Monday, March 17, 2025

Simeza initiated plans to bribe judge, magistrate — Mohan


INK Tech managing director Mohan Mathews yesterday told the Lusaka High Court that Lusaka lawyer Robert Simeza allegedly initiated the plans to bribe a magistrate and judge to secure the bail of his convicted client, Rathi Kumar using the late Sajid Itowala.

Testifying in his defence before Supreme Court Judge Gregory Phiri sitting as High Court judge, Matthews said Mr Simeza was the one who introduced the deceased to him so that they could work together and help Kumar flee the country.

Matthews testified that the magistrate was allegedly first paid K150 million by the deceased after getting it from him and in turn the magistrate advised Rathi to behave like a mental patient in court.

This move was meant for him to recommend Rathi to go for a mental check up at Chainama Hospital, which was done and later be assisted to flee the country from the mental hospital.

This is in a case where Mohan, is jointly charged with Crown Paints brothers Idris and Shabir Patel with one count of murder.

It is alleged that the trio in July last year, whilst acting together with other persons unknown, murdered Itowala.

He told the court that earlier Mr Simeza had allegedly asked him to inform Rathi that they come up with plans to assist him flee the country and signed a cheque to purchase two air tickets, for Rathi not in his real names and the one for his mother in law, a Mrs Pitti.

Mr Simeza then organised to meet a National Airports official Fred Malama who was also allegedly bribed to ensure that he helped him with a check-in plan prior to the duo’s arrival at the international airport and he gave them two boarding passes.

He said on April 29 last year, Mr Simeza allegedly organised everyone involved alongside Rathi’s mother-in-law and they all went to Chainama to assist Rathi escape from hospital enroute to the airport.

“Shaun and Chileshe broke the main gates to Chainama mental prisons, switched off the lights but were disturbed by the alarm system and immediately ran away before they could rescue Rathi. The security men rushed to the prisons section and got Rathi back to Kamwala Remand Prisons.

Matthews said Mr Simeza allegedly advised him that there were so many ways of killing a rat and that Rathi’s father would be in the country to sort out the mess, and when he arrived he called for a meeting with Sajid.

It was at this point that Sajid allegedly told Rathi’s father, Mr Simeza and Matthews that he needed more money to assist Rathi with bail since by then he had already been convicted to four years.

He said his father organised altogether US$750,000, $450,000 for the judge who was going to handle the bail at the High Court and the $300,000 for the magistrate who allowed the bail application.
The defence continues today.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. So Simeza is bad new eh! we have the MAFIA controlling the entire judiciary and talk of fair trial for poor citizens, its a mile stone or indeed a light at the never ending end of the tunnel. shame on the zedian judiciary and shame on the brutal killers of itowala even if he was involved in this dirty scam.

  2. This explains a lot how FTJ used Robert and John to corrupt the mind of RB so that FTJ can be aquited. This story is really embarassing. Shame on Simeza and company. Nangu Kulyamo!!!

  3. Im in wrong profession! should have been a Judge or just a Magistrate, and who said the Judiciary is not compromised pa zed, elo lwanya nomba

  4. It reads like a movie but this is the level money drives people…let Robert be brougth to book once and for all..he forgot one rule..our mates under pressure will sing like a canary

  5. Kwena bamwenye play with muzulu in our country zoona. Chances are that they never even paid tax on the money mentioned in this article. I knew Sajid quite well, he was just a criminal hiding behind his hardware shops. They were playing ‘mafia’ games, if they hadn’t silenced him first he probably would have hired hit men to clear mohan.


  7. It seems like our lawyers are criminals including some judges and magistrates. Where are we going to run to? this explains their extravangant lives, posh cars, cigars and so on in a poor economy such as ours. One can easily get away with murder in our country, pipo serving jail terms are there for petty crimes while those who commit grand crimes are freely walking the streets. The entire legal profession in this country needs cleansing.

