POLICE in Ndola have arrested an 84-year-old man of Mushili Township for allegedly defiling his three-year-old granddaughter.
Copperbelt police chief, Martin Malama confirmed the incident and said the man was detained at Masala Police Station while investigations in the matter were continuing.
“Yes, it is true that an 84-year-old man of Mushili Township is detained at Masala Police Station for defiling his three-year-old grand daughter but as at now, I cannot disclose his name because we are still investigating the case,” Dr Malama said.
[ Times of Zambia ]
Bayamba kupasa mwana malango! This is stupid!!!
If its true the old man defiled a toddler, he must be castrated as a punishment period! Usually men at that age needs Viagra to boost their libido, where does he get the strength from? Old people are very vulnerable these days, people are pointing fingers at them for witchcraft and other things just because they are old, its not fair. I remember a case 5 years ago where a woman claimed that her 3 years old daughter was raped by a neighbour, it turned out that the mother was lying, she just wanted to raise money, the kid is intact up to today! Imagine if the people in the area would have taken justice in their own hands to punish the accused neighbour.
This is RB’s fault. It is the poverty that people are facing that is making them behave like this.
Kanshi nobwamba bulema at 84?
Vitendeni ivo…Vijuweni Ivo
I would have sacrificed my a.s.s for his pleassure to save the little innocent girl. Its good he has cut his life short and will meet his likes in chimbokaila where there bust a.s.s.e.s. Nindoshi!
Senility sets in at 80+/- in some people depending on how they have lived over the yearz. My heart bleedz, a 3 year old! or indeed anybody below 16.
Ah-nyenga umwishikulu shikulu bantu ? Where is the world going to ? Awe kwena.
firstly, how does one even have an erection for a three year old? Secondly how does one even have an erection for your own blood/family? Thirdly how does an 84 year old even have an erection in the first place? Chanivuta!!
#8, what do you mean where is the world going to? The world already arrived where it is today long time ago my dear, it can’t get worst than this, chanivuta!!
Atinine tole mumwana uyu kembo??? At his age even sleeping with a 50 year old could have gotten him in trouble LOL!!..He needs the stiffest punishment.
sickness in the head..arrest him..the warders will bury him..
End of times, sumone ****s a goat to death, another one ****s a bed ridden patient to death. An now an 80year old on a 3year todler, nangu ni nyele please. Whats happening pa zed kanshi, is it because of tujilijili.
#6 georgeWbush thats a gay confession,i guess u ll vote 4 sata 4 some gay reasons.I bet you ve been 2 chimbokaila and enjoyd yoself.Ati my what?Awe! 84-3=81 some1 needs 2 take the old man 2 joseph mwelwa road in rhodespark and get him 5 hookers 4 100pin then watch him die of a heart attack,thats the only punish i can think of coz hes outlived his useful live jail wont hurt him 1 bit.
Why moderate my comment when some pseudonyms and their comments are explicit insults. Ba LT, if you have been bought to be censoring our comments, we have a choice. We will stop visiting your site.
Ichila cha pamushi, umo achileta. Mandu, Nkhuli are what leads to such occurences. RB started a trend (of turning m’zukulu’s friends into a wife) which the old man thought he should emulate, but unfortunately tried it on an innocent toddler.
#3, walipena. You wil even be blaming RB for ukuinyelawila mu toloshi.
Please some-one tell me why we are trying to solve the Chinese shooting incident when we have animals on two legs living among us?? This 84 year old ” THING” has no place in society -give it the death penalty and be done with it but first castrate it and feed it ,it’s useless member.