Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Rupiah’s achievement in 2-years is travelling – HH


United Party for National Development UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema has said that the only achievement Republican President Rupiah Banda can boast about during his two years in office is travelling outside the country.

Mr.Hichilema said President Banda has nothing to celebrate about during his two year presidency because the country has seen more suffering.

He said there was no question that president Banda had scored a lot in travelling unlike addressing the challenges affecting the Zambian people.

He added that the president had chosen to frequently travel outside the country to avoid the current deplorable state of the roads in Zambia and the escalating poverty levels.

Analyzing President Rupiah Banda’s two years in office in an exclusive interview with QFM this morning, Mr. Hichilema further observed that the fight against corruption under the current leadership has died.

He said the removal of the abuse of office clause from the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Act is a clear indication that President Banda is not interested in fighting corruption.

And Mr. Hichilema said President Rupiah Banda was busy celebrating about the developmental projects initiated by late president Levy Mwanawasa, while getting rid of people who worked closely with the late president.

He said President Banda was busy boasting about the developmental projects left and initiated by the late president Mwanawasa.



  1. Yes HH you are the man for 2011. Now start giving us ideas and possible solutions for 2011 and beyond. Do not follow the element of just talking without suggesting a solution. Course do not tell whole solution but just tips rest they steal for vision for 2011 and beyond.

  2. HH you are very sick in your head!!!!! who told you that Levy initiated any project? is that the way you work in Up & Down? FJT, Levy and RB have never initiated any project but where just messengers of the MMD party manifestos. So HH wether Levy, FJT or RB credit will never go to anyone but the Party as MMD.
    On the other hand you are admitting that, there is a lot MMD is doing but its only that you dont like RB. Further still, did Levy & Magande work alone?? where was Fundanga, cabinet ministers, permanent secretaries, Situmbeko musokotwane, etc?????
    What about Chizyuka?? didnt he contribute effectively but where is he if not sidelined and expelled becoz he opposed SATA. HH you cant deceive Zambian.

  3. The only achievement HH has achieved as President for UPnd is to lose election after election and can only boast of plans left by AKM….please if you live in a glass house…

  4. #2 Real Issue.. Please get real. You honestly believe a project like the new stadium in Ndola can just start somewhere in government with the President assuming ownership?

  5. Tell us what you are going to do and not just arm-chair criticism.Where is the manifesto.UPND unde AKM had one which was easily accessible.Has UPND being affected by the PF syndrome of no manifesto but just mere talk of more falanga in your pockets?

  6. Bwana HH I think you are hypocrite. You mean Rupiah Banda has achieved nothing tangible? RB would have chosen to away with all that levy did. I think you better look for other things to say. No one will take you seriously with that midiocrity.


  7. Would be good if HH did a lot more travelling within Zambia. Let the villagers get to know you and listen to their problems instead of getting on the Sata bandwagon of insults.

  8. # 2 i dont see real issues brought out in you comment as your blog titles deceives. Actually you do not have data but blanc to the fact that Levy laid the foundation stone to the new stadium in Ndola, Rail project in Chipata, to metion but a few. I think you are major chizyuka himself.

  9. #9 even in project management under ‘Slack’ Check Nigel ‘Managing Project Management’ – no big project can be initiated and accomplished in a period less than two years no matter how much the project manager employ ‘Crash techniques’ RB iz just witnessing projects initiated by Levy and partly Chiluba e.g Housing for Police. Get facts in place. I think HH’s point is more of domestic concern as # 10 alludes, which i think is ideal to address present concerns that face youths and your grandparents at the village.

  10. HH is an opposition leader and it is the duty of opposition leaders to criticise bad government policies. Opposition leaders are not praise singers and it is not their duty to point out achievements by those in power. Their role is to oppose, that is why they are called ‘opposition’ and were necessary they give alternative policies. HH is performing his role so I don’t understand why he should be called names. What you need to do is challenge his statement if he is wrong.

  11. Ladies and Gentlemen, as i take leave tonight may i appeal to all youths to consider facts inherent in laws of nature. It is a fact that trees shed off old leaves in order for new ones to come and then we can expect good fruits. Honestly, how do you allow old politicians continue clinging onto power and expect good results? it is natural logic that if old leaves persist stay onto twigs then strong winds come to force all the old leaves out. As for me YOUTHs are the wind. We should blow out the old politicians only when we can see good economic results.

  12. Zambian President, RUPIAH BANDA, has been named “the greatest traveler since Alexander the Great.” According to a study by Dakar-based Aid Transparency the Zambianpresident beats great leaders of today”s generation even when their travel times are combined together.The report published in a Dakar-based daily – The Kotch – said the time traveled by presidents Carter, Bush – father and son – Clinton, Obama, Sarkozy and Chirac, Helmut Kohl and Angela Merkel, all put together, will not account for half the time that President Banda has spent traveling outside his country, after only 2 years in office. The authors of the study pointed at the cost involved in such frequency of traveling, citing hiring or maintenance of the aircraft involved, accommodation, catering for the normally larger…

  13. …from #15 catering for the normally larger presidential entourage that is characteristic of African leaders, not to mention the “gifts” that goes with such high profile visits overseas. These, the authors argued, could mean a lot for many lives and families in a poor African country like Zambia.
    Aid Transparency is an agency that seeks to protect aid recipients from donors. It also publicizes violations of people”s rights to a fair delivery of international development.

