By Henry Kyambalesa
The recent demand by the Barotse Freedom Movement (BFM) and the Movement for the Restoration of the Barotse Agreement (MOREBA) for the secession of Western Province from Zambia is a thorny and complex issue. But like all other serious national issues facing us, we need to summon our wisdom in finding a lasting and peaceful solution to it. In this article, I wish to make a few observations about the issue.
We Are One People:
Although the majority of Zambian citizens today can identify themselves as belonging to one or two of our country’s seventy-three (73) tribes, we are all essentially one and the same people. In short, we are all members of the Zambian family. And recognition of our oneness has, no doubt, been the linchpin of the enhanced and unmatched national unity which our country has enjoyed since independence. I, therefore, do not support my cousins in the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE), BFM and MOREBA who wish to secede from the Zambian nation.
An Era of Integration:
Integration of sovereign states has been one of the leading aspirations of socio-economic policy over the last sixty or so years, so much so that we can appropriately describe our era as an era of integration. There are numerous motivations for such integration, including the need to create larger financial and goods markets, and the need to assume greater bargaining power in international affairs. In general, societal members worldwide have become true believers in the concepts of “strength in numbers” and “in unity, there is greater strength.” Secession in an era of integration is, therefore, counterproductive at best!
Commission of Inquiry:
Nevertheless, it would be foolhardy for us not to lend a receptive ear to the demand by the BRE, BFM and MOREBA for Western province’s autonomy. There is, therefore, a need for President Rupiah Banda to constitute a “Barotse Commission of Inquiry,” whose terms of reference should be to conduct an intensive study of the issues involved, the general feelings of the Lozi people about the agitation for secession from Zambia, the general feelings of the Mbunda and Mankoya people about the secession issue, and, among other things, the options for resolving the issues surrounding the 1964 Barotseland Agreement.
Meanwhile, it is important for government leaders to refrain from making statements which have the potential to fuel secessionist sentiments during election campaigns. Among other things, they should recognize citizens’ right to vote for candidates of their choice without being threatened that their communities will be excluded from the development process if they do not vote for candidates fielded by the ruling political party.
Moreover, there is a need to make room for genuine and full participation of the various segments of society in making decisions concerning political and development matters that are of national importance, and serious consideration of ethnic interests in the distribution of power, educational facilities, health services, infrastructure, and so forth.
There is a very interesting broad minded retrievable audio debate i followed live yesterday on Mwape’s saturday radio program with link on his website.Zambians of different ethnicity background from heir bases around the world openly talked about this Barotseland crusade.
Interesting was listening to Hon. Sakwiba Sikota live on Mwape radio program yesterday publicly disapproving this secessionist activism instead declaring his allegiance to a united Zambia he wants to serve as President some day. Follow his show in the first segment of yesterday while a second segment of 2 hours was all dedicated to an open debate on the Barotseland secession. Let the talking thrive in all public forums.
What if you are made to feel like you are in “southern sudan” in your own country myr Kyambalesa? You do know that our brothers in south sudan are due to separate soon and we are watching closely to get ideas.You wait and see,we’ve been neglected too long while our resources used for other areas of zed.
# Barotseman, bo ndate, prove your case.
I am a child of two states, father WP while mum is from NP. In their wisdom, my parents have kept us in touch with their places of origin, Mongu and Luwingu. Mongu in its poverty is more developed than Luwingu. In Luwingu, the roads and other infrastracture are moreless none existant.
There must be something unsaid that those looking forward to secceding from Zambia are after. With time is shall be revealed. As for me the child of the two worlds…and those of Mbikusita Nyirendas… we are yet to know where to belong and why we should belong.
Mwape radio!! efinshi ifi nomba
hasnt mwapes website got enough bloggers on his site for someone to try and force it on us through our beloved LT?
Any man who dresses in a skirt deserves what’s coming to them. As any Scotsman. Oh, by the way, if you want to know what is under a Scotsman’s kilt, look for the dandruff on his shoes. Heeheheeee!
RedCard-Smoothcriminal ,
Learn to understand things. Maybe I’m missing some blog entry here, otherwise # 1 and 2 is talking of a radio open discussion held on this secession issue by Zambians of courage who give their voices and identities on air.
