Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Mongu youths protest omission Barotse agreement from Draft Constitution


Youths in Mongu this morning protested against Police officers who were stopping them from an unlawful assembly.

The youths explained to the police officers that their meeting was to discuss the omission of the Barotse agreement of 1964 in the draft constitution.

In the process of stopping them from assembling unlawfully, the youths started throwing stones at police officers and wounded one of them.

The youths allegedly burnt a motor vehicle registration number AAP 3277 belonging to Misheck Kolobeka which was hired by MTN Zambia for their sensitization shows.

The youths also vandalized Kalemoni and town market police posts and freed all detainees from the police cells.

They have also removed flags from schools and at the stadium where the inter trades sports competition are taking place.

The youths have further threatened to beat up anyone who will be holding independence activities tomorrow.

Efforts to find out the condition of the police officer who was wounded proved futile by press time as he was out in the field for duties.



  1. Things happening in zed are characteristic of a failed state. Such are but warnings of worse things to come if the situation is left unchecked.

  2. These Lozis are at it again. What Barotse agreement of 1964, shame on these ignorant youths who would even protest on something which was illegal. That agreement was not workable because other tribes were also included e.g the lambas who were not aware that something like that was going on behing their backs. According to human rights, people are free to choose where they should belong

  3. The police appear to have shown an unusual level of restraint. Especially over the freeing of prisoners. Or maybe they were overwhelmed by numbers.
    One senses a deep anger with these young men. And they are very militant with it . This is also quite unusual.

  4. Zanis u are a let down. U are more concerned with injured policeman and not the two killed persons in the incidence. Well u are doing it for RB

  5. This is an indication of the people’s growing levels of frustrations with RB’s leadership. If not checked, this is a clear warning of possible worse to come. And this is also how how most civil wars erupt. A good example is the Nigerian MEND who are fighting for a larger share of the Niger Delta oil wealth. RB should for once listen and minimise on his travel. He should heed people’s advise on the many governance issues that have been raised.

  6. These tribe makes me wonder a lot, honestly what is there for them to cry for an indipendent state. What I see in western province is just witchcraft, no industry, people are so backward because they do not accept other tribes in their areas. These are the same people who chased Father Bwalya from Radio Liseli as Manager, just because he is Bemba and use to play some Bemba and Nyanja songs on the radio station. Inclusive

  7. If they want western province to be their state, then they can decide so that all Lozis established in other provinces should leave and be needing visas to come to our beloved Zambia. These protesting youths are just reducing Milupi’s chances of becoming a republican president because everyone will regard him as someone who wants to devide the nation. Since this Barotse agreement icludes Kaprive strip, will Namibians allow this motive even if they are not benefiting anything from that area, being the poorest. This Kaprive strip is also the poorest in Namibia because it’s people do not believe in inclusiveness, just like their fellow Lozis of Zambia.

  8. #10 you are right, these people should claim this from the British GRZ who theated them about this agreement. As far as am concerned the British GRZ does not own zambia neither do they own any land or village in zambia, hence it should be the people of zambia to decide the fate of the Lozi people. They just colonised us and that was illegal, and at the same time we cannot allow them at this age to partition us. If Lozis still feel they are still answerable to the British, then they should ask for land somewhere in Britain e.g South or West London for them to go and settle, and even declare Barotseland.

  9. Police be ware , people are tired of your stu.pidity. In 2011 if you behave stu.pidly, the whole country will rise against you and that will be the begining of civil war in Zambia.

    So RB and MMD thugs be ware of that fact.

  10. Two protestors are feared dead when police opened fire on a crowd in Mongu, Western Province.

    A previously unknown group calling itself the Barotse Freedom Movement (BFM) organized the protest to raise awareness about the need to restore the 1964 Barotse Agreement.
    Police immediately moved in as protestors gathered in the morning for the protest and dispersed the gathering saying it is illegal.
    Three police officers are reportedly to have been injured in the ensuing confusion and a vehicle from mobile operator company – MTN was burnt to ashes.
    Some Mongu residents joined the protest because Mongu has had no electricity since Thursday

  11. What is wrong with these Lozis, can you please shut about and forget about this Baloste thing. We are living in one Zambia and one Nation. Why do you want to cause confusion in your sandy province.

