The United Party for National Development (UPND) has thanked the pact partners, Patriotic Front (PF) for the support rendered to the party during the Chilanga by elections.
The UNPD has also congratulated the PF on the victory of the ward by-elections held in Muva, Nkwazi, and Chinsali seats on behalf of the PACT.
In a letter addressed to the patriotic front, dated October 27, 2010, and copied to QFM, UPND acting national youth Secretary Brian Hapunda said though it is unfortunate that the PACT never won the Mpulungu parliamentary seat, the UPND is thankful of the team dispatched to Chilanga which resulted in the victory on behalf of the PACT.
THE UPND has,however, expressed sadness on the unfair coverage by the post newspapers on the party against the pact partner’s PF.
He said that the party regrets the unbiased reporting by the POST each time they were covering a news item concerning the pact.
Mr. Hapunda alleged that more coverage is given to the PF than the UPND.
He added that the unfair coverage has led to most Zambian people doubt the sustainability of the UPND/ PF Pact.
[ QFM ]
Dont worry, the post is not part of the pact.Why even talk about it?how about the times, daily etc, do they cover you or PF? just concentrate on unifying the pact.Viva pact!!!
Great statement from UPND. Hopely PF can also reciprocate on the UPND team that was sent to mpulungu to assist. Keep it up UPND ignore the post it does not matter at all to zambian politics. It is just like any other paper, probably only read by less tham 200,000 zamabians on a daily basis and mainly in urban areas. Now go flat out pick the rural votes that also matters the most for your 2011 victory. You need to show farmers also out there what you stand to do for them when in government. PF must also talk about there connection to farmers they seem silent on this very important vote.UPND is strong on this issue. VIVA pact VIVA UPND VIVA PF.
PF needs to LEARN,
Sata should be reminded that Zambians are now educated and most uneducated family members look up to educated ones on political decisions. My entire family asks me which way to go when they are voting why? because they trust my assessment of Zambian politics period! Sata’s political life will be determined after 2011…its either he works with educated and vision UPND or become just an old man after 2011. I dont need political money for me to survive here in the US but I take my country seriously. I admire UPND and it is Zambia’s future leaders.
# 3, i do not agree with you, you mean all those who vote for PF are not educated? those who voted in mufubwe are not educated? in Ndola and every where Pf has won, are not educated? or maybe you just mean your family? sorry if i did not get your point.
And GOD Said !!
After giving the 10 Commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai, God came back in the year 2010 and said:
“”” Michael Chilufya Sata – Shall Not Be The President Of My Beloved Zambia “””
#3 I also dont agree with you just like #4 has not agreed with you. If the un educated depend on the educated on who to vote for how come elections in Zambia are determeined by the poor villagers who have been voting for MMD and the educated on the CB and LSk have been voting for PF? come back home and get facts!!
You are actually contracting your self becuase the same educated zambians in LSK and CB have been voting for PF so what are talking about? leadership has nothing to do with education. how come the most educated leaders in chiluba era in the likes of katele, shansonga etc were involved in plundering zambia?
#4 Which people of Mufumbwe can vote for Sata, a man who said all Luvale and Lundas are buttocks and as soon as he gets to state house he will chase all of them to go to Angola. Kambwili also used similar words in Ndola last year in May when he said how can people of the Copperbelt vote for Kachimba who is Luvale, and he said Kachimba is a low class citizen because he is Luvale, and this is the reason many people in North-western hate hate PF and Sata in particular because they do not control their mouth. To be honest PF does not exist in North-western and UPND won Solwezi and Mufumbwe single handedly, People in this province love HH now than ever before.
Sata, Winter Kawimbe and Scot should blame their uncontrollable mouth if HH will think of pulling out because these guys have really destryed the pact because of being big headed. Last month Winter told us that he does not believe in the pact hence cannot recognise the presence of HH as vice president of the pact. For him PF is not part of the pact, imagine a secretary general saying all those words.
We already have a taste of what HH can offer when he is elected president. Taking advantage of the situation to acumulate whealth at the expense of poor Zambians. This is exactly what he did when he was privatisisng companies. He accumualted so much wealthy within a short time taking advantage of ingnorant zambians who had little knowledge of how privatisation should be handled. his actions are similar to Mutembos actions who also became rich by handling fake corruption would have expected him to advise the then president on the prons and corns of privatisation but he never did so, may be becuase he never thought he would ever contest for presidence.can we ever trust HH??