You are right,,,you are actually missing some blog entry,i’ll let you figure it out, hint* .just read between the lines
I bet you dont get bloggers on mwape website asking people to check out whats hot on LusakaTimes,so why should we get it the other way round
I dont blame all those who are instigating secessionist ideas. The govt of Zambia has taken us for a ride and all they preach is peace, peace peace, and nothing but peace. People cant eat or work peace. We need a govt that can deliver goods and services period!!!!! viva BRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#3 The idea of attacking authors and personality does not work well.Attack their work not the person. If you follow LT very well, many contributors or writers have not appeared with their work here for the past few months.In my view, when they bring up topics for debate and you go for their personality, and even calling them names. Let us allow free thinking, free to debate. If one is wrong-in your thinking, go aheard to defend your point, but not to shut up the other.
The Author of this article kindly notice that there is no clause on ethnicity in the Barotseland Agreement 1964. Its not about Mankoya and Mbumba please, for your information I have both Nkoya and Mbunda blood in me but all I can tell you is that the Leasdership of Zambia has undermined the foundation of the Zambian nation. Kaunda coined the One Nation slogan with the Barotseland Agreement 1964 at the back of his mind. We Lozis are just testing his wisdom and would like to see how intelligent he is. Do not shoot us or threaten us with treason. Just wait to defend yourselves in international courts if you are wise. Start preparing your defense instead of sending Commandos prenteding to be Paramilitary Police to arrest our 13 year old children, showing your frustration.
Barf this story again. Keeps coming back like an itch on the buttocks after missing a whole weekend of bathing at a young age.
Good piece Henry, if only more Zambians can approach this matter with an open mind like yours it would not have taken this long to find a solution. Bravo too to Mwape for bringing this matter to the open. As I mentioned before, all tribal wars in Africa have been sparked by two stinking vices, ignorance and tribal bigotry. I swear most if not all the people agitating against this Agreement have never even read it before. Compounded by a lousy, clueless, goofy and “vasco Dagamaring” head of state who sees the document as treason, there is a recipe for civil trife for you. Period.
To all Barotseland people, I know you are principled people brought up in good homes where morals are taught, but you may be tempted to react to insults from bana bamazwake. Please remember that your pride is in your principles; upholding the Barotseland morals you were founded on. God was not stupid to give you Barotseland rich as it was before the enemies of development betrayed us. We need your support for justice to prevail. Stand and be counted, do not spare your mouth to speak for your people who are insulted day-in day-out. Soon our learned brothers and sisters will need your financial support to litigate these criminals who kill our brothers and arrest our children. Corrupt as they may be, justice shall prevail. Kinako Bulozi kibwaluna
Kaingu blasts Barotse secessionists
MWANDI Member of Parliamnet (MP) Micheal Kaingu has condemned the group calling for the restoration of the 1964 Baroste Agreement saying it will bring divison and disunity in the country.
Mr Kaingu said in an interview yesterday the restoration of the agreemnet would impact negatively on the nation and the unity Zambia had been expirencing since indepedence.
Mr Kaingui who is Community Development minister said the recent calls should not be tolarated by all peace loving Zambians who believed in the ‘One Zambia, One nation’ spirit.
“People should acknowledge that life is dynamic and they should not dwell on archaic laws which will not beneift Zambia as a nation,” he said.
He said all those aspiring for presidency could do it without calling for the restoration of the old agreement which aimed at disuniting Zambians.
“The Zambian laws are so liberal such that anyone who want to stand as president for the Zambia can compete favourably from any province since the atmopshere is conducive,” he said.
And Independent Churches of Zambia (ICOZ) board chairperson David Masupa said the country appreciated what the Baroste Royal Establishmnet (BRE) contributed to the attainment of indepependce but should consider the repercursion that this agreement had for Zambia.
He said the Mung’omba Constitution Review Commission and the National Constitution Conference (NCC) rejected to include this agreement in the Constitution as it would have caused other royal highness of different tribes to lobby for the same thereby bringing division in Zambia.
“This nation is a united nation, that is why we stand on the ‘One Zambia, One Nation’ slogan. we don’t want a situation where each province will rise to say they want to be an independent state,” Revereand Masupa said.
#11, Tomodachi,
i think you are missing a point, what comprises the Lozi speaking people? or are you telling us that now Lozi is a tribe than a trades man language like swahili or nyanja? other people will say the Roste are a big group mbunda’s inclusive. mind you current day western province has so many tribes and among them are luvales, nkoyas, mbunda’s all of which if am not mistaken speak luvale, or mbunda. I have relatives from wp who dont speak lozi but their roots are deep rooted in kaoma, lukulu and kalabo. so where does this leave you mwana?