  8. blood money thats why this simeza is very rich. honest lawyers lead normal lives but abena simeza are foolishly rich bcos of such scandals. ati kutwala fund kuntanshi kuli judge. the same thieving lawyers when the law catches up with them they start undressing the CJ. thanks finally simeza and sangwa are unveiled lets remain with clean advocates

  9. Well we have a clear confession here. I expect DEC, ACC and ZP to move in quickly on the bribed officials.

  10. Well well well,whoever had doubts on the calibre of our judiciary & our lawyers,there is a confession for you.For a long time people have raised questions on the professionalism of our legal fratenity & nobody listened.We had one incidence where an activist insulted the whole supreme court bench now he is doing time…………Shame

  11. my heart bleeds.probably even simezas friend now is a culprit even if he hides in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. so in zed its likely you steal small, you get long term, steal extra big you get a house arrest plus unlimited bail and indefinite adjournments. oh! this country has committed an abomination by even being called a Christian nation. Citizens must reflect on what they profess. should we now turn to trees as our judges or sjamboks as our voices?

  12. If what Mohan is saying is true then God help us.Also pray the “system” will not wipe out Mohan before he says more.

  13. Hold it guys.that guy was was giving his defence.he is at liberty to accuse anyone to serve his skin.lets maybe wait for cross examination.Who doesnt know Mohan.Have u forgoten what he did to Mwanawasa and family.He is also on record of getting money from Rathis’s father to take to a margistrate who convicted him earlier on.How possible is it.How many of you are aware that Mohan swore to bring down the people he mentioned in his case.He made it clear that he would go down with them coz he was convicted and still faces criminal charges.

  14. Lawyers, lawyers. i always wondered wat made them so rich compared to their fellow graduates in engineering and other disciplines. i have cousin who used his friends money, not stealing. gave it to him by his friend for safe keeping and then he used it. he was arrested, taken to court the following day and sentenced to 17 months over a 2 million kwacha. without informing relatives. the guy was in chingola all by himself. by the time we got the information, it was passed two wiks and so by law cant appeal. so dis heartening

  15. A scared rat does try to bolt from a bolted bottle! Whether he is telling the truth or not, though, the damage has already been done…

  16. well alot of people on this blog cried foul play when Simeza’ Merc Benz was impounded by police just last week….lol. Anyway the only one last thing Sajid Itowala should have done was to bribe the prison guards at chainama. that would been the Getaw

  17. well alot of people on this blog cried foul play when Simeza’ Merc Benz was impounded by police just last week….lol. come on, thats the spirit ZP! Anyway the only one last thing Sajid Itowala should have done was to bribe the prison guards at chainama. that would been the Getaway.

  18. This is sad for Zambia. When the judiciary is compromised, we are in serious trouble and headed for anarchy. This is really sad people. For those wanting a detailed account, go to Post online.

  19. No one will ever trust our judicially again. This simeza is bad news, some of these lawyers win cases because of bribary. Shame on Simeza and John Sangwa, we use to think these guys were the best, but their criminal minds are catching up with them, they say what goes up shall surely come down one day. They have been doing this for some time, but today they are reviewed.

  20. Is he not the one who defended chiluba? So its true that the migesrate was bribed in the Chiluba’s case.

    We know that the Judiciary is so much corrupt. Many things will come out not only from this muderer but also from others.

    Shame on Sangwa and company. Shame n the judiciary. Shame on RB. Shame shame.

  21. our institutions are so weak…coupled with extreme poverty…u get massive corruption.. This does not inspire confidence in govt institutions…sad indeed.
    Will wait till whole story comes out…zed is so full of rumours and score-settling in high places…

  22. Never trust lawyers who specialize in defending high profile criminals in Zambia. They actually become criminals themselves. Simeza & his partner are both being unmasked now for what they really are – “common criminals”. They have now become so bold in their criminal activities. Look at Sangwa, even forging a letter ati written by Danny when the man’s name is Denny. Who misspells his own name! Day of reckoning is very near. LAZ should strike them off.

