Republican Vice-president George Kunda has said he has video evidence of opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) leader Hakainde Hichilema insulting government leaders and police officers.
Speaking when he addressed Chilanga residents during a campaign rally to drum up support for the ruling MMD party candidate, Keith Mukata, Kunda, a lawyer charged that Hichilema was a violent character who preached hatred in his campaign messages.
“Hichilema is a very violent character, he likes violence, that is why everywhere where there is a by-election, HH goes there to destabilize peace. He insults, we have video evidence of Mr. HH insulting even the police, we have it,” he said.
Kunda said the only thing that Hichilema had learned from his Patriotic Front (PF) counterpart Michael Sata, with whom he has formed a Pact ahead of the 211 general elections, was insulting.
“HH has learnt how to insult from Mr. Sata, these are the lessons he has received from Mr. Sata, So my advice to HH is, leave this violent man Sata,” Kunda said.
Earlier, Kunda urged Chilanga residents to vote for the MMD candidate in the October 25th parliamentary by-election, saying the UPND candidate Captain Cosmas Moono was a reject.
“I want to warn you against voting for Captain Cosmas Moono, he is a reject, Captain Moono served you before and he failed, and Mr. (Ng’andu Magande) took over… So we have brought you a new broom, this is the broom you need here in Chilanga,” said Kunda.
Zambians in Mpulungu, North of the capital Lusaka and Chilanga just in the outskirts, South of the City will be going to the polls to vote for two parliamentary candidates.
This was necessitated by the death of lameck Chibombamilimo in Mpulungu and the resignation of former finance minister Ng’andu Magande as Chilanga MP.
Earlier story
Vice President George Kunda says the UPND’s popularity in the country, is diminishing.
Mr Kunda said most UPND supporters are joining the MMD because they have seen that the opposition party has got no future in the politics of Zambia.
The Vice President also said that UPND Leader Hakainde hichilema would soon be suspended from his party because the party has lost confidence in him.
Mr Kunda was speaking at Munyewu Basic School in Lusaka West during campaigns to drum up support for the MMD Chilanga Constituency candidate Keith Mukata
He said Mr Mukata is a hard working Lawyer who has served his community diligently.
Four candidates are vying for the Chilanga parliamentary seat which was left vacant following the expulsion of Ng’andu Magande from the MMD.
The candidates include, Valeri Bqwalya of NAREP, MMD’s Keith Mukata, UNIP’s Henry Silumesi and the UPND- PF pact Candidate Captain Cosmas Moono.
Chilanga residents go to the polls on October 25.
[ ZNBC ]
how did Mr Mukata served his community? What has he done in the community?
The most useles campaign message from a Vice president of a country. Pure cheap propaganda equivalent from the mishanga sellers. Can we please have a Vice president with truth messages giving hope to poor people. This chap red lip deserves a red card for this useless cheap propaganda.
kunda, Hakainde is a more credible person than you are and even if he lost elections it would not make him a lesser human. He has managed his life well even when doing private business, while you ,kunda, relies on changing Zambian corruption laws so as to amass wealth from tax payers cofers. *****!
HH is in trouble. He will be suspended or his time is very limited. Watch this space!
Zinduma, you don’t know Zambian politics and so just shut your gab.We have two very educated ethnic groups in Zambia who have not been given a chance to rule, mainly because they don’t make up the numbers. So whether HH becomes president or not , we don’t care, but he is assured of our votes. I am happy also for the BRE for pushing to cesede. We are tired of being ruled by half-educated *****s.
I think we should now believe Kunda. Previously he preached of trouble in the pact and nobody believed him. He was called names by the pact diehards. That Haikainde will be suspended I feel he is telling the truth,. Watch it
There’s no question that, as a party, UPND is now only a shadow of what it once was. The party’s current president, Hakainde Hichilema has been at the helm of power during much of the period of the party’s decline. Mr. Hichilema deserves the credit for the party’s current success, if any. Equally so, he must be held accountable for the party’s glaring misfortunes and disturbing decline!
Once upon a time, UPND was UPND. Now UPND is a political destitute, seen only in the party’s recent desperation to align itself with PF. What? Whence? Whither? UPND?
So the Veep wants everyone to be in MMD! If HH is destined to become President he will surely one day be one. Even if scheme to oust HH , at it will not be on an account of corruption or other mischief but purely on account of misinformation by doubled tongued characters.
Tomorrow Garry Nkombo or Siakalima will come out disputing the VP’s statement. And insist these are all lies. After a few months HH will finally be ousted, and new leadership will come to UPND, maybe a Lozi leader will take over now. By January 2011, UPND will be in an alliance with MMD (Which is good coz UPND has the most intelligent and educated MPs). After 2011, HH will retire and rest from political life, maybe get depressed , or alternatively he may decide to take over the role of Cobra, who would have also retired from politics (after a fifth loss at the ballot) and continue to try to lead Zambia, untill he can finally beat Cobra’s record. The UPND and MMD alliance will finally swallow the UPND, and Zambia will be lead by a new breed of politicians and we will live happy ever…
This is how it will play out@ 9. You didn’t finish your story – MCS will have died of old age.
Mr Kunda is a very unstable individual and cannot be taken seriously in what he says. Now he is implying that the UPND used to be popular countrywide but not any more. This is a contradiction to what he always talks about regarding the opposition.