HHH has no heart for the poor. Dont be deceived buy his looks and education. Go to his farrm in choma and interview his farm workers. You will be shoked The fact that he looks smart and innocent does not mean his heart is like that. HH is a very rough person and a trick star at the same time.
Pipo who know politics can’t even support Satan. This man is a liar who only knows insults. Pipo of zed who eat his insults hence we need a leader of vision. We need someone who is educated. Politics of insults is way gone. Tell the pipo of zed what you do once elected, don’t just make noise insulting the president. I pity you guys out there in Zambia waste your time supporting grandpa Satan. This man insulted mwanawasa even when mwanawasa wanted the best for the Zambian pipo, saying that mwanawasa wanted to prosecute Chiluba because he hated Bemba but now that Chiluba is free Sata want to lie to Zambian pipo that Banda is corrupt when himself is also corrupt. Just ask BY Gen Miyanda if they trust your satan . Viva HH Viva UPND
Congrats to the PACT.
MMD attack dogs will Pretend to be PACT sympathisers and try to wreck havoc within the PACT. They have been sent to distabilise the PACT by scratching at any straw to discredit either or both parties to the PACT Those of you who are posting negative inflamatory comments about the patnership while pretending to be PACT sympathisers are only fooling yourselves. It’s unthinkable for genuine PACT sympathisers to climb an anthill and start screaming unprintables about the patnership when what is needed now is serious commitment and mobilisation in readiness for 2011 elections.
The Pact is too much SATANIC….!!!
The pact is dead. If hh loves zambia he shall not let sata take the presidence. That is a route to disaster. Remember sata and his crew can never be trusted with power
It only makes logical sense that HH and UPND, lead the pact. In the last 3 years, UPND has scooped 3 seats from MMD whilst PF have remained idle. Furthermore, PF’s grip in most of its strongholds is getting weaker due to FTJ’s support of MMD and RB. In the last 3 years, PF has lost ward elections in Luapula to MMD and we can safely confirm that it was no coincidence. It is important for PF to reconcile with the 26 rebel MP’s and embrace FTJ if they are to hang on to their popularity in the Copperbelt and Luapula.
It’s time for PF to realize and acknowledge that the 26 MP’s and FTJ have considerable influence in the political arena today.
But as usual, we all know that PF is a one man show and that Sata will not humble himself.
On “The United Party for National Development (UPND) has thanked the pact partners, Patriotic Front (PF) for the support rendered to the party during the Chilanga by elections… UNPD has also congratulated the PF on the victory of the ward by-elections held in Muva, Nkwazi, and Chinsali seats on behalf of the PACT” I hope PF will learn from the well cultured UPND Group how to do real politics. This is indeed q great way of doing things by the UPND Team and I hope all sane Zambians will encourage the UPND to continue with this unifying spirit.
As for the POST Fudge (PF) vuvuzela, let them do what they can or please, but keep focussed on treating them the way 2011 presidential candidate HH is treating them so that they realise that they are not important in winning elections…
If anything, he is the pivot of the creation of the party and at the same time, the cause of the destruction of the party.
Sata must give up now and support HH to the helm! It’s the only logical way forward.
Those who want to paint HH as not a nice man to his employees u are being malicious. It is well known fact that hh empowers his workers and surrounding villages with farming services and some receive animals as empowerment. What has sata done for the poor and nebars.
Looking at the recent ward bye elections specifically in Luapula, its now a foregone conclusion that Luapula is no longer a strong hold for PF. its chiluba and his MMD.
PF should seriously take the pact serious if they have to win elections. next year.
UPND is good but HH still cant lead Zambia, his tribalism STINKS……whenever someone is talking …they have to be tonga…..look, they fielded Moono…a….t…the spokesman is Ha…., you can guess where he is from……Mazoka managed to get over this, but HH has lamentably failed and this will cost him his leadership……
#3 i think u must be very dull in yo own capacity to call zambias #4,one zmk and others who reason,tke a step out of usa come to this land of 46yrs independence and find out the truth.all pipo in urban areds hav seen the level of leadership pf leader has and his succeses where ever he has me 1faiier he has done apart from yo claims of merzaf flats.degrees are nothin without leadership qualities.sata has sata.
