Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Second Co-Opted Faz Exec Comm Member Resigns


Kalusha Bwalya’s beleaguered Faz executive committee has suffered a confidence blow with the resignation of a second co-opted executive committee member.

Lime Hotspurs official Happie Munkondya on Thursday tendered in his resignation to Kalusha just a month after he was co-opted into the troubled Faz executive committee.

Munkondya is the second co-opted Faz executive committee member to step down after Patrick Kangwa declined his appointment after seeking legal advice over the constitutional status beleaguered Kalusha executive.

Munkondya said in a letter to Kalusha that he had quit in respect of the National Sports Council of Zambia (NSCZ) sub-committee’s findings into the constitutionality of the current Faz executive after the resignation of four members.

Munkondya said: “Arising from the NSCZ position regarding the impasse that has characterized our Zambian football, I hereby wish to withdraw my services from the Football Association of Zambia.

“My decision is based on account of the fact that the position taken by NSCZ raises questions on our existence and makes our continued resolve to run affairs of football in the country unattainable.

“It is very clear to note that each opposing side is determined to stay the stalemate and no amount of any logical interpretation of our arguments can give room to a modus Vivendi.

“This is not the time to flex muscles but a time to summon our inner voice and give hope to the stakeholders. We can therefore use our personal judgment, influence and intuition to decide in the best interest of the nation.

“I have noted some of the successes the Association has scored and hope that they shall be the barometers for those who vie for office to compete against.

“I wish to thank you for appointing me t serve in the Faz executive and sincerely hope that I can be of use in the future when the climate becomes amiable.”

Munkondya’s resignation has left Kalusha with only two of the four co-opted members still in his executive committee namely Elijah “Shenko” Chileshe of Mining Rangers and Kelvin Mutafu from Forest Rangers.

The remaining elected Faz executive committee members are vice president Bonny Mwamelo, Macha Chilemena, Lenny Nkhuwa and Keagan Chipango.

The quartet that resigned are Pivoty Simwamza, Violet Bwalya, Henschel Chitembeya and ex-Faz vice president Emmanuel Munaile.


  1. When will this drama end? It takes a “larger-than-life” person to put the interests of others above self.

  2. Sad state of affairs. I was for Hanif Adams right from the begining but it seems my fellow country had already decided who they wanted. I said it and I will say it again. Sports and politics just don’t mix.

  3. Kwena Kalu alikosa umutima elo akwata insoni umu boyz. Still hanging on to FAZ? I guess Simataa Simataa and Teddy Mulonga must be laughing their lungs out wherever they are. But seriously its time Kalu and his friends called it a day

  4. What does the FAZ executive want to achieve? People have spoken and its loud and clear that the voices should be heard. If Kalu and his minions are man enough, why not go for an election? Are they trying to cover something or rather make sure they reap before they can call for an election? I thought kalu was a gentleman who would not contain this kind of madness at football house. Please kalu show us your gentleness by calling for an emergency meeting and proove the critics wrong if you can. This is not the time to Politic at FAZ and thats why there laws to follow and not just roles. Don’t just run to FIFA like headless chickens when you have the guidlines by your table.

  5. (Zambia VS Morocco-1987 at Independence Stadium, free kick given) “… they are calling Melu… Melu…one minute to gooooo,…..common Kalusha….. its a gooooooaaaaaaal”

  6. The time Kalu will stop using his leg/ former skill to think the better. Just humble yourself and call for an all s/ holders meeting. Even in football,if you lose you accept the loss.

  7. Ok ba Kalu call for an emergency meeting, part of your executive has resigned, football clubs have boycotted play, referees have joined in… Running to FIFA wont help. Happie Munkondya has stated very wise words – ‘This is not the time to flex muscles but a time to summon our inner voice and give hope to the stakeholders. We can therefore use our personal judgment, influence and intuition to decide in the best interest of the nation.’

  8. I knew the ending for Kalu was with a Thud. Dont blame the POST like some pipo alluded to previously. Kalu brought this apon himself. He ended up appointing friends and con men like Shenko to the main executive after the Elected officials quit. FAZ is not a Kantemba organisation. He di wrong by not disclosing the Nike and Supersport deal. The two deals were worth a lot of money which no one in FAZ knows. Kalu keeps writing letters to FIFA. He ends up dislosing only the FIFA response and not what lies he wrote.

  9. Its possible Munkondya has been bought by the aggrieved party. Mr Munkondya its not been man enough to only serve when the ‘climate becomes amiable’ as you have put it. Leadership includes steering a ship even in troubled waters.

  10. “Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, “What is in it for me.” Gwagu malume!!!

  11. kalusha is scared stiff of the deals he did with nike and supersport.he has eaten all the cash alone and keeps the file in his house with no records at faz house. he will go to jail when the records are exposed to other football house members

  12. Kalusha Bwalya is plain arrogant,naive and retarded to think he can hold FAZ to ransom,the message is very clear,he needs to do what the constitution says,his Administration now has no mandate to remain in office. I also find it folly that we have people urging him on,i think it’s so ridiculous,all clubs have said they are not comfortablw with Kalusha’s administration and so did his colleaguesinlcuding his Vice who passed a vote of no confidence in him by resigning. The Sports Council of Zambia has been sensible on this matter,they want FAZ to handle their own affairs because if the NSCZ steps in to force Kalusha out,Zambia will be punished by FIFA so Kalusha has to do the right thing if he really cares for the development of football in Zambia,he’s failed as Administrator coz of deals.

