Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Zambia maintains low Covid-19 infection rate


Minister of Health, Jonas Chanda says Zambia is fortunate to have maintained a positivity rate of below 5 percent for the past two weeks as the COVID pandemic has continued to upset the world, with countries in Asia and Europe continuing to contribute the largest numbers of daily new COVID – 19 cases.

He said the country recorded a lower 3 percent of the total number of people tested for COVID this week as compared to last week’s 4 percent.

However, Dr. Chanda appealed to Zambians to remain cautious and continue to encourage adherence to the COVID prevention guidelines and other public health guidance.

“We wish to caution that we still face a possible increase in cases following the incubation period, which is the time between exposure to the virus and onset of symptoms, typically 5 – 6 days,” the Minister explained.

Dr. Chanda thanked health teams who are on the ground for their tireless and selfless dedication to duty.

“As we continue to monitor the incidences following COVID – 19 globally, we note from our colleagues in the region like Malawi, Zimbabwe and others that there are no records concerning adverse events following vaccination with AstraZeneca or indeed any other Covid-19 vaccine. The common mild non-life-threatening events reported include pain at the injection site, headache, fever, nausea, fatigue, and generalized body pains,” he said.

The Minister acknowledged the support received from the World Health Organization and the United Kingdom for capacity building in Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) saying it will go a long way in supporting the country effectively for the response at the sub-national level.

Meanwhile, Dr. Chanda says the country has recorded 79 positive COVID cases out of the 2,872 tested people, with North-Western recording the highest number at 36 cases and Copperbelt with the lowest at 1 case.

“On a sad note, we recorded two (2) new deaths from Copperbelt (1) and Northern (1) provinces. The cumulative number of COVID-19 related deaths recorded now stands at 1,222, classified as 683 COVID – 19 deaths and 539 COVID – 19 associated deaths,” he explained.

Mr. Chanda said a total number of 110 discharges were recorded from both the COVID – 19 isolation facilities and home management, bringing the cumulative number of recoveries to 96 percent.


  1. In as much as we thank the health officials on ground and the adherence to guidelines, it is imperative for Africa and Zambia in particular to give thanks to God. Only God’s mercies have greatly helped us not to face the worst of COVID 19. Countries with better health facilities and financial resources have battled with serious devastation of the pandemic. May His mercies continued to prevail on our behalf.

  2. He just spews out figures without knowing the reasons but when it comes to covid-19 related donor funds they never turn them down…what happened to the so called vaccines? Have sold them?

  3. @Jacob don’t think you are clever or immune because you are abroad.we have the ability to trace you via IP and ensure you answer for your treasonous statements once you step on Zambian soil. Don’t be a punk.

    Meanwhile this is great news for our country at large. Only upnd are upset that people are not dying. Upnd is desperate for blood due to elections being close by.

  4. KZ it’s your IP which shows you’re in UK, so don’t keep on lying to everyone. Yes the Covid-19 rates are low in Zambia but that has nothing to do with the failing MoH which is just not testing anybody! And I trust Boris Johnson to skip on any corrupt foreigner to give them a vaccine!

  5. Jonas just announces if tomorrow there is spike he won’t know what to do but beg for donor funds…just like his so called crack down on corruption at MOH.

  6. “Dr. Chanda says the country has recorded 79 positive COVID cases out of the 2,872 tested people”
    How can you say Zambia is maintaining a low covid-19 infection when the testing levels are far below WHO standards?
    The PCR testing levels should be at a minimum of 2.5 tests per 1,000 people. In just Lusaka alone with a population of 3 million people, that translates to 7,500 tests per day.
    The minister should stop misleading people.

  7. Zambia managed to control the rising corona cases…This news looks like a dream to me. Great job, health minister.

  8. Still, some haters will shed crocodile tears claiming that hospitals are running out of medicines, oxygens, and whatnot.

  9. We are grateful to all the health workers for working hard. Without them, this achievement could be impossible.

  10. Even though the situation is in control we all must continue to follow the health guidelines, until further notification from the government.

  11. This is possible only because of the hard work and dedication of President Lungu, his government, and the health workers. A big thank you to the GREAT TEAM!!!

  12. Guys, after this news please don’t roam around without wearing the mask. We don’t want the third wave of the virus. Just because our government system is strong, we should not take them for granted.

  13. Thank you, health minister for sharing this wonderful information. I think within the coming months the Covid-19 would be dead!

  14. We want this strong, powerful PF government to rule the country beyond 2021. Because President Lungu has got an incredible team that handles the nation perfectly.

  15. There is massive under reporting, poor COVID 19 compliance and yet the MOH is busy misleading the nation that the OVID rates are low.

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