Wednesday, March 19, 2025

3 donors pledge 240m euros for Great East Road


European Union (EU) head of delegation to Zambia, Derek Fee

THREE international organisations will next year commit 240 million Euros for the rehabilitation of the Great East Road.

The Great East Road will be rehabilitated through funding from the European Union (EU), European Investment Bank (EIB) and the African Development Bank (ADB).

European Union (EU) head of delegation Derek Fee said this in an interview in Lusaka on Monday.

Dr Fee said the rehabilitation of the Great East Road will be part of the Road Sector Infrastructure Development Project (ROADSIP) to be funded by the international organisations under phase two project.

[pullquote]“We had a very productive meeting with Government and the Road Development Agency (RAD), where Government responded very well to some of the concerns we raised as a donor community and it also showed us the steps that it has taken to prevent officers from misapplying donor funds.[/pullquote]

He said once rehabilitated the road will help generate savings in vehicle operating costs and travel time as well as reduce the traffic accidents.

Dr Fee said EU cares about Zambia’s road sector and that it will continue supporting Government’s interventions aimed at improving the road sector in the country.

He said the Great East Road forms part of the regional Nacala Corridor which links Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique.

Dr Fee said the donor community has decided to resume funding to the country’s road sector because of the effective steps that Government has taken in punishing public officers who allegedly misapplied donor funds meant for the road sector.

“We had a very productive meeting with Government and the Road Development Agency (RAD), where Government responded very well to some of the concerns we raised as a donor community and it also showed us the steps that it has taken to prevent officers from misapplying donor funds.

“We are satisfied with the steps that Government is taking and I can confirm that some of the conditions that we set as the donor community before resuming funding to Zambia’s road sector have been met,” he said.

Dr Fee said the EU is also pleased that Government has instituted policy guidelines to help manage and administer the road donor fund in a transparent and accountable manner.

He said EU will continue supporting Government in the periodic maintenance of roads to help arrest the deterioration of the road network in the country as well as help prolong its life span.

Dr Fee said the EU has identified the road sector as Zambia’s major factor in enhancing economic development and growth in the country and that it will continue supporting interventions aimed at improving the sector.

He said there is need to continuously maintain the road network in Zambia on a sustainable basis to help foster economic development in the country as well as enhance trade between Zambia and other countries in the region.

“We care about the road sector in Zambia and we will remain committed to supporting the Zambian Government in efforts aimed at improving the road sector because we want Zambians to be proud of the road sector,” Dr Fee said.

[Zambia Daily mail]


  1. Am some still call Zambia a failed state. MMD really deserves better opposition. The Donor community are not that stupid to pump so much money in a failed state.

  2. there is a big differance between failing government and failed state, failing government because it is relying on donors to fund such a project. or probably fund ”personal ministerial development projects”

  3. Ba Chief Bootlicker naimwe shuuwa! Are you praising the MMD for running the country on donor money?
    Is this something to be proud of sure? With a better government in place, Zambia can stand on it’s own! You have no shame!

  4. Who asked the donors to fund this road? Does that person have their priorities right. Of all our roads in zambia, Great east is the best. Why not go and improve other feed roads in bad state? Of did these donors dictate which road they want to repair? I see these are banks funding. Are these grants or loans? Beware of anything RB does becouse he will cost the future generations.

  5. Who did the evaluation and established that the road works will cost e240m? When was such a feasibility done? Guys, you must be weary with whatever excites cadres like #2. This guys can not be associated with logic and reason hence nothing good can flow from him and his master.

  6. Red card, the EU are very strict on use of the funds. for them to come up with a figure they used the services of a reputable consultant( normally european)

  7. @5, RB is campaigning big time in Eastern Province! He wants to make all of Eastern Province vote for him and make sure that if he does not win, the Lusaka Chipata road will be in better shape for his farming business.

  8. you buffons against the rehabilitation of great east road are you really zambians or bakaboke. I dont care who does the road be it RB sata HH milupi magande sikota ngondo mumba govt as long as road is done. come off sour grapes kind of politics and be thankful to Dr Derek Fee the EU boss for funding the project. I can see how myopic some bloggers are no wonder we refer to them as kaponya meaning someone who cant think or reason but acts bullish. thats why these monkeys cant win an election bcos all they talk about is personalities with nothing on the agenda. no wonder they have no manifesto no set rules

  9. So when are they going to do theGreat North Road? It has been in a terrible condition for a long time. Vehicles have to leave the road to avoid the massive potholes or are they craters. Please do something about it.

  10. Do we still need donor money? l thought Marco polo told off these Europeans to stop giving us aid. When that money is stolen i hope they wont complain because they should have waited until these dogs are gone next year then donate.

  11. More money more problems. These donors are running scared of Africa developing into a super power, so they pour more money into our gov coffers. These moneys will have to be repaid some day and after another 3 years great east road will require money for rehabilitation. MMD need not be commended for this at all, instead these chaps should ensure that the roads are built to last up 10 even fifteen years.

  12. What about Great North Road – especially Mpika Nakonde section? Or even tar Mbala Isoka road or Lundazi Chama Isoka link with a similar amount?

  13. PF cadres are really an amazing bunch. They always criticize everything. Even if the governement tarred all the roads in the country, they would still find an excuse to insult; what do these people stand for? They are happier when people are suffering to prove a point! May God deliver you guys

  14. Let us support the efforts of the donours and condem PF/UPND cadres who do not know what they are doing. The pact condemned government when they pulled off from funding the road and now they are condemning donors for resuming funding because the government has acted. Abash PF/UPND Pact
    VIVA MMD and RB

  15. #20 Dzikomo
    You are not for real mate, is it the opposition that told the donors off? Why the change of heart today and why do you’ve to condemn the opposition that has done nothing wrong?

  16. Mulongoti and his good friend are too close to ADB for my comfort.
    These guys are responsible for Meridian Bank going down and from Mulongotis stance on Abuse of Office it is obvious that he is out to chew money.

    Mulongoti is always at Pamodzi, Inters and Southern Sun Hotel in the night meeting businessmen and being entertained expensively. Is this really the way a Minister or public officer holder should carry himself?
    In Developed countries merely receiving a sweet from people pushing for contracts is illegal and one must hand over everything received to government which means that the sweet givers have even compromised their chances.

    But look at Zambia.
    RP Capital, Roads projects under mulongoti, the Napsa levy construction…it all stinks

  17. 15 msana wanzili, kwena mudala mwaliba useless. Every time you blog you get your facts twisted.
    RB said donors must respect Zambia’s sovereignity, and if they don’t want to help Zambia genuinely they can keep their money. We all value our sovereignty except tghose who are not proud Zambians. Are you one of those paid to twist facts on LT or just some brainless chakuti?

  18. #18 u re rite wat about the great north road from serenje to nakonde? i think its worse compared to the great east road. And tht road has recorded more accidents in the past year than any other. Pliz Govt do something on that.

  19. #25 Let them work on the Great North Road. Not just the Great East Road. or is it because he comes from there?

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