President Rupiah Banda has warned of possible prosecution against persons found abusing money disbursed for HIV-AIDS programs by the Global Fund.
Mr Banda says people championing the fight against HIV/AIDS should not harbour selfish motives.
The President said this in a speech read for him by Health Minister Kapembwa Simbaio in Lusaka friday night.
According to the Post newspaper dated 15th October the audit identified several instances of fraud and/or misappropriation in the approximate aggregate amount of US $1.6 million.These amounts should be recovered and returned to the Global Fund,” the report stated. A salary survey revealed that salaries at the Zambia National AIDs Network (ZNAN) were in some cases more than 150 per cent higher than in like positions in other organisations in the sector.
Earlier this week Health minister, Kapembwa Simbao described as scandalous the global fund report.
Meanwhile Coalition Chairperson Batuke Imenda said his organisation will continue monitoring the usage of resources meant for HIV/AIDS projects.
At the same function National AIDS Council, chairperson, Joshua Banda commended parliamentarians for taking a lead in combating the spread of HIV-AIDS.
Awe Simbao you’ve been found out, you’re just as useless as the other d.o.gs
This is Simbao’s version on LT yesterday:
Health minister, Kapembwa Simbao has described as scandalous the global fund report that highlights both the public and private institutions in the country as having misapplied resources meant for the provision of quality health services.
Mr. Simbao said that the Zambian government is being marginalized in the report.He told QFM that the government did not at any point misapply any resources and is being implicated in this matter because the country is the one on the begging end.
He said that the resources were released as per requirement but the workers are the ones who misapplied the fund and government should not be the one to blame.
Instead of blaming each other, RB/ Simbao please sort out the mess and stop the corruption! If you make those kinds of speeches at campaign rallies- you will lose elections because we, the people will challenge you! It is in Mupulungu where RB will be talking about Sata or Eastern Province where he (RB) will insult our PF president. After that we want the beef (as we asked from LPM) and he said ‘I am a steak not a cabbage’! His bro (RB) replied ‘ndani apika nsima’ (who is cooking the pap) and they replied ni Banda! At this type of fora we will question you!
They know who stole this money and are only making comments after the owners of the money asked for answers! This Chi RB is such a foo.l!
go away chi Banda,how r u going to fight misappropriation of fund when u removing the abuse of office clause,don`t take pipo for granted
unworried Bachelor says:
They know who stole this money . NO,NO,NO. Whether he knows or not it shouldn’t have happened under his watch in the first place and he is just as guilty.And why ask to return the$$ and warn of possible prosecution? Don’t ask,demand and prosecute, PERIOD.
What kind of animals are these paying themselves 150% and still stealing from the dying?Heartless morons.Sometimes even wild animals leave a human child untouched but humans who should be better do the most callous and heartless stuff.
That was ny point # 6! He is pretending to be concrerned here!
And why is RB warning of “POSSIBLE PROSECUTION?” To me that sounds doubtful that they would be prosecuted… and just why the doubt?? It shows lack of seriousness and leniency
How are you going to stop this since you have removed the abuse of office from our laws?
@ Deja Vu RB’ knows his plan by not putting Ba tubulu in ministerial position coz these pipo are thieves. Bemba are liars & only know how to steal. If you listen to em talking you may think they are saying the truth but once you put em in power. Oh no they will start stealing. Just from reading the post Satan & kalusha are lying one saying Zambia needs a new leader but he is considering himself to be new. Bullshit. Another tubulu kalusha is saying NSCZ has no anthority to with to FIFA but when FAZ needs money they ****ing going to em asking asistance from government. Chi Satan is saying that they have invited pipo to apply mps in area where PF rebels hold positions so he want by-elections wasting when the general election will be next year!
#10 Chama Chakomboka- Though I come from the same District with Chiluba I do not support his thieving activities. How ever let me just advise you against pointing your stunted finger at one tribe. Remember all the Generals who were arrested for stealing non of them was a Bemba- Kayumba(Lunda), Funjika(Kaonde),Musengule(Luvale) + Richard Sakala(East). But this does not mean that thiese gentlemens’ tribes are composed of thieves.That is why Lozis used to call Bembas thieves because all young prisoners at Katombora came from the Copperbelt and spoke Chibemba and yet quiet a good number of them were Lozi and Tonga.
Andrew Jackson
By Ishaan Tharoor Thursday, Oct. 14, 2010
Andrew Jackson, seventh President of the United States, was no egghead (he barely went to school). But what he may have lacked in classical education, he made up for spirit. Born in 1767 in the backwoods of the Carolinas, he joined up with the Revolutionary army as a thirteen-year-old, serving as a courier. He was captured by the British and it was then, half starved, that he supposedly proved his mettle: ordered by the redcoats to polish the shoes of a certain Major Coffin, Jackson refused, earning himself a slash of a saber that left permanent scars in his arm and face — not to mention a fierce hatred of the British.
#11 You’re quite right, I also don’t agree with Chama Chakomboka’s characterization of Bembas. It’s totally unfair to vilify any one section of Zambian society in such a manner. What is important for us here is for our president to understand that empty rhetoric and slogans will not wash with the Zambian People. We demand action with tangible results. What practical steps are being taken to halt and prevent the looting of public coffers? It is totally unacceptable for those in authority to standby with arms at akimbo while their subordinates steal public funds. We can’t continue on this tangent of theft and corruption while working to improve the country.
