resources will go towards the purchase of fuel and other logistics to support the said activities that will be undertaken in the province,” he said.

Mr Kamanga was hopeful that the province will receive more funds as it awaits the approval of its contingency plan.

And Provincial Health Director Consity Mwale said inadequate resources for contact tracing and poor compliance among communities have continued to humper efforts in the fight against covid-19 in the province.

Dr Mwale stated that with the K60, 000 support, the province will enhance efforts meant to curtail the further spread of the disease.

He however noted that inadequate stakeholder support, stocks out of vital commodities and inadequate transport have been affecting the covid-19 response activities.


  1. Under Mr Satas PF Elias was a firebrand councillor of Bwacha Ward in Kitwe. I just feel he was eventually misplaced and his voice of reason now lost in the civil service jungle.

  2. The situation is serious and scary. The Govt thru the Ministry of Health should introduce restrictive measures to curb the spread of this deadly disease . Churches, Funerals,Weddings etc are Super Spreaders and so Govt should close these activities for now. Covid-19 is deadly and doesn’t discriminate. Even Politicians are not immune from this deadly disease. As we read in Zimbabwe Ministers have died from this disease after attending Parties. The writing is on the wall.

  3. The best way to control gatherings at the funerals is for the govt. to take charge of funeral management process if people are to adhere to 50 people allowed at a funeral and church services to be conducted virtually like the case with Jehovas Witnesses. There is so much ignorance out there, people are just going about everything as though there is no threat of Covid-19. Govt should move and save the situation like was the case with cholera fight in 2017.

  4. Every now and then, the government appeals to the citizen to strictly follow the Covid-19 Health guideline and avoid gathering. But still, why some people don’t understand its seriousness??

  5. Those are the same people who criticize the government for rising corona patients in the country. This need to stop, right away…

  6. What we need to do just follow the covid-19 health guidelines like wearing a mask, cleaning hands with soap or sanitizer, and avoiding social gatherings. That’s it… by following these we can able to win the fight against the deadly disease.

  7. The coronavirus is for real!!! We are risking other’s life along with us by not following the health guidelines. It’s high time, we all must behave as a responsible citizen of this country.

  8. Due to the pandemic, the country and the public have already suffered a financial crisis… so we cannot afford another lockdown. And, the second wave of Covid-19 is dangerous as it spread more rapidly. Social gatherings, let it be at church or funeral or any other occasions, Zambians have to strictly avoid it.

  9. The government is doing their best to provide needed things to Zambians such as distributing funds, spraying disinfection, etc. as a citizen of this country, it’s our responsibility to follow the health guidelines for our safety.

  10. Let’s all strictly follow the health guidelines and give the church a break, and pray from our homes… The prayer will still be heard by God!

  11. The government is doing all possible ways to stop the spread of the deadly disease. But still, the opposition is blaming the government for increasing corona cases…

  12. Mr. Kamanga said right, the deadly disease is being spread in places of worship as a large number of people gather under one roof. We have to ensure adherence to health guidelines.

  13. The spread of Covid-19 infections arising from Super Spreader gatherings is not a Provincial problem rather a National Problem. The problem should be handled holistically by GRZ thru the Ministry of Health. At the rate people are being infected and dying Govt needs to introduce restrictive measures on all Covid 19 Super Spreaders Activities Activities in the Country. Govt should urgently ban Church gatherings, limit funeral, Wedding, Political etc gatherings and insist on Covid 19 guidelines being followed.Most of these Activities can be conducted virtually rather than in person. If restrictive measures are not taken soon by GRZ people will perish in huge numbers.

  14. So why even allow 50 people? If Covid is just as contagious as Cholera, why can’t the health depart of councils take charge with at least 10 or even less family members present?

    This country seems to be going nowhere in terms of thinking, planning and leadership. Do you want to depopulate it? Ifibena Zambia nafyo no mungulu, should you just attend any funeral even of someone you don’t know just because there is a funeral in neighbourhood?

    Is it PF sponsored hunger that is driving some idyots to gallivant from one funeral to the other? Even Churches are supposed to be under lock and key, in this Centually virtue meetings can go a long way under the circumstances. Is it umutulo driving some idyots to gather in Churches? Do you want to perish?

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