Sunday, September 8, 2024

Chibaye Health Centre commissioned


Northern Province Minister, Chungu Bwalya has applauded President Edgar Lungu for his commitment towards improving health care delivery in the country.

Mr Bwalya who is also Lupososhi Member of Parliament said people in the district, are happy with the strides that President Lungu’s administration has made to improve their lives through construction of health centres.

He said government has delivered a number of health centers in Lupososhi, adding that this is a great stride in achieving universal access to health.

“Government in its developmental agenda acknowledges the importance of universal health coverage to Zambians and that is why, it has embarked on a robust construction of health facilities across the country,” he said.

ZANIS reports that Mr Bwalya said this when he commissioned Chibaye Health Post in Lupososhi District.

He stated that the construction of the health post is an indication of government’s vision of taking health services closer to the people.

Mr Bwalya further advised the people of Chibaye to coordinate and support health workers for them to discharge their duties effectively.

Meanwhile, Lupososhi District Health Director, Kelvin Mulemwa said the construction of the health post will enable the community in Chibaye to access health services.

“Despite inadequate staffing, my office has made strides and managed to assign health workers to Chibaye health post. This will reduce the distance patients used to cover to go to Katuta, Lukolongo or health facilities under Luapula Province to access services,” he said.

Dr. Mulemwa stated that the district now has 13 health facilities which are fully operational stating that this will reduce morbidity, maternal mortality and infant mortality as primary health care has been brought closer to the people.

“For sustainable development to continue, the strengthening of the health sector is paramount,” he noted.

Earlier, Sub Chief Chibaye said the health post has come as a relief as his subjects used to walk 50 kilometers to access health services in facilities under Luapula Province.


  1. Meanwhile $17 million contract for expired drugs and defective condoms and Ambulances inflated at a cost of $280,000 a unit (for something that costs £70,000 in Germany) has disappeared like a fart in the wind and this sausage here is praising Lazy Lungu for Health Posts that are being built by the Indians prefabricated from India via an Indian loan which we will have to pay back.

  2. Meanwhile $17 million contract for expired drugs and defective con doms and Ambulances inflated at a cost of $280,000 a unit (for something that costs £70,000 in Germany) has disappeared like a fart in the wind and this sausage here is praising L azy Lungu for Health Posts that are being built by the Indians prefabricated from India via an Indian loan which we will have to pay back.

  3. The corona cases are rapidly decreasing in Zambia. This shows that how well our health sector performing to curb diseases.

  4. Poor patients in rural areas were dying because of not getting treatment on time. But now, there are health clinics in every region.

  5. President Lungu not only initiated development in cities, but he is also committed to develop rural areas.

  6. We must applaud President Lungu and his government for perfectly handling the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic. The second wave of the deadly disease was spreading really fast, but our government has successfully managed to control it.

  7. Education, agriculture, health, business, almost everything has been taken care of by the government, wonder what changes HH is trying to bring in Zambia. Even he knows that everything is being perfectly managed under President Lungu that’s why he is afraid to share his vision. ????

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