  12. Mr. Simukonda-; Perhaps those youths ( and am not necessarily condoning their actions) have a reason to be angry: perhaps s’body with a brain should start figuring out why the Lozis are that angry. Actually you mentioned somewhere that Barosteland is backward and under-developed-question is, why is this so? There are so many resources in that province that have never been tapped; Our Governments have neglected those people since Independence and they have the right to complain.
    Whether you agree with them or not, their grievances are real, and if unchecked, such issues can blossom into real problems for the rest of the country- educate yourself with causations of many a civil strife in Africa.. ignoring them and explaining the issues away does not help…

  13. Aba Lozi fipuba sana at this time of tribal intergeration they are still claiming thier tribal independence and ruling from one zambia one nation. what a shame? Thats why Lozi people will never ever produce a Zambian president coz they are too damn tribal and behind. Least their province is the waste developed province in Zambia,what a shame. wake up you people.

  14. The level if ignorance being manifested by Northern Janjaweeds on this site about the agreement are frightening and one can truly see how civil wars are hatched in Africa. I also wonder how many people here rubbishing it have even had a single chance to lay their eyes on it. Zambia in its current unitary form where all powers are vested in Lusaka in Kansundila’s monkey pi.ss head is clearly a failed state, that agreement was about federalising this country and its the only way to go. Its not just Western province that needs autonomy, its all the other 8 provinces. The rot in Lusaka has done enough damage and its about time power was given to the people.

  15. # 22 MUNUNGU WA HAWO! There is nothing wrong with lozis claiming what is rightfully theirs. there many kingdom in africa that benefited from aggrements like this eg Royal bafikeng in south africa,,, this not about creating a state within state, lozis are just reclaiming their kingdom status period.

    You bemba are just shollow minded tribalist,, thats why zambia is like this today .. because you believe in lying, stealing and destroying,, look at the mines today, who destroyed them? bembas!
    Remember if all these kingdoms not just the lozi are treated with respected and are given back their status.. they can help in checking the governments of the day ,, be open minded.

  16. You guys must stop generalising. If a bunch of kids revolts it is not all Lozis that have revolted. You are too quick to generalise in the process forgetting there are plenty of progressive Lozis who have inter married with Bembas, Luvales, Ngonis, Tongas and have never supported this Barotse pact.

  17. #23 spot on! why has everyone rushed to imagine that this will lead to a civil war? doesnt anyone think that this can resolved peacefully? in any case if western province doesnt have resources, why does the zambian govt still want to hold on the province? seems to me that everyone wants action to be taken but are too cowardly to do so. personally am itching for a serious VIVA. lozis are courageously leading the way. we should support them. the issue is not the barotse agreement but the pathetic state of things in this country. people in western province feel that maybe if they can have autonomy, maybe they can make things better for themselves since the central government is too busy making deals with the chinese. BE BRAVE ZAMBIANS, otherwise mukana muca masipa alitaka zamina!

  18. I thought the barotse issue was over. The government should quickly solve this problem because it could be a recipe of civil war in future, especially that Western province is normally called names (underdeveloped, backward (#8), sandy and poor (#19). People read statements like these and could get inflammed. This problem is not only for western province, but other provinces which feel the same way also. Unless the government quickly moves in to develop the country, there could be calls for people in every province to liberate themselves for the sake of running their own affairs.

  19. It seems some Zambian people still dont know what is called Barotseland contrsted with Western Province. A help is that google that name and may be we can be enlightened for it appears we dabate something we dont even comprehend fully. Barotseland is not the same as western Province. Check your knowledge. Knowledge is power.

  20. Simukonda #8, 9 and 11 is definitely ignorant about the issues at state when we talk about the Barotseland Agreement in Zambia. Tanzania is a unitary state inclusive of Tanganyika and Zanzibar and yet that country is one of the most united on the face of Africa. That it exists, the Barotseland Agreement cannot be trashed without negative consequences on the country as a whole. This is a serious matter. Indeed, even more powerful nations like the United States of America, have treaties they have to abide by.

  21. Under-development is not the reason here, Its them they dont encourage other peole to settle in their land and what do you expect? This should not be allowed. because next time you will also see the Ngoni,Bembas and Tongas caliming their agreement if at all they have any.

    Mother Zambia Lets celebrate Independence Freely.

  22. But you Lozi also alow people with money to settle in your land. You dont want Investment thats why the pronvince looks too village. Come out the shell of Investment fear and you will see how nice the province will look.

    On the other hand, let RB and the MMD thugs be ware, if the Lozi’s press on to go it alone, all the provinces will go it alone coz all pronvinces are not benefitting from the national cake. So RB should imediately stop being a play boy of 80 years, but instead work hard to develop all the provinces.

