Monday, March 17, 2025

Church arranging Sata’s meetings with donors – Mumbi


PF leader Michael Sata

Former Patriotic Front General Secretary, Edward Mumbi has charged that PF leader, Michael Sata’s meeting with the diplomatic community are being arranged by a named church which wants Zambia in to be a circular state.
Mr Mumbi said Mr Sata’s meetings with some diplomats accredited to Zambia have the blessing of a named church that wants Zambia to be a circular State.

He said the church that is allegedly behind Mr Sata’s meetings is against the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation and wants to allow same sex marriages to occur in the country.
“Mr Sata cannot even make a good choir leader because he is a dictator and a man who should not be allowed to rule the country,” Mr Mumbi said .

Mr Mumbi has since challenged Mr Sata to deny the allegations.

And Mr Mumbi said people who think the PF leader could make a better republican President as compared to the incumbent, Rupiah Banda are ignorant of his style of leadership.

He told QFM that if Mr Sata was given a chance to leader the country, he would plunge it into anarchy and a serious economic disaster.
“Mr Sata cannot even make a good choir leader because he is a dictator and a man who should not be allowed to rule the country,” Mr Mumbi said .
[ QFM ]


  1. Leave Sata alone! Everyone has the right to meet whoever he/she wants. Isn’t it the reason why we fought for independence so that we can enjoy freedom?

  2. its the catholic church donors and homosexuality. the first pope even ordered that the bible be amended to suit the preachings of Rome. Desparate for power sata can now embrace homosexuals and lesbians but thank God Sata has been rejected by Zambia

  3. Iwe chi Mumbi, name the church if you are man enough, after all you have the backing of the state. we don’t want hallucinations

  4. These people they think by fanning all these s.tupid stories and allegations against Sata everyday will make him unpopular,on the contrary,they are making him even more popular than he already is.A good example is HH or Miyanda they are never in the tabloids,hence they are never heard of much.last time i read abt HH was during the Chilanga fracas.People are not s.tupid,they have come to realise that all this mudslinging against Sata is because he is a threat,and people like Mumbi will do anything to see that Sata does not succeed


  6. I’m so glad that the MMD is busy making SATA a hero he is. Thank you very much MMD and MUMBI. The donors live with us here, they understand the needs of this country. MMD when it was formed in 1990 there about, Chiluba and his shadow cabinet went out of Zambia to Europe and met with Donors and within Zambia they did the same. SO WHAT HAS CHANGED now to condemn Mr. Sata? The pipo will speak this time in 2011. The PACT should survive to boot the MMD. They MMD should not think they are holy & neither is SATA calling for devilish rule. RB alilya Thandi Live and made her pregnant before marriage so what is MMD & stupid MUMBI Ranting about holiness???

  7. The MMD quickly jumps to answer when Mr. Sata talks because he is leading at the moment the biggest Opposition pary that is a threat to MMD Mis-rule. Hate the Man or Love him, he speaks for the voiceless. I wonder why Zambians Why – we disparage him. Collectively we Zambians are cowards and people like SATA keep this thieving MMD in check. Without brave pipo like SATA this country will be looted. Look at how they are shielding FTJ and quickly turned against Levy.Vultures have taken over Zambia and pipo like lady gaga want us to support MMD.

  8. # 13 Mulenga Hi,
    U have such a nice name. But I dont see where umusalula is in my comments or contributions in # 9 and #11. Educate me please. I will leave the judgement also to other pipo on this site to comment as well on your comment.

  9. As far as I know, the Catholic Church does not support the declaration in the constitution. Could it be the Church Mumbi is talking about? if it is the Catholic Church, then Mumbi deserves to be at Chainama Psychiatry immediately. The Catholic Church has always and will always be against Gay and Lesbian practices, I do not really understand how the Catholic Church in Zambia can fight for the promotion of Homosexuality in Zambia!!! This is madness of highest degree in Mumbi!!!

  10. Michael Sata will never ever ascend to the executive Presidency of this country under the watch of self respecting and national loving patriots. These postures with foreigners are a sheer waste of his time in a country with an independent electoral system. I don’t just see how foreigners will help Sata in our internal affairs as a sovereign nation considering that foreign leverage on our democracy is predicated on aid. Now that that the country is weaning from foreign budgetary support dependency syndrome, Sata may have to fall on his demons to realize his dream. Disgraced Telesphore Mpundu, Mwewa, Kabananda, Paul Makasa and Frank Bwalya are all wasting their time in this goose chase.

  11. # 15 Mpangula Mputyu, I do not see any umusalula. let your accuser state clearly where umusalula, so that everyone here can read clearly without any struggle!!!

  12. Now that the country is strategically weaning from foreign budgetary support dependency syndrome, Sata may have to fall on his demons to realize his dream in another world of his incarnation. The whole circus is a prelude to imaginary violence they think is their only option. Unfortunately such is their usual wishful thinking. We dare them float on such unchattered waters.