  23. Mohan has a criminal mind.And with his many cases,he knows he is going in,and probably wants to go down with as many people as possible.I am taking these revelations with a pinch of salt.

  24. From the above it’s now clear why Lawyers are miles ahead in riches above the ordinary folks. You have Lawyers owning airlines, driving Hummers, Vogue Range rovers (driven by millionaire celebrities and Sports stars), owning very huge and highly mechanised commercial farms. Building palaces alongside the richest of businessmen in the country.
    Now it’s even gotten worse we have magistrates and state lawyers embracing lavish lifestyles. They seep whisky from Inters at 50pin per shot, they drive Q7s and erecting manshions in the suburebs of Lusaka. All this on a modest govt pay.
    Notice that most of these are young men between 53 and 18. the C.Justice once said the legal profession hs been invaded by vultures and thugs. it’s official the judiciary is a harem of thieves using the law to…

  25. The legal profession in Zambia is very corrupt to the bone.One cant just make an assessment of the wealth these Govt prosecutors have,its out of this world,starting from cleaners in the judicially to the CJ,guys make files disappear.The whole judicially is a big cartel

  26. Wow! I use to think Simeza & Sangwa were good lawyers, now I know they were just good at buying judgements. Now let’s watch all these cases going on – Finsbury vs. ZPC, Itowala (MHSRIP even if he was a criminal) murder, the forged document allegedly written by Denny Kalyalya. And some past judgements – refusing to take DNA tests on FTJ to prove parentage, FTJ’s acquittal, refusal to register the London judgement in Lusaka, etc. Wow, it never rains but it pours! Somebody bring on The Sopranos!

  27. This is the worst Character assasination I have ever come accross.How can someone be so malicious against someone innocent.And pliz brothers and sisters,Mohan may have a point here and there,but do you think all that he said is true.Mind you this guy has nothing to lose and has vowed to not go alone and this he has been bragging about even from his prison.May God have mercy on him because I doubt if the people he has defamed will find it in there hearsts to 4give him.

  28. This is sad but not at all surprising. The system is rotten and it seems more shocking revelations are to be expected. If those in the judicial system become so compromised our country may soon become ungovernable. Time is now to sweep clean the entire system.

  29. The entire legal profession in Zambia should be ashamed. Especially the weak and irrelevant LAZ administration under Lungu. Lungu is quick to threaten to discipline any lawyer that criticises the judiciary or fellow lawyers – now we know why. Simeza, regardless of the details, was clearly in the company of questionable characters and the fact is that he went beyond his professional duty and has in so doing brought the profession into disrepute. I expect LAZ, in an attempt to salvage their reputation, to act as soon as is feasible ( legally). A full investigation should also be launched by competent people into the entire judiciary. This should not just be another headline to be forgotten, wake up Zambians!

  30. This is what they call hard working pa Zed … if you are into ‘deals’ then you are hard working ….fool stop!

  31. And some people can go bragging about their acquittal or nolle prosequi, a term the common Zambian has adopted into all languages pa zed. A fool will be given enough rope to hang himself… and wala we are seeing them now. Let vima manda manda go for servicing i forsee heart conditions from some sections of society.

  32. number 37. from your rantings one can discern an element of envy. instead of discussing the matter at hand you are here now hallucinating about things you can just admire from a distance. am sure given a chance you can trade your bicycle with these luxuries. stop being sensational and keep your eyes on the ball. leave out humble lawyers. of course you will have bad seeds in every profession but that does not mean the all people are like that. Simeza is amicus curiae and could meet any judge anywhere anytime without requesting for a permit.

  33. Well,it is said never trust a lawyer,not even your own,because while you may be in the cell,he will be shagging your woman in your bed with your money!

  34. Is there anyone thats genuinely successful in Zambia. It seems everyone I know thats supposedly made is a crook somehow. I thought simeza was a made man with a beautiful house and now hearing this really makes me wonder. Over the years literally every single person I have come across telling me how sweet life is in Zambia driving nice cars has turned out to be a crook.

