Sunday, September 8, 2024

Minister of Health appeals for more support from UN agencies


Minister of Health Jonas Chanda has appealed for more support from the United Nations (UN) agencies to enable the health sector address challenges of maternal and child mortality in the country.

Dr. Chanda says Zambia loses as many as 15 women in maternal deaths every week hence the need to address this challenge.

He says neonatal mortality rates are high in Zambia and are contributing more than 40 percent to under five mortality rates in the country.

“It is therefore clear that additional investments are required to strengthen the provision of maternal, child, newborn, adolescent health and nutrition services in order to reduce morbidity and mortality,” he said.

Dr. Chanda was speaking yesterday when the UN family paid a virtual courtesy call on him at his office.

And Dr. Chanda has revealed that various UN agencies have been playing important roles in ensuring optimal health service delivery to the Zambian people.

The Minister of Health pointed out that the country has been benefiting from the technical, material and financial support being offered by the United Nations family.

He disclosed that the UN family supported the formulation of the Covid-19 preparedness and response plan, communication and community engagement, training of technical staff, strengthening surveillance in communities, procurement of personal protective equipment and strengthening infection prevention measures.

“The World Health Organisation has been working closely with the Ministry of Health in system strengthening and service delivery to the people of Zambia through the Ministry of Health,’’ he said.

He further stated that UNICEF has continued to support the health sector in strengthening various programmes such as immunization, maternal and neonatal health, child health, HIV and AIDS and community health while UNFPA has been supportive in reproductive health and family planning.

Meanwhile, UN family Zambia president and Residence Country Coordinator, Coumba Gadio pledged continued support to the Zambian government in the area of medical health sector plan.

Ms. Gadio said the UN family will continue to support public health responses to contain the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic by decreasing mobility and mortality.

She said the UN family has been providing Covid-19 testing kits, oxygen syringes, training lab technicians and connecting power and water facilities at Levy Mwanawasa general hospital.


  1. Hi fellow bloggers its Friday today and I am in a good mood. However i need your help, I am thinking of writing my auto biography and I would like to get your input. Please comment below what you think about me or the fond memory you have of me.

    For example think of the amazing things that remind you of me. For example like when I saved a man’s life who was drowning in the kafue river after one of my boat parties. Or when I won the award for most handsome pupil during my secondary school

    Thanking you in advance.

    Please no negative insults. Be mature

  2. Imwe pulizi! Nsoni ziliku?!? The ink has not dried yet on the decision to fire Chilufya for the medical supplies bruhaha and you go begging?!?

  3. We have said it before, PF is incapable of doing anything sensible so very world organisation know that is the case. The only thing PF can do is BEG BEG BEG shamelessly and then cheat Zambians with Honey Bee fictitious, deceptive tricks.

  4. Can the so called “TV levy” be changed to health levy so that many zambians in same predicament like our sister from kabwe can benefit from good health services, unlike feeding the our national TV broadcaster who can even float shares to the public on LUSE.

  5. Chanda, your president has enough money mukasaka and selectively pays for some. Why are you asking others for support when you can go and get some from state house? Shameful and you wonder why Africans do not get respect

  6. Billions of dollars was spent on unnecessary projects. The PF thieves could not think let’s improve our current health sector.

    They have the balls to beg when millions have been misappropriated nor accounted for.

  7. This is happening at a time when when Zambians know that some in the high places benefited from acquiring substandard drugs and other utensils worth to the tune of 17 million dollars .It is also worth mentioning that the same person enjoyed a steel wall protection from what is supposed to be the highest office in the land .The current crop of leaders in Zambia is wore than Cholera and COVID-19 put together .

  8. This is happening at a time when when Zambians know that some in the high places benefited from acquiring substandard drugs and other utensils worth to the tune of 17 million dollars .It is also worth mentioning that the same person enjoyed a steel wall protection from what is supposed to be the highest office in the land .The current crop of leaders in Zambia is worse than Cholera and COVID-19 put together .

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