  13. Don’t drag the Catholic Church in your failed politics. Mumbi is a very desperate man always desperately seeking attention. LT, such lies are not worth making headlines.

  14. Mulenga
    I havent seen any insults or musalula from Mpangula’s comment,better get your reading glasses on mate! i seriously think you are the one who is a disgrace because anyone on this fora is simply expressing their opinion.Take off that hand from your pants and type with both hands,maybe you will make sense,just maybe

  15. Sour Grapes. 2011 is just around the corner. Let us wait and see.

    Democracy entails freedom of association and speech, so whats the problem of Sata meeting the diplomats.

  16. **==**==
    You Mr. Mumbi surely are you going to carry on being former PF General secretary or what. Man learn to leave the past. Surely if you resigned from PF to me it means you were not happy but why continue using the name of the part you left (forme PF GS). Tell me (us) what you are now.

    Look at Dr. Saviour Chishimba (fomer PF MP fro Kasama central) he was not happy, he resigned formed his on org period. I dont hear him say me forme MP under PF no, no, no, no.

  17. hahahahaha “a circular state”! how true unfortunately :d

    and thanks to MMD, Mumbi, Senior Citizen etc. for the job you are doing to promote and keep Sata in the headlines every single day

  18. # indeed number 13 na ine nshimwenepo umusalula pali comment yakwa mpangula. I’m sure you r going to point at his comment about RB having it live with Thandi. If thats your point of argument, i ll point you to go and read Thandi’s own coments about how she met RB and how she fell pregnant. That will tell you that they were having unprotected sex and that a fact which doesnt qualify for umusalula

  19. I also want a secular state not circular and most certainly gay rights should not be entertained.Zambia has always been a secular state untill thieves come into office to hoodwink gullible people with a meaningless declaration.

  20. Please go to the website UK Zambians and see a video about Gay people. After watching it, ask yourself how this video affects you as an individual, your family and national development or people having food on the table.

  21. imwe ba PF na catholic church muzatiletelela…manje iwe Mumbi when you were in good books with sata ..what were u agreeing to ..?

  22. # 27 Bashi Thandi You are right, that is what am talking about. I thought ba RB niba shikulu and he deserves our respect. True as it maybe, we should not publicly say such things about our parents. We all know how children come about, but to put in the way our dear friend did, I thought musalula. If it not umusalula, then take back my words. Gud day!

  23. # 3LADY GAGA-Lesbian how are you MMD cohort. If you knew what the Catholic Church has done to make the world a better place you wouldnt be writing the rubbish that you write. You are forgeting that one Bishop was killed by the Unip government because he advocated for Multy Party System. Mean while all the Tuntemba Churches were busy decampaining the MMD.

  24. #13, #18, # 27, #22 and all those that have supported my comments posted in # 9 & #11 Thanks a Lot. I hope Mulenga has gotten it. #27 u have really hit the nail on the head. Naseka sana nembafu shakalipa we!!!!!

    Mulenga mune. He who laughs last, laughs longest!!!!! So I guess my laughing long is justified! Lol

  25. Can somebody prove to me how mere declaration of Zambia az a “Chritsian Nation” haz changed/improved the livez of ordinary citizenz?

  26. #35 THE ONLY LIVING JAY – My friend there is nothing Christian about Zmbian leaders.Every thing they do has no bearing on Christian teachings.In the Bible Christ tells us to love our neighbour-Jews and Samaritans to love each other. But is thi happening in Zambia? No.The MMD especially Dora Siliya and Ronnie Shikapwasha. These 2 will do anything to kill any one not belonging to their party-Infact these two are new to MMD-the Bible in Genesis warns the Jews against mistreating strangers for they too were strangers in Egypt. But look at MMD including there President- they allow William Banda to beat up people, they allow Chalwe to gang rape innocent women just because they belong to the opposition—The list is endless.

  27. Gays are all over the world and zambia is no exception! Being gay is not something you choose to do, its natural, just like being born a cripple, black, albino or white,.. you can’t help it. I think zambia has a problem with homosexuality because most of its citizens are under educated, ignorance about gay people has always been a problem in such societies, Intead they tarnish it as a sin or a sickness “IN THE NAME OF THE LORD” in the end people are deprived access to proper information and education about Gays. Leaving them just brainwashed with religon, and superstitious beliefs!

  28. Iwe ka Lady Gaga you need to have your pscho checked. How dare you claim that its the Catholic Church being referred to here. Do you even know principal teaching of the Catholic Church on homosexuality?

  29. #36
    Veteran – Believe what you want, Sata is traditionalist who cannot sink that low. Your GRZ has just run out of ideas- Remember they even went to the 20th Centuary to dig up some crime that Sata allegedly committed. By coming up with this nonsense of Homosexuality they think they are going to alarm us. No man mwaloba ilyauma.