    The writtings are on the wall Zambians, that if RB continues with his stu.pidity Zambia will be in flames soon.

    It is a warning to RB that he should become serious in protecting and defending the interests of all Zambians.

    May the Lord God bless Zambia.

  23. #33 Tazani

    It just shows how uncivilised you are . You came from a woman, so if you insult mothers of your friends you are also insulting your mother coz she is a woman. Insults will not solve the issue at hand but wisdom and facing the reality.

    Are you not so much ashamed man? Its really sad. It does not mean if you are a lozi then people cant advice you on pressing matters.

    Be civil man.

  24. Do you think our Chiefs from Barotseland are as dull as you uncivilised Chiefs who give the land and mineral rights to the so called investors and who turn gain to shoot Zambians? NEVER!!! We are ready to die for what is our for own information. This is clear traditional land cannot resort under state powers by force, but discussions and consent of the traditional leaders. Government has state land in the form of town councils etc. So what is wrong with the youths demnstrating and some of *****ic bloggers sending derogative statements against the Lozis. MINUNGU YA MINA. You children of the devil and thieves. VIVA BAROTSELAND, VIVA, USA, VIVA BOTSWANA

  25. Dear Bloggers, anything left unresolved has a tendency to resurface over and over again. The issue of Barotseland was not resolved entirely. If it was it could not be resurfacing so frequently. If we all condem the youths and do nothing to engage stakeholders in the process of understanding the cuase of this dissent, we shall all be opting for an easy way out. Let us search our souls and really find out why there is so much dissent against the issue of Barotseland, and why subsequent governments have not addressed this issue by engaging the Barotses in a soul searching stakeholder meetings aimed at understanding the identity, belief and position of Lozis on the matter. To bury our heads in the sand, as it were, is to postpone the issue, and not resolve it. Open dialogue is one option.

  26. Simukonda (8,9 & 11) your lack of intellectual depth nauseates, you need some education on issues before you expose your ignorance. How dare you insult us like that, u silyangu,sitoto,sikuba (chisilu,chinangwa, chipuba). No. 22 what do you think is in Zambia that Barotseland could not have achieved in a generation that Zambia has been independent? In fact she could have done much better just like our southern neighbors. For your information, at independence, Zambia’s GDP was by far higher than that of South Korea, Malaysia and most of the NICs in Asia. However, 46 years down the line where does Zambia stand, tell me if you have any understanding? You will do the country a favor by shutting up if you can not debate in a civil manner.

  27. Ke Nako! Free yourselves Marotse! 46 years after independence all that Zambia has given you is a single tarmac road from Lusaka to Mongu built by Lendor and Burton in 1972. This road got dilapidated in the 1980s. It was never redone until 2007 when the Danes rehabilitated it. 2004 saw the Germans build the Livingstone to Sesheke Rd and Katima Bridge so as to link Zambia to Walvis Bay. Other than that there is nothing that has been done since the so called ‘independence’. Anyone who has not experienced living in the poorest province of one of the poorest countries in the world should shut up! Let the people of the poorest province determine their future! They can certainly build 20 times more roads in Barotseland than the joke called Zambia!

  28. It is better to die for Barotseland than to live with a generation of thieves and cheaters. I’m calling upon my Lozi brothers and sisters all over the world and well wishers to fight the cause of Barotseland and liberate us from thief monkeys. Enough is enough. LET us fight. We are appealing to USA, Denmark, Britain to speed up the process ::::::. For all the Lozis speaking people from the SADC region, Botswana, Namibia and RSA we are coming as mercenaries so that we discipline those Manyukunyuku so that they know the power of oil and diamond. SAVIMBI sustained war becos of the same. We will fight you until you know who a Lozi is. All weapons left by SWAPO and SAVIMBI must now work. VIVA Litunga VIVA Barotseland state.

  29. These *****s think that Lozis are only in Zambia. We are all children of the blackbull.POHO YENSU South of limpopo and Zambezi and Eastern Angola.Lozi commanders fought war against the arrogant Boer Military in SWAPO. We are in Botswana and RSA. Insult one Lozi then you insult all. Time is coming when you will know the truth. Without Barotseland and northern Rhodesia there could be NO Zambia today. RESPECT the feelings of Lozis not just jumping to conclusions.