  14. Ladies and Gentlemen, as i take leave tonight may i appeal to all youths to consider facts inherent in laws of nature. It is a fact that trees shed off old leaves in order for new ones to come and then we can expect good fruits. Honestly, how do you allow old politicians continue clinging onto power and expect good results? it is natural logic that if old leaves persist stay onto twigs then strong winds come to force all the old leaves out. As for me YOUTHs are the wind. We should blow out the old politicians only when we can see good economic results. In my personal view HH is ideal for 2011

  15. The postings in #s 15 & 16 were contributed by a blogger called wachepa i ZWD. Source This clearly backs what HH is saying.

  16. HH chi-kala, pls don’t get too excited. Individually, you’re not a political force to reckon with and if Sata pulls the plug tomorrow, that’ll be the end of u. There’s no chance in hell that Sata will cede the pact presidency to you so you’ll have to carry his briefcase for the nxt 10yrs. Your hate for RB will eat u up while he carries on achieving big things. I used to be a staunch supporter of yours but more! Fck u and Chilufya Sata.

  17. 1. We know many people who have inherited wealth from their parents, but lost it all.
    2. If you can implement development projects left by your predecessor, then you must be a damn good manager, and RB is doing superbly well.
    3. I have asked before, and I repeat: why did Levy bring RB from his farm to join his cabinet? Out of 10million people Levy should go fish this old man out of retirement and make him Veep. He needed someone who could guide him in project development and implementation. Much as we give credit to Levy these projects were initiated collectively Levy/RB/cabinet/MMD (MMD ticked when Sata left). I know for certain that RB’s Veep office coordinated investor relations, the house was always buzzing with investors. Ignorant detractors will say usual rubb.ish.

  18. HH is right,, time for exploration is long gone. It is time to solve problems facing our country. We don’t have medicine in our hospitals, roads are in deplorable state, education system is broken, retiries are not getting their packages, chinese are busy abusing and shooting citizens while govt is watching, there are no street lights at the supreme court, corruption is no longer fought. SHAME ON YOU SUPPORTERS of theres criminals. VIVA HH! VIVA UPND! VOTE THE BEST MAN.

  19. UPND is also boasting on the manifesto of AKM is Mr. Hichilema has not shredded it yet. If that is the case, then give us your Manifesto Mr. Hichilema since you believe in individual accomplishments as opposed to the party accomplishments based on the party manifesto.

    The PF syndrome has crept into UPND. It is annoying and disappointing to see such statements coming from UPND. Zambia has no strong credible opposition.

  20. I stopped blogging on this forum but something has caught my attention, # 20 what kind of a fool are you? You really think RB was bought from the farm for his expertise in developmental issues? RB was brought in so that he could bring votes from eastern province. Levy and the MMD new that eastern province was for UNIP so they had to some how ‘bribe’ this UNIP guy called RB to turn over the eastern province votes. When RB delivered eastern province Levy had to keep his end of the bargain. And thats how we ended up with a looser VP then president.
    That political move was also done of this dude called Nevers Mumba. He was later dumped after he had turned over the “born again” votes. If i remember well his party comprised of his born again friends and church members. ( thats my opinion)

  21. i have said time and again that hh is a chancer,but not this time sorry badala.u cant lead zambia,u wished sata could die but sorry sir

  22. U underrated HH ba PF. He is right there and hitting right notes while u are in agony. Fr bwalya now has turned against you and sata had no kind words for the priest. Red card sata. Hehehehe

  23. HH for president in 2011 or suffering continues with old pipo with brown teeth in power. Young pipo don’t complain when you don’t have jobs coz if you vote for recycled politicians they won’t take you serious knowing after five year they will still convince to vote for em.

  24. On “United Party for National Development UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema has said that the only achievement Republican President Rupiah Banda can boast about during his two years in office is travelling outside the country” I agree with 2011 presidentia candidate HH and I hope Mr President RBB will change his ways for the betterment of Zambia as opposed to chasing after travelling allowances.

    As for HH, please continue putting MMD and PF on serious pressure so that your create a winning PACT with Zambian voters.

    Have a blessed day all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

  25. hh will never be the president of zambia if Sata pull-out of the pact, that is the fact and one can deny that unless if u are a deaf. fact number 1

    1) Sata did very well in 2006 elections and managed to beat opposion parties by more than 250,000 votes, that is upnd, unip and fdd which formed an allience called uda
    2) in 2008 presidential election Sata did very well compared to hh, that is Sata got more than 600,000 while hh got about 300,000, twice of mr Sata’s votes. now judge who can be the pact president, unless if u are a deaf u can hh should be president for the pact. Viva MC SATA for 2011!

  26. hh will never be the president of zambia if Sata pull-out of the pact, that is the fact and one can deny that unless if u are a deaf. fact number 1

    1) Sata did very well in 2006 elections and managed to beat opposion parties by more than 250,000 votes, that is upnd, unip and fdd which formed an allience called uda
    2) in 2008 presidential election Sata did very well compared to hh, that is Sata got more than 600,000 while hh got about 300,000, twice of mr Sata’s votes. now judge who can be the pact president, unless if u are a deaf u can say hh should be president for the pact. Viva MC SATA for 2011! in mwamukolo mwami !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SATA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SATA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  27. #5 & #11…..The Bible, Apollos planted, Paul watered and God made them grow. Pls understand that a good organisation is the one that believes in collective responsibility and continueity. Remember that, Levy is dead mid his term and someone had to come in SPECIFICALLY to finish guiding from where the other left. The major ROLE of RB is NOT to initiate, but to accomplish (This is his terms of reference). Therefore, he needs to be judged on the basis of successful guidance to completion of what was started through Levy and NOT initiating. He will only be judged on point of initiating projects if he assumes his own 5 year term, just like Levy, the major task in the first term was to complete the SAP to completion started by FJT. I hope i have cleared your mind in a non partisan way.

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