  35. The judiciary has gone to the dogs.No wonder these rampant and frivolous acquittals being delivered by these corrupt judges.These morons need to have some morals.

  36. Just saying, when Simeza was dropped from this case he insisted on remaining as “amicus curia” (Friend of the court), why if not to remain close to the proceedings, just in case stuff boils over! Remember how many times the accused has asked to talk to the judge in the chambers? Just saying.

  37. Too bad for our judicial system. I’m confused, but on the face of it, it seems Mohan is telling the truth though i’m not a judge. May God help us. These same judges, wen taking oath do swear

  38. A sad day for the legal system in zambia. I hope all lawyers of good repute will hang their heads in shame today..thats if there are any!

  39. the Zambian judicial system has really gone to dogs ..!! do the 2 honourable lawyers do that? which judge was that again..?i bet it was are a crook..thats why you are so stinking rich..

  40. So who are these two rich chaps kaili? Who handled his case at Magistrate level and who gave him that 600m bail in the high court?

  41. the Zambian judicial system is full if R>U>B>B>I>S>H. bring all of them to book including the corrupt magistrates and judges involved. Don’t leave a stone unturned or we shall all rise against the dirty games going on btwn lawyer and the judicial officer. CRIMINALS!!!!

  42. Isnt this the same semeza whose mercedez benz was impounded earlier this month after it was discovered that it had been gifted to him but indians of questionable morals who had since fled to dubai?

  43. Do you know Methew Mohan?This story sounds more different than the one in the post.Methew can do anything to confuse people.Don’t yet believe this.Are you aware that this guy draged mwanawasa into dirty mud till police droped his cases cos by the time mwanawasa realised he was done.Methew is a born con artist.

  44. So Mohan has turned state witness or what? Wapya munzi. This is like watching some mafia movie. The Untouchables……where someone starts revealing all the secrets. Iam sure Mohan was promised a lesser term is he brought down the REAL criminals. The life of the fast lane. Won’t be surprised if something happened to Mohan soon as these guys really live movie lives. Suicide, food poisoning or some crap like that. So which judge did Simeza bribe for Chiluba’s verdict? Thats why sometimes its not good to defend people when you dont know who they really are. And I really thought Simeza was the hero. He has his faults just like the Nchitos had their own schemes.

  45. This is just a tip people, we yet to have the full details of the criminal activities they are involved in. It is really sad that they have have such a good reputation and yet they put crookedness in front of their work. The bribed judges also are pathetic considering the nature of their job and picture they portray, how can we honestly trust these people. Now with these revelations and the same lawyers defended FTJ! There are just so many questions questions left unanswered. Mohan just provide us with more data, ba DEC and ACC move in quickly nchito yabadwa!

  46. Just chill on, this is just a tip of the Iceberg. A senior Judge, Magistrate and Senior ZP and DEC Officials are all implicated in this case. Just remember Mohan disapeared from the Magistrate Court ground last year and was only arrested after Sajid’s family threaten to take it further up. Continue watching this space, very senior ZP Officials are equally implicated in this matter. Now we have a VERY INDEPENDENT JUDICIARY, VERY INDEPENDENT INDEED.

  47. # 42 & 63 as much as Mohan is a crook I don’t think he can make up such precise stories as to reveal the meeting places and the people present at the meetings. But obviously everyone mentioned will claim innocence. Let the guards at Chainama tell us if its true that there was a power failure and the alarm went off the day they moved Rathi from Chainama. My guess is the man is telling it all because along the line the guys who are more powerful than him have decided to sacrifice him. Look deeper country men and women. Look deeper.

  48. What a country we have, it’s a shame. What is LAZ saying about the ethics of a lawyer? Is he going to be reprimanded anyway?

  49. Wait and see. A big fish is on the hook. Comments from DPP? Mohan has nothing to lose; so allow him reveal all. A defence should not come from Minister of Information. RB, Veep, CJ prepare for the worst. Shame on judiciary and lawyers.

