Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Sata denies discussing homesexual rights with donors


Patriotic Front (PF) President Michael Sata has said that there are more important issues he discusses with donors than homosexual rights.

Mr. Sata has since advised non-governmental organizations (NGOs) accusing him of holding gay-right talks with donors to talk of more practical issues currently affecting the country.

He told QFM that those accusing him of promoting homosexuality should come out in the open with evidence and not just talking on assumptions.

Mr. Sata accused Second Republican President Frederick Chiluba of inciting some NGOs to twist his meetings with donors.

He added that donors should be respected because they are more important than President Rupiah Banda and his government.



  1. I thought this was a dead story. so now we’ll wait for the same ngo’s to reply and since ba ftj has also been implicated he’ll also issue a reply. at the end of the day a sheer waste of time

  2. The Sponsored NGO’s are a disgrace together with sponsored pastors like Chihana. What a comedy now. They accussed Mr. Sata of all the things just to get at what he discussed with Donors. Why is the MMD jitterly? In 1990 the MMD big delegation lead by FTJ, VJ Aurthur, Wina (Late),Dean Mungomba (lat), Chitala Derrick and others went to Europe (called themselves incoming cabinet), followed the Donors to seek support and understanding in the fight to unseat KK. When they came, they never briefed us. So It is NORMAL. Why complain NOW!!!!!!!

  3. ‘Donors should be respected because they are more important than Rupiah Banda and his government’
    really Mr Sata? Not even in my wildest dreams could i have ever known the extent of the damage done to your brain by the colonialists. People watch out because now you know who will be more important once this clueless man comes to power

  4. Its a failed damage control effort at the 11th hour when facts are indellible everywhere. Its like his crookedness with Taiwanese to whom he concessioned the entire Luapula traditional land for campaign finance in 2006 with part of it to some South African apartheid boers from whom he got the still confiscated US $27,000. Who doen’t know that the memorandum with the Netheland envoy and Swedish is strictly on those terms?

  5. icintu cintu mwene!! lekeni sata teke.
    Dont kubeba guy. but it seems they know of there going in 2011. maybe the chief mwembeshi officer Dora and private acting first lady at the same time has given them some linkage.

    Twanaka nenu ba mbuzi!!!!!!!!!

  6. Sata is a desperate politician who defends anything that smells money. He embraced Chiluba when he knew he could benefit from his loot and connections such as katebe katoto and moses katumbi. Sata glorifies donors today because he needs their money and donors will be stupid to believe this guy means right. Zambians should start looking for new leaders, not this homosexual proponent.

  7. # 7,

    No he has not denied but confirmed with a casual approach. He accepted with his late some Chilufya Sata and his vuvuzela Fred Mmembe is deep into it so no way no how can he denounce it.

  8. please Mr SATA don’t waste time of discussing this baseless stories with this baggers, you are to smart MR President. aka kakafupi kapuba sana don’t answer it( kachiluba). just harmonise your manifestos as HH has said to prepare for 2011 so kafupi be in trouble with his Nyamasoya.

  9. Sata maybe its lack of education and limited comprehension of fundamental issues if not his natural corrupt character and inferiority complex to abasungu from his colonial days when he served them as their kaboyi-waiter fighting chachacha cause. The chap is too susceptible to manipulation and moral trade-off. The country would sold off if ever people treasonously risked with him on the ballot.

  10. How can donors be more important than our President and government ba Sata sure? I do not think u will be my republican president.

  11. It hasnt even taken longer than a month that u veteran and yo friends that uve been challenging sata with the help of chihana and some sponsered ngo’ to answer back to assertions of him discussing gay rights with doners.the sooner he tells u he hasnt been doing that and challenges any1 including his gay partner as u acclaim him gay,to come out in the open with evidence,u hit bak trying to push him further to tell u the game plan for the pact,no way jus wait 2011.tulaisa

  12. But sata ulichipuba zoona. And who are to tell ngo to concentrate on matters affecting the country when all u do is insult the party and its goverment without outlining what u can do for us. Ati donors are more important. Wembawe waba amapampabulo ukufota. Scum of the earth.

  13. #15, Come on! Are you serious with your questions about Hakainde Hichilema honestly? It seems you have a bone to chew with this Zambian billionaire of which you will never be even God gave you 100 more yaers tyo collect your mistakes on this earth!!

  14. according to your name #18 am sure tho am not bemba,the prverb has a finishing sayin mwineapatalalika.with your satement u are prvokin heat on u.its true donars are more important than rb coz they hav a listening ear to pipo who jus berg for help,ie u,me and many other zambians in need of help in healh,eduction,shelter,food and other basic needs,unlike some1 beggin for votes in 2011 but turns a deaf ear & blind eye to the pipo involved in helpin him.reason.