If MMD has to be kicked out like polio, three things should happen:
1) The pact should smoothen the relationship and from what has happened so far chart a way forward taking into consuderation their past weaknesses
2) Magande should behave for the common good of all Zambians and not for a political division
3) Milupi should bring his small flock on board of the pact
Who told you that SATA has leadership qualities..!!! Think before you open your dark smouth…!!!!sata must deputise HH.!!! If that fails let them go it alone..!!!
Y is it that wen a tonga stands on upnd ticket its tribalism bt wen a chibemba stands on satan’s party its nt tribalism.Bembas watch your big mouths ya will bring war to this peaceful Zed.
UPND is using intellegency here to thank PF, They know what they want here, exepecially that SATA has a problem now with his strong hold.!! Watch the space. HH will be pact presidential candidate any time, it is just matter of time..!!!! SATA will be candidate if goes it alone. UPND have already studied sata very well.!!!
Mintmaster workers have not been paid their salaries for the past 8 months. This company is co-owned by HH and late Ben Mwiinga’s wife.
kizito long tym no hear mate.!with u i hav no doubt always the old one me,us yo view of leadetrship quality.rbs dictatorial caliber or mayb u prefer hhs caliber which fails to discpline its juniors?still dull as usual and a thorn in the ***! dont pretend u did read the question,ill pose it again,tel me 1failier sata has done apart from yo claims of the merzaf ordeal?read #21 again.and by the way where the hell is that supportin blogger of yos isabel the hallot?too quiet.
#7 Kanguya,
Kambwili didnt insult the Luvale’s. Dont twist facts. he told Kachingwe that He is the Only dull Luvale he has come across. The other Luvale’s are very intelligent. So If it’s “insulting” unless in your mind you say he insulted Dull Kachimba. I will accept Not that he insulted Luvales.
Mr Hapunda one thing you should know is that the POST is a business entity and as much as they want to inform people of the happenings in our society, they also need to make money (profit) so they will go for stories that they feel will sell. But for you and me Mr. Hapunda what is important is to convince people that UPND/PF pact is the only solution we have to our current povert. Already we did a good job in Chilanga as a pact we didn’t need to be published in News papers but what we did was to company on Issues and win the voters over, here we are we scoped the seat ” Chilanga gave MMD a Red Card”
Hehe…guys its too late for Kambongolo. Your useless placation( apeasement) of PF after crediting the chilanga win as the effort of UPND, insulting MR Sata by your cadres, celebrating the smallest loss of PF in Mpulungu and the insipid proclamation of the under five HH that he is the one popular, Kambongolo will work hard to destroy the PACT so that each party goes it alone. PF alone, UPND alone and MMD alone so that we see who will come out no 3.
There is no PACT any more because you UPND guys think you are free to Insult MR Sata day in and day out. Now its time us PF caders to defended MR Sata as well. So tell your under five HH to lead the Choma party. We will meet in 2011 polls. We are tired of you guys in the same way Nawakwi got tired of you coz of your insipid boasting.
too many Ha Ha Ha names in upnd…Hakainde,Hapunda,Hachimpuka…. hahahaha you guys are funny!
We not children to be insulted and then after giving them some useless praises , they follow you. Nope guys. If really you think you can insult Mr Sata evry day then go it alone guys or join MMD. You forget that Lusaka and copperbelt ar cosmopolitan but you have no MP there , why if you are a big party? You are hiding in the PACT so that through the PACT you gain false popularity by crying to stand in areas were you are not.
Thats why I say let us not contnue quarreling over things which reality can decide . The only reality we have is 2011 ellections. Let PF stand alone and UPND alone so we see who will come No 3. Us PF supporters have been quiety on this blog but you UPND caders always provoke us by insulting Mr Sata. So now the game is 50-50. WE WILL HIT BACK UNDER 5 HH AS WELL.
