President Rupiah Banda says the abuse of authority of office law is retrogressive and undemocratic.
Mr Banda says the piece of legislation is unjustified because it presumes people guilty before facing trial.
The President says government wants to do away with the piece of legislation because there are adequate corruption laws to deal with abuse of office.
President Banda said in an interview with journalists at State house Tuesday that government is committed to fighting corruption because the practice can sabotage economic growth that the country is aspiring for.
The abuse of authority of office offence is already provided for under section 99 of the Penal code chapter 87 of the laws of Zambia.
The Anti Corruption Bill of 2010 comes up for committee stage in Parliament Wednesday.
Meanwhile, President Rupiah Banda has called on Zambians to continue working together, both in times of sorrows and happiness.
President Banda has also urged Zambians to continue upholding the unity that the country has been enjoying since independence.
The President said Zambians’s should live as one and continue to respect each other.
ZNBC’s Sydney Chisenga says Mr. Banda was speaking at the burial of his personal friend, late Betram Mataka in Katete Tuesday afternoon.
Betram Mataka is the brother to Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet Robert Mataka.
He said the late Mataka was a great man who devoted most of his time on spiritual work and teaching in communities.
Mr. Banda said he is happy to see the record of many things that Mr. Mataka achieved.
the only division for and among Zambians will come from GK who has failed to educate Zambians what options are available for handling corruption in the absence of the current ACC law on abuse of authority. lawyers were in office, why did they not think this law to be redundant or superfluous?
I.d.i.o.t………………….poppy……..Wanya the will still get you!!!!!!!
President Mwnanawasa was a competent lawyer, who worked tirelessly to eradicate or reduce corruption and at no time did he think it was okay to remove that law, this man no doubt is by far very incompetent to fight corruption, it is not surprising that he thinks that the best way to fight corruption is to remove that clause this man is indeed a true clown, Zambia is in for a lot of comedy. Jesus Christ of Nazareth come and save us from this crook!
The removal of the abuse of office clause from the ACC Act is obviously retrogressive. Just look at the ongoing murder trial of Sajid Mohammed Itowala where we are informed that the Highest Authority of the Police entertained the “Biggest Indian Conman” (Matthew “Hollywood” Mohan) in his office 11 times DURING THE TRIAL ITSELF!!!!! The removal of the clause will turn this country into another somalia if we are not careful
iwe Punisher ! 11 times!!!!!! Obviously to plan that charade of a defence with no proof offered. Shame indeed!!!! I agree with you, Characters such as the IG will be smiling from ear to ear if the ACC Act is mutilated in the manner being suggested by the authorities
Mohan was possibly planning how to camaflage the initial escape by ensuring that he does not implicate any police officers who assisted him in his botched escape and who kept him while he was on the run. Stinks of high police corruption to me!!!!
Hey Guys have you heard about the rapidly improving Lodge of the I.G in Mkushi during the course of this infamous murder trial? Apparently his rapidly rising lodge is not the only “project” seeing massive improvement as the three respectable high ranking police henchman (Chimuka, Mushanga and Nguni) are also benefiting highly from the biggest corruption scandal of the decade!
Does it make any legal sense to anybody for the police to be providing witnesses for use by the defence and colluding with defence lawyers in concocting lies. Does it make sense to anyone as to why state prosecutors were harrased by the police because they felt mohan evidence was being tampered with! ACC please move in and arrest these characters! And please Mr President leave the ACC Act as it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God save this country from COOOOORRRRRUUPT COOPPPSS !!!!!!
father president sir, waste no time in explaining to fool.s the need to change that achaic and vindictive law. just do it. they cant listen to sense. they value nonsense like more money in your pocket and using a boat on dry land. pf kaponyas are desperate for money and booze. imagine people to whom inflation rate means nothing.
How I wish there was Levy P. Mwanawansa! Lupiya could have been fired for this nonsense he is talking about. The explanation makes sense only to his cadres, not to well meaning Zambians. Lupiya’s rule is a punishment to mother zambia. I cry for the poor! 5 more years in office, Zambia is in for toture, both mental and physical.
From the word go, I knew there was something sinister going on at Cabinet office. How can this law be retrogressive when it is there to ensure transparency among our leaders. If one has nothing to hide on how they accumulated their wealth, I don’t see any reason for them to regard this piece of legislation as an enemy to individual freedoms. If the police find wandering about at 03hrs in the morning, the police will be within their duty to ask me what I would be doing at hour outside. It is up to me to explain how and why I found myself at that place at that hour. There many unfair laws that this President and his MMD could looked at. This brings to the question on why they picked on this particular law.
Please Mr. Rupiah do accent to this law because even if you do so the incoming government will not recognize it is removal. They will simply re instate it and arrest who ever will have committed the related crime. George Kunda is misleading you. He will wash his hands off you just as he has done with Levy. Beware of thin men for they spend all their time plotting. Fat men spend their time on wining and dining
#10 aticha-There is nothing vindictive about this unless you use back door methods to make money. By the way the people who enacted this law were more mature, better educated and more patriotic than you current clowns in MMD. Your man is removing all traffic signs and you think he is improving road safety.It is not archaic- it was only enacted in 1996 mean while your Rupiah MMD is comfortable with State of Emergency and Death Penalty-Laws which are older than George Kunda- Laws which are in human.But you happy since you could be a beneficiary to the National Plunder that is going to follow.
Our beautiful mother Zambia is where it is today bacause of crap of leaders such as the ones we have in government. May God deliver them!
I am sure the plunderers are now bracing themselves so they ransack our remaining hard earned tax payers’ money.