  15. according to your name #18, am sure the prverb has a finishing sayin mwineapatalalika.with your satement u are prvokin heat on u.its true donars are more important than rb coz they hav a listening ear to pipo who jus berg for help,ie u,me and many other zambians in need of help in healh,eduction,shelter,food and other basic needs,unlike some1 beggin for votes in 2011 but turns a deaf ear & blind eye to the pipo involved in helpin him win.shame,u must learn 2 reason

  16. according to your name #18, am sure the prverb has a finishing sayin mwineapatalalika.with your satement u are prvokin heat on u.its true donars are more important than rb coz they hav a listenin ear to pipo who jus beg for help,ie u,me and many other zambians in need of help in healh,eduction,shelter,food and other basic needs,unlike some1 beggin for votes in 2011 but turns a deaf ear & blind eye to the pipo involved in helpin him win.shame,u must learn 2reason

  17. Look at his begging stance and I quote:”…donors should be respected because they are more important than President Rupiah Banda and his government.”
    And you call him presidential material.I pity his supporters.

  18. It is true donors are more important that your RB. Just see how you have been running to and from to request the resumption of aid to Ministry of Health. If RB was more important why dont you just forget about donors? Some of you b.astards including veteran aka senior citizen aka sharp shooter are leaving in the donors countries and yet you choose to call them names. Go back to your s.tupid RB country if you think he is important.

  19. Donors spend their tym in Zed unlike our Presido RB who is always flying every other day. RB and the Government are always exploiting us the masses with their funny policies while the donors are trying 2 help us thru the financial support in various areas.
    Only wen Govt and RB have tym and a heart 4 us the people, they will not have our respect

  20. “…more important issues he discusses with donors than homosexual rights.” Why not say I have not discussed homosexual rights with donors. This simply means that he is ready to discuss the homosexual rights with anyone willing to push for them in Zambia. It could also point to the fact that amoung other things that were discussed, homesexual rights were also included.

  21. Why bicker?

    Sata is right The donors are more important and without them , the major funds that we are recipient of will dissapear.

    I think Sata cant do any less than what RB has done.

  22. I personally dont think there is anything wrong with homosexuals, thats their choice

    Anyone against is is primitive and should wake up. The western have legailised who the hell are we to refute it? After all we all emulate them.

  23. #7 simeza indeed sata hasnt denied the allegation but just says their are other issues he discusses with gay donors including homosexuality. sata is desparate and mentally deranged guess senile dementia set in some years back. i wonder why some youngmen still believe in this mentally retarted shikulu

  24. #31 mushota you think a man getting his erect manhood and inserting it in your rectum is normal you must be sick. that rectum of yours is storage for waste products of food you take in and is excreated thru the anus in form of faeces. libido or orgasm is never attained thru the anus and by pipo or same sex. #31 mushota would you allow a fellow man to plug your arse with his stiffened dick or can you insert yours in an anus lined with pupu

  25. homosexuality is becoming more and more socially accepted during the 2000’s gay rights groups started to shift their campaign towards equal political treatment. Basically, gay rights movement is defined as the demand of gays to be treated as equal citizens with the same rights, privileges, and treatment as heterosexuals do.

    In most civilized countries, gay relationships are becoming more and more common, and new improved rights are being introduced, such as gay marriage, gay adoption, etc. So, yes, in nearly all cases, gay people have the same rights as heterosexual people.
    The basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled, often held to include the right to life and liberty, freedom of thought and expression, and equality before the law.”

  26. For some of u *****s.who where taught english by indians and germans,no bad feeling jus an xpression,u are too illiterate to understand that jus one twist of a word by a jounalist a satement changes.i beliv watever sata said he dint say he will discuss it in future its jus the way it has been writen and yo interpretation as pipo.but anyway y the fuss.y should u politicise his reply?get a life.

  27. Those who argue against gay marriage insist that the only marriages between men and women are legitimate, but what about those who are not quite male or female – at least not according to the definitions usually employed? Defining marriage in terms of sex begs the question of how we define the sexes – how we define who is a ‘man’ and who is a ‘woman.’ Deciding who can marry whom isn’t always a simple matter of determining what sorts of internal organs a person has.
    Either civil law is defined by the needs and rights of citizens, or civil laws will be placed under the dominion of religious laws and gay marriage will remain banned. Gay marriage furthermore DO NOT represents a threat to established norms of authority, identity and power

    My brother in law is gay and i have accepted…

  28. Bustele no 35 , How can you call someone illiterate when you cant spell yourself?. Who is then?

    Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones Do not criticize or slander another if you are vulnerable to retaliation.