  13. I am sure there’s a way out to this wrangle as long as affiliates follows the following steps Kasengele addressed in the press conference yesterday and I quote.

    “The best way to resolve the current misunderstandings between the FAZ executive committee and members calling for an emergency council meeting (ECM) following the co-opting of four members to replace the four that resigned, was to wait FIFA’s response to the SCZ letter that has been sent to the headquarters in Zurich.”

    “The Sports Council did not write to us, but to FIFA. In fact, that will be the best way forward for everybody; to wait for FIFA response,” Kasengele said.

  14. Dictors never resign. Look at the case of Zimbabwe’s Mugabe. Kalusha like Mugabe will never resign. His ally RB is behind him and FIFA too are not condemning him. Thats all that matters. Clubs may boycot matches and referees join in the protest but Kalusha is FAZ President thats the end of the matter.

    Seriously, we are tired of these covert Nike deals, no show coaches etc. Its time this guy left.

  15. That’s the problem of electing people with no credibility into higher office. They always want to hold on till death us do part. Honestly let’s face it, what credentials does Kalusha Bwalya hold other than playing some good football at his time? There wasn’t much educational back up on his CV to back his leadership skills. What he is now doing is completely melting even the little credit that he had earned when he was once “great Kalu or baKalu.” Now he has self degraded to Kakalu and being compared to dictators and not so good political criminals. Hey Kalu, you are still young to mess up your name like that. Do what a real man should do – quit and let there be fresh elections. Don’t you envy the bravery of your other civilised friends who are resigning? Does he read papers anyway?

  16. #23. There is no need for Kalu to resign. Why should he? Simply becos others have resigned then he should resign. Thats not the way. For those calling for ECM. The challenge is simple. Garner the 2/3 wriiten submissions to FAZ Secretariat NOT talking in the media. So far they have failed meaning they are in the minority except that the have loud VUVUZELAs hence drowning all. Respecting the consitution is for all concerned. Is boycotting games within the FAZ consitution? What i know is that there is a provision for FAILURE to fulfil fixtures and what follows is well known. Disciplinary action against the erring clubs. Already ZANACO and Buffaloes will be pa Kapuna to answer charges.

  17. Ka Kalusha what are you waiting for you do a runner to south Africa at list there is a woman called your wife there, they will lock you up in Zambia if you stick around nothing for you at FAZ mate.Run before it is too late!

  18. It is my first time to see a dictator in soccer. Kalusha Bwalya, if you want to practice proper dictatorship with real power, that is with the army and state machinery in your hands, my advice is that you join politics. Use your Bemba heritage to garner support from your tribesmate, talk like Chiluba during campaigns, get alot of ba kaponya behind you, promise them pension and small affordable houses. Get your fellow Bembas to call anyone who thinks contrary to them as uwapwalala and any who thinks like them as uwachenjela. Once your fellow Bembas and kaponya have spread their influence accross the Country. You will get to Plot and after one month show your true colours. You can thereafter give yourself a new name such AmunaOlimba Mutima monga Nsimbi. When any talks about the constitution

  19. Its true Zambians forget easily. This is the same man who was considered a hero and today he is taken as a nonentity. Yalibako bad pa zed. The same was the case with FTJ. We shud learn to appreciate

  20. #5 Teddy may not be laughing because he was also told to resign when he was Faz boss.There is too much politics in our soccer

  21. #25 Kalu is waiting to make sure that the ship is really sinking down and actually heading for the bottom of the ocean before he can jump out.

  22. Gring gring: alo, is this K
    Kasengele: Ya its me, bola yabipaka
    Kalu: Ninshi abena
    K: I told you this morning ati Happie nachita resign , nomba mutafu aya nao
    Kalu:Yaaa bola yabipa nomba, but u long as we have abena RB naba Fifa behind us mwisakamana
    K: By the way ba kalu,we have canned ba Zanaco naba Buffaloes 2 points each for not playing ilya game as you said
    Kalu: Very good K, Then just between you and me, I spoke to Joe Blatter this morning pa Fifa, he said we can still co-opt more people, so let me know if you know anyone?
    K: That’s good news bena Kalu, I will make sure I watch your back here and by the way dont forget ka share kandi from supersport deal
    Kalu: That’s rite “DONT UKUBEKA” bena Marcha nabena Eric and thanks for keeping the fans and press off my ass

  23. #33. Brilliant. Yhat is what this sounds joke !

    # 24. Yes, their is no need for Kalu to resign but there is need for an emergency meeting as the commitee dissolved itself. Why have statues and not follow them? At the meeting if he proves himself he will be voted to continue . U sound like a UNIP product !

    I hate to say this, he is afraid of something to push it to this limit !!!

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