# 18 lets be reality,,,,how did Sata come in this situation,,,,pliz upnd and pf are one.Its a pact we need peace’.MALANGA HAO’
I wonder what type of a family UPND is EDUCATED come from where his relatives who are above 18 (voting age), need to consult him on who to vote for because he is the educated one Its too funny to laugh at.
One Zmk was equall to One British pound – HH has spent all his working life in the private sector. He has never held any public office, or elected office (apart from hijacking UPND from saki on tibal grounds). His primary focus has been to acquire personal wealth in all his jobs, including the presidency of Zambia that eluded him by 81% in 2008. So he does not have the support to get it, nor does he have the selfless spirit to serve the poor people.
Had PF gone to Chilanga they would have still beaten MMD. Had UPND gone in Mpulungu (ah forget)!
:x #20 and 31, why is it that you Bembas always look for tribalism in the UPND when it is a well known fact that its PF and Sata who are actually TRUE TRIBALIST? Just look at the PF Centarl Committee and the NEC of UPND structure composition, you will see that all influential positions in PF are held by Bembas only whilst UPND’s is well balanced across all the 9 Zmabian Provinces. You Bembas and your Sata are sickening. Thts why the God i pray to can never give us Sata as PACT President. HH will be PACT President whether you like it or not at the rate things are moving against that SATA of yours!!
Can the PF members confirm that the official language in all PF shadow cabinet meetings is Bemba?can someone please confirm.
It’s just strange to understand why PF zealots keep on trumpeting that Sata is popular when he keeps on losing elections. He lost in Serenje, Milazi and now Mpulungu, what more proof do you need to understand that Sata is not popular any more? Popularity is no based on past glory, if that was the case then KK or FTJ would by far be classified as being popular. Just accept the fact the HH is gaining in popularity and that is a fact you can not accept due to you over inflated egos. HH participated in the 2006 elections when he was just two months on the political arena and proved his own standing in 2008. What he achieved in then was by far more than what Sata got in 2001. Zambians now understand him more and are warming up to him so it’s no coincidence that he is gaining in popularity….
35. Mwisho – Look at the key position in PF: Vice President is Guy Scott. A person who does not belong to any tribe, let alone his race. Given Lubinda – The name is not Bemba, but his race is also non Bemba. so what do you mean key post are held by Bemba’s?
37. Zed Patriot – All parties have lost some elections and won some since 2008. Aprt from Milupi’s party. Had PF taken part in Chilanga we would have done better than UPND, had UPND taken part in Mpulungu they would have done worse than PF
Number 5 you shall not use the name of the lord in vain, especially dirty politics. you shall be answerable to God
Ichi Nyamu Nyamu (Proud PF Kaponya – zealot) @ 38
What makes you think PF would have done better than UPND? Is it not a fact that UPND did better than PF in the last parliamentary elections in Chilanga? What also makes you think UPND would have done worse than PF in Mpulungu? Have you forgotten that UPND under UDA performed better than PF in the last elections held in Mpulungu. Are you basing your judgement on the usual PF tribal tinted mentality of thinking Northerners can not support a southerner? Least you forget Sata tried to exploit the anger following Chibombamilimo’s death in those elections but still failed to win the hearts and minds of the Mpulungu people.
#35 I totally agree with you, the problem with #20 &31 is that they don’t think. Worse # 31 PF is a party for Bembas
President Bemba, Secretary Gen Bemba and relative Dep Sec gen Bemba a relative the list goes on .The only position given non Bemba is vice pres., spokes person and the chairperson who can not even speak a single Bemba word and I pit this old rug. Since the official language is Bemba so she does not contribute any thing .The rest of the positions are all for the Bembas.
On the issue of popularity, so far 9 by elections have been held since RB came to power and the following are the results
Chilanga _UPND, Milanzi_ MMD. Mpulungu_ MMD. Chitambo_MMD. Solwezi _UPND, Mfumbwe _UPND Luena_ ADD, Chifubu _PF Kasama _PF
UPND 3 all grabbed from MMD
MMD 3 retained theirs
PF 2…
40 Zed Patriot – You talk about PF shining in past glory, but you have mentioned the last parly election was was 4 years ago, we PF refer to the last presi elections which are only 2 years ogo. How funny that you go even further in time than us, but you talk againts it. lol @ u!