The Global Fund Audit Report does name the culprits, the amounts, and provides sufficient evidence. The Zambian government (Ministries of Finance and Health) responded to it and did not dispute the findings. The NGOs CHAZ and ZNAN also responded and did not dispute the findings. The stance taken by the president by merely warning the known culprits is disappointing. These are people who knowingly caused deaths by stealing/misapplying/abusing resources which could have gone a long way in prolonging peoples’ lives. In my view, this is condoning murder!!
Two out of ten Ba tubulu & bembas are thieves! So when we say you guys are thieves we are not lying no wonder you want Satan to be in plot 1 so you can continue stealing!
Ubututu no bu fontini iwe Chama Chakomboka.
Chamachakomboka is an ***** born in a typical village with no morale fibre. How many Bembas are billionaires or multi millionaire in Zambia who have served in the four govt since independence and have been convicted? Its not every person who speaks Ichibemba is Bemba. Learn and understand that Luapula province is not Bembaland but there are closer links between the two provinces like copperbelt.There are tribes who are hardcore thieves since independence stealing cattle coming from Botswana to Zaire as MD for Zambia Railways, hiding ivory at his farm as a police commisioner , buying a Guest house in Siavonga through dubious mean as a minister of local govt and housing. Misappropriate of CFs and non of these are bembas. I have worked at state house at the highest level and I know what im
talking about and it only these empty vessels who have been given jobs this corrupt govt like senior citizen and Chamachakomboka contribute on this blog without their heads.
Chamacikalachakomboka- Chiluba and Katele Kalumba are 2 out of millions of Bemba speaking people so they cannot be representative just as #17 has said.Besides your RB has exonarated FTJ so this leaves only Katele unless you want to disregard your presidents instructions.
‘The president said this in a speech read for him by Health minister…..’
They have forgotten who stole the money
Iam watching a CAF Champinship a live mach between TP Mazembe and Esperence of Tunisia in Lubumbashi DRC. Itell the standards of the Stadium and play makes Zambia like a war torn country. We centuries behind inspite the so called peace we are “enjoying” TP 1 – 0 EST 0 1sst Half
Yes bembas are thieves because they stole indepence from the British to you dull tribes who were under their bottoms…you used to clean their toilets, calling them bwanas but a Bemba thief rose to the occassion when he said eneough was enough, A bemba thief chased the british.
Remember chacha, mama chikamoneka who showed her nakedness to a white just coz she wanted to set you dull tribes free from the british.
@ kambongolo & De Ja Vu all Zambian pipo know that you Bemba tubulus are thieves. Amashilu mu town Ba Bemba bcoz of stealing pipo items then are been witched! Mama chikamoneka was just horney maybe she wanted help from the whites as Ba tubulus & Bemba were busy stealing after smoking ichaba. No more tubulus in plot 1.
bembas stole independence, bt the great east ruled the country. we back again, 4 good this time.
Africa > Zambia > Health
It is amazing how inferiority complexes manifest themselves. Tribalists are nothing but people with an inferior complex. They feel their tribe has not influence in the country. Get over it. Life is not fair. Back to the topic at hand – RB is only annoyed because NGOs do not give him kick-backs. Look how he turns a blind eye to government corruption. That said, I think it is immoral for that Mataka woman to be paying herself £10,000 a month out of funds that are supposed to help sick people. In a poor country like Zambia, it is criminal! Unfortunately that is how people behave in Zambia.
What missaproriation of funds, wen he is the one in front of the all game.This is the time that he wants to show that he cares wen its time to remove him from office B….sht.time has come for this bastards to vacat.my children are suffering becoz of this fools,my father sufferd to much,and if thewre is any one willing to vote for this fools then you are digging a grave yard for your children FINISH.
wat is this rupia guy tokin bout, the same guy is bizy removing the abuse of office clause. u think he can prosecute any on? hes so cheap!!!
People inciting hatred against Bembas are a threat to national security. The OP shd start lukin for them. They think by blogging here they cannot be identified. Iwe Chakomboka you ll be arrested if you continue being a threat to national security. In case u don’t know any gadget connected to the Internet has a special IP address which will eventually shows your location thru your ISP provider. So pls stop bwataling nonse. I can tell u are extremely ignorant. I ve a strong feeling u being followed. Wachilamo.
# 30, I really hope our ZSIS takes interest in this blog and follow up on some hatred campaigners. It is very unfortunate that when people should be debating and giving advise to government on control of global funds for HIV/AIDS, some ignorant human beings can be spreading haterd for another tribe. May Jehovah God who created all people equal forgive you for you prejudices. The people who have symphoned money meant for HIV/AIDS have accumulated a lot of wealth in terms of properties, they should be asked to return the money not due to them. The normal salaries for people like Elizabeth Mataka should be obtained from the auditors of global funds and her and others should be made to give back the rest they have stolen. Further, these people should be prosecuted.
What a feeble attempt. Where has he been all this time?