Barotseman @3. Before you can claim that Western Province is neglected, you should visit all the other outlying provinces outside of the line of rail and you’ll see that they are equally neglected. As Chanda Musyalike @4 says, count your blessings that you’re from Mongu and not Luwingu.
What are the resources from Barosteland being used to develop the rest of Zambia? The so called royalties they had came from copper mining in Lambaland.
I think we must ask if any luvale chief or kaonde chief or lamba chief were asked to be included in the agreement? the matter at hand is some chaps think barosteland is copperbelt, northwestern province parts of central and southern province. who told them litunga had such power?
Well, well. After all this debate, let me put some sober ideas on the table. For all those who rubish the barotse agreement, please note that like any contract, it can not be wished away. The only option is to cancel the agreement using the exit clauses contained their in. On whether people of WP want to separete from Zambia or not, i cannot say just yet. I however do not think rupia has capacity to deal with this issue properly.
Give then their damn plain and move nothing really comes from there. Sometimes I think Zambia can work better as federal state.
let them go and be free!!!
I have despaired of liberals, who as in the destruction of Zimbabwe by Mugabe, mouthed silly platitudes about dialogue and inclusiveness that made them ineffectual and impotent. Liberals, like Mbeki, Kaunda and the current president of Zambia Bwezani do not understand the power and allure of evil nor the cold reality of how Africa politics worked. After nearly a decade of independence, what has Zambia got to show for independence? ZERO! We are a failed state and the sooner we realised this and went our own separate ways the better.
It is people like Michael Kaingu who have sold Barotseland for personal gain. Zambia is already divided. The restoration of BA1964 will help put the issue of division to its final rest, as those who think are more Zambians than others will have no one look down upon. So called unity of Zambia at the expense of Barotseland freedom is not a good deal for the people of BL. If Zambia values that unity in truth and not just using BL would distribute development evenly. Just because Luwingu is not developed also, does not justify Barotse underdevelopment. The people of BL have the right to speak out, and they should not be made to feel guilty because of intermarriages and 46 years of oppression. WP is like an abused wife. She is made to feel bad about divorce when her husband is not faithful.
You should not blame the Litunga if the local chief in your are was not consulted and invited to go and sign the Agreement for independence. Blame it on KK. Even KK thought he could sign alone.He went to UK only to be sent back to the Litunga who was recognized as the Leader of Barotseland Nation. With due respect to all other chiefs in Zambia, lets not confuse the role the Litunga played on the independence of Zambia. We should be grateful and thankful of our history. We are not saying the Lozi are better than anyone else, but recognize that the Litunga was the recognized King at the time elligible to sign the document that gave Zambia freedom. Do not down play that fact just because he was a Lozi chief. It was good for the whole country.
Problem: The barotse agreement between lewanika and the british was based on a lie – lewanika claimed that barotseland extended into areas as far as copperbelt, central, north-western and southern provinces. He and the british knew this was not true but this lie was convenient for both parties.
Solution: Revise the barotse agreement to establish only western province as barotseland and then allow the lozis to secede.
If something does not stand on a strong foundation it will surely fall. The BA 1964 was based on a blatant lie. If you want it restored, please take back the lie. Copperbelt for one was never part of Barotseland. Lewanika must have been a big show off, he simply stood up and wrote a big circle on a map, and lo and behold Copperbelt was his?? Its called megalomania.
23 does not seem to unerstand isues. He cannot say ” Give them their danm plain, really nothing comes from their” God did not just create the heavens and earth for no purpose, mind you.
you are not trying to solve serious issues affecting us the Lozis, by what you say. Listen to our pleas and come up with solutions, not merely silenting the call.
Whatever! Sort out the Barotse Agreement issue, or else you will never sleep peacefully. RB out! Sata in!
The Barotse Kingdom was established as far back as 1600 when the first King Mboo settled in the Barotse Plain. So this talk of lamba land of copper is misplaced. Remember that Malozi are not of one tribe. Malozi are the people of Barotseland – constituted by 37 tribes ( amongst whom are Ma Mbowe, Ma Kwandi, Ma Kwangwa, Ma Subiya, Ma Kwamakoma, Ma Kwamwenyi, Manyengo, Mambukushu, Mayeyi, Mankoya, Maluvale, Mambunda, Machokwe, Maluchazi, Malunda, etc.).
