Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Boys 8 and 10 arrested


Boys will be boys-here some boys in a tree

Two boys aged 8 and 10 of Livingstone may be sentenced to prison if the Juvenile Court finds them guilty of vandalizing and attempting to steal some motor vehicle parts from a local resident.

The boys who were detained at Dambwa Police Post on Sunday evening before they were released on Police bond this morning may appear in court soon if the complainant decides to proceed with the case.

The minors who where initially in the company of a third admitted to have night-raided a house at Plot Number 120 Dambwa Site belonging to Lyamba Silimo and partially dismantled his Mark II non-runner.

The owner of the premises successfully apprehended two of the three minors as the eldest of them escaped.

The boys who reside in Livingstone’s Linda Compound are alleged to have broken into Silimo’s compound on Sunday around 18:00hrs when the
complainant, together with his family where at Church.

Sources at the Police Station said the boys revealed the names of the people who recruit them into thieving activities and that the Police are
still carrying out investigations.

In a Police statement, the complainant stated that the young offenders removed the doors, the front bumper, windscreen seals, and interior
components of the vehicle, items that have since been recovered.

After ascertaining the extent of damage Police Officers are suspecting that the boys where interested in scrap metal prospects than complex parts.

One source further disclosed that the two boys mentioned a group of scrap metal dealers within Linda compound as being their masterminds.

Southern Province Commanding Officer, Lemmy Kajoba had not yet received the report by press time.

And Social Welfare Officer for Livingstone and Kazungula, Songiso Kawana said the case has not yet reached his office.

Mr.Kawana said he might only be called upon if the case proceeds to court.

Meanwhile the complainant in the matter, Silimo is believed to be adamant and vowed to continue with the case when the parents to the
minors pleaded with him to settle the matter outside court.


  1. society has really broken down, at those ages boys are stealing motor vehicle parts? At the age of 18 they’ll be doing armed robberies, at age 25 the would have been killed, most likely by C5. That’s my prophecy if they don’t change their ways.

  2. the eye says:
    You prophety of doom, the kids were just helping themselves, probably trying to pull out the “Corner lights” from the non- runner Mark II….whats wrong with that…? Am sure in your time you stole some mangoes from the neighbour’s mango tree….are u still stealing…? Let them enjoy their boyhood….Boys will be boys…!

  3. Chipolopo, If growing up in your home in the komboni you come from stealing from neighbors was accepted then I seriously doubt your sanity. Just because in your time you stole mangoes doesn’t mean it’s ok for youngsters today to steal windscreens, doors, etc from their neighbors vehicle whether it’s a non runner or not in collaboration with adults. I hope they steal from you, if at all you have a car, and see how it feels to have someone vandalize your hard earned property.

  4. after law its a non runner mark II for that matter , that man should have a heart for the boys, its time he bought a new car, they saw he had no use for it

  5. the boys need help before they become ruined. social workers, church elders, school teachers, parents should help these kids they could be useful in future.

  6. @the eye says
    in our komboni setup, we don’t park cars at home. We park at the police station and bribe the policeman on duty with a 20pin to keep him from stealing our rims or siphoning fuel.

  7. #10, but if it’s ok for them to help themselves at other peoples property as you say then why do you park your ride, if at all you have one, at the police? Isn’t it because you want it protected from boys like them? Awe you are tiring me with your reasoning, i rest my case.

  8. Cage the lil I…dii..ots,wether non runner or runner that is immaterial.Its just plain stupi…dity to defend such nonsense unless you have never owned a vehicle in your clan.

  9. #13
    you took the worst scenario of what these boys may become in future. Don’t you think guys like Don Chichi, Kapoko etc had such humble beginnings…? by the way, the GRZ is about to make that profession noble by removing obstacles i.e Abuse of Office..! Yep we park at the Police at our own risk, thats what the book we sign every night says….let this guy move his chimbayabaya to a police station like every other nomal Zambian and not lead innocent children into “temptation”.

  10. # 15, indeed maybe bene Kapoko had similar “humble” beginnings but where are they now? Go ku chimbokaila you’ll find him there, the most likely place the same boys will end up if they are lucky, if not so lucky kapena ku leopards hill. Is that place to be okeyd mwana?

  11. # 15, indeed maybe bene Kapoko had similar “humble” beginnings but where are they now? Go ku chimbokaila you’ll find him there, the most likely place the same boys will end up if they are lucky, if not so lucky then kapena ku leopards hill. Is that place to be okeyd mwana?

  12. @Chipolopolo, wow dude… Do mothers not discipline us at the age of 8 and 10, are we not taught right from wrong? Even mu Comboni mothers discipline their children, so when they commit crimes they get punished. If you have children will you be okay with them stealing at your neighbours… I think you are trying to be funny, but here’s a news flash; its making you look like you have no sense.

  13. It is the poverty caused by RB’s trips that made these boys steal. When PF come in , all crime will cease in 90 days.

  14. Thank God this is not happening in our cousins province – northern, otherwise this page would have been full of tribal sentiments from those who think they are angels.

  15. I hope that our brother in the Lord will show compassion to the boys; and through outreach to the family, bring the boys to Sunday School, and, hopefully bring them to Christ.

    This is not a joke… I mean it.

    It would be insane to have these kids imprisoned when big thieves and sinners are let free to roam our nation as though they were demons.

  16. Dolly incapax(no prosection for 8 years and below) for the 8 year old boy sec-14 -cap 87of the penal code of zambia.The one aged 10 will only be tried if it is porved that he knew that he was capable of understanding the crime.The complainant will be more successful if he seeks damages in tort from the parents and rely on vicariuos liability.Criminal courts dont compensate victims but seek to punish the criminal.

  17. ~23 you seem to be in the know, but please, plish, plish improve on your spellings, other wise you introduce an element of doubt in what you profess!!

  18. At that age, dos skimps are supposed to be in school. Something has gone wrong in Zambia. Make it mandatory that all kids up to teenage wood must be in school, any kid languishing will have parents, guardians prosecuted. Of course it must be free educations up to secondary level-after all we pay a lot of tax which can be forwarded to free education costs-don’t just blog, provide solutions

  19. Boma ni boma no one is above the law.Bazakambila ku sogolo.Because L/stone has become popular of such activities of late by the same age group juveniles.Bloggers, you heard recently that there was a 13year old who stole a vehicle and later caught .Time the rot was stopped.

  20. The boys are growing, they are already tortured as it is. Some would have learn t by now. give them a break! Ba tolele fye. Its a scrap! Go for the scrap metal dealers.:-w:-?:-? As far as I’m concerned Police officer and the public are committing crimes everyday thought bribes- Money that is never receipted. Nobody is safe in this government

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