  50. How many times is it going to be said that the entire Zambian judiciary is rotten to the core? Does anyone in their right mind seriously think there is not a single grain of truth to what this accued man is saying? You have to be sick tobelieve that it is all made up.

  51. Wapya munzi……….This is some interesting story, but shame to the judiciary officials who got their hand s dirty, crime never pays. I guess Mohan has been screwed by he’s fellow criminally minded mates. Spill more beans chap, the bloggers await

  52. One of the reasons i still think twice about going home, i love mu country upto the neck but these are some of stuff i would rather do without. Yes crookedness is everywhere but our friends try not to hide such things when they come to the fore and am sure if Simeza was in good books with those in government these accusations wouldnt have come out. Now i believe a lot of these lawyers are just criminals who always win big cases through bribery even the last CJ was hounded out of office because of criminality, the entire judiciary should hang their heads in shame and apologise to the nation for the mess they have created. For once we expect the disgraced Chief injustice not to defend the system but rather own up and make a commitment to clean up the dirt.

  53. Why are all you bloggers taking the word of a fraudster like Mohan who has a proven reputation as a liar and thief. Perhaps he is simply deflecting the attention away from him. You all are so gullible.

  54. # 67 Zedian. you have a point, thank you! its also good that this story is unfolding, because zambians will learn that behind the christian nation tag there are wolves among us. Mohan is a wolf, he knws his friends. We are waiting to hear more.

  55. What a Country….wina ali nabamwenye wina ali nama chinese!!!! Mohan is a liar…but ‘there’s no smoke without a fire’

  56. Yalula nkani! Moham maybe a fraudster but there’s no way he can make up this stuff which such detail and clarity! Our so called high profile lawyers are nothing nut scum and for the right amount, you can buy yourself freedom. Itowala’s murder, though sad, is a blessing in disguise coz non of this filth would have come out if he were still alive. It all reads a like a Hollywood script, God help us.

  57. I’m a firm believer in karma; if u go about your life cheating and screwing/ conning others, it will all come back to haunt you…! Simeza is one of Zambia’s most high profile lawyers, yet 4rm what we’re reading, it seems dude is white collar scum? As for Mohan, he better stock some condoms coz, he’ll be someone’s tight a$$ very soon…

  58. One guy was asked to say the best news he would want to hear, he said “To see a 70 seater bus full of lawyers fall into a gorge and to learn that there were no survivors in the accident”. When asked about the worst thing he would want to hear, he replied “To find out later that one of the seats on the bus was empty because one lawyer had missed the bus.”

  59. A good number of you aren’t patient enough to take a position only when its just and right. Only the shallow minded conclude prematurely. Hold your fire. Let’s not sensensationalise issues by issung un corroborated careless statements as if we are PF. Patience pays

  60. And the foolish so called leaders (Banda and Kunda) are busy trying to cut the laws into nothing. They are busy burning down the country to ashes while we watch. We have been seeing court cases go nowhere and the eventual sufferer is the common man sweating to feed his/her poor innocent children. Court cases in Zambia take place in clubs and judgments are entered in days before the trials. What a sad nation? The foolish chief justice sakala is just like rupiah banda, the foolish george kunda has failed to run two offices, and it really does not make sense to have had VP as Minister of Legal Affairs for over three years. Why?

  61. Whoever lives by the sword will surely die by it. The MAFIA have conered our country. They will be deciding who our leaders should be. This is the level we have reached as a country. I miss Levy.
    LAZ what is your take on this one?

  62. We always watch Zambian national team lose games, now this is a good match to watch. We are watching you.Guys roll the game pa zed chilalila when things are hot.

  63. I dont even know y u all r going on about simeza if the guy is so mafia he failed to know about security alarm n immediate reaction of prison police to ruin plan i faill to seee how anyone can pay so much for such a ridiculous plan simply unthought through n dull if thats our mafia nishi twashepa even my 7 yr old cud hav thot it out better leave guy alone plz he cant b that dull

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