  30. There is no need to be emotional about this issue. The Lozis are making a point and an argument. If you don’t know the real truth it is better you go and read the Barotse Agreement rather than just commenting childishly. Some of you have never even been to Western Province, because if you had been there you would know that other tribes now make up about 30% of the total population is western province. This has nothing to do with other tribes. This issue is between Barotseland and the government of Zambia. If the government continues being foolharded about it and not pay attention, this is going to cause very very serious problems for Zambia. But I would also urge the Lozis to follow the right channels instead of rioting. Why don’t they hire a lawyer and take the government to court?

  31. Guys let us just be real in life, this Barotse thing cannot work now. you Barotse dreamers keep dreaming until you dream no more. You were drawing boundaries in people’s land without consent e.g parts of central, whole of North-western, Caprive in Namibia and other parts of the Copperbelt and these people never signed an agreement with you of accepting to belong to your Barotseland. You do not force people to belong to where they do not want, put this in your heads and accept reality. North-westerners are development minded people who would not accept to belong to a selfish agreement, just to serve your chiefs only. Western is poor because well to do and educated people do not want to invest or even step a foot in that land because of fear of witchcraft, and they reject those not…

  32. In agreeing with comments by # 36, i believe that solving problems of this nature, requires identifying the root cause of the problem as a first step. The protests in Mongu are simply a symptom of a problem that has long remained unresolved probably because emphasis has been placed on addressing the symptoms and not the cause of the problem. You cannot cure malaria by only attending to the headache (the symptom) that comes with it!

  33. #40 you can belong anywhere on earth, but we do not give it a dump anyway. In Namibia you were rejected when you wanted to make caprive stipe a country because of your selfish interests. Up to now Caprive stripe where there are Lozis is the poorest in Namibia. Lozis why can’t you develop a mind of development than this selfishness you are trying to show. Even if we are to go back to the negotiations, we can just allow you to stick to your western province and not other areas. North-westerners would not want to be part of your selfish motives. We do not mind about your oil, stay with it, we have oil in Chavuma North-western province. We have lived without your hidden oil for this long. Stay with your Sand and Kuomboka who cares anyway.

  34. You Lozis why do you always think inside the Box. You are the only tribe in Zambia who cannot accept others. I know there are civilised Lozis and my wish is that they can educate their clans. If you have never lived in Western province it means you do not know tribalism. They will never give you even water just because you speak a different language. It is the worste experience you will ever have in your life, even if they do not understand, help should be available. I have lived with North-westerners, at first they never use to understand my language but were more helpful and accommodative, I was able to eat, not what I experienced in that God forsaken province called Western province.

  35. The Barotse Agreement as i understand it, was to allow the Barotse people continue to manage their affairs as was the case before independence. It was transfer of responsibilities from the UK government to the Zambian government. . In fact, there was provision in the original agreement that future constitutions of Zambia should provide for the continuation of this agreement. In short, Barotseland should be a self governing area (like the States of the USA) within the Republic of Zambia – a federal relationship .

  36. #44 you can express yourself without being tribal. I think the issue is between the Barotseland and not Lozis. Let us not reduce the debate to tribal lines. I would be comfortable if you commented on the Barotseland issue, and not the Lozis. BTW I am being educated that Northern Caprivi is also the poorest part of Namibia? That would be a nice piece of research to do. I m also educated that Chavuma has oil. Why is it not being mined? Anyway, thatnks for your educative nuances.

  37. It is the Youths who are protesting why? The MMD govt has shut down most boarding schools in Western Province. Todate Western province has the lowest progression rates from Grade 7 into Grade 9; and from Grade 9 into Grade 10. Look at the recently announced 2011 Budget and you will notice that the Ministry of Education has decided to build High schools in 8 Provinces of Zambia. Western Province has deliberately been excluded and will only get so called Basic schools. There is method with what the Zambian govt is doing. It started with Kaunda and the Barotse are now saying: Enough is Enough We can look after ourselves!

  38. i personally got no problem with the BRE as long as they include Eastern province, i wouldnt like us to be stuck with that province, its a drag.

  39. #44; 45 Wena Simukonda if you didnt care would you have spent 24 hrs writing rubbish! If Western Province is just sand why have you become so emotional over this issue? The Lozis just want self determination that’s all. The concept of Zambia with 9 Provinces has failed. For 46 years the so called Zambian govt has failed to build infrastructure in Barotseland. Do you want the Barotse to wait for another 46 years? Please just f/uck off you fo.ol. Why do want Barotseland to be part of Zambia when you hate them with such frightening venom? You must be a very sick person.