Regarding UPND performing better than PF in Mpulungu I have no iead where you are getting your weed, but the offical results in the 2008 election for Mpulungu are MMD 4880, PF 4076, UPND 217. So what are you talking about?
Zed Patriot – You might also be aware that in 2008 Chilang was as follows PF 3981, MMD 3919, UPND 3439, HP 75.
Do you understand what an election in place entails? I dont think so, let me explain. It is the results of the election that has put in current office bearers and if the refence point. In Zambia’s case it is the 2008 elections. Thos are the ones we look at when we say PF is stonger than UPND because PF got 2 times UPNDs votes. (fyi incase you want to hallucinate, even in 2006 we beat UPND). It is not a past glory because this will be in place until the next election. That is why we dont mention KK and FTJ because those elctions have been superceded by others, and ushered in new office bearers.
The choma party is in trouble, in 2011 they will lose by 90 % …..let them eat their useless pride. Their under 5 HH will never be president of Zambia till the end of the world. Never will it happen under the sun that a thief hiding in privatization shall rule the people he stole from..nope guys.
UPND claim to be biger than PF but one wonders why they have no MP on the copperbelt and Lusaka given that the two areas are cosmopolitan. Why is it too hard for UPND to accept the fact that they are a smaller party to PF? …its because they want to use PF to get into Lusaka and copperbelt.
This will not happen dears coz we have seen through your stu.pidity. Never will we give you any seat like we did with Chilanga. Finito guys.
Just continue with your Choma party guys with you under 5 Hakainde Hichilems who will retire politics without being in paliament nor cabinet. Hehe…
45. Kambongolo – You are right, It was in the spirit of the pact that we gave them Chilanga, but that was a mistake we will not repeat
Ichi Nyamu Nyamu (PF Kaponya – Zealot)
Sometimes you surprise me with your level of thinking. I have told you time and again that the 2008 presidential bye elections can not be used as a popularity barometer because they were mainly a contest between Sata and RB since they had a sizeable number of MPs in parliament to form govt. Sata & RB poured in millions of $$ in that campaign. Sata backed by Taiwanese money & RB was bank rolled by the Chinese. HH( & Miyanda) put his name on the ballot paper just to build his name and momentum for 2011. That was a good strategy and it explains why he is now a force to reckon with. Those who opted to stay away like Nawakwi and Sikota are now history.
Ichi Nyamu Nyamu (PF Kaponya – Zealot)
A presidential bye election is devoid of parliamentary candidates who act as foot soldiers for the presidential candidate. Apart from massive resources at their disposal Sata and RB had the backing of the main press which they used effectively to spread propaganda that the fight was between the two of them and voters should chose between. Let us not forget that HH just joined politics in 2006 and was still selling himself while Sata & RB have been there since the colonial days. There is also the issue of more than a million voters staying away from the polls as they were still mourning the death of their beloved president. Such factors can not be ignored aand they contributed a lot to the elections outcome.
the post ewspaper should be banned in zambia..they cover lies and nonsense from UPND..with or without coverage ..we shall be there for you..
Some PF losers seem to be preoccupied with the issue of who comes second or third. LOL. We are not interested in that. What we want is a balanced parliament which will offer checks and balances. In a hang parliament the third largest party can share power with the ruling party while the second largest remains perpertually in opposition so what benefit is there to be the second largest party? Moreover it is a known fact that MMD and UPND are right leaning parties with similar manifestos while PF is an old style socialist party with a Tsar at the helm.
