Monday, March 17, 2025

We’ll win Chilanga, Mpulungu – RB


President Rupiah Banda

PResident Rupiah Banda has said MMD would emerge victorious in both the Mpulungu and Chilanga parliamentary by-elections.

Speaking at the airport in Lusaka when he left for Mpulungu yesterday, President Banda said the MMD was ready to retain both seats even though the opposition wanted to portray that the ruling party was losing support.

And when he arrived in Mpulungu to address a series of rallies to drum up support for the MMD candidate Given Mung’omba, Mr Banda said the MMD was ready physically and mentally to campaign and retain the Mpulungu Constituency.

“This election is critical because the opposition want to make it look as though our party is dwindling and would therefore try by all means to win the by-election,” Mr Banda said.

He said Mpulungu constituency belonged to the MMD and it should continue that way after the October 25 Mpulungu by-election.

The MMD members should work hard to win the upcoming election and must not allow the opposition to emerge winners.

He said MMD was the only party that had nationwide support unlike the opposition parties that attracted sections of particular people only.

Mr Banda said MMD members should also work hard to win the 2011 general elections that were equally critical for the party.

He said he was happy to see so many residents of Mbala and Mpulungu dressed in MMD party attire saying he was hopeful that in 2011 the Northern Province would also be in ‘blue’.

Mr Banda said the MMD had remained solid despite attacks because of members like those in Northern Province that were the ‘true blue’.

Northern Province acting MMD chairperson Gaston Sichilima said the people of Mbala and Mpulungu had formed a joint force to chase PF leader Michael Sata out of Northern Province.

Mr Sichilima said the people of Northern Province had come to realise that Mr Sata was not a good leader to run the affairs of the country.

He said even Zambia’s Vice-President George Kunda had foreseen the cracks of the PF-UPND Pact which had now been buried.

Mpulungu Constituency seat fell vacant after the MMD MPLameck Chibombamilimo died.
Meanwhile, President Banda has said Government retained the Mpulungu Port in Mpulungu from private ownership to empower the residents of Mpulungu.

Government wanted to make Mpulungu District a modern town and that could only be done if the people of Mpulungu were empowered by running the port.

[ Times of Zambia ]


  1. You better win which i doubt very much.I know true blue has given you the two seats to prove why they should retain you as their presidential candidate next year.

  2. MMD as usual panicking its not about chasing Sata from Northern Province Sichilima its about development and reducing Poverty amongst the Northern Zambians whom your Government has always neglected.I can see you feeling the impact of the Pact. With or without Pact MMD kuya bebele ‘Don’t ukubeba’ Sichilima.

  3. its a foregone job come independence day. kasaba bay expanded, building of mpulungu hospital advanced, rehabilitation of kasama mpulungu road and construction of high school

  4. Hehe…MMD is now dead completly. Their master Mr RB is now just crying to people to have mercy on MMD.

    Mhh its really sad that MMD has gone into the archive of political history. Any way RB is just trying to be a man…ati umwaume talila nangu chashupa shani.

    But this time I think RB is crying because he thought he would get Chilanga but The CHINA MEM have destroyed all what was left for MMD in Lusaka.

    In Mpulungu also Sata nasashila ichinechine …RB hated Chibombamilimo even in his death.

    Mmm MMD is now a shell. I dont know if they can win these two by elections…I dont know really.

  5. Never in the history of Zambia have we been focused economically and programs than now! I think all those of us who are non partisan and analyisse things soberly, really MMD under Mwanawasa & RB deserves to be commended.
    Mwanawasa continued with the SAP which Chiluba started, by finishing the last part called HIPC completion point. Chiluba had already completed two major stages under Ronald Penza and others.
    RB has continued to complete most of the things mwanawasa started, a fact which even the opposition have acknowledged that RB has not started any project oh his but is just completing which Levy started. This is indeed following the legacy of Levy.
    Come 2011, i have no doubt i will vote for MMD becoz they have demonstrated maturity.

  6. RB may have been receiving grifts similar to the ones Criminal FTJ used to receive and deposit in Zam trope account. This may be the reason he is supporting Chinese criminals.

  7. How do you win an election when you have no popularity? Not even VJ will save you for shame this times.

  8. Many of us have concluded that there are no serious challengers to MMD hence whoever MMD puts as a presidential candidate next year will win. Many have been condemning Sata’s language, which does not befit a president. HH where are you?????

  9. #7, what are you smoking or drinking? You sound like you are related to some of the ass lickers at ZE in Washington(shu shu shu) What is your understanding of development when only 20% of the population has access to electricity, unemployment is around75%, only 17% of the population hae bank accounts, the country is ravaged by AIDS,,30% of the population have access to clean drinking water, 40% of the budget is funded by the donors,the entire country has fewer than 600 medical doctors, 80 000 teachers die of aids every year. And you call this development. Go to Shangombo and Gwembe and you will meet people who don’t even know the colour of money. Look at the state of the schools, hospitals, roads, street lights and the list goes on.The IMF and WB will always praise you because they need…

  10. You and I can sit down and blog but how many of our country folks have access to the internet compared to Rwanda? How many can use a computer in Mongu, Monze, Kaputa, Chinsali,Chibombo and in your eyes Bwezani has made good investmet in education. Look at the rickety infrastrucure in the country and you will sober up and see what underdevelopment and under achievement is all about.We boast of peace yet we are like a failed state. Look at the floods in Lusaka of last year and we will see worse this year.Please stop smoking whatever you are smoking and face reality. Look at the MO Ibrahim Index and see where our country stands. You might be on GRZ pay roll but plse learn to button up your mouth. You remind me of the late Tetamashimba who’ promised to build a bridge even where theres no…

  11. #14 I am skeptical about your statistics! I don’t think Zambia is that bad, not even Shangombo. I just visited the area, three months ago.

  12. #14, 15, You miss the point which is that devleopment projects to address poverty in Zambia are underway. No one has claimed that poverty levels in Zambia are low or that it has been conquered.
    On the other hand, the MMD seems to be delivering ever since Sata left and formed PF. When you consider PF’s manifesto, 90 days development agenda, flip flopping, insults, campaign lies, ignorance, hunger for power, etc you get the full picture.

  13. 14, 15 On the other hand if you are one of the advocates of change of leadership in Zambia, tell us what to change to. To be specific, given that the “front runners” for leadership in Zambia include Mr Sata please state whether you think Mr Sata offers any leadership qualities and knowledge to offer modern Zambia and therefore to be considered as an alternative to RB. Then we shall see who is smoking between you and #7.

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