Monday, March 17, 2025

KK says no to homosexuality


First republican president Kenneth Kaunda

Former president Kenneth Kaunda has said homosexuality should not be tolerated in Zambia because it is against Bibilical teachings.

Dr Kaunda said yesterday that Zambians should learn to uphold good morals according to Christian values.

He said homosexuality was against God’s commandments and that leaders should instead advocate for laws that prohibited such wicked vices especially that Zambia was a Christian Nation.

Speaking when he and Champions for an HIV-free generation held a meeting with civil society organisations in Lusaka, Dr Kaunda implored citizens to allow the Government to enact laws to stop promotion of homosexuality.

“This is a very serious human activity that should be handled very carefully and we need to fight against it,” he said.

Former Botswana president Festus Mogae, who is the chairperson of the Champions for an HIV-Free Generation, said they had not come to advocate for the promotion of homosexuality in Zambia.

Meanwhile, a Kitwe clergyman, Bernard Nwaka has challenged opposition parties to state their positions on homosexuality instead of keeping quiet.

And International Fellowship for Christian Churches president, Simon Chihana has said homosexuality will never be a human right issue because God created men to perform some special roles, which should only be done by men.

Forum for Leadership Search executive director Edwin Lifwekelo recently revealed that Patriotic Front president Michael Sata was having meetings with donors where he was assuring them that he would legalise homosexuality and revert the country to a secular state provided they backed his candidacy.

And President Rupiah Banda said on Tuesday that the Government was aware that some sections of the donor community had embarked on a campaign aimed at making Zambians believe that homosexuality was a human rights issue.

Bishop Nwaka of Living Water Global Ministries said in an interview yesterday in Kitwe that the Church wanted to know the stance of the leaders aspiring to be future presidents since Mr Banda had indicated his position.

Bishop Nwaka said Zambians wanted to know where the opposition leaders stood so that they could make informed decisions during elections next year.

“Homosexuality or same-sex affairs are serious issues political parties should not ignore because Zambia is a Christian Nation,” he said.

Bishop Nwaka said the Church was happy that President Banda and his Government had condemned the acts because it was not a human rights issue in a Christian nation.

And in an interview yesterday, Bishop Chihana said homosexuality was not a human rights issue but a demonic right which was unacceptable.

He said his own findings showed that most people practising homosexuality were victims of the act who were finding it difficult to fully recover and were now being forced to perform the act on others.

[ Times of Zambia ]


  1. Thank you super ken for calling a spade a spade. Not these fake politicians who have been going around in circles. Let the white people entertain this disgusting issue !

  2. Homosexuality is finaly making inroads even in our poor country! This disgusting act never used to be a discussable topic. looking at how things are moving, in couple of yrs 2 come it will be comonplace in zed. I can smell the end of the world, yes it’s in the horizon! Keep on the watch.

  3. We need leaders like KK pa Zed. Banda should have come out like KK has said. long live KK. Homesexuality is demonic. It is going on in many nations because Catholic priests practice it. Shame on them.

  4. :o Can we please be objective in our reporting the story carried above in no way reflects the message carried by the Champions and if we are going to still be scared to face the issues then am afraid we are going no where in our fight against AIDS. As part of Civil Society that was present when the Champions made their call, for 1. PREVENTION 2. PREVENTION 3. PREVENTION The Champions simply said homosexuality is an orientation that is a human right and that in our approach to prevention we must cater for the health needs of all Zambians gay or not.

  5. Contgrats K.K.No yakumbuyo in zed, period! It shameful 4 this Festus Mogae to advocate 4 homosexuality in Zambia when even in his home country Botswana they dont tolerate that nonsense. Also this so called Bishop Joshua Banda is a disappointment as he failed to categorically condemn this act. R.B also u need to have one strong voice against this “Yakumbuyo” like Mugabe. Let yo NO be NO & be courageous as a leader!!

  6. homosexuality is common among catholics bigwigs called fathers with no kids. Sata is catholic and has two kids with bishop mpundu’s young sister. How does the wife of sata feel. its embraced in church and the pope recently apologised to the world for this scougre which is practised opennly among catholic priests and small boys called kampenga.

  7. it’s complicated and funny that most of the gay people are some of the most talented and gifted individuals in the world, whether in the arts, commerce and industry. They have made some major positive and constructive contributions to communities, societies and the world in general. I don’t support homosexuality but then again how do we embrace them as human beings capable of contributing positively to our economies and at the same time deny their personal choice of sexuality? As so called straight people we have our own foibles and questionable marals that are clearly against biblical standards but no one highlights them as much as they do on the “evilness” of homosexuality. In the end I believe it will come down to just you and your God.

