Monday, March 17, 2025

Mpombo warns of severe consequences over ACC Act


Expelled Kafulafuta Member of Parliament George Mpombo

Kafulafuta Member of Parliament (MP) George Mpombo said the removal of the abuse of office clause from the Anti Corruption Commission Act is an exercise in futility.

And Mr Mpombo has warned officials in the ruling MMD that they would face severe consequences when they leave office.

Contributing to debate on the Anti Corruption Bill which among other things seeks to repeal the ACC Act of 1996 and implement the National Anti Corruption Policy in Parliament today which went through seconding reading,Mr Mpombo said any government that would come into powr will move amendments to repeal the law.

Mr Mpombo he recalled how the MMD government after coming into power in 1991 repealed the leaders Pension law which UNIP had enacted after realizing that they would lose power to the MMD.

He warned against compromise in making laws because that could backfire.

He also called for the need to curtail presidential powers over the Anti Corruption Commission because this could be used to pursue perceived political enemies.

But Vice President George has dismissed the view advanced by some institutions and individuals that the Anti Corruption Bill of 2010 will weaken the fight against corruption by repealing the section 37 of the ACC Act of 1996.

He said such a view has no basis as on the contrary the Bill enhances the prevention, detection, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corrupt practices and related offences.
[ QFM ]


  1. ATTORNEY General Abyud Shonga has revealed that the government proposed to remove the abuse of office offence from the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) Act because it has existed unconstitutionally.


  2. #3, is amazing how guys in power in Zed have suddenly started thinking they can lie with straight faces to pipo and expect everyone to just look at them. Its not a good thing to insult the intelligence of pipo. Times will catch up with them all, and very soon actually

  3. Mpombo lies very low in the calibre of people amongst politicians. But once in a while he suprizes me with his bravity and sense of anlysis. On this one he has once again won my praise. keep up the good spirit. zambians collectively we cowards and always want the next person to oppose the injustice and not most of us taking up the mantle to change things. Sata and Mpombo have shown courage in the face of serious threats from those in power or the system.

  4. #6 Lady nyonyo are u really a woman?if yes then i wonder how you found yourself abroad, or maybe u went abroad as a prostitute because your thinking is very annoying to be of a sane woman.Why are trying to be difficult for nothing on almost all headlines..?and yet these are the women who are advocating for gender equality. :(:(

  5. After reading the Constitution of Zambia (particularly Articles 1(3) and 18(7) ) and section 37 of the ACC Act, I’m of the view that truly section 37 of the ACC Act is not only repugnant to natural justice but also contravenes Article 18(7) of the Zambian Constitution. Because the Constitution is the Supreme law in Zambia, any other law that contradicts the Constitution is null and void to the extent of of its repugnance (Refer to Article 1(3) of the Constitution of Zambia). Hence the unconstitutionality of section of section 37 of ACC Act. For the sake of ignorant bloggers, the removal of section 37 of the ACC Act does not mean that abuse of office has been legalised. Abuse of office still remains an offence under section 99 of the Penal Code Act.
    Fellow Zambians it is imperative for…

  6. Katoloshi my brother, you’re talking sense. I’m not a legal expert and will not pretend to be one like some clowns on this blog. The rhetoric coming from Mpombo and The Post is biased and should be taken with a pinch of salt. From the litttle I’ve read, the removal of this section and subsequent ammendments, will actually make it easier to prosecute corruption; not just in Govt, but in private sector, Church and NGOs. Brother Katoloshi kanabesa, kindly provide us some links where we can read further details and make objective analyses for ourselves instead of waiting on Mpombo & The Post!

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