Zed Patriot Even Miyanda is saying the million who didnt vote wol have voted for him. Even Ben Mwila is saying so, Now even HH? Why didnt they go out and vote? You are so shallow that you can make such a claim without substance. If your people dont go an vote for you what does it mean? Its iether they are not your supportes or you are too dull to inspire them to vote
In just a years’ time UPND has grabbed 3 seat from the ruling party, and PF non, You can keep on refering to him as a tribalist but many zambians have discovered that he is a good man for presidency. Those who say he stole money during the time of privatisation are so ignorant to say the least. Sata and his Chiluba regime were the ones who stole as HH’s company was just to provide consultancy services and bare in mind that to provide this service to GRZ there should be tenders submited and in such a situation GRZ was free to pick the company they wanted according to it’s performance, good service and even price. GRZ was also free to terminate the services of HH’s company if they saw anything sinister. Sata and Chiluba should have brought those allegations before he became a…
#Cont.GRZ was free to terminate the services of HH’s company if they saw anything sinister. As such some Bembas like me from the North who say no to Sata’s lies cannot accept those allegations against this noble young man, because those allegations came when we started seing HH on the political scene and not before. These corruption issues have been going on since 2001 and we never heard about HH’s name not until 2006 when he became a politician. Those who are talking of giving advise to GRZ should remember that reality has it that politicians would never listen to anybody who is not one of them and MC Sata knows this fact in black and white. Civil servants know this reality thats why they are all the time frustrated by politicians, they only respect them when things are so heavy.
I wonder if someone today can accuse RP Capital for the privatisation of Zamtel instead of Dora and Rupiah Banda and even his cabinet. Those who believe in Sata today without reasoning, shame on you because your memories are too short. Honestly, all that corruption which was going on in his Chiluba regime, we never saw him resigning instead he became more defiant to forgo the constitution of zambia to allow his personal ambitions of pushing for Chiluba’s third term. The same man is now in the pact with HH and those allegations are silent and will mushroom when they are in seperate ways. People of zambia we do not need this politics of turnishing people’s names and putting money in pockets even if you have no means.
VIVA HH YOUNG MAN FOR 2011. Old people go for farming.
Ichi Nyamu Nyamu (Proud PF Kaponya – zealot) @ 51
I take it that you have capitulated and have no logical points to counter my well articulated argument hence you are resorting to insults. Take it easy bro, no need to be emotional, it’s just politics at the end of the day and Zambia shall live on!
55. Zed Patriot – You dont have any logical points. All you are saying are lies that UPND did better than PF in Mpullungu, I have posted the last results of the election you lied about. Then you weanted to lie that even in Chilanga, again I have exposed this lie. Next you are saying the million voters who didnt vote in the election are UPND supporters (only you know how you have come to that conclusion – wish rather). But Miyanda aslo claims they are his. Whoever they really support will never be proved. Tell me, I would rsther hace 4 supporters that actually turn up to vote for me, than 1 million who stay away from polling stations, whats the point? Oh because they were mourning Levy (3 months on??) They didnt even know him personally. Maureen was able to go and vote, please! Nangu
Ichi Nyamu Nyamu (PF Kaponya – Zealot) @ 56
Arguing with you is a waste of time because your understanding of English is questionable. If you take time and read my postings above in full, without cherry picking individual setences, you will understand the logic behind what I have articulated. I have told you time and again that I am using the last parliamentary results in my analysis above & there is no single lie in what I said. I have also explained to you why it is illogical to use a rare presidential bye election as a measure of a party’s popularity because of a number of factors at play & the political playing field was not equal to all players. Parliamentary bye elections or local elections are the best indicator because each political player is given some level of fair chance.
57. Zed Patriot – Very good! In the lats general election UPND tumbled from 26% to 19%. PF grew to 39%. Who is dropping and who is gaining?
What people dont understand is that PF didnt stand in Luena, Mfumbwe and solwezi. Infact MCS went to support the campaign in solwezi.
Ichi Nyamu Nyamu (Proud PF Kaponya – zealot) @ 58
Yes that was the past. The latest elections carried out this year show without doubt that UPND is on the upswing while PF is going down. PF participated in the Serenje, Milazi, Chifubu, Kasama and Mpulungu elections, the won two(retained seats) and lost three. UPND participated in Solwezi Central, Mufumbwe, Luena and Chilanga and won three seats and lost one. that tells the current story. Just to remind you PF wanted to contest the Chilanga seat against UPND but chickened out at the last minute when they realised they would lose terribly.
60. Zed Patriot – Lets wait and see what the next election will be. When PF was intoduced in 2001 they performed bad. UPND did very well, but since then PF has laways beaten UPND in every general election. PF let UPND stand in Chilanga in the spirit of the pact. No point in making noise now because we all know PF would have beatn UPND in Chilanga, but split the vote and MMD would have retained it. HH himself has said stop lying to him that he can win. Hard pill to swallow eh?