  40. Lozis should not accept working hahnd in hand with fools in the current goverment… they should just continue fighting until they get back whats theirs if u a fool and you dont have any heritage just go back to the chitimukulus who dance at a traditional ceremony. live us alone mwana tau ki tau!!!

  41. #44;45 ki sikuba from his level of ignorance and arrogance. Imagine he is telling the whole world that there is British GRZ,posting #10. You will spare the country some pain if you stopped ostracizing Malozi in your blogs. Wena, Simukonda be informed that you can not silence bana ba poho ye nsu. I am amazed at your ignorance if all saw in BL is witchcraft, sand and Kuomboka, you must be a witch as well. Stop misleading the bloggers with your ill-informed postings, which border town in Zambia can you compare to Katima, Nakonde, my foot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  42. Your language is dripping with arrogance, “If you have never lived in Western province it means you do not know tribalism. They will never give you even water just because you speak a different language. It is the worste experience you will ever have in your life, even if they do not understand, help should be available. I have lived with North-westerners, at first they never use to understand my language but were more helpful and accommodative, I was able to eat, not what I experienced in that God forsaken province called Western province”(sic). What you makes you fail to learn other languages? Some characters like you called NWesterners names that you heaping on Malozi today. Today bcoz of Kasanshi and Lumwana you can even say we have oil in Chavuma! Chiselela u kwakaba fuseki, zwaa…

  43. Msana Wa Nzili you are just chiefs in Eastern Province.. You are not part of the formation your Country.. do u knw how much we feel about our Land???? if you have no Agreements to the cause of the formation of Zambia then just back off if u have please you are ready to protest but if its Gawa undi then shutup!!!! **** off!!

  44. #53 Kalombamano Sitoto Nja tuna wena. Uli Hata la bonani Matswana kuli unani sibiti sesi Maswe! If indeed Lozi’s are as you describe them why would you care if they broke away? Why do dimwits like you speak from both ends of your mouths? You should be supporting them to break away seeing you have a low regard for them! Or is it that you are the son of your Aunt? Zwaa you inbreed! Only an id.i.ot would oppose the independence of a people he hates! Tribalists! My God! Why dont you check the nonsense that you have written? It is Lozis this Lozis that! Is that how non tribalists argue? Just go back into the stinking hole you were pushed out of!

  45. #55Nalubutu Washington DC
    My word! what are you on mate? i cant wrap my mind around what you trying to say. You’re the most incoherent contributor to have ever visited this site. Please anyone with panadol? i cant think properly anymore

  46. #56 sorry for the friendly fire. Ne ni eza quote #45 (Simukonda), lu inzi mwa mukolo o swana kono isi ng’i mukolo wa likuba. LOL.

  47. Why should people start mentioning tribes here! Peace loving Zambians, please avoid this at all costs. In fact, the majority of you orchestrating violence or civil war are not even in the country to suffer the consequences should the worst erupt.

    My understanding is that the constitution so far is a draft one! Why shouldn’t the educated concerned Zambians use other means to get it included than fervently taking to the streets over a draft document. Are you sure this is the only reason our beloved brothers in Mongu took to the streets?

    I love united Zambians, not just Bembas, Lozis, or Tumbukas, or …, just in their exclusive entities. How many intermarriages have resulted in constructive issues?

    Our parents fought for a united Zambia … you want to disintegrate it … mmm…

  48. #55 kindly enlighten us what contents of the BRE are so we could debate with a clear mind. if at all BRE included copprebelt, since when did lambas pay homage to litunga, since when did lundas pay homage to litunga if at all northwestern was part of this BRE thing? the fact that no one publishes it for all to see implies it may not even exist and thats why litunga has kept quiet while his children enjoy on your backs. i am married from western province but am not lozi and neither is my wife but she has roots in western province yet she doesnt even know lozi so who will be ruled in this kingdom?

  49. the best we can do is probably ask ourselves are we able to lead each other or we need a lesson from botswana? secceding may not be a solution as i dont think those tongas in southern province will let go of their land or indeed those chiefs from central province. the best is probably allow for all the wealth created in western province to develop this magnificent land. we cant be talking of mongu kalabo road for centuries. we must put to task selfish westerners like prof lungwangwa who are full of themselves and also the mbikusita family, why should they alone enjoy loyalties while the masses wallow in dire poverty? all level minded westerners kindly ask your chief to explain to the current generation what really transpired. let them not just say there was an agreement.

