Sunday, September 8, 2024

GIZ donates to Kawambwa health facilities


The German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) has donated anthropometric equipment and under five cards to health facilities in Kawambwa district, Luapula province.

The equipment is meant for growth monitoring promotion which is a core focus of Food and Nutrition Security Enhanced Resilience (FANSER) project in addressing malnutrition in the district.

Speaking during the handover of the items, Luapula Province GIZ – FANSER Regional Coordinator, Hendrik Hoffmann said the donation comes after an assessment carried out in the district of needed equipment.

ZANIS reports that Mr Hoffmann said the equipment is part of the consignment bought by GIZ for the six districts supported under FANSER project at a cost of 80, 000 Euros.

He has urged the recipient health centres in the district to put the equipment to good use.

And receiving the equipment, Kawambwa District Health Director, Chola Kaunda thanked GIZ for the timely donation and support in nutrition programmes.

Dr Kaunda said the district has an adverse effect of malnutrition which stands at 43.4 percent of chronic under nutrition levels.

Meanwhile, Luapula Provincial Health Office Biomedical Engineer, Simon Mhone noted that the equipment will contribute to the reduction of child morbidity and mortality in Kawambwa.


  1. Is the equipment brand new or second hand? Funny things happen in the donor business. That I know for sure from many yrs of experience in the university of life.

  2. But The Man In Charge Of The Country Is Busy Donating Bicycles To Chiefs-Meanwhile,Ifikadi ne Fyakupimina abana Mu ma clinics There is No.
    No Insoni please


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