Sunday, September 8, 2024

KCM workers hold peaceful protest, demand payments of terminal benefits


Workers at the Konkola Copper Mines on the Copperbelt Province have staged a peaceful demonstration to air out their grievances.

Among their grievances are the delayed payments of terminal benefits, as well as Vedanta who has dragged Konkola Copper Mines Provisional liquidator, Milingo Lungu and ZCCM-IH to court.

Leading the miners who were accompanied by Copperbelt University students, Mine Union Workers of Zambia (MUZ) President Joseph Chewe said Vendanta contributed to the country’s bad economy, therefore they should not be entertained at all costs.

Mr Chewe noted that the court should do its job by firstly looking at the plight of the miners who he said are now wallowing in abstract poverty.

Mr Chewe noted that miners are hoping for fair judgment on the case, adding that they want their benefits paid as promised.

The United Mines Workers (UMUZ) President James Chansa explained that the mines belong to the Zambian people hence, they do not deserve this kind of suffering that has been initiated by Vedanta.

Mr Chansa observed that if Vendanta continues with the operations of the mines, the miners and the people of Zambia will continue suffering.

And , Nchanga Member of Parliament Chali Chilombo appealed to the courts of law to consider the plight of the miners.

The MP however called on the miners to remain hopeful and allow the courts to exercise their powers without any distractions.

Meanwhile, Chingola District Commissioner Agnes Tonga who spoke on behalf of the government said President Edgar Lungu does not want to see people suffering at the expense of the investor.

Ms Tonga noted that it is for this reason that the government has rallied behind the miners and ensured that they are taken care of.

She also urged the courts to be fair and just in their ruling, in order for the people of Zambia and the miners to benefit from what rightfully belongs to them.

Ms Tonga further called on all stakeholders to join hands and stand together and ensure that this matter is handled fairly regardless of the political affiliations.


  1. Thought all was rosy at KCM now. Wait till the elections are over, then you will know what sensible people have been telling you. Good luck getting your benefits, you only have 4 months left….. Meanwhile PF cadres have more money to literally sleep on.

  2. Ifipuba kwena nafifula muno chalo, protesting against whom? Are not the same idyots you are praising, the same people who are holding on to your money? Are they not the same ones who are using your money to idyotise you with fake empowerment? The leaders of your useless onions are visionless like someone you know. They do not know the mess they have put you and your children in. just wait and see what will become of you KCM and Mopani, only then will you know who was telling you the truth and the one who was blinding you with fake donations.

  3. How do wallow in abstract poverty ba Chewe? The miners have been dununard as these PF goons have no money to pay them. Imagine being placed on redundancy and to be paid in 18 months? This is mockery and an affront on the workers rights.

  4. KCM workers hold peaceful protests to demand payments of terminal benefits, while PF carders are paid 100’s of thousands of kwacha’s for being good for nothing but violent and wayward

  5. Let’s see of milingo lungu will be able to pay your benefits. You are now going to suffer in abject poverty.


  7. PF ministers, cadres and all of bootlikers are flashing money publicly even buying helicopters while these miners are suffering. Listen to Tayali who has admitted today that PF government doesn’t care for the poor as they steal, and compete among themselves who will steal very big and boast as a rich person. So, miners sorry keep suffering.

  8. Monday Chanda
    Come and see the miners protesting. Don’t you think they are being instigated by the opposition?

    One wonders why you are not saying anything at all!

  9. Thank you for holding a mature peaceful protest. It’s your right to do so and we allowed it because Zambia is a democracy. We will sit down with your reps and work something out. Thank you

  10. Hopefully a quick resolution is arrived at to settle their benefits. I totally feel their pain and that if their families, this money is their daily bread. I believe our able Government is definitely looking into it.

  11. Two issues. Our people need awakening. Governments don’t solve problems or provide solutions for citizens. Fun enough this is not just a Zambia issue. Look at what is happening in the USA? My sense is that personal responsibility comes first. Then you fight from there.

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