Tuesday, March 18, 2025

‘’Journalists needs accreditation for elections coverage’’


The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has reiterated the need for media practitioners wishing to cover elections to obtain accreditation from the Commission during specified time.

ECZ Public Relations Manager Chris Akufuna noted that the Commission does not wish to bar any journalist from any election activity as long as they abided by the electoral regulations and code of conduct.

In a statement released to ZANIS in Lusaka today, Mr. Akufuna noted that being accredited was an ECZ requirement for all persons wishing to enter any polling station or tally centre to avoid overcrowding.

He said it also helped to ensure that only authorised persons were present during proceedings at the nomination centre, polling or tally centre.

Mr. Akufuna said the Commission only received applications from Radio Phoenix and Radio Ichengelo as well as ZANIS who were duly accredited for the Chilanga and Mpulungu by-elections.

He noted that there had been no time that the Commission had barred accredited journalists from covering any electoral proceedings.

Mr. Akufuna said what was reported in the media recently was misleading.



  1. Chris Akufuna, we know, please continue your good work and stick to the rules. There is just too much disorderliness in Zambia and some people want to call that democracy.
    Take for example the cadre insult incident this week at Parliament, we warned them against promoting a culture of insults and they did not want to listen, instead they piled even more unprintables on us. Now that some opposition MPs (PF ironically) have been given just a small dose of their own medicine right at their parliament, they have quickly cried foul like spoilt children. Orderliness, civility, self respect and respect for others are the basic building blocks of a good society.

  2. To hold a peaceful protest you need a permit from MMD. To report on elections you need a permit from MMD. Where is this country headed? What are they hiding?

  3. 3, don’t mislead people deliberately knowing very well that some gullible people swallow rumours readily. Just follow the laws of the country and you will be alright. That is what the rest of us do and we are never in trouble.

  4. That’s bullshit Akufuna. Are you going to block the internet or grab people’s blueberries or block people’s ears and eyes and stop informal data sharing that spreads better than your archaic controlled media and ice age ideas? Switch on man, you are not that backward or modernity switched off like your political cronies. Have you lost your mind or something? Faliing victim to partycadism, are you??. Accreditation, accreditation, what nonsence.

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