Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Seven pupils test positive for Covid – 19


Seven pupils have tested positive for Covid – 19 at two secondary schools in Lusangazi District in the Eastern Province.

Lusangazi District Health Director Allan Kachuka confirmed the positive cases among pupils at Sonja Girls Secondary and Edgar Lungu Technical schools.

Dr Kachuka explained that the two cases at the girl’s school were recorded from grade 11 pupils who had travelled from Petauke to Lusangazi when they opened for the first term on February 1.

The District Director of Health said that the other five COVID 19 cases were recorded from pupils at Edgar Lungu Technical School.

“Yes, we have recorded two COVID 19 positive cases from pupils at Sonja Girls Secondary school and five other cases from Edgar Lungu Technical School, which is in Petauke but its catchment area falls under our department in Lusangazi,” he said.

Dr Kachuka has said all the seven positive pupils are in a stable condition and have been isolated within the school premises while the schools have been fumigated for safety of other pupils, teachers and the community members at large.

He disclosed that the health department is tracing and carrying out COVID tests on all contacts around the schools to curtail the spread of the pandemic.

“Tests for the other contacts is underway while the schools have been fumigated to ensure safety of the pupils, teachers and the community at large,” he said.

In the meantime Dr Kachuka has observed that the challenge health authorities have been facing is that the people in Lusangazi were not strictly adhering to COVID 19 regulations despite being sensitised about the disease.

“The only challenge we have is that people in the communities are not wearing the face masks and not exercising social distance despite all the sensitisation we have continued conducting,” he said.

Dr Kachuka has since appealed to members of the community to take the COVID 19 regulations seriously and continue wearing masks, exercising social distance, sanitising and frequent hand washing.

And Lusangazi District Education Board Secretary (DEBS) Wiseman Phiri has visited the pupils who have COVID 19 at Sonja Girls Secondary School to check on their condition.

In a short statement, he said the pupils are doing well and has assured that all schools in the Lusangazi have heightened adherence to the COVID19 regulations.

“Our pupils who tested positive to the Coronavirus disease look stable and are Isolated while the school was fumigated and both teachers and pupils are adhering to the health regulations not just at Sonja but in all our schools within Lusangazi,” he said.


  1. This school will be producing dunderheads…why did they name it Edgar Chagwa Lungu? That’s a very big mistake…You naming a school after a dull Makaka Bandit President

  2. “schools have been fumigated to ensure safety of the pupils”
    Covid-19 is mainly spread though human-to-human contact. The people who spread covid are usually asymptomatic and show no signs of illness.
    Zambian authorities must now know that Covid-19 is very different from Cholera or other diseases.
    If you cant ensure social distancing and masking, then its better to close the schools.

  3. They should just be announcing total number of cases per day than going into unecessarily statistics to avoid alarm.
    Why dont they announce how many bankers, army or police officers, health workers, marketeers, religious leaders or politicians have been infected. Why pupils, what are the intentions.

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