Faz has now said Dario Bonetti and his three assistants is in Europe to monitor national team players based there.
And Faz has appointed a technical advisor from Holland for all youth national teams.
Faz communications officer Erick Mwanza said today that Bonetti will visit Zambia players based in Holland, France, Greece Switzerland and onto Israel.
Bonetti has failed to return to Zambia since September 18 and only joined the team in Rome en route to Libya two weeks ago but returned to Italy after the Africa Cup Group C qualifier there.
Faz later said told that Bonetti and his three assistants were sorting out their family issues in Italy after the game against Libya.
However, when Bonetti will return after his expedition to visit the clubs of all foreign based players is unknown.
Meanwhile, newly appointed junior technical advisor Nico Labhoe will oversee Zambia youth development programme for the next five years from Under-20 downwards and work closely with the respective junior teams trainers.
Zesco United today joined Power Dynamos this week in issuing a press statement calling on Kalusha Bwalya’s executive to hold an emergency council meeting to settle the impasse over the constitutionality of his co-opted executive.
Power have since Monday run a half-page advert in the press supporting the call for an emergency council meeting.
They joined Green Buffaloes, Red Arrows, Nkwazi and Choma Eagles in making their official stand on the current Faz crisis who did so last week.
However, Nkana and Konkola Blades have both stated they will not back the petition.
Meanwhile, the petitioners are yet to say whether they have attained the two-third backing from Faz’s 219 affiliates that is needed to force an emergency council meeting.
Kwena uku kwangala ba FAZ, honestly, the coach has to go round just for few players out there in Europe? three of them going round? I did not know that zambia we have lots of money to waste- now i know waooo-
But Kalusha & his new coaches have taken zambians 4 granted. Now they will moving around europe aimlessly & doing their own businesses but at the same time getting those huge salaries 4 nothing. Is this what u guyz pa zed call expatriate coaching? Am sure pipo now understand who Kalusha is & what his aim is.
Zambian poor work culture, this is really pathetic. I feel ashamed of being a Zambia! The three ‘not impressive’ coaches have been away for a month and the association is busy defending them? wher else in the world can an employee b out of his Job for a month? may be talking care of ‘family issues was part of the contract which Bonnet sighned with FAZ.Will Zambia really develop with this calibre of leadership? I think the consititution shud b amended, yes masters degree (out side zambia) for anyone vying for the leadership position. This may seem petty but the experience we get after interacting with other people and their culture wud help leaders see things in a global perspective. People who have never been to school like Kalusha should never be alowd in such position. This is not…
Sad state of affairs when it comes to Zambian football. I have completely lost interest.
I cant believe this is happening, kalusha you are a disgress for the poor quality of leadership. Why should Dario make his own programs? Surely at the expence of taxpayers money? Guys at FAZ please lets be serious for once.
Kalusha should be the junior develoment director for tapping youth talent- anything to do with kicking the ball . Not Faz president. No disrespect , his speciality is playing soccer not administrating !!
Great who who who! There is no FAZ as we talk & the Italians know it.
I hope the newly appointed Junior Technical Advizor(wherever they are cooking such titlez from) also comez with a tandem of assistants.
from sorting out family problems to monitor europe based players. he is there to coach them or do what. can someone explain to me what he will do at those clubs. maybe it will be good for us he may plead with the coaches to put our boys in the starting eleven for more exposure. yangu ba great kalu – someone should be cheating the man.
No. 6. mbuzi becareful save lord from further scandals. if kalu goes back to tapping young talents we shall see again the mayuka, mbola transfer scandals. let supersport employ him as analyst to join the likes of bartlett shaun.
It is either the FAZ Comm officer thinks the ZED public are a bunch of monkeys or he is one. The level of his stupidity is beyond belief. The more reason why whole the bunch of monkeys at FAZ must gooooo!!!!!!
Haaaa, drama ya pa zed, from europe dario will go to china to monitor chamanga, then south africa to monitor mweene and friends & when he returns to zed the local league would have finished. that’s faz for you!!
Iwe IRRATIONAL MAN, Kalu cant be a soccer analyst. I have heard him a couple of times on Supersport and have always wondered whether the comments he makes relate to the game everybody has been watching. He also likes talking with his hands and does no realise that really looks unproffessional.
Enough about the circus at Football House, before all of us are deemed jealousy and with a PHD syndrome.
In the days of Jeff Buttler, Brian Tiler and others these coaches never went on leave if the National Team was not playing. Insteady they would be speding a week at each club from Konkola to Lusaka. Even the Late Zoom used the same programme to monitor and also dicover players at local clubs. Now this FAZ being backed by the corrupt Sepp Blatter/Fifa(some selling world cup hosting) are taking us no where.
Spare Kalu for a moment, RB employed the Italians. This Mwanza guy is stupid. Who is there to watch?
Ala Ba HENRIQUE kanshi tell us what job can kalu do. if not at supersport; coze ku cosafa he was rejected and pa zed nakana naine.
oh i see he can become a politician like mpondela elias or back to the drawing board i mean to mufurila wondrous as a coach player.
De Javu pliz i seem not to follow the logic that fifa follow. our premier teams are saying costitution is at stake but blatter says otherwise on the same constitution. my logic is too small for this..
Mwebantu sure, I do agree with u. Where is our FAZ kanshi? Kalu, yes you played soccer so well, we are proud of you, we still love u but this’s not the way things must be going? Come on guys!