# 9, what a dream! Never fill for HH he stil remains presidencial material, he just lost timing by joining the old serpent. I wish he would come to his senses.
Crazy chaps. Always talking ifyabupuba. Zediam pa diaspora. Leave HH alone.
#5 you are an I.d.i.ot your self because you think f.o.o.lish and you will always remain the way you are because you can not easily integrate. Zambia is not about minority and majority groupings its about oneness grow up.
Iwe mudala Kunda stop lying, if UPND was declining in popularity as you claim how come they grabbed two parliamentary seats from MMD in Solwezi and Mufumbwe? Stop dream, we know you are feeling the heat, UPND is growing in popularity and they will grab the Chilunga seat from you! UPND is the greatest threat to MMD and that explains why you become violent in elections were you feel challenged by the HH factor. You have been lying about HH’s leadership challenge whenever there is a bye election just to discourage voters. Zambians are not stupid as you think, this tactic will fail once again & HH will be the last to laugh as before.
To MMD it is campaign as usual. Forget the shot miners. After all they are just miners and Tongas, probably HH supporters. Sad nation. Foolish leaders.
This is the same kunda who was implying that UPND is not popular a few months ago, now he says UPND has lost popularity. Kwena you are a good campaigner red-lips, you still are haunted by the opposition, kusabaila kwachilamo. Chinjeniko ka leather jacket, or is that pose meant to show you are cool!!
#16 Which proud/happy nation do you ever lived in?
Why do you Zambians allow politicians to address you so stupid ly? If an election campaign will focus on how the leader of the opposition is going to be removed the speaker is telling you that that is what you are interested in. If he expects you to make up your mind on your own he wont spend time telling you the opposition members are defecting to MMD. When he tells you this he assumes you move with the crowd and therefore cant make up your own mind! So you will be happy to vote for MMD because everyone is defecting to MMD even if this is a lie. Really I have never heard such crap in developed democracies like the US, the UK etc. Out there, parties focus on how they will wipe out the voters woes or problems not at laughing at their opposition
My question above was “Why do you Zambians allow politicians to address you so s.t.u.pi.dly?
Fide #14; People who hide in the argument of tribal grouping are failures individually. They want to blame their failings on the lie that it is because their tribe has never ruled. Its time Africans realised life is not about ruling politically . Intelligence is not judged by the fact that you have been President or have not ruled. Prof Mwauluka has never been in parliament but he is acknowledged as an intelligent mind. JK has never been an MP but he rules the music business. You can rule in plenty of endeavours.
The MMD Chairperson for North Western Province Mrs Biemba has resigned from the party and joined UPND cititing lack of transparence in the ruling party. So Georgy Boy whos popularity can you see dwindling. Its all Deja Vu of 1991 where Mr Chona(RIP)was cheating KK that CB was still behind Unip.
I am actually confused, “VIP accuses opposition of vulgar campaign massages”, so there is also ‘massaging” in politics? Ba LT…
No. 23 Who is massaging who?? my back is hurting could do with a Swedish one!
Red lips, I hope its not rabis causing his lips to go red thats why nowadays he is barking alot. Who, who,who! Who let the dogs out who, who,who!
Life shall live and death shall die…
It seems Banda & Kunda have agreed that Banda tackles Sata & Kunda deals with HH but it’s so worrying to see the infatuation that Kunda has for HH,everyday Kunda has something to say to HH,honourable HH should hid from Kunda ka! lol
..and ba LT it’s not VIP but VEEP
I feel most people are being swayed by Red Lips George Kunda. We must think seriously over his comments. The MMD want Kunda to take over V/Presidency of MMD at the convention to enable him run for republican president when RB retires. Do YOU pipo seriously think George can let go of that chance of being “president” and allow HH to take over???? I leave this to all bloggers to comprehend and answer. In my humble understanding, George want to finish UPND by going with them into an alliance to pave way for his rise to Plot one. why should he talk about UPND if finished? UPND/PF Pact this is not time to separate. What do pipo Say!!!!!!
“HH has learnt how to insult from Mr. Sata,
these are the lessons he has received from
Mr. Sata, So my advice to HH is,
leave this violent man Sata,” Kunda said.
The red lipped snake is now really confused
In one breath he says HH likes violence and that HH should leave the violent Sata?!
Come one, GK in his state of health will not be there after 2011. It’s shameful that instead of campaiging he goes to talk about HH at a suppossed MMD campaign rally where he’s suppossed to sell there candidate. Red Rip’s know, there cooked and have lost both Elections hence a decision to go steal our money through allowances instead of campaiging. He know’s he is going, first out in 2011 and then 6ft under. He boss will need to go to Jail first before going 6 ft under.
Red lips toking nonsense as usual, watever yo disease is must be deadly, its just a matter of time before we have another state funeral. you better take care of yo disease chikunda
VP This is what I would term as cheap politics,Why not tell us what else you have in store for mother zambia,seems the pact is causing you to hallucinate.What is happening to the equipment that was removed from UTH and tasken to Chawama.
Sorry I meant taken.Also We demand an apology for the shooting of our brothers in Southern Province by your so called infestors.Now that would be worth campaign news.