32, bo Mwaekwa you are talking sichaba, kiona makande asilozi needed by everyone to hear and understand. The origions of the Lozis and the Royal establishment and thereafter the 1964 agreement are very critical.Thanks induna you can go ahead and dig more information.
This issue makes me sick as a Zambian who thinks we are one. I wouldn’t want to see a divided nation just because of this useless idea where we think we should be treated in a different way from others. That’s being selfish! Period.
Those useless agreement only benefited one family
Cousin what Kaunda did to the Litunga is what Sata will do to you in your PF/UPND pact. “…sign here i will give you a.b.c. when we form one country” , after the litunga signed Kaunda changed his mind. When the Lozis say “You are not honouring our agrement ,fine, lets go our own ways” , they are called Secessionists.
#34 Walasa says: “…as a Zambian who thinks we are one. I wouldn’t want to see a divided nation.”
Your problem is more in your head than anywhere else. You are oblivious to the fact that there is tribalism and regionalism in Zambia. People from Western Province happen to be among those who have been marginalized and subordinated. The Barotseland Agreement is not the cause for tribalism and regionalism that prevails in Zambia. If you don’t yet “see a divided nation” as you seem to claim, then probably there’s something wrong with your sight. Zambia is a DIVIDED nation. Obviously, you are not from Western Province, so you don’t know what it means to be marginalized. Like the Boers of S. Africa who preferred Apartheid, you would rather have Zambia stay the way it is!
#21 and 32, Luvales and other tribes from northwestern Province are treated as foreigners by Lozis, I mean Lozis are tribalists by nature. Ask Luvales staying in WP!! They are segreted just like Bembas and other tribes.I look forward to seeing them go their way. It will be good for Zambia!! We are wasting our precious time debating this nosence instead of developmental issues.
What has caused all this B.. issue is that there has been no president from western province and they will never be one if they continue disrespecting and not accepting other tribes.
I hate this noise!! can someone please keep quite and give me time to sleep!! even for a minute?
The skirts you see are a mimic of British culture because Litunga was a puppet of the British.in return the british faked the boundaries for the Barotse to please their puppet!! Thank God for KK. To all LOZI people who are supporting this movement, you are fighting a loosing battle.
#3 Barotseman,actually the kikuyu of kenya would serve you much better as an example.That way instead of having a smaller area if you break away,you instead spread your heft,inffluence,hegemony and a larger mkt for your business interests and/or political clout.Ask the kikuyu how they’ve gotten so much clout instead of sudanense and a united zed thus becomes a better option.
39 One Zmk was equall to One British pound,
” The skirts you see are a mimic of British culture ”
Do you know that even kilts and tartans themselves are an English invention? It came out of 19th century Romanticism, and the *European* need to create nation states and the national identities that went with them.
The Scottish weren’t fools. They never pranced around the freezing Scottish fens in skirts, without underwear.
Such is the power of Romantic idealism.
Whatever you pipo are toking about the truth will remain the same, this litunga man made history and no wonder yu chaps spend sleepless nights blogging and arguing over spilt water. continue in your fantacies but you will not at any time rewrite history coz its there for everyone to see, despite the fact that am no ****in lozi but i think the litunga guy was more civilised than most of you chaps, just stop blogging it will serve you time to think and maybe come to terms with reality. The question is why up to now we are still toking about this issue, why not a nkoya, tonga, ila, bemba, mambwe, or indeed for arguments sake tswana agreement, just sort out your pilled up problems, if you need help dont heitate to call upon our usual friends to sort it out, i mean the west coz china will never
It is obvious that you are the one with a problem in your head. Dont tell me only Western province has been sidelined. The real problem is that people from that side are selfish for lack of a better term. If anything, it should have been the most developed considering the history behind, instead, whoever gets to a certain position tends to forget where they come from. Just look at some influential people from there. Dont tell me secession is a solution. Your problem is selfishness and you are already showing it through this agenda. Believe me i know the kind of people from that side, it is each one for themselves. You will never develop until you change your way of life.
these lozis make me sick.wat does w/p has.let them go and eat sand and fish.an ancient piece of document is now in the archives.the ka chief in a british secrity guard uniform predenting as a king.let them go
Most tribes in WP are called foreigners except for the Nkoya people because it is only the Nkoya people who pre date the so called Lozis in WP. In short, it is the Nkoya people who gave the Lozi speaking groups the right to settle in present day Zambia when the arrived from present day South Africa. That is why you can find Lozi speaking groups in Nambia, some parts of Bostwana, Zimbabwe and of course South Africa itself. In short the Nkoya people have the right to called Lozis foreigner in Western Province because historically that is what they are. The Lozis have distorted there history to make it easy for them to claim autonomy. The truth is they are new arrivals and do not deserve special treatment at the expense of others like the Nkoyas who have the right to claim for statehood.