  30. #35 I salute you. I find it hard to believe that this is the same Zambia I grew up in. Kaunda made some mistakes, but he also had a strategy which united the country in many ways. Chiefs were left to run their chiefdoms and the Clergy were taken out of politics. This was all repealed with the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation, together with the politicisation of Chiefs. What has ensued is a permanent state of chaos with endless NGO’s formed by everyman and his dog to offer opinions and national guidance. They all have grand titles, but offer nothing in national development or in improving lives of ‘ordinary Joe.’ They do not even have a patch to grow vegetables to feed themselves, but have become professional ‘rent a quote merchants’ to satisfy their paymasters!

  31. Since Zambia was declared a christian nation, are we a more God fearing nation? Chiluba stole state funds, grabbed someone’s wife and more corruption, stealing of state funds occured in his reign and all these vices have continued.Our children are drug addicts, abuse alcohol, they engage in all sorts of vices. All sorts of churches have mushroomed whose pastors main concern is to steal from their members using God’s name in way of tithe, offering. Expeinsive houses have been built for their pastors, buying them expensive cars, sending their children abroad for studies while the church members are wallowing in poverty. Their sermons are always based on financial blessings and no message of salvation is preached. Some of these pastors want to outshine each other by seeing who is driving…

  32. seeing who is driving the most expensive car, who is staying in a bigger house, who wears the most expensive suits/shoes.Can some of these churches account for the monetary donations they get from their wellwishers? State funds are stolen on a daily basis with nothing being done to the culprits. All we hear is that they are given st.upid sentences of 2 years. A lot of ngos have been established in the name of HIV/AIDS fight, but they fail to account for the funds they received form donors. Can we truly say that we are living in a christian nation?

  33. No. 43 ….. A country being declared a christian nation does not take away sin, infact sin abounds the more. There will always be the judas, Zacheaus, Samsons and the Davids. God bless Zambia.

  34. Lady GaGa, I’m a very proud Catholic and educated by the Catholic. I have never witnessed the Catholic advicing any govt throughout the world when those govts are serving their people within the Catholic teachings. UK where i’m based and work, there were issues concerning the illegal immigrant e.g our brothers and sisters from Zimbabwe. The catholic church stood up for these people and many were given assylum status.Why has MMD and the Catholic church on parallel lines understanding? It is simple to know the social teachings of the Catholic church does not fall in line with MMD govt beacuse corruption, lawlessness, oppression of the poor and the voiceless is the cup of tea for this corrupt govt. Only people like senior citizen, Veteran,mwatayamvo,can support unsupportable govt full of

  35. Contd: brainless and clueless people. Imagine you people today you are supporting the most corrupt man in Zambia Chiluba, who had no shame to steal even from the people lying in death beds retired miners, civil servants and the the list is endless. Senior citizen, Veteran, surely just less than two yrs you were against lazo chiluba and supported Late Levy. Surely any person born with wisdom will not waste time to question which side of the corn do you support. The answer is you are like the dead leaf that is brown where the wind is going. Kindly leave the Catholic alone either wise you are starting the fire that will you can’t stop and KK did the same that is why you blind supporters are supporting this coorupt govt of RB and I think If Levy can turn back and see what is happening he can…

  36. Daddy (RB), I (Mumbi) want some bread. I have lied to the nation as promised. When are you giving me another assignment? You know its not easy talking about Sata. Am not free any more. Just Give me a job in a diplomatic mission. Even a month will surfice. I can better campaign for you in that way. Please daddy help me, am broke to be honest with you. Its like I have pressed a wrong button in Zambian Politics. Am very ready to do anything for you. Even if it means divorcing my wife I will oblige. Daddy I need some bread.

  37. #42-43,46-47.There is something collegue that makes even intellectuals say yes yes even when their hearts know something is wrong…some to the extent of practising selective amnesia where they deliberately choose to forget things we saw as late as 1991 when the Catholic Church added their voice to multiparty democracy.Bread and butter issues.Well said collegue
    #45,your name friend has cracked my ribs…..Agree that sin will still exist….but is it acceptable that the loudest in making the declaration is the leader in doing the opposite(eg stealing money and wives).Fine they are human and may fall but why live in perpetual denial of your wrong doings and remain unrepentant and still proclaim christianity?Hypochrisy of the highest order

  38. What is a “circular State”? You mean state which goes round and round in circles because its leaders are confused?

  39. Amazing turn of events in MMD and Zambia as a whole. Not more than a day passes without MMD cadres including government officials insulting the biggest religious group in Zambia, the Catholics. When one reads their comments on having a secular society, one wonders what the animal secular society is. Here we go, Secularism is the concept that government or other entities should exist separately from religion and/or religious beliefs. In Zambia, as many other democratic societies, it is imperative and most cardinal that we do just that. There is nothing wrong to allow a diverse thought process a society.The Secular Society seeks to encourage consciousness of the various political, scientific, social and cultural issues that prevail in a society. There is nothing about homosexuality about