  50. If there was any wealth in my sichaba, e.g., diamonds, oil, copper, etc – surely they would have been exploited by now! My sichaba does not include parts that were wrongly given to it, e.g. CB.

    I agree with no. 1 and no. 23 – very good contributions.

  51. What could happen if they were left alone to rule themselves? i wish it were the Ngonis that were agitating for autonomy or separation because they are just a burden and an achilles heel everytime we want to change governments. The rest of the country should protest for Eastern province to be included in BRE.

  52. The Barotseland Agreement is a historical reailty and Zambia cannot run away from it. Those of you who are speaking nonsense against the Lozis, purely out of ignorance, I would ask you the question: “Why was there a Barotseland Agreement at Zambia’s independence?” Barotseland existed as a sovereign nation long before Zambia came into existence. Lozis, like anybody else in Zambia, have the right of expression and, by exercising that right, they are not being “tribal”. Besides, if the Barotseland Agreement was “illegal” as some ignorant bloggers have claimed, this then should be a matter that can be determined by a reputable legal institution. Lastly, if Barotseland has nothing to offer, then give it up. Let the Lozis have their self-rule which they have had from antiquity…

  53. Decentralisation can resolve this issue, but the best we need is a federal republic where each province is a state managing at its own affairs. In America, federal states manages their economy, have their own budgets and the central govt is mostly involved in foreign policy and the military. This is the little I know about federal system.

  54. xenophobic Lozis separatists.even their women know them that’s why Lozi women prefer marrying other ribes. And what is it with bembas what have bembas done to lozi,s? We are very far from western province yet you keep on draging our proud tribe into your problems.Lozi from south africa lozis from namibia. Ubupumbu bwekabweka.ukushishita kwekakweka.Sought out your mess and leave us alone and for Tarzan don.t think bembas are cowards that you can threaten.. I love bemba. maybe you must start by loving yourselves when you love yourself you can love anything despite where they come from

  55. All civil wars in Africa thrive on ignorance and tribal bigotry. Zambia has been able to avoid this till yesterday. If this issue is not handled with care, this failed patch work of a nation called Zambia is doomed. Given yesterday’s events, I hope Banda will scale down on his useless trips overseas and locally to develop this country. These cries are not necessarily born out of a blind wish to secede, that province is so underdeveloped and the resultant lack of education, health and work opportunities have fueled a belief that things can only be better if they run their own affairs. One can only ignore this at their own peril, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Sudan etc are very painful examples.

  56. Very retrogressive, instead of moving forward. Former President Kaunda who was a signatory to the Agreement (if it exists) is still alive, he should be asked what really transpired.

  57. You guys let us just continue in one Zambia one nation. The reality is that the dreams of the Lozis will never materalise due to the fact that it is imposible. All provinces are suffering from underdevelopemt since RB and his MMD thugs are there to make themselves fat.

    What we should do is to make RB and MMD thugs accountable to us Zambians. Not this day dream of seceding which will never come true till Jesus comes.

    RB and your MMD thugs know that its not only the Lozis who are not happy about how stu.pidly you are running the country. I am warning you that you are yet to see the same in other pronvices.

    RB is running a failed state and there is a need to remoe him from office.

    Useless president who has caused people to start day dreaming the impossibility.

  58. And the other thing is the fact that there were so many Lozi ministers who supported the constitution…..what are you going to do to them? like Professor Lungwangwa and group.?

  59. How can people fail to understand that the main problem here relates to failure by the police to allow peaceful gathering of citizens. No matter how small of big a crowd, people ought to express themselves. To me this refusal itself shows that GRZ is aware of the sensitivity of the matter at hand. This issue needs to be sorted out at the highest level of legislation so that it’s done away with once & for all. I’m HORIFIED. I don’t want to believe that there is so much hatred & xenophobia in Zambia. What a great Shame. I personally found the people of Shangombo very generous & perhaps don’t even care about all these things other than seeing their villages connected to the national power and road grid.

  60. MILESTONES: 1892 Lochner concession signed and Barotseland becomes a British South Africa Company (BSAC) protectorate. 1923 British government takes over the role of protector from BSAC and Barotseland is expanded to include copperbelt, part of northwestern province, part of central province, part of southern province, part of namibia and barotse province. 1964 KK, Litunga and Governor of Northern Rhodesia sign Barotse Agreement. 1969 KK abrogates the Barotse Agreement and renames Barotse province as Western Province.