  8. it’s complicated and funny that most of the gay people are some of the most talented and gifted individuals in the world, whether in the arts, commerce and industry. They have made some major positive and constructive contributions to communities, societies and the world in general. I don’t support homosexuality but then again how do we embrace them as human beings capable of contributing positively to our economies and at the same time deny their personal choice of sexuality? As so called straight people we have our own foibles and questionable morals that are clearly against biblical standards but no one highlights them as much as they do on the “evilness” of homosexuality. In the end I believe it will come down to just you and your God.


    Big congratulation to Archbishop Medardo Mazombwe for this outstanding appointment from retirement! Realizing Archbishop Medardo Mazombwe’s unparalleled impeccable leadership, maturity, sobriety, temperament, credibility, sound judgment, diplomacy, spirituality and engaging skills any situation could need, the Pope has found it befitting to appoint him to the highest calling. He has seen every good quality in Mazombwe to salvage Catholicism in the country.

  10. Pope has also felt the shame failed leadership of sacrilegious Telesphore Mpundu, Paul Duff and their PF cadres such as Frank Bwalya, Mwewa and Kabanda have brought on the church in their pursuit of a secular state and bestiality.

    Personally I have no doubt that distinguished Archbishop Mazombwe will help restore the lost dignity of Catholics in the country since it was brought under siege of cadreism turning it into a PF structure. Shame on Cadre Telesphore Mpundu and thumps up to one Archbishop Medardo Mazombwe! This move has made the country proud.

  11. The Biblical revelation that “the wise came from the East” can never be better exemplified than this Archbishop Mazombwe highest appointment from retirement. Mazombwe is a man you see a spirit of Grace, humility, maturity, intellectualism, sound mind, wisdom and truth all personifying his character unlike bitter, tribalistic, divisive and repugnant cadre Telesphore Mpundu full of incorrigible hatred and malice.

  12. It is unfortunate that KK , a man of great stature, has thrown himself in this gay debate. I remember in the Second Republic how this man protected us from western influence by censoring TV programs and banning beauty pageants. Well we are not children anymore and we can make our own decisions!
    This Gay Issue has been used by politicians in history to persecute political opponents. Hitler arrested generals that he saw as a threat and accused them of being gay. Mugabe has done the same to his opponents. Museveni is doing the same thing. Zambian politicians want to join the bandwagon. In the end Zambian people will be the losers since the leadership vacuum will persist and instead replaced by these people who claim to speak to God directly.

  13. ba Fonko Fonko nabo, are you also going to say no to anal sex between women and men, most of these things happen behind closed doors, some husbands DO their womens backsides… are you going to do something about that? If not, leave the homos alone, what about men who are born with two penises would you chop off one? Christian nation my butt, religon is the source of all evil.

  14. People are missing the point. Legalizing homosexuality does not necessarily mean accepting it. It can be legalized but Zambians can still (and should) reject it! Satanism is not illegal in Zambia but people reject and abhor it.

  15. Please folks, do not lose any sleep about homosexuality! It is basically non of your business. 2 conserting adults are free to do the hell they want in their own privacy. Most of you guys (like me) do have a wife and a mistress, you want that to be banned as well? About being a christian nation my foot, you have the GRZ stealing from the poor and getting fatter (Most fatest govt in Africa), and calling Zed a Christian nation?! Leave homos alone and concetrate on the economy and the loss of mining taxes.

  16. Lundu it true you are a homo..?camn u imagine a male dog mating with a fellow male..ever sen then..?why do they arrest someone who has sex with an animal like that chap in Mkushi..?pliz ..this whole act is demonic and evil..

  17. #18 have you ever heard of a donkey raping a man,? just google it and you will see with your own eyes.. then you will discover a whole new world out there, where rabbits, hump chickens cats with dogs, women with real snakes, boy, and zambians think a man loving another man is evil! You are living in a box shamwali

  18. The bigest problem with zambia is ignorance on the part of both leaders and voters. Can we give infor to the society so that they can judge for them selves instead of following RBs blind stance.Its understandable that supper ken says no coz his days are over and this is a morden zambia.KK would say the same on hipsters.And he was the same man who first said no to democracy only to say yes after pressure.
    The best for this issue to settled is to give infor to the people. Rb did not say doesnt accept it. He said he was confused on the issue.