  40. having a secular society. We can take a look at several secular societies in the world and compare them to non secular ones. We will see that most radical and evil societies are those that are non secular because they tend to be not only dictatorial, but counter productive. Here are some examples of secular societies. France, USA, South Africa, UK, Canada, Australia, Mexico, Namibia, probably 75% of the countries on the world map. Now let us look at the non secular, the all Islamic countries (Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, and the all enchilada of dictatorial nations. Probably, when people debate these issues, they must research about what they are discussing and form an informed decision. More over, you have accused Sata as a dictator, but at the same time you state

  41. he wants to give you freedom to worship and not pretend like FTJ did while stealing everything including baby diapers from UTH. So, what do you want as a people? To be like sake christians or to give you your freedom without government deciding your religious beliefs and when to worship?

  42. Ba LT you should proofread your articles before publishing.A circular state does not exist;instead SECULAR is the correct word.

  43. If only politicians were as faithful as soccer fans, there would be flip-flopping from party to party, this ka Mumbi has no principles and cannot be trusted. His rantings are just farts because he eats too much beans…….MaraudingMadDogs should be cautious who they let in their yard.

  44. #3 – You unprincipled hule, have respect for the church. You are so wound up with your bwezani, pull your head out of his rear!!!!

  45. Looks like some people have been badly affected by these meetings that Sata has had with the diplomats. This issue of gay rights has never really been a prominent issue in Zambia . I don’t know if it’s the high profile debate that has gone on in Malawi and Uganda in recent months that is bringing it to the fore in Zambia , or just the work of evil minds that try to capitalise on peoples revulsion of homosexuality.

  46. LT , glad to see that you don’t censor the word ” homosexual” any more . And i’ve noticed that you don’t censor many more other words that you used to needlessly censor in the past . It’s encouraging to see that!
    We are making progress , at some level .

  47. Mumbi always talking i dont know why. As for Sata anything goes as longer as it takes him nearer to state house, what a useless political leader. Never shud Zambians consider this Cobra Snake otherwise he will bring Hell on earth for Zambians.

  48. #46, sport on bro/sis. I’m not a politician but sometimes it astounds me to see how the so called interlects can sink so low and be reduced to cadres. Its not wrong to support any part of ur choice but, it’s not always that ur respective party will do the right thing. Zambians can be so low!! .When Chiluba was convicted by the late LPM, all the party cadres (and indeed all well meaning Zambians) sang songs of praise to the govt. Today, Chiluba is set free cadres continue with the songs. I dont know whether they even take time to think. This same govt has removed the offense of abuse of office from the revised ACC Act. Im sure senior citizens and other cadres will find words to support this misdeed.

  49. This stiffle between MMD and the Catholic church reminds me of the KK days of 1990. He kept of telling the biggest Church in this Country “mukendela pali colana”. Mighty as the Church is, they showed him who was more powerful. As Zambian’s we shall not continue been blindfolded by declarations made in order to steal from the Zambian people. We shall not tolerate this anymore.

  50. #51 you are wrong to say that Catholic is the bigest Church in Zambia Check your statistics even with central statistics. The largest is United Church in Zambia, followed by Catholic and third Pentecostal Holiness Church……………… terms of numbers.

  51. #64,Thanks for the info.I was also thinking in the same line as 51 and 63 about the catholic church.It may be useful thought to check again;remember the breakaway of Grace Ministries may severely affected the numbers in UCZ

  52. ba mumbi its either you were mad when you joined sata or you have just became mad now what makes you think you are a credible person to talk about sata when you were in his party useless man

  53. Ba no 8 seems you are very dull man. Statsics are there for everyone to see. Why are you so afraid of Sata? This man came second to rb had, it not been for vote rigging he is supposed to be the President. No matter what you say about Sata, people will still vote for him. Its better to have Sata in state house than these thieves. He is coming to clean zed out of its dirt very soon.

  54. Ba Mumbi Kapoto mulelwisha? You won’t see it because Movement of Men with Diarrhea (MMD) is on its way out of power!! Mwaloba ilya uma!! DON’T KUBEBA !!!!!!

  55. Don’t Kubeba! Mumbi waela bola. 2011 SATA is for Plot One. Abash with the ever gallivanting RB and his team of the likes of Gen.Shikapwasha, Mr. Know It All,Mike Mulongoti and Mama MMD Dorah Siliya.


  57. I we chimumbi should you are a political psychopathy ! i even wonder if you have some normal senses in you how can you continue hallucinating every time you open your mouth its rubbish than comes out
    we do not trust you since you are mmd sponsered iwe kavwa.

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