  61. The Europeans had it well planned out divide and conquer. Next Tongas will be claiming to be the only indigenous Zambians. There never was a Lozi tribal kingdom, just like there never was a brave king Shaka just a European puppet planted to distabilise a possibly powerful south Africa. Aparthied regime would have fallen if all the Africans of that land had stayed. Mandela would have been president without even going to prison. Awake my sleeping brothers and sisters arise from your perpertual slumber.

  62. The categoric myopic down ward spiral of Zambia was caused by Tonga, Bemba and Lozi men. One needs not have a history lesson to know this,’those with a copperbelt affiliation, I ask you this in the copper mines who where the directors and holders of influential power positions? My services are here for you do not hurt those beautiful brains on this our 46th independence. It is and was, yes you guessed it the three above mentioned. To refresh your minds, Tonga, Bemba and Lozi men. Why do these three groups even talk, every time the speak these days is at each others throats or insulting the rest of us, indiscriminately hmmm!

  63. #81
    You have made my day.!!!=))
    And the Chinese will claim Copperbelt and Lusaka provinces!
    I think splitting Zambia will not benefit the people of Western province or even the the rest of the country.
    The main problem in Zed is that power is so centralized and abused that ordinary people have no faith in how the govt is managing their wealth.

  64. First and foremost, I am a purebred Ngoni from Feni, near Mpezeni’s palace. The analogue of mopping the floor instead of turning off the tap appropriately applies with this problem in Mongu. It has less to do with History but a lot to do with the prevailing leadership of RB and his poor governance.

    There were no such protests during the previous governments of KK, Chiluba and Levy Mwanawasa. These leaders managed to contain the simmering anger of the BRE break away proponents without any troubles.

    RB’s leadership has frustrated the Lozi so much that they feel they have been taken for a ride for too long. If RB had avoided siding with Chiluba, Mwaanga, and all those known ‘criminals’, the current crisis would not have arisen. The Lozis are a very patient and respectful peopl

  65. In my humble opinion I have the following to say: the underdevelopment of western province must not be tied with the Barotse Agreement (BA). This is because the BA is not only about western province. It involves other provinces which a lot of of bloggers have already mentioned. People in western province must understand that they have every right to protest against the underdevelopment of the province without tying their grievances to the BA. Their case is strong enough without mentioning the BA.

  66. I am advocating for change of name for our country to ‘ZAMBEZILAND’ and decentralisation of powers to provinces. BA would be addressed possibly in this move too.
    Bloggers what is your view?

  67. The barotse agrement is being propelled by selfishness.It will only favor those that are connected to the royal family.Western province is not developed because of the selfishness and lack of patriotism among the Lozis.The province has produced high calibre people who have held influencial positions in goovernments.These have done very little for their province.Iam a Lozi myself,so i know where the problem is.I was born and brought up in Western Province.I only left western province at the age of 19 when i had to attend University.

  68. Hey Right at #84: A point of correction – the protest and current disgruntlement in Barotseland has to do with the way Zambia’s new constitution has left out and made no reference to the BA. It’s not about the under-development of the area per se. While underdevelopment may be an underlying factor, the issue at stake is whether or not Zambia’s new constitution will incorporate the tenets of the Barotseland Agreement. It marks a defining moment for Barotseland!

  69. All educated Zambians know very well that this Barotseland issue is a non- starter at this age where there is human rights and people have a say as to where they should belong. #77 you put it right that in 1923 Barotseland was expanded to other provinces such as central, copperbelt, North-western and even Southern, my question is did you consult the people in these areas or chiefs, and if there was any consent show us some documents to prove that they accepted to be part of your extended Bulozi. This is not something you can protest for, just air your views, you have got members of parliament who can bring it up for discussion. Oh! God under my foot, you were even expanding as if the land was yours. Lozis please do not open a pandora Box, that move was illegal.

  70. I am from North-western, under my foot will I and my people belong this Barotse agreement of yours. Lozis do not accuse anybody for your under development, instead blame yourselves. In Kenya where am, nearly all the people who are top athletes internationally are Kalandichi. There area was so poor and full of mountains all houses were thutched, but to go there now you will be shocked to discover that the area is developing faster. These top athletes get money from their running and construct nice houses for their families and even open businesses. Development is taken to an area by the owners because their families are their who should benefit. Prominent people like the Winas cannot invest or even put up a structure in Western province for fear of witchcraft.