  19. ……………………… what about the Zambian girls who’s nude pics with legs spread wide apart for all to see on the internet, REAL ZAMBIAN BIFTEK with dangling bits, a sign that they are from a primitive culture.

  20. Sigh. I have also never seen a female dog licking a male dog’s penis yet plenty of humans do that. Are we to stop that too because other animals don’t do it?

    Yet again I will ask one simple question: If we are to legislate based on what the Bible considers moral, should we not, in the interests of fairness, have the same punishments for everything else the Bible considers immoral? Why do we not have 17 year prison sentences for people that have sex before marriage, for instance?

  21. ba LT
    where is my post?It was there yesterday.why are you gagging me?what happened to free speech?are you homos aswell?I will place the post again.

  22. This gay issue is a time waster. How can you make laws about what people do behind closed doors. Politicians are better off trying to reduce poverty than taking up this ‘problem’. Please involve yourselves in productive activities other than this witch-hunting.

  23. Homosexuality shuold not be entertained in Zambia, and mind you it is not a right in Zed. Ifully support all those who comdemn the act. Zambians please reject it. If the money the donors tie their money to gayism then let us remain poor and be dignified rather than accept their dirty tricks.

  24. Maria- If the homosexuals kept their acts in their bedroom, we could ignore them. They are not only bringing out of their bedroom their disgusting acts, but they are trying to force good people to accept their practices. If they would stop shoving it down everyone’s throat, it would not be an issue. But they have an agenda to demoralize the world.. to make homosexuality acceptable… the reason? So that they can convince more people to join them in their shameful ways and destroy famiilies. They are RECRUITING innocent people. As they continue to force good people to allow their behavior, then embrace their behavior, they deceive youths into accepting homosexuality as an acceptable practice. They are activists with a cause to tear down the family structure and destoy cultures.

  25. ……………..only people with small brains do not understand that homosexuality is not transitional but a life long process of accepting ones natural feelings…………. (every life has its own hands)

  26. Most of Africa really enjoys living in the Middle Age… Maybe they should bring back slavery? That was very christian!

  27. Discrimination against gays is prejudice and no different from racism, religious intolerance, tribalism etc! Just because we heterosexuals find it weird, doesn’t mean we should discriminate against consenting adults who are gay. It’s backward and hypocrisy of the highest order for any of us to pretend to be holier than others. For example; many consider oral sex to be filthy and dirty (marriage counsellors in Zed even chastise newly weds against it), while many others find that it is sensual, extremely pleasurable and enhances their sex lives. Does it mean we should ban oral sex? Let’s stop the hyposcrisy, I know chaps who claim that oral sex is filthy yet they go out and seek blow-jobs from girlfriends and hookers! (not to mention eagerly perform cunnilingus on their partners).

  28. Super Ken, give it a break. We have bigger fish to fry pa Zed instead of wasting time debating homosexuality. Our politicians, entrepreneurs, clergy and civil society are amongst the most corrupt in the world yet we prefer to yap about non-issues. Quite frankly, I’m more concerned about thieving politicians, tax evading tamangas, dodgy pastors ammassing “tithes” tax-free and phony NGO leaders minting millions of $ while pretending to “alleviate” poverty; than I am about what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms. We’re celebrating our so called “Independence” today yet the large majority of our people wallow in abject poverty, disease and backwardness, yet people want to spend so much time discriminating against gays. At the rate we’re going, I doubt we’ll…

  29. On her radio show recently, Dr. Laura Schlesinger said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22, and cannot be condoned under any circumstance.

    The following response is an open letter to Dr. Laura, penned by a U.S. resident, which was posted on the Internet. It’s funny, as well as informative:

    Dear Dr. Laura:

    Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God’s Law. I have learned a great deal from your show, and try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination…End of debate.

    I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some other elements of…

  30. Top reasons why homosexuality should not be legalised
    1. Gay relationships are not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That’s why there is only one religion in Zambia.
    2. Homosexuality is not natural, much like wearing eyeglasses, polyester, and using birth control.
    3. Heterosexual relationships are valid because they produce children. Infertile couples and old people can’t legally get married because the world needs more children.
    4. Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.
    5. Straight marriages will be more meaningful, since Britney Spears’ 55-hour just-for-fun marriage was meaningful.
    6. Heterosexual relationships have been around a long time and…

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