UK Parliament Debates on Barotseland(House of Commons)
Sir Ronald Bell: I beg to move, That this House deplores the unilateral repudiation by the Government of Zambia of the Barotseland Agreement 1964 (Command Paper No. 2366), which was signed by Her Majesty’s Secretary of State, by Dr. Kaunda and by the late Litunga of Barotseland, and was, further, reinforced by solemn assurances. The Barotseland Agreement was concluded on 18th May, 1965, and broken 14 months…
International Court of Justice at the Hague should be receiving our submission soon Ba mulonga Sha take lead Now! Before we completely lose our National Pride “wachila ng’umbili au kele mulipumo”
However, the Nkoya people would rather form a separate province called Kafue Province rather than claim autonomy. Unlike Lozi chiefs, the Nkoya people have chiefs in 5 provinces all recognized by the government of the republic of Zambia namely of course Western Province, Southern Province, Central Province, North Western Province and Lusaka province. So if they claimed for a state, it would dramatically change the map of Zambia that is why they are pushing for a province instead because they are an integral part and parcel of Zambia. in fact, it is the Nkoyas who are at the heart of forming Zambia not the Litunga or the Barotseland agreement 1964 or 1898. Lozis have always wanted to potray Nkoyas as a small group but they are not since they have chiefdoms in 5 provinces. One Zambia!!
I do well know that this will still be difficult for most zambians to understand.Worry yourselves non its alright,we will not give up trying to help them. Here is an execise in what should be very straight forward Practical Logic.Yes,kindly pay attention before you later resort to your usual insults and foul language and pass very uncouth sentiments.
This, you may confirm independently FACT FILE: Ma Lozi can only be Zambians if The Barotseland Agreeement 1964 is honoured to the letter. This is because they had and still have their own Nation Barotseland. Abrogate or repudiate this agreement like zambians have done and the implication is clear and pretty much elementary.What we have belaboured to call for is the Restoration and constitutional recognition of the Agreement. Its a…
No 46
We shall definitely meet in the International courts to iron out this issue because they Nkoya people have been cheated as a result of the barotseland agreement. The Nkoya Royalists are also pushing for a case with the African Union (AU), the International Criminal Court (ICC) and SADC. All 3 organizations have also confirmed having received the submissions of the Nkoya Royalists. We shall wait and see. If the UK house of Commons want to re-start the debate regarding the status of Western Zambia then it can only be a good thing because unlike in 1964, the Nkoya people have the knowledge, power, capacity and strength to challenge anybody regarding this matter in 2010 and beyond.
You Lozi’s really need to get over yourselves. Thats what holds you back!!! Backward arrogance. Listen up and listen good. We, as a UNITED Zambia dont give a hoot about your colonial agreement. Who the hell do you think u are?? Do you really think the rest of Zambia will stand aside and let u carry out your barbaric plans??? Please!!! U are all dillusional!! He! he! We are a DEMOCRATIC and INTELLIGENT nation. We dont want or need people like you in Zambia. U can take yourselves to your Western Province and be your own country if you want. We would be soooooo happy if you only knew!! Good riddance!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!
I do sympathise with your condition, however I have checked all my medical journals and perused through the findings of all state-of-the-art research in rare diseases and found that there may not yet be a known cure for your particular affliction. The prognosis for your malady is am afraid dismal the reason is that as a proud Nation, Barotseland is not about to go away anytime soon,please find our status below. Either that or the complexity of which is just beyond my pay grade. We are praying for your miraculous recovery from ‘Lozinus irritanis’
No. 44,
Spot on. Let this ka chief go to hell for thinking this is colonial time……
you lozis are selfish and arrogant.thats y no president will develop that area.that old piece of document is irrelevant to the equation.jst continue suffering you proud 4 nothing tribalist.if anything,zambia will beta of without you irritants
One love to all the people of Zambia. I think Lozis have some of the prettiest women in the country
# 54 Don P…
You are dead right! Ne mikonso iyatikama, round, round. Dimples on elbows and ankles…Wow! I am not suprised that their boys want to keep them for themselves by secceding!
Ngana bunde yei sinyehela shangweeeeeeee!
Just start a war and see how e will burst your asses!!