  71. Lozis are so proud thats why God cannot give them the success they need, if all major industries were situated in western province every zambian was going to be dancing to their tune. Sometimes God will never give you success if you are full of pride for fear that others will suffer indeed. If they were to own industries like the Mines of the copperbelt, Electricity power stations and Nakampala Sugar company both of Southern province, and even the new Lumwana of North-western province, no one was going to be coughing in our motherland zed.

  72. KANGUYA no body is talking about north-western province. NObody is even interested in north-western province. We are interested in WESTERN PROVINCE. If you can’t tell the difference, go back to school and it just shows that you are commenting on something you don’t know about. Nobody stopped you from being proud of yourself. Lozis don’t suffer from inferiority complex like you.

  73. SIMUKONDA – there is a difference between progressive comments and breaking wind or farting. You are farting. You have a natural hatred for Lozis we know that but you are non-entity. Western province has thousands of people who have settled there from other provinces, may be more than the number of Lozis who have settled in other provinces. People should comment on this issue with maturity and not just show their ignorance. There is no tribe that is perfect, we all have our weaknesses but do not create fake stories if you do not have anything to say. THese young people in western province were making a political statement for western province, the same way Kapwepwe once made a statement for northern province. This is a democracy. If you still live in the past, then that is your problem.

  74. #91& 92, THE JACKAL, do you know why these people are saying? The BRE agreement that was signed a long time ago included copper rich sectors of land belonging to northwestern, copperbelt and all the gold rich area of mumbwa lusaka province. the area near sinanzongwe going down to the gwembe rich in uranium was also lumped on to barosteland which initially was mainly the plains of zambezi trailing what is now present western province. so wake up JACKAL! The land in question was illegally alloted to the BRE without Mboo asking for permission from the tongas, lambas, luvales and other tribes in the afore mentioned current provinces of one zambia one nation. the best you and i can do is ask for whoever has the original document to publish it and lets know who first drafted the BRE agreement

  75. what about mbunda’s, like the austin liato’s or nelly mutti. what are they saying since they all come from western province and since they are not part of the BRE? who takes over kaoma a predominantly mbunda area?

  76. # 94-5 Thanks.
    The chunk BRE is referring to is more than half our beloved country including all the tribes they fought with pre-colonisation erra.
    People think.

  77. # 87 am glad that you are agreeing with me in the sense that you implicitly acknowledge that most people who push the BA agenda use the underdevelopment of western province as the main justification for implementing the agreement. Am not qualified to declare whether this is wrong or right. However what is clear is that every time the BA issue is brought to the attention of the current and recent governments, the perception is that BA proponents want to use an old agreement to hold to ransom current Zambians who were not party to this agreement.

  78. #91 and 92 The Jackals, If you do not understand this so called Barotse Agreement then stop criticising anyhow, and shame on your ignorance. I refered to North-western province because it is alleged or rather believed to be the only province swallowed in the expanded agreement of 1923 while other provinces only half or quarter of the land is part. If you are Lozi I understand you are protesting from hearsay. Be educated my man do not talk from the blues, typical Lozi mentality.

  79. People who rise and fight for their cause are not stupid, just as some of you here have left Zambia to fighting poverty, unemployment abroad or fighting illiteracy by going to either American or British schools. It is only ignorant people don’t understand how anger generate and what causes it. Reading between the lines of what some of you have said, it’s ease to tell that you are kind of people who can even mock the poor. The Lozi are never scandalous like other tribes are who even refuse to recognize their paternal parents are.

  80. If this so called Barotse Agreement holds no value to anyone why has it been so hidden from the people. Can someone publish this document so we see what its really about. I think we need to understand whats behind this document before we cab apreaciate anything about it. The worst we can do is start thinking civil war when we have not had a glimpse at this document.

  81. Can’t ignore my fellow youths especially those that assembled to bring this issue to every1’s concern! Keep it burning GUYS. Western is one of or the neglected among all province of Zambia. It shouldn’t be so strange as others can look @it, that they need a change for the better. And 2 let u know Barotse Agreement it is the areas that includes the people who were once conquered by the GREAT KING LEWANIKA. Niko lata niko salati BULOZI bupumelwa fa Lwangwa. Ukaswabaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  82. am sure kk signed the agreement with the aim of getting people together,now that we are one nation,whats the point of having the agreement? lozi isn’t the only tribe in zambia.

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