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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Teachers warned not to date pupils


File:Pupils dancing after a tree planting exercise

Southern Province Education Officer,Festus Mungo has warned teachers indulging in relationships with pupils to desist or face disciplinary action.

He said the vice has usually affected the performance of pupils especially girls in school.

Mr.Mungo advised teachers to avoid building relationships with their students as it would eventually ruin the entire educational process.

“Please Please avoid getting into relationships with pupils.Normally there is that temptation especially with newly deployed teachers so please the Minstry will not take lightly any scandal of this nature involving a teacher and a pupil,”he said.

The Provincial Education Officer said this during the 3rd Teachers Diploma Graduation Ceremony at David Livingstone College of Education(DALICE)students last week.

Mr.Mungo said there have been rampant reports from basic and secondary schools pertaining flirting between teachers and pupils.

He said teachers who will be found wanting will have their practicing licences revoked.

He also advised pupils not to consent to proposals from teachers.

And speaking at the same function,University of Zambia(UNZA)Vice-Chancellor,Felix Simukonga advised the graduates to be responsible and concentrate on building their careers.

He said teaching is dynamic career that demands further education every now and then.

DALICE Principal,Euphermia Zulu this years pass rate stands at 63.9 per cent from the prevous 68 per cent.


  1. Hmmmmm…bafana ba these days awe mwee…….you find the uniform has been transformed into a mini,the boobs nayo uko,hip nizee then she is giving ba teacher that look.Mind you todays teachers are young graduates ka,they also have feelings.Ise in out time their was no nonsense of this & that hair style or skirts above the knee umenyewa,manje these days at rights!

  2. Does this mean the PEO has allowed having S.E,X with the pupils? this is because he has just discouraged relationships and not hiting the nail on the head. However, it should also be noted that the pressure is with the pupils( and their parents) especially in the rural areas. As long as there is rampant poverty in the rural areas where teachers are the only source of income in the community in question, then this problem will not be easy to solve. There is a lot of pretency on the part of the governmetnt to always put the blame on the teachers, when research has shown that young teachers are just victims of the repacations of poverty and ilitracy. STOP PRETENDING MR PEO.

  3. descent dressing and conduct will stop the vice.girls nowadays are growing up fast leaving their brains too far behind.just control style should be allowed in schools.and the teachers should stop being so visual on the girls.these girls cant help it that their bodies are changing so fast.

  4. Ba teacher amenso yabili, limbi lilefwaya choko limbi lilelengela muli racheal….it reminds me of those days.Anyway who can blame them if Racheal always sits chibongo swela and she is of legal chewable

  5. problem is tuma pupils are now allowed to have fancy hairstyles and designer uniforms. They look prettier than the teachers’ wives or their female counterparts, chanivuta mwe

  6. #2 you need to change your name to alibenzelu. It’s not the girls fault that they are at an age where they are morphing into young women. The teacher is the grown up in this situation and needs to exercise self control. Did you know that teachers have the highest HIV rate in the control. And these poor little girls are getting infected each day by people who are supposed to look out for them. I pray you don’t have a sister who will be molested by these perverts pretending to be teachers. And when it comes to wearing short skirts, this is the right time for them to experiment with dressing up and down. You don’t expect them to wear mini skirts at age forty!


  7. Some of these young girls are not as innocent as some of you are potraying them. Both teachers and the girls are at fault for dating each other. I remembe very well when I was in grade 8 how most of the girls would throw themselve at teachers throwing lewd advances at them on a daily basis. In oday’s society young girls are treated as if they are clueless innocent damsels in distress who get taken advantage of when the real picture is different. Those teachers know which girls to target because some of those girls are lost causes due to their morals and choices.

  8. to solve this problem is to ask teachers are there for work as a contribution to the world or just for money the answer relies on the behavour someone potrays to pupils. taeching is a calling from God to help, nurture, guide new life for presence and future.Therefore, require moralilty young people are poweless before for them

  9. AKOL #11 – Where did you find that word “sex maniac”??? YOU ARE THE SEX MANIAC! In Zambia, we are well-behaved, civilised human beings. We don’t do what YOU DO. So please mind your English language. If you are a maniac, it doesn’t mean everybody else is also like you.

  10. Improve on the quality of students enrolled in teachers’ training colleges.For as long as you keep recruiting low graders from high school, don’t expect quality teachers in schools.It’s true that some pupils are immoral but what is a teacher there for if he can’t help develop good morals in his pupils?Who is expected to be in a position to control the other between a teacher who is supposedly trained in courses like psychology and a school child?The ministry of education needs to raise the bar in how they recruit their teachers.What about doctors who undress women often in their course of duties, why don’t we hear of them chewing their clients every now and then?

  11. If youa choos to be e teacher then you automatically a guardian to your pupils… epo kabili….tu lye? No lock the teacher and the pupil up sperately.

    #19 Kadobi
    The required academic standards demanded for one to be a teacher in Zambeziland are the highest in SADC countries. We, however, underate our teachers until you see them perfom outside our country. Botswana and Namibia are some of the countries that have benfited from our teachers. One sad thing though is that professional upgrading system for Teachers is the slowest in the Region.

  12. One male Teacher from kabulonga Girls Sec School once said to go after the school girsl is “CHALK BONUS”. Miners have production bonus so same with them. Now this mentality is wrong. zambia is slowly losing it. Check Nite club, young ladies and their dressing. very obsene.The Girl child needs to be protected or we shall raise a generation of adulterous children into adulthood with no morals & culture. I think the Church & Parentsl not doing enough. let the pastors take a walk in nite clubs to see what goes on. maybe they might tune their preaching to be effective.

  13. #24, It’s not a secret that the teaching profession is one of the last careers people think of when their qualifications can’t get them into other colleges.I live in a country were teachers and police officers are very respected and this is because the govt here insists on quality when it comes to selecting who gets in a teachers’ college or police college.I don’t know about those other SADC countries but I do know that people with very low grades do get into our teachers colleges in Zambia.Besides, the SADC region is comprised of equally poor and underdeveloped nations so I find it funny that Zambia would continue priding itself in being the ‘best in SADC’ region.Countries like Botswana are just developing their education system.

  14. Well, one teacher of mine used to make us seat around him. While in between, he would enjoy some snapshorts. Those that were beautiful would be just in front roll. Am sure he knew the colours of their pants too, pity those who forgot to put on one. I have seen well brought up children sneak out in taxdrivers cabs,getting riden for a ride home while she keeps the TM for some nice earings and staff we never see when we are young. This is moral degradation. When i was in grade twelve, i had a girl, a teacher had a crash on too. This man punished mr for the slightest of offenses. He gave her good grades and eventually worn her heart. Every evening, he would be with her “caoching” her in his office. To this today, i meet that girl, and the teacher. He shagged her tasteless. Its a pity!!

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