  29. Guys, is it true that Chiluba was busy giving one unnamed donor a wicked blow job when the donor came with blazing magnum force landing hot shoot on Kafupi’s lower lip leaving a high yellow scar on it reminiscent of the lips of Kunda? No wonder the chap hates donors and I bet he swallowed some of the blast hence his constant gastroenteritis (diarrhea) of the mouth. Since he was Levy’s “sister” you bet he might be pregnant, from oral fornication. The ka chap is a pioneers, of all evil vices.

  30. The shifting sands upon which stand Sata’s political orientation. He is not a modern day leader of a nation. Too unpredictable. Blows with the wind trying to get to plot 1 by any means. Once at plot 1, you can be assured that his real merciless self will come out. The country doesn’t need a man like this. In fact, we’ll be better off without any of these tired directionless old men. They’re too full of themselves. they’re not there to serve.

  31. Guys, help me out here, which one of the ten commandments is most important of all? Aren’t they all equally important? Now, I hope some nutty christians here aren’t going to accuse me of blasphemy, was Christ’s holy conception not an act of fornication, I mean, Mary was not married to fimo fimo you know ???? So for all you chaps claiming homosexuality is evil, look deep inside yourselves and you will realise you are the worst perverts who wank in the shower every morning and thinking of another man, or a cow and to Christ this too amounts to acts of adultery.

  32. Is Sata nist saying donors are more important than Zambians including him? Wasn’t it the same Sata nist who threatened donors during late Mwanawasa’s reign that he could blow them up because he was worse than Bin Ladin and it took late Mwanawasa to apologise on behalf of the Zambians that what Sata ist was saying wasn’t the Zambian’s position? Now because he desperately wants to go to state house, he is there praising the same donors that he threatened then. Incosistence is what Sata nist is made of.

  33. You guys who hate Sata, ala you cant bring Sata down. Sata is just loved by people, he does not force himself on people. Sata knows how to draw people to himself. Just visit townships of Zambia, all nkotizos, children, civilservants, police men, state house workes, all want Sata. You cant fight people guys.

    What I can advice you to do if you want people to hate Sata is to bewitch him so he dies. But caution, you will never manage to bewitch because even the witches love Sata. Just note how the presumebly number one enemy the Late LPM was quick to send him to south africa.

    The late said he did not want Sata to die coz Sata was so important to the development of the country. you see if the late LPM loved Sata what more you guys who are just nonetities??


  34. jus like they say in oral,it applies in written,it was a sleep of the hand,but i beliv u havent done bad by helping me realise i live in a glass house and i shouldnt throw stones,thanx.but u should kno i thing,the house i live in has been hardened and tepared unlike wonder u beliv its normal to be screwed in the ass.i bet u are such kind who pleasure aruond f**king yo women in the wrong hole.gaysim is to woman/vice versa.nothing else,right hole too.

  35. When you are a President in a democratic country you don’t align your self to group of people or rather segregate your people and say you gay people this side, albinos this side, muslims this side, prostitutes this side, etc. You lead and manage them all for a better change in their lifes. If you can apply silent diplomacy please do it you are a president, a leader, a manager for all that leave in the country you lead. Please lead.

  36. “He told QFM that those accusing him of promoting homosexuality should come out in the open with evidence and not just talking on assumptions.”

    Ba Shikulu is always accusing others of this and that, but he does not provide evidence to back up his allegations even when he is challenged. He can’t be the correct person to demand evidence in this gay matter. Going by his standards where he expects us to believe whatever lies he tells about others, it must be true that he discusses gay matters with donors.

  37. “He added that donors should be respected because they are more important than President Rupiah Banda and his government.”

    Ba Shikulu yearns for Northern Rhodesia. Guys, fancy a change of name from Zambia to Northern Rhodesia? Fancy a surrender of the sovereignty that our forefathers fought for? Fancy “Governor Sata” in colonial regalia? All you have to do is vote Sata 2011 .

  38. #34 you are very stupid. do you really know what it costs to have a homosexuality?
    think twice!!!!! that what made god in the old testament to burn sodomy and Gomorrah.
    there for i call every christian to pray over this silly discussion.

  39. What gives ba Shikulu away is that he has not stated his stand on gays. It is nothing to human rights, it’s simply about his opinion on the matter.

    Typical of him, he will wait until he sees which way the wind is blowing, kwalola umwela a leader with no principles at all.

  40. Ba Shikulu is exposing himself as we approach 2011. We already know half of him and come 2011 the picture will be clear as daylight whom to vote for.

  41. Sata has truly failed to exonerate himself from the serious allegation leveled against him. I expected Sata to sue the NGOs which have been alleging that he (Sata) has been lobbying financial support from some dono community in a bid to promote homosexuality. For as long as Sata does not sue his accusers, most people will believe that Sata is a homosexual advocate. May be Sata is scared to sue because he knows that the allegation is based on some truth, and that more information may be revealed.

  42. Viva Sata…Sata is Sata….the great politician who ever Zambia produced. From being alone in his party to being two with a musungu to the whole country now.

    Mmmm ganazi, jolousy down the man is great.

    Sata Sata the brain teaser, hehe.

  43. Those that are supporting homosexual rights to be introduced in Zambia have dirty and corrupt minds to say the least.

    I personally condenm this nauseated practice. Its diabolical, something not acceptable in Zambian culture. Please lets leave some of these funny acts to our Western colleagues. Its normal in the wetern world to walk in nudity, kiss a dog, swimming with one’s mother or father in law and so on and so forth.

    So we shouldn’t justfy the unjustifiable. This is Zambia where culture and tradition should be preserved at all cost.

  44. This is rubbish, the man has refused that he has not been discussing gay rights with donors but how to develop the country who are you to be putting words in his mouth. ZAMBIA THE REAL AFRICA zoona, very backward.

  45. mr sata that is the most stupid comment that has come out of you mouth this month.i hope nothing worse comes can donors be more important than our president even though he is a useless one. how can an aspiring president talk like this. you have no respect this country and its people

  46. # 54 what zambian culture are we trying to preserve here kansi? am a proud zambian who can honestly say that i think we are the most westernized country in Africa,the only thing we pride ourselves for is the Vic Falls and the peace in our country. please tell me one thing we can say is indigenously zambian except for chikanda…go into any shop and find how products are originally zambian,you wont find much.please educate me.
    Gay people are human beings.they hurt,they love,they work,just like you and could be anyone,it could be that boss you look upto,the nice woman who smiles @ you on the bus or that sister singing in church.stop and think,it could be your own brother who struggles with it but cant open up to you because you judge harshly.

  47. Sata is right, donors and their useless NGOs are doing more important programs than MMD & Its government led by RB. Give Sata a chance next year, and you will understand that the man is good with.

  48. i agree with all those saying donors are more important than RB…we need them more than we need him. let us not undermine the importance of their funding.what would the same RB do without it or without tax payers money?



  50. we all no that in 1991 bena vj, nkumbula, chiluba, to mention few they went to Europe, we Dot no what was there mission, up to now. even crave chilwa no that story, now (Y) ba mwalya mweka dad through kafupi are accusing our cobra over useless issues, ba kafupi dont panic come 2011 you will see. cobra mwandi twa fwe naifwe twalakwa fwa through ama votes ya mu 2011. mmd alikwata china .

  51. I think President Sata has a point.There better things to delve into discussion than talking a bout homosexuality.If John and James are having sex what benefit is it going to add to the GDP of our country.Is a homosexual worse off than somebody who has grabbed another person’s wife?The person who is against homosexuality is also awaiting the lake of fire.Him is worse because on top of that he has deflauded our country of it’s resource.Homosexual,debate is frivolus and a subject in futility.People are raping our laws and we are busy debating a useless topic.Let Mary and Josephine,marry.It will not add any value to our community which is poverty stricken.Moreover,there are no values in government.I have seen ministers sleeping with girls who are more same like their daughters…

  52. Bloggers!!!! SATA has not denied the allegation but he has just said that among all things discussed, gay rights is the least important though may be discussed.

  53. amfafontini yapa zed yena chamupamba sana. Mwanya kamo tamuli bafyashi!! Are you going to kill your children when they turn out to be gay! ba makaka

  54. Character assasination will never help MMD from blocking Sata. Rb meetings donors everytime and know one has accused RB of supporting homosexual. Now Sata meets donor and fake people here dont like. Dont just be hater’s be analytical thinkers.

  55. I think mwe ma Zambian namuya sana. What you are posting on this site bonse imwe just shows your backwardness. Surely all you can do on the internet is to post insele and throw negative words to each other. It’s time you all repented and came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. You need serious deliverance from the devil’s influence.

  56. @Mushota firstly, just because the majority of people are doing something does not make it right! Secondly who said gays don’t have rights – there problem is that they also want a shiny medal from people for being gay. I’m straight and I go about my life the way I want; why should faggots have a different sent of rights. Lastly, what happens behind closed doors is between 2 (or more) people. The last thing I want is my “preference” to be included in the constitution.

  57. #71Jerry Fingers his own a s s h ol e, thats why he cant stand gays! Gays go to